by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:51:59

That day, Neeson came to Ronnie and asked for a new job. It turns out that since the last time Ronnie failed to borrow money from Vinique, she hates Ronnie, but there's nothing she can do about him, so she takes it all out on Neeson, making him get down on his knees and shine her shoes, and throwing leftovers on the floor for him to eat clean. Yesterday afternoon, Vinique even stomped on his head with her foot and called him an unwanted dog. Ronnie was furious when he heard this, he didn't expect Vinique to be so vicious and at the same time he thought to himself, "Should I make him work for Yurina?” but soon he dismissed it again, he felt that Yurina might be even more vicious than Vinique if she knew that Neeson was Park Hye's brother. He lost his mind for a moment, he was from the City-state and couldn't activate the nine star payment, he had to get star coins from Yurina every time he needed to buy something outside the City-state. "Why don't you join the City-state this year?" Ronnie said.
"What about my children, one of whom is still in bed? the City-state won't take an invalid," Neeson asked with a bitter look on his face.
Ronnie felt embarrassed again, this time he remembered Saria, his heart was happy, "You go to the base, Park Hye used to work there as well," after saying that, he immediately contacted Saria and let Neeson go to work at the base the next day. When Vinique found out, she found him and yelled, "Ronnie, what the hell do you mean? I was just getting good use out of the man and you call him away."
"Did you treat him like a human being? I thought you said he was no one's dog."
"I was just joking with him and you believed it," Vinique couldn't help but yell.
"Don't you dare say that, I won't let Neeson go back to your place," Ronnie said coldly.
"Ronnie, can you let me sell the 'New Human' robots, I'll do a better job than Yurina," Vinique said with a twist of words.
"Don't you have the 'Enlightenment Chip', how can you be too busy?"
 "The 'Enlightenment Chip' has been sold for so many years that it is almost saturated, it doesn't sell as well now."
"Let's put it this way, you go discuss it with Yurina, I can't control her either, she has to agree to it."
 "You're useless," Vinique huffed.
"Then you are still looking for me!"
Vinique really went to Yurina who was furious to hear that, "For what reason?"
"I went to Ronnie and he agreed," Vinique lied.
"I don't think so, even if he agreed, it's useless, I make the decisions about the company."
"You'll be begging for me later," Vinique was so angry that she stomped her foot and turned to walk away.
Ronnie had recently noticed that Alice's belly was getting bigger and she was avoiding him. This time he was ready to ask her about it, and when she came back from work he said, "What's the matter, sis? your belly is so big."
"I ..." Alice saw that she couldn't hide it, so she had to tell the truth. It turned out that a year ago, the bearded man had joined the City-state, he found Alice and started a crazy pursuit of her. Alice did not agree at first, and after a few contacts, she found the man to be very funny and smart, and accepted him. She didn't want Ronnie to know and kept it to herself until the last three months when she found out she was pregnant and had to hide it for a day. Ronnie didn't resent the bearded man as a savior, he just didn't think he was good enough for his sister, but when it came down to it, he only had his blessing for the two of them. After Alice finished speaking, she decided to strike while the iron was hot and continued, "Ronnie, I want to move out.”
"What? you want to live with the bearded man?"
"Yes, I should live with him since I'm pregnant with his child," Alice said.
"Fine!" Ronnie said sadly.
Three days later, Alice moved out of the deluxe room and Ronnie looked at the empty three hundred square foot room with infinite loneliness. Vega and Dan had long since moved out, and Catherine rarely came home and now lived in the Three Wolves House. Ronnie hadn't seen Amandine for half a month, so maybe he was hiding in a corner watching him. At this thought, he called out, "Amandine, come out. But he called several times, Amandine did not appear, at that time he was in a clearing chasing his puppy to play. Alone, Ronnie thought about Michiko, "Maybe I should go to my father and ask him why he hasn't found Michiko after all these years," he muttered.
He was about to ask Alice if she wanted to come along when the man his father had sent found him first. Ronnie's mouth dropped open in shock for a moment when he saw the person; the one who had approached him was the same genius figure, Andre, that he had met during the first robotics competition. He was a bit skeptical about his identity and asked in a low voice, "Are you really sent by my father, do you have any proof?"
Andre laughed and pulled two letters out of his pocket and said, "This one you read first, and another one when I'm gone."
Ronnie opened one of the letters, it had coded text on it, this kind of text was unique to his family, it took him fifteen minutes to decipher what was on it, it was just a very short sentence, "Trust Andre.”
Then he was relieved and asked, "I can trust you now, what is your business here today?"
