by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:51:27

With Ronnie's support, Saria's bases had increased to four. However, Yurina's company was in trouble, and Shadow's sales had dropped in the last ten days. She had to ask Ronnie: "What should we do?"
Ronnie had no good idea, so he called Gina for advice. Gina said, "After all, the rich people around You City are a minority, so in order to achieve long-term development, we need to introduce products that ordinary people can use."
"What do you have in mind?" Ronnie asked.
"If we can produce some service robots that can help people with their chores, and the price is a little lower, the market prospects should be good."
Yurina interjected, "This kind of robot has been produced by Nine Stars United for a long time, it's not uncommon."
"How much do they cost? what kind of services can they provide?" Gina asked.
"Their robots are called 'Dry Ducks', they cost about fifteen thousand star coins each, and they can do most of the housework as well as buy food for their owners."
"If our price is half of theirs, or even less, and the performance is still similar to theirs, it should be very marketable," Gina said.
"This robot is easier to make than the 'Shadow' and the materials don't need to be as good, a cost of around two thousand should be enough."
Gina rejoiced, "Then we can beat them on price."
Ronnie left the development to Tom. He had hoped it would be done quickly, but it took Tom six months to complete the task. When two robots, one male and one female, stood in front of him, he was a little less convinced. These two robots were extremely human-like and could not be seen as robots from the outside. The main thing was that the girl looked a bit like his sister Alice while the boy looked like Tom himself, "What's going on? why is it made to look like Alice?" Ronnie asked.
Tom blushed and said, "No, I guess not! Boss, you're looking at it wrong, it's just a slight resemblance."
Lily looked at the robot girl, "It is a bit of a resemblance, Tom, be honest, do you have a crush on Alice?"
Alice could see the resemblance to herself as well, but she didn't say anything. Yurina spoke up, "Such a highly simulated robot must be expensive to make, right?"
Seeing that the topic had changed, Tom was busy explaining, "It costs about six thousand star coins."
"Ah! didn't I tell you to reduce the cost? how come it's twice as much as the original 'Shadow'?" Ronnie was annoyed to hear this.
"Listen to me, boss, even though the cost is a little higher, these two robots need to be injected with skin growth fluid every year, we're selling them cheap now, and every year in the future, we'll have income from the growth fluid. In the long run, the income is many times greater than a one-time sale.”
"I think Tom's idea is good," Gina chimed in from the side.
Alice nodded, "I think it is a good idea, too.”
With the support of the two women, Tom's spirits were lifted. He continued, "Not only can this kind of robot do housework, it can also continuously learn to adapt to its masters, and even act as a sister, brother, lover, father, and mother."
After his introduction, Ronnie finally had a smile on his face, and the next thing was the price. The few people discussed for half a day and finally set the price at eight thousand Star Coins. Yurina looked at the female robot that was even prettier than herself and was not convinced, she approached to look and exclaimed, "Her skin really has fine sweaty hairs.”
"That's for sure, her skin is cloned from real human skin, so it has to be taken care of every year," Tom said laughing.
Yurina looked at him sideways and asked, "Did you use Alice's cells for the cloning?"
Tom immediately looked embarrassed and didn't answer her question. Fortunately, Ronnie interjected, "They should be given a uniform name."
Sharlout, who hadn't said anything, grabbed her hand and said, "Since their prototypes are Alice and Tom, how about using those two names?"
Ronnie turned his head to look at Alice and asked, "What do you think?"
"That's fine, but there should also be a generic name, and since these two robots are so human-like, how about 'New Humans'?"
The crowd unanimously agreed that it was a good name, and the "New Humans" were very popular, with more than five hundred sold in just three days. However, most of the robots sold were girl robots, and Ronnie's old acquaintance Rajeev from "Shire Town" also bought one. He also bought a female robot, and as soon as he got it, he closed the door and said excitedly, "Alice, I finally got you."
Then he hugged and kissed the female robot. After Jenny got off work, she heard a commotion in the house outside and opened her mouth to ask, "Rajeev, what are you doing in there? why is there a woman's voice?"
Rajeev, who was in the heat of the moment, was so scared that he almost fainted when he heard his wife's voice. He hurriedly put on his clothes and also helped the female robot to put them on, before he opened the door, he pointed at the female robot and said, "I just bought the robot today, I asked her to pound my legs".
"You're crazy to take all our savings and buy such a thing," Jenny shouted.
 "It can also do housework, it's useful," Rajeev rushed to his defense.
"Just give it back, do we need a robot to do the housework in our house?"
"No, I will never give it back," Rajeev shouted in desperation.
"If you don't want to go, I'll give it back, you give me the robot, and I know Ronnie anyway."
"How do you know it was made by Ronnie?"
