by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:52:58

Alice spent a week in the hospital before being released. The bearded man visited her once during that time and just shook his head and left without saying anything. Ronnie felt that his home was becoming less safe and wanted to increase the security level. However, he received an urgent mission from the City-state, and with the assassination, the Knights' Council now urgently needed him to make 10,000 pairs of "Quick-Reveal" glasses and install "ghost eyes" at the main entrances and exits. As a result, he and his sister's two "Silent Shadows" are completely useless and can only hide at home all day. Ronnie was ready to apply directly to the Knights' Council, he and his sister needed the protection of the "Silent Shadows" anyway, the Grand Council already knew about it. His request was quickly approved. However, if everyone wore "Quick revealing" glasses, there was no need for the two Silent Shadows to be invisible. Ronnie thought of Amandine, who seemed to be the only truly invisible person in the world. "Who the hell gave him such an advanced invisibility cloak?" he hadn't figured it out yet.
At the research institute, Ronnie said to the "Rebirth Partners", "This mission is urgent, the City-state requires us to deliver 500 pairs of glasses within a week, and we also need to build the 'Ghost Eyes'.”
"Boss, you didn't think you would cause so much trouble when you invented invisibility, did you?" Lily said with a teasing face.
"If I didn't have invisibility, I'd probably still be in the 'Doomsday Bunker' right now, and I don't regret it."
Sharlout said, "Boss, just assign tasks!"
"We'll divide into three groups, me and my sister, Lily and Gina, and Tom and Sharlout."
In the prison visiting room on the negative second floor of the Northwest District, as soon as the bearded man saw One-Eyed Farett, he yelled at him, "Why did you kill Alice?"
"Jackman, you traitor, you really fell in love with the enemy, no wonder you've been dragging your feet," Farett also said angrily.
"So what if I am, I just want her to have the baby before I do."
Farett laughed out loud, "Haha, so I helped you get rid of the child, you should thank me.”
At that moment, the bearded Jackman whispered in Farett's ear, "Don't make me say it, I know you killed Don Stark's family of six, and you blamed it on Ronnie's father, Elliot, for revenge."
"What proof do you have? don't be ridiculous," Farett flatly denied it.
"Of course I have proof, the man you hired to plant the bomb is in my hands right now."
"What do you want?" Farett asked sharply.
"If Don Stark finds out you killed his family, you know what will happen."
 Farett couldn't help but tremble as the bearded man saw his words working, his heart rejoicing. He was most afraid that the other wasn't afraid of anything, he continued, "I don't care about the others, but Alice, I want you and your men not to touch her in the future and to keep her safe.”
"Fine, but if it's someone from above who sends someone to kill her, there's nothing I can do about it, I can only guarantee that my men won't make a move," Farett said.
"I'll find out what to do from above," the bearded man nodded, and as soon as he was out of the visiting room, he went to find Alice. At that moment, Alice was already suspicious of him, because he had also been asked to come that day to celebrate the New Year, and after he had left, the assassin came in the evening. "Are you a participant?" Alice asked directly.
"How could I be a participant? don't be silly," the bearded man said with a straight face.
"I hope you're not too, but if I find out, you know the consequences, I will never let anyone hurt my family," Alice said coldly.
The bearded man suddenly realized that the woman in front of him seemed to have changed into a different person, her usual warmth was all gone. Her eyes were filled with anger and murderous intent, and the atmosphere suddenly became cold. He was about to say something when Alice spoke again, "Recently, we've been separated for a while, I need to think about some things.”
After Ronnie set up the Ghost Eyes for the city, his heart was much more stable, so it would not be so easy for those stealthy assassins to enter the city. Next, he upgraded the protective equipment in his house and gave the three Amandine siblings small pistols. Yurina knew about Ronnie's assassination twenty days after the incident, and it was her brother George who told her about it, and she said uneasily, ''The Nine Stars United people really killed over here? no wonder Ronnie hasn't been out lately."
"Ronnie told me to tell you to close the company, then go home and go out less these days, he'll be at the house in three days to install the 'Ghost Eye'."
"Why close the company? I'm not afraid," Yurina said.
"You better go home! now that Ronnie is hiding in the City-state, the other side can't find him, so there's no chance they'll come after you," George advised.
Three days passed quickly and Ronnie came out as promised. Alice followed him out, afraid that something would happen to him. The two of them took the two Silent Shadows with them on their way to Shire Town. As soon as they left the station, Ronnie realized that someone was following them, and he whispered to Alice, "We were very secretive when we came out, who betrayed us?"
