by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:52:24

The bearded man looked embarrassed, and after a while he pretended to have something to do, so he excused himself and left first. Alice said to Amandine, "You were too rude just now, you should apologize to the bearded man."
"I told the truth, why should I apologize?" Amandine said defiantly.
Ronnie interjected, "What did you see? tell me and I'll judge it."
Back in time, a month ago, Amandine was wandering around in his invisibility cloak. In the cafeteria on the first floor, he saw Alice and the bearded man sitting down to eat together, and the two of them were chatting. When they parted, the bearded man left the city and went to a shop in the Shire Town, and Amandine followed him. A man was waiting in the room, and he ducked into a corner to listen to their conversation. The man spoke first: "When will you do it?"
"Please give me a little more time, they've been very careful lately."
"Huh! how many times are you going to say that reason? the higher-ups have been dissatisfied with you for a long time."
"Give me half a year more, and I promise I'll get the job done."
 "Maybe the higher-ups can't wait," the man concluded.
Amandine recounted what he had heard, "Did the two of them mention anyone's name in their conversation?" Ronnie asked.
"Seems like no." Amandine said thoughtfully.
Ronnie turned to Alice and warned her, "Sister, be careful, there's something really wrong with this bearded man."
"Maybe he's not after us."
"It seems that when a woman falls in love with someone, her brain goes stupid," Ronnie secretly shook his head.
In the middle of the night, the five family members were sound asleep when they suddenly heard the urgent "Doh! Doh!" The alarm sounded. Moments later, the house was filled with the sounds of combat. Ronnie hastily put on the "Quick Reveal" glasses, rolled out of bed, and went out of the bedroom to see two silhouettes, each being chased by a man in black. Cool Bear two people in the "ghost eyes" ringing, had put on glasses.The other side can not see them, quickly be subdued.At this time the living room window also continue to climb into a few invisible people, he shouted: "Sister, Amandine, get up, there are killers broke in!"
Alice held her stomach and her hands and feet were much slower. She heard Ronnie shouting, hurriedly put on her glasses and got out of bed, just opened the door, there was already a stealth person rushed into the house, the other party raised a knife and stabbed straight down her big belly. She just heard a scream, covered her belly and fell down, blood and amniotic fluid oozing from her fingers. Ronnie heard his sister scream, rushed over and saw the invisible man yelling: "Farett, so it's you." Farett is the One Eye of the Doomsday Bunker, the same man who cut off Ronnie's fingers, and the other couldn't help but ask, "You, you can actually see me."
Ronnie did not answer his question, he looked down and saw Alice in a pool of blood, immediately showed a fierce look and asked, "You killed my sister."
Farett laughed, "So what? you destroyed my Doomsday Bunker. It's been over ten years, I've been waiting for this day."
"I really should have killed you all back then, spared you in a moment of weakness and left myself with a future problem," Ronnie said remorsefully.
"Don't make yourself so great, you were just trying to make a good name for yourself so you could become the hero of the City-state."
Outside, five more Silent Shadows entered, making a total of eight with Farett. Fortunately, two of the Silent Shadows were in front of the three children's door, and Ronnie yelled from the other side, "Vega, you three are not to come out, stay inside."
Vega, who slept in the same room as Catherine, turned pale with fear and hid in the corner of the bed. Amandine put on his cloak of invisibility and tried to go out to see what was going on, he opened the door but saw nothing but the sound of fighting, he muttered in a low voice, "I should have listened to my father and gotten a pair of glasses, now I can't see anything, what a shame."
He walked quietly to the Vega's door and knocked a few times, the two girls in the house were even more frightened and asked in a trembling voice, "Who is it?"
Amandine, who was trying to borrow glasses from his two sisters, replied in a whisper, "It's me, your lovely brother Amandine."
"It seems to be Amandine's voice," Catherine said.
Vega was more daring, she opened the door a little crack and was startled to see Amandine with only one head, she was about to close the door when Amandine came in in a flash, he took off his cloak and said to the two girls, "Do you have glasses? can you lend them to me so I can go outside and look at them?"
"Didn't you hear Dad? he told us all to stay inside so you don't go out and make trouble," Vega said.
"How am I adding to the mess? I'm trying to help him, I just heard our aunt screaming in pain and I don't know if anything is wrong."