"Just look at the face of the female robot, who else would it be if not him?"
Rajeev ended up losing, and he followed Jenny to return it. When they got to the door, they saw a large wooden sign over the door that read "Umbrella House Commune". They were greeted by Yurina, and Jenny spoke first, asking, "Is Ronnie here? I'd like to see him."
"Who are you?" Yurina asked back.
"I'm an old friend of his from before, I'm here today to ask him to return this female robot," Jenny said pointing to the robot behind her.
Yurina looked up and down at the woman, wondering in her mind, "When did Ronnie know such an ugly woman?"
When she heard that she wanted to return the robot, she immediately refused: "This robot of yours has already been used, if it's not a quality problem, it can't be returned.”
When Rajeev heard this, he was happy and went forward to pull Jenny and said, "Forget it then, let's go!"
"What forget it! you call Ronnie out, I want to talk to him," Jenny glared angrily.
Seeing her fierce expression, Yurina had anger in her heart and coldly said, "Ronnie is from the City-state and doesn't see everyone.
Seeing that this tactic didn't work, Jenny sat right on the ground and shouted, "I won't leave until I see Ronnie today!"
Seeing that she was playing a rogue, Yurina took a step back and quietly shouted, "War Rose, throw this woman out for me."
As soon as her words were out of her mouth, all Jenny felt was her body being flung out like a kite with broken strings, landing heavily on the ground. She struggled to get up with a confused look on her face as Rajeev rushed out to help her up, "Let's go! you can't fight her."
Unconvinced, Jenny pointed at Yurina, "You wait."
Yurina grunted softly, "A hick with such a big mouth."
As soon as she saw Ronnie at the end of the week, she asked, "Do you know a dark and tall woman? followed by a man with parted eyes."
"That was Rajeev, what happened to him?"
Yurina then told briefly what happened two days ago, Ronnie listened and frowned, "You shouldn't have treated them like that, Rajeev's family was kind to me and my sister."
"Oh! looks like that woman wasn't lying," Yurina muttered.
The next day, Ronnie personally went to Rajeev's house to apologize to him and give him back the eight thousand star coins, "Rajeev, thanks to you and Big Aunt Penny for helping me and my sister in the past, this robot is for you," he said.
Rajeev was thrilled to hear this, "Ronnie, you're still the same, you haven't changed at all.”
Ronnie was happy to see his childhood friend on a rare occasion and stayed at Rajeev's house for the morning before returning to the City-state. After he left, Rajeev said to Jenny, "I can't believe that little man back then has grown to the height of admiration.”
"You haven't changed a bit, just like the original, still fooling around in 'Shire Town'," Jenny gave him a blank look and said.
Yurina looked at the remaining four hundred or so male robots in confusion. The first batch had produced five hundred male and female robots each, and the female robots had been sold out long ago. She called the Rebirth Pals to discuss what to do. Lily laughed, "Looks like Alice is still popular."
"What can we do? think about it, if this batch is sold out, we can only produce female robots from now on," Yurina said.
"How about selling them cheaper?" Ronnie suggested.
Gina said, "As far as I know, most of the people who buy female robots are men, so we have to make them look good if we want to attract women to buy male robots."
Ronnie looked at Tom and said, "How about that? is it easy to change?"
"It can be changed, but it will take some time and materials, so the cost will go up."
"How much would it increase the cost?" Gina asked.
"Probably about a thousand star coins."
Gina looked at Ronnie for a decision and Ronnie thought for a moment and said, "Then change it! from now on, male robots will be produced less, only at a ratio of one to ten."
Half a month later, the first handsome male robot finally appeared. Yurina took one look at it and couldn't take her eyes off it; she wanted one for herself. Tom had anger in his heart after being forced to change the appearance of the male robot that looked like him, and he thought, "I'll just make the most handsome male robot in the world and make you all fall in love with it.”
Gina and Sharlout screamed at the same time when they saw it, "What a handsome man."
"It's a male robot, not a man," Ronnie corrected immediately.
 "How about each of us girls take one first?" Yurina suggested.
"No way, it's for sale," Ronnie was the first to stop.
Knowing that only Alice could overpower Ronnie, Yurina turned to her and asked, "What do you say, sis?"
Alice herself wasn't interested in male robots, and seeing the eager eyes of several girls, she didn't want to disappoint them and said to Ronnie, "Just give them one each, as a reward for their recent hard work."
"Okay!" Ronnie saw his sister say that and had to agree.
Tom reminded from the side, "These male robots can't be taken to the City-state, Lily, what's the point of you taking them?"
"We haven't thought about that," Lily and the others were disappointed after hearing this.
"You can come here for the weekend, the robots don't have to follow you to the City-state," Yurina said.

continue to next part