The next thing he knew, Andre was telling Ronnie a long story. It turned out that ever since Ronnie had been kidnapped by the "Doomsday Bunker" twelve years ago, his father, Elliot, had been at war with the Nine Stars United to rescue him, and then both sides had fought in secret, each with their own deaths and injuries. In recent years, a mysterious organization called "Crow" had appeared in the Nine Stars United, and the assassins of this organization all have stealth skills, and they have murdered all the clones around Elliot, and in the end there is only one clone of Alice left. Elliot was afraid that something would happen to her as well, so he sent her to the City-state, and that person is now the new Holy Virgin Anna Leta. Andre continued, "Father suspected that the Nine Stars United had members of the City-state's Grand Council of Elders behind it, that's why he asked Anna Leta to investigate.”
Hearing so much information at once, Ronnie's entire brain went numb, and only after a long time did he say, "I'm the one who invented the Stealth Technique, could it be that the people of the City-state really gave it to the Nine Stars United?”
Andre nodded, "Father also said that you must be careful in the City-state, there is a possibility that they will come to assassinate you, if there is real danger, leave the City-state."
"Father? why do you call him Father?" Ronnie asked.
"Because I'm a reformer like you, more detailed questions when you get a chance to ask him yourself later!"
After Andre left, Ronnie hurriedly called his sister to discuss the matter. After Alice heard that, she moved back to the deluxe room that day. "Do you think the bearded man could be sent by the Nine Stars United to assassinate us?"
"It won't be him! he's not that kind of person," Alice immediately denied it.
"But why did he show up recently? don't forget that he used to be a member of the Nine Stars United."
Alice still decided to believe the bearded man. Ronnie quietly ordered Cool Bear to keep an eye on the beard at all times. He took out another letter to decode. The letter wasn't too long, but it took him five hours to decipher it. The general idea on it was that the siblings could go somewhere in Africa if they couldn't stay in the City-state. There was an underground base with detailed coordinates and a way in. Ronnie was most worried about Yurina, who was outside the city, alone and protected only by a simple "Silent Shadow Man". And the other side also has a Silent Shadow Man, and a real person. Thinking of this problem, he hurriedly made several pairs of "Quick Reveal" glasses, gave one pair to Alice first, and then went out of the City-state to find Yurina, telling her, "Don't go out if you're not doing anything these days, we're in big trouble."
"What kind of trouble?" Yurina asked.
Ronnie told Andre's words, but unexpectedly, Yurina was unusually calm after hearing them. She just said, "I'm not married to you, they won't do anything to me, right?"
"It's better to be careful!" Ronnie was worried, he wanted to spend some time to upgrade the two "shadows", and at the same time, he also put on the "Quick reveal" glasses for them, of course, Yurina also wore one. During this time, Alice keeps urging Ronnie to go back to the City-state, she is afraid that it is not safe outside. Ronnie was in a hurry to upgrade his robots and just didn't come back for the last two days. Alice thought something had happened to him and was in a hurry in the City-state. When Ronnie returned safely to the City-state, she happily went up to him and hugged him, complaining, "Why didn't you answer my messages? I thought something had happened to you."
"Sister, I am protected by Cool Bear, nothing will happen to me."
"Cool Bear is invisible, he can't wear glasses, and don't forget that his opponent is also invisible," Alice warned.
"It seems necessary to install 'Ghost Eyes' in our house to detect invisible people."
"What is 'Ghost Eyes'?" Alice asked.
"Just think of it as a myriad of eyes; we'll put one in each room and one at the door, whenever a sneaky person approaches, Cool Bear and your 'Silent Shadow Man' will know, so the house will be absolutely safe."
Ronnie said yes and immediately went to work making them. It took him three days to make the Ghost Eye. He was careful as he went to work, and his sister wore the "Quick Reveal" glasses, walking one behind the other, followed by his own "Silent Shadow Man". Lily saw this and asked Ronnie, "Why have you and Alice been wearing glasses the last few days? It's ugly as hell."
Ronnie mysteriously told her what was going on and Lily exclaimed, "Ah, really? but aren't you all fine now, are you scaring yourselves?"
"Maybe! but it's better to be careful."
After another half month or so, a new year was about to begin, Ronnie was gradually letting his guard down, and Alice's belly was getting bigger and bigger. To celebrate the New Year, Vega, Catherine and Amandine all returned to the Deluxe Room, and Alice summoned the bearded man. The bearded man met Ronnie's family for the first time, Alice introduced him one by one, when he was introduced to Amandine, he shouted sharply, "Auntie, don't say my name, your husband doesn't look like a good person.”
The bearded man laughed, "I just have more beard, how can I not look like a good man?"
Amandine replied defiantly, "Don't lie, I saw your secret a long time ago.”
Catherine couldn't help but be curious, "What secret? tell me."
Ronnie looked at the bearded man and became skeptical of his identity, thinking that Amandine must have seen something while he was invisible.

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