Catherine also got down from the bed, took his hand and said, "Don't go out, what can a little child do to help?"
On the other side, Farett heard Ronnie scream and laughed, "You better worry about yourself! I'm sending you down to your sister now."
Ronnie yelled, pulling a small pistol out of his pocket that he had made for Alice in the Doomsday Bunker that could shoot ice needles to knock people to the ground instantly. Since learning of the dangers, he's made two more and carries one with him and one with his sister, who had just opened the door and was stabbed before she could use it. He took a step back and, without saying a word, fired a shot straight up, hitting the man in the left leg, and Farett fell to his knees as he was hit. He then fired another shot, this time hitting him in the chest. The other seven were knocked down one by one by the two Silent Shadows, and all were on the ground. At this time, in Ronnie's upstairs room, there was a stealth assassin looking through the refractor mirror to see everything in the eyes right now. This man was a visualizer in the Crow organization. He didn't take part in the battle, but only recorded the whole process to gain experience for the next assassination, and when he saw that the men were captured, he immediately left the city. When Ronnie saw Farett fall to the ground, he picked up Alice and ran to the Northeast District Hospital.His strength was low and he was panting as he ran, and he kept repeating, "Don't die! Don't die!"
Amandine three people in the room waited for more than half an hour, found no movement outside. He turned his head and asked the two sisters, "Was daddy killed? why isn't there any movement?"
"It can't be, if he was killed, the assassin would have broken the door long ago, would we still be standing here?" Catherine said.
"Good, then I'll go out and see what's going on," Amandine said, putting on his cloak and sneaking out the door.
He put on his borrowed glasses, and at a glance he saw several assassins all lying on the floor, so he knocked on the door and called to the Vega duo, "Come out, sister! all down."
The duo came out and didn't see Ronnie and were confused, "Huh! where's Dad? where did he go?"
Amandine went to the door of Alice's room and saw the puddle of blood on the floor and said, "He should have taken our aunt to the hospital."
"What do we do now? should we turn these people over to the City-state?" Catherine asked.
Meanwhile, Amandine had taken off his cloak of invisibility and said, "Better wait until Dad gets home!"
Shortly after he said that, four City-state guards rushed into the house, and one of them, a wide-eyed man, asked, "Just now, Mr. Ronnie said that your family was invaded by killers, where exactly are the persons?"
Vega, who was the eldest daughter of the family, stood up and explained, "These killers are invisible people, you have to wear these glasses to see them,” after saying that, she took off her own glasses and handed them to the wide-eyed man.
After putting on the glasses, he saw the killers lying on the floor all over the room and was surprised in his heart. The two "Silent Shadows" had been hiding in Amandine's room long after the city guards had entered. "Who knocked out all those people?" the big-eyed man asked.
"I did, of course," Amandine jumped in and said.
"You did?" Big Eyes was full of disbelief.
"Don't listen to him, it was our father Ronnie who knocked it down," Vega was busy explaining.
"He's that good?" Big Eyes was still full of questions.
Amandine said angrily, "You guys, don't you believe us?"
"Of course not!" Big Eyes shook his head, thinking that maybe Ronnie had used some strange method to take these people down, and stopped asking questions. He ordered the remaining three to take all eight stealth killers away before leaving the luxury room. As he left, he didn't forget to add, "The City-state will clearly investigate this matter."
After they left, the room was quiet for a moment, with only the three siblings remaining. "Let's go to the hospital and see our aunt!" Vega suggested.
"Good!" the three of them arrived at the hospital, and seeing Ronnie's worried and uncomfortable look, Vega asked, "How is Auntie?"
"Still in resuscitation."
Ronnie kept watch in the hospital for two days before Alice woke up, but unfortunately her fetus had already died, he could only comfort her, "Sister, at least we're all still alive now, you'll have a chance to have another one later.”
Alice barely smiled, "I'm fine, how are Amandine and the three of them? are there any injuries?"
"They're all fine, don't worry."
After several days of investigation, the City-state's final conclusion was that the stealth killer had sneaked into the upper house of the building where Ronnie lived, first killing the couple who lived inside, and then entering Ronnie's living room downstairs through the window by dangling a rope from above. The eight people who were arrested were also questioned.

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