"Maybe it wasn't us, let's go around the corner and see."
The siblings entered an alley and the man behind them actually followed them. This person did not know that his movements were clearly seen by the Silent Shadow Men. "It seems like someone is really following us."
"What should we do?" Alice asked.
"Tell 'Cool Bear' to go in and grab that guy and ask him what he's up to," Ronnie said and gave the order to Cool Bear, who responded and within moments the man behind him had his head held down. Ronnie stepped forward and asked, "Who are you? why are you following us?" he asked several times in a row, but the other man didn't say anything. Alice stepped closer and noticed that the man had taken poison. "Looks like someone from the 'Crow' organization," she made a judgment.
The siblings continued on their way and finally arrived safely at the Baron's house. As soon as Yurina saw Ronnie, she jumped on him and wrapped her arms around his neck for a fierce kiss, "I'm glad you're okay, I was worried about you."
"Let me go, my sister's still here," Ronnie said with an embarrassed look on his face.
Alice waved her hand and laughed softly, "You guys go on, I'm going to meet my friend."
Yurina couldn't help but start and asked curiously, "Does she have friends here?"
"Don't forget, she lived here for a while, and some of your family's unmarried brothers were after her."
After Alice left, Ronnie pulled Yurina into her room. Once inside, they embraced again and had another passionate kiss. It wasn't until four in the afternoon that Alice ran and knocked on the door, "Ronnie, it's time to get down to business."
Hearing his sister scream, Ronnie reluctantly pushed out the door with his pants in hand. The two of them were about to start setting up the "Ghost Eyes" when Vinique rushed over with four people, pointing at Ronnie and yelling, "Why did you come here? how much trouble have you caused our family?"
After saying that, she handed over a letter and Ronnie reached out to take it. Only to see a black crow drawn on the envelope, unfolded it, a paragraph was written inside, "Hand over Ronnie within three days or kill your entire family,” after reading the letter, his face darkened with gloom. After handing the letter to his sister, Alice read it and explained eagerly, "Don't be afraid, everyone, this letter is just to scare us, they don't dare to do this.”
"You two siblings will hide in the City-state when the time comes, it's not you who will suffer," Vinique said with a sneer.
Yurina was inside the house and heard the noise outside and went out, she saw Vinique bring some people to cause trouble and snorted, "Vinique, you're such a coward, the other party hasn't even appeared yet and you're scared like this.”
"You ... "Vinique was about to argue, the Baron walked over with a furrowed brow, he walked straight to Ronnie, "How do you plan to resolve this matter?"
Ronnie had no idea what to do at this point, he glanced at his sister beside him to hear what she had in mind, only to see Alice gently shake her head. Yurina saw that he didn't say anything and stepped forward, "Don't worry dad, there are still more than two hundred 'Shadow' bodyguards in our company, call them all over, we can definitely protect everyone."
"Right!" Ronnie was overjoyed to hear this, the drowning man grabbed a life-saving straw and said in a loud voice, "Mr. Flange, with these bodyguards and my 'Ghost Eyes', your safety should be guaranteed."
"Then what about later? after you leave, they'll still be after us for people," Vinique interjected from the side.
Of course Baron Flange was thinking about this problem, but he didn't dare to insult Ronnie yet, so he didn't say anything, luckily Vinique spoke for him. "Do you really want to hand Ronnie over to them?" Yurina couldn't help but say angrily.
Vinique sniffed coldly, "This trouble was originally caused by him, and he has to take the blame as well."
"Alas!" the Baron suddenly sighed softly and said, "Ronnie, I also know about the organization 'Crow', they number more than 5,000 people, they have always been known for their brutality, and I heard that the Nine Stars United is behind them, if you mess with them, there will be no peace for our family in the future."
Ronnie felt guilty, he said apologetically, "Mr. Flange, I'm really sorry for causing you so much trouble, I'll stay with you until the crisis is resolved."
The Baron nodded and turned away with a wave of his hand. Vinique watched as her father walked away and left with a group of people. The scene cleared, leaving only Ronnie's siblings and Yurina.
Yurina smiled happily and said, "Ronnie, you'll stay here with me? not going back to the City-state?"
"I didn't say I'm not going back, I said I'll leave after the crisis is over, right now we need to set up the 'Ghost Eyes' first."

continue to next part