by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:51:02

Ronnie donated half of his monthly income to support the Starfire program. With the support of these star coins, Saria's base was increased by another one. But Yurina was upset. She approached Ronnie and asked, "Why are you giving your hard-earned money to Saria? what exactly is your relationship?"
Ronnie had to patiently explain, but she couldn't listen. She felt that the life and death of the poor had nothing to do with her, and in the fourth month after the business opened, she refused to give the money again. Ronnie was furious, "You're crazy, the company was set up to support the 'Starfire' program, if you don't come up with the money now, is there any need for me to continue?"
Yurina still refused to agree. Ronnie was furious, but there was nothing he could do. Without the support of Umbrella House, Saria's base was once again in dire straits. Ronnie was ready to play the love card and resorted to the old trick of telling Yurina the sad story of Neeson. But Yurina was indifferent after hearing it and said coldly, "So what? it's just the death of a son, it's not that tragic."
Ronnie saw that the soft way didn't work, so he had to use the hard way and prepare to close the company. Yurina finally compromised, but only by promising to withdraw 30% of the income each month. Ronnie agreed, thinking that the company would get bigger and bigger in the future, and 30% would be more than it was now. That day, Vega suddenly appeared in front of him and said, "Dad, do you remember what you promised me two years ago?"
"What was it?"
"You said back then that you would apply to the City-state for 'Silent Shadow Man' when I came of age, and I will come of age next month, do your words still count?"
Ronnie had agreed to this as a stopgap measure. He had thought that after two years Vega would have long forgotten about it, but when he saw her mention it, he could only apply to the City-state. Three days later, not surprisingly, his application was denied. Vega was especially disappointed when she was told, "Why was my application rejected?"
Ronnie couldn't bear to tell her the truth. In fact, the reply letter from the City-state clearly stated that Vega was too young, had no contribution to make to the City-state, and was not qualified to apply. He could only reassure her, "You're still young, you'll have another chance in the future,” then, with a twist of words, he asked, "What major would you like to choose in college?"
Vega had never considered this question; she wasn't good at studying, so she chose to remain silent. Ronnie hadn't expected to be smart all his life, but the few children he had had mediocre IQs. Only Catherine was better, but not as good as he was. He was ready to mobilize several children for the implantation of the "Enlightenment Chip". Amandine was the first to object, and without explanation he put on his cloak of invisibility and fled. Vega also disagreed. Only Catherine agreed. Her dream was to be a scientist and she wanted to be smarter. The "Enlightenment Chip" could not directly increase a person's IQ, it could only enrich a person's knowledge and had the same ability as Ronnie to never forget.
Every year on November 15th at 8:00 am, a coming-of-age ceremony is held at the Dream Square in Zi City. Anyone who has reached the age of sixteen is required to attend, and the Holy Virgin will be there in person to bestow the Knights' insignia on some of the lucky winners (up to 36 people, with a televised drawing for those who don't make the cut, and a representative of the Knights' Council in their respective City-state) .
Both Vega and Dan turned sixteen this year, and by participating in the graduation ceremony, they were required to move out of the House of the Three Wolves and could also apply for regular housing. Ronnie suggested that they apply for a double room so they would have someone to share with. But the two girls were not on good terms and immediately rejected the offer. Vega did not enter the school to continue her studies, but chose the profession of guardian of the House of the Three Wolves. This profession required only an apprenticeship to get started. After half a month of training, she successfully passed the exam and officially became a qualified Guardian. She worked five hours a day and had to take care of twelve minors in the deluxe room, the oldest of whom was fourteen years old and the youngest only five. Some of the older boys didn't give a damn about her. This was Vega's first day on the job and they were ready to give her a hard time. As soon as Vega walked into the luxurious room, one of the older boys held a flower in his hand and said to her, "Vega, will you be my girlfriend?"
Vega was an average looking girl and no boy had ever asked her out. The first time she went to work and was wooed, she was overjoyed. Just as she was about to say something, another boy pushed the flower boy into her arms and the flower boy hugged her. Vega had never been hugged by a man before and blushed with shame. She pretended to struggle a few times and the boy looked down and asked, "Promise to be my girlfriend?"
"Uh-huh!" Vega whispered. What had just happened was recorded by several other people. They distributed the video to everyone through the "Big Butler" and called it "One Minute, The Easiest Girl Ever to Chase, 'Vega'".
Ronnie also received a video from Lily that said "Congratulations Ronnie, you're about to become a grandpa."
Vega's video was forwarded to her by Catherine. She was furious when she saw it and angrily chased after the boy, "Liam, what the hell do you mean?"
Liam laughed, "I was just trying to play a joke on you."
"So everything you just told me was a lie?"
"That's for sure, you're dark and ugly and look just like your father, I'm not interested."
Vega shook with anger. She threw out her hand and slapped him, then ran home, hiding her face and crying. Seeing her tear-stained face, Amandine asked worriedly, "Vega, who bullied you?" he asked half a dozen times before learning the truth and immediately stormed out of the house in a violent rage, yelling as he ran, "You dare to bully my Watson family, Liam, you're finished." With revenge on his mind, Amandine donned his cloak of invisibility and set out to find Liam; when he got to the door of the House of the Three Wolves, he knocked a few times and a girl came out. She opened the door and noticed that no one was outside, so she thought it was a prank. Amandine, who was hiding by the door, crept into the room at the same time she opened the door. He didn't recognize Liam and could only watch quietly from the living room, where there were three people at the moment, and was trying to figure out Liam from their conversation when someone called out, "Liam, you've been in the bathroom for so long, why don't you come out?"
Amandine was overjoyed to hear this and within moments a handsome tall boy emerged from the bathroom. He thought to himself, "Damn, no wonder he charmed Vega, this boy is much more handsome than me."
He saw the other boy go into a room and hurriedly followed him, only to see a bed and a wardrobe in the room that looked like a bedroom, Liam was lying on the bed resting, Amandine measured his face carefully, felt that this person was somewhat familiar, but did not know where he had seen him. As he thought, he suddenly felt a gripping pain in his abdomen and he covered his stomach and turned to go straight to the bathroom. He closed the door and locked it behind him, fortunately no one was in the living room at that time and didn't realize that the toilet door closed automatically. He rushed to the toilet, squatted down and vomited furiously, his stomach turned over and a strong fishy smell filled his mouth, he vomited until he felt better after vomiting all the contents of his stomach. But he was moving so much that several of Liam's men leaned over when they heard the gurgling vomit coming from the bathroom. They looked at each other and one asked, "Who's in there?"
Amandine then remembered that he wasn't home and hastily put on his cloak of invisibility and opened the door again. The few people who saw that the inside was empty, nothing, couldn't help but look skeptical, another said, "Strange, just now obviously someone's ..."
"Could it be that we heard wrong?"
"Maybe!" After a few people had finished talking, they went back to their respective rooms. Amandine followed Liam again and entered his room. After waiting for the man to fall asleep, he unzipped his pants and pissed on his bed before leaving. Two hours after he left, Liam slowly woke up; he sat up, saw the bed was wet, frowned, and thought, "I wet the bed?"
Amandine covered his nose and ran out of the house and home. He bragged about his revenge incident to Vega, who overheard and a look of disgust passed over her face, "You're so dirty!"
Expecting a compliment, Amandine couldn't help but say angrily, "I don't care about your business anymore."
"I didn't ask you to care, mind your own business," Vega left after saying that.
When he saw her leaving, Amandine was so angry that he gritted his teeth and hated to grab her and beat her badly.

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