by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:53:45

The siblings stayed at the baron's house for another week, during which nothing happened, and Alice offered to return to the City-state. Ronnie said to Yurina, "My sister and I have been here for ten days, and if we stay any longer, our honor value will be deducted, so we would like to return to the City-state tomorrow."
"Will Papa and the others agree?" Yurina asked rhetorically.
"I'll go over and say goodbye to him now," Ronnie said and went to find the Baron.
The Baron was looking in the mirror in his house with the door closed, he looked at the portrait in the mirror obsessively and said to himself, "How can there be such a handsome man in this world? I can't get enough of him."
At that time, the door rang, "knock knock" knock at the door, the Baron looked unhappy and asked: "Who is it?"
"It's Ronnie, I'm looking for you to say goodbye."
"Oh, it's Ronnie, come in," the Baron got up and opened the door, inviting Ronnie into the house. The two sat down, and a moment later someone brought snacks and drinks. "You just said you wanted to say goodbye? when are you leaving?" the Baron spoke first.
"My sister and I discussed it and decided to leave tomorrow."
"I certainly have no right to prevent you from returning to the City-state if you wish, but I hope you can settle this matter once and for all."
"I will try my best," Ronnie replied, but in his heart he thought, "Settle it once and for all? how easy is that to talk about?"
On his way out, he went to say goodbye to Yurina again, and the girl took his hand and asked, "When will you visit me again?"
"I'll come by on the weekends when I'm free, so take care of yourself."
The two had a hard time saying goodbye, Alice got tired of waiting outside and called out, "Ronnie, are you coming or not?"
"Coming!" Ronnie agreed, hugged Yurina and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "I'm going, take care!"
The siblings left that night, they were afraid that the Baron's house had more nine-star spies, so they left early. This time, they returned to the City-state without a hitch. Ronnie thought about borrowing the invisibility cloak from Amandine the next time they left the City-state. When it was offered to him, he immediately rejected it: "I wouldn't lend it to you even if you were my own father.”
"I am your own father!" Ronnie said with a laugh.
Amandine couldn't help but stare and only reacted in the middle of the day, his body shrank back and said, "I still won't lend it, not even to my own father or mother".
"What if I borrowed it from you? would you borrow it?" Alice went over and asked.
"This!" Amandine hesitated.
Alice pretended to be angry and said, "Forget it if you don't borrow it," she turned and started to leave.
"If it's my aunt, you can borrow it for half a day, no more," Amandine also had his own conditions.
After the closure of Yurina's company, Umbrella House, Saria's base was in trouble again. That day, she approached Ronnie, who spoke first: "I'm sorry, I've been in trouble lately, so I had to shut down my company for a while.”
"I've heard about you, but I can't help you much, I'm really sorry."
"If you can get someone to take over the company, then the base will be funded," Ronnie suggested.
Saria was pleasantly surprised, "You're really willing to give me the company? will Yurina agree?"
"The company was created in the first place to give the base a source of funding, she should agree," still, Ronnie was a bit hesitant, and after a moment, he added, "if it's possible, how about giving her five percent of your monthly income as a reward for being the founder?"
"No problem," Saria immediately agreed.
When the bearded man returned to the City-state, he launched a love attack on Alice. Alice was still a bit skeptical of him and gradually relaxed her guard under his rounds of sweet words. Seeing that the time was ripe, he said to her, "My parents want to see you very much, they have come to the 'Shire Town', can you go see them once?"
"Yes! when will we go?"
"If you are well, we can go now."
"That's fine, I'll go and talk to Ronnie."
The bearded man heard this and said sharply, "Why do you have to talk to him?"
Alice became wary of the bearded man's reaction as she asked back, "Why can't I talk to him?"
"We'll be back soon after we leave the City-state, there's no need to worry him, if he knew you were leaving the City-state, would he agree to you coming out?"
"Just as well!" Alice nodded, feeling that the bearded man was right, and agreed. The two of them immediately set off for Shire Town.
At the end of the day, Ronnie came back from the institute and saw that the house was empty, thinking that maybe his sister had gone on a date with the bearded man and didn't care. By eleven o'clock that night, he still hadn't seen her return and couldn't help but get worried. He immediately contacted Alice through the "Big Butler", but unfortunately there was no response at all, and then tried to contact the "Silent Shadow Man" next to her, but it was still fruitless.He rushed to the City Guard to check the entry and exit records, and found that Alice had gone out of the city with the Bearded Man, he cursed, "The Bearded Man, that traitor, must have kidnapped my sister."
He begged the City-state to rescue her, and the city guards looked at the surveillance and said, "How does this look like a kidnapping, can't you see that the duo walked out hand in hand?"
"You people are no help when it counts," Ronnie was so angry that he stomped his foot, "We can only rely on ourselves," he thought in his head.
At this time, it was already midnight, he called the other people of the "Rebirth Partners" and said to them, "Alice was tricked out of the City-state by the bearded man and now she can't be contacted, the reason I called you here is so that you can find a way to find her together.”
