by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:50:38

Ronnie came home to an empty house. Seeing Neeson's situation this time made him think that Saria's "Starfire" program was still necessary. He was ready to go to the base and see what he could do to help. The next day, he contacted Saria first, and when he arrived at the base, she was already waiting for him at the door and gave him a warm hug. After the two of them exchanged a few pleasantries, Ronnie got down to business, "Since I accepted your invitation to join 'Starfire' last time, I haven't been able to help at all, it's really a shame."
Saria smiled and replied, "It seems like you came with a plan this time, right?"
"Don't expect too much from me, I may not be able to help at all."
The two spoke and entered the base, which was about three thousand square meters in size, surrounded by two houses, with corn and some fruit trees planted in the middle. "Is there no aquaculture here?" Ronnie asked.
"This place is too small and the manpower is not enough, it can only provide some necessities."
"It seems that the base can only develop if these two problems are solved," Ronnie thought in his mind and asked, "aren't there two bases?"
Saria's expression immediately became frustrated as she shook her head and said, "Right now there is only this one, each base has to pay rent to the 'Shire Town', we don't have our own land. The members of Starfire are all from the City-state, how can we afford to pay them so many Starcoins, this base is still being saved by member donations."
"Oh! there are so many problems," Ronnie was a bit surprised.
"Ronnie, you are now the most famous scientist in You City, do you have any solutions?"
Looking at Saria's stunningly beautiful face, Ronnie couldn't help but feel a few moments of pity in his heart, feeling that everything he did for her was worth it. He patted his chest and assured her, "No problem, I got everything covered."
"Really?" Saria couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised, hugging him and kissing his face several more times. Ronnie, this was the second time she had kissed him, still overwhelmed with excitement, his whole body stiff and incomparable, forgetting how he had left the base. When he returned to the City-state at noon, the first thing he did was to go to the research institute to discuss the construction of a base with the "Rebirth Partner". After Lily heard his story, she said with a look of disdain, "You just got a little kiss on the face and you're taking on such a big deal?"
"How was it one kiss? It was several kisses!" Ronnie hastily corrected.
"What a loser!" Lily rolled her eyes.
And Alice complained about Ronnie in her heart, always feeling that this was beyond his abilities. Sharlout laughed, "Don't forget how the boss got into jail, Saria is a great beauty chosen from the 1.5 billion people in the 'New World', how can he stand that face of hers?"
"Don't be silly, I'm trying to do a good deed too," Ronnie defended himself. He then told the five about Neeson. When they heard that one of his sons had starved to death and another had had his legs broken, several of the girls cried and said in unison, "They are so pathetic!”
Immediately after this story was told, the opposition disappeared and some decided to help him put the base together. But that was easier said than done, and they didn't have a clue. The final consensus was that there must be enough Star Coins, but they were in the City-state, and it was too difficult for them to earn Star Coins, which was the currency used only in the "free world". Ronnie thought of Yurina, he could ask her to set up a company, "Rebirth Partners" in the background, with the money earned by the company to support Saria's "Starfire" program. With this idea, he immediately left for the Shire Town, and Yurina was very happy to hear that. She had nothing to do at home all day, so she could see Ronnie often, still as a colleague, Ronnie asked, "How many Star Coins do you have?"
"It's all at home now, more than thirty thousand, I think! what's the matter?"
"So little, we need at least half a million Star Coins to start a business."
"Dad gives me three thousand every month and I don't have a job, I used to spend it all every month," Yurina explained.
"Then what?" Ronnie was suddenly in a quandary.
"We can borrow it from Dad, he'll be willing to do it if you show up," Yurina suggested.
"This ..." Ronnie hesitated, thinking about it he finally gave up. He was ready to go to Vinique, they were classmates, she should give him that face. But the first time he borrowed money from a woman, he was red in the face and stuttered and couldn't open his mouth. Vinique thought he was trying to court her and looked expectantly at him. She lowered her head and whispered, "Go ahead! I'll agree to anything you say."
Ronnie took a deep breath and mustered the courage to extend the five fingers of his left hand and said, "Half a million dollars will do. ” but he forgot that the thumb of his left hand was cut off, at the moment he stretched out only four fingers, Vinique was confused to hear, "What half a million?"
"Half a million star coins, huh? didn't you say you would agree to anything?"
When Vinique finally figured out that it was Ronnie who wanted to borrow money from her, she couldn't help but be angry, "You're crazy!"
"Ugh!" Ronnie sighed, knowing that this time he had failed to borrow money. He could only go back to Yurina's room and she asked, "Well? Daddy won't lend you any money?"
Ronnie didn't dare tell her about Vinique for fear of her jealousy and just nodded his head gently. "It shouldn't! Daddy talks about you all the time, how could he not lend it to you?"
"Forget it, I'd better think of another way," Ronnie still decided not to borrow money from the Baron, he was afraid that it would cause more trouble later.
Then Yurina's words reminded him, she said, "Dad is the richest in 'Shire Town', there's really no one who can help you if you don't go to him."
"Right, let's provide security services for the rich and make some simple 'Silent Shadow man' to sell to them."
Yurina immediately objected, "No, by then the streets will be full of War Roses like mine, and it will also expose the stealth technique."
"Then don't be stealth, just be an ordinary bodyguard," Ronnie retreated.
Next, he called his "Rebirth Partners" and used Yurina's thirty thousand star coins to make ten simple robots and named them "Shadow". The biggest difference between them and the Silent Shadow Man was that they couldn't be invisible, but everything else was the same.
Gina asked, "Boss, a 'Shadow' costs three thousand Star Coins to make, how much will you sell?"
Ronnie didn't have much of an idea, he asked back, "What do you think?"
"It can't be too cheap, if everyone has one, it will be a world of chaos," Gina said.
Yurina interjected, "How about selling it for twenty thousand? Rich people don't lack for star coins anyway."
"That's about the same as an 'Enlightenment Chip'," Ronnie said.
Alice also spoke up, "The 'Enlightenment Chip' is for ordinary people, the City-state didn't make much money and the 'Shadow' is for a few rich people, so let's set it at thirty thousand!"
"Good!" Ronnie finally took his sister's advice and set the price right away. Yurina thought in her heart, "I can't believe that Alice is more evil than me, she sold 'Shadow' ten times over."
The Shadow did not sell well at first. After ten days, not a single copy had been sold. Ronnie got worried, "What's going on? did we price it too high?"
Gina said, "There aren't many rich people in 'Shire Town', we need to get out there."
"Why don't we sell it to Father?" Yurina wanted to earn her father's money.
"That's not good!" Ronnie wanted to give one of the Shadows to his father-in-law.
"Don't hesitate, I'll go to him," Yurina said and left dryly. When the Baron heard her introduction, he agreed to buy it without even thinking about it, and thought it was too shabby to buy one, and immediately bought five. He wanted four for himself, and gave the remaining one to his second son, Doyle, who often ran outside and really needed a great bodyguard.
Yurina gave him a discount, only charging four "shadow" money, a kind of gift to the father. With one hundred and twenty thousand star coins, they discussed their next plan. Gina, who often promoted the "Enlightenment Chip" within the City-state, had the most experience, she said, "Right now, the popularity of 'Shadow' is too low, we need to make some advertisements to publicize it."
"How is that going to be done?" Ronnie asked.
"Boss, you're well known in the 'Free World,' so of course we'll use you to get the word out."
 "What? you still need me to intervene!" Ronnie couldn't help but feel his head spinning at the sound of that, he was most afraid to show his face.
Gina laughed, "Hehe! as long as your name is on it, the advertisement will say: 'Ronnie's new product 'Shadow' bodyguard, once you have it, you're safe and secure'."
"Doesn't it cost Star Coins to advertise as well?" Ronnie asked.
"Sure, let's take sixty thousand Star Coins to advertise it and make some 'Shadows' for the remaining sixty thousand," Gina suggested.
Gina's method worked. A month later, all twenty-five Shadow robots were sold. Ronnie took the money and started his own business, which he called "Umbrella House". He rented a 500 square meter house in "Shire Town" as his base camp, and Yurina hired two people as assistants. The Rebirth partners also made a robot to produce "Shadow", which they named "Ashely", and with "Ashely", Ronnie and the others will have a much easier time.

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