"Why don't we get help from the city guards? they are more specialized," Sharlout asked.
"I looked for them a long time ago, they didn't believe me and said it wasn't a kidnapping."
Several people spent half a day in the deluxe room discussing the situation, none of them coming up with a good idea. At this time, Ronnie's "Big Butler" spoke up and said, "Master, someone asked me to inform you that Alice is in their hands, if you want to see her, go to the pier of 'Shire Town' tomorrow at ten o'clock at noon, and don't bring anyone with you, or else your sister will be thrown into the sea and fed to the fishes. "
"Tell him I'll be there tomorrow."
"Ronnie, are you really going? it's too dangerous," Lily advised.
Gina's few people also advised from the side, "Think before you go, don't be too impulsive, these people are obviously coming for you, your sister Alice is just a bait."
"Of course I know, you guys go back to sleep! I'll think about it." After the few people left, Lily quietly returned. Ronnie saw her strangely and asked, "Why are you back?"
"I have an idea, do you want to hear it?"
"Come on, don't keep me guessing."
"You're going to borrow Amadine's invisibility cloak for Cool Bear to wear and have him follow you around to see what happens."
Ronnie rejoiced, "That's a good idea, but will they get suspicious if they can't see Cool Bear?"
Lily thought for a moment and then added, "Then take my 'Kona' and have her wear a cloak of invisibility, with two 'Silent Shadow Men' protecting you like that, there should be no security problem."
Aside from Ronnie's family, Lily was the only outsider who knew that Amandine had a cloak of invisibility.
"That's a good idea, Lily, you really are my good military advisor," Ronnie laughed as he patted her shoulder.
"Don't be too busy bragging about me, if anyone finds out about the invisibility cloak, I want you to step in and kill that person, or else you'll be very passive later, and you can't afford to be kind now."
"Okay, I promise," Ronnie said as he went to find Amandine to borrow the cape. When he heard that it was to save his aunt, he readily agreed, but on the condition that he would be given a horse to ride when he returned.
The next day, Ronnie took the two Silent Shadow Men on the Courage Train to the docks of Shire Town. It was probably a weekend, and the place was bustling with people. "Why did they choose such a place to meet?" he wondered in his heart.
Not knowing the exact location of the other party, he stood and looked around. A moment later, a middle-aged woman approached him and said, "Are you Ronnie?"
"Yes!" Ronnie nodded.
"Come with me," the middle-aged woman, as if unwilling to say anything more, turned and walked away. He had to follow, and the two of them walked back and forth for about ten minutes to a fish pond on the pier. The middle-aged woman stopped and said, "Wait a minute!"
Shortly thereafter, a fat black man appeared, followed by four strong men, each of these men was six feet tall, and their arms alone were as thick as Ronnie's calves, so that one hand could crush him to death. The fat man saw the Cool Bear behind Ronnie and laughed, "Still using that old trick, tell your invisible person to show up."
"Where's my sister?" Ronnie asked as he stepped forward.
"Damn, I told you to come alone and you brought the invisible man, how are you going to solve this?" the fat black man asked rhetorically.
"What are you going to do?"
"I'm going to get the cloaked man behind you under control first, then we can talk about your sister."
Ronnie knew he was in the wrong and nodded his head in agreement as he ordered Cool Bear not to resist. The black fat man waved his hand and two men immediately came out from behind him, took thick ropes and tied Cool Bear tightly. After the black fat man had finished tying up Cool Bear, he laughed out loud and said, "Ronnie, I didn't expect you to be a fool, now you're a little sheep without any help."
As soon as his words were out, the two burly men who had tied up Cool Bear snapped out of it and took control of Ronnie, tying him up as well.
"I can't imagine that it's so easy to catch Ronnie, how did these people do their job in the past?" the black fat man was even more pleased.
Two strong men escorted Ronnie and Cool Bear, one of them looked sideways at the black fat man and asked, "Kill them now?"
"Lock them up first, the Chief wants them alive and says they will behead Ronnie and sacrifice him to heaven."
Ronnie and Cool Bear were being held in the same chamber, and Kona had been ordered not to make a move until absolutely necessary. She saw the two being held captive and her heart pounded, was this a last resort? In the end, she decided to make her move, knocking out one of the guards first and sneaking into the chamber to meet Ronnie and wait for his next orders. "Cool Bear, you take the shot to knock out the men, Kona just follow me," Ronnie gave the order.
Cool Bear immediately rushed out of the secret room, swinging his fist as he saw the humans. These burly men were no match for him. He fought his way to the backyard and kicked open the back door. Fatty Black was smoking in the house, and when he saw him enter, he was about to speak when a punch knocked him down. Ronnie stepped forward and stomped on his head, viciously asking, "Where is my sister? what have you done with her?"
Unexpectedly, the man was a tough guy and gritted his teeth, "You're killing me, I ain't talking."
Ronnie lost his mind for a moment, he didn't let Kona do anything because he didn't want to kill anyone. He thought for a moment and had an idea, he detained all these people together before he said, "I'll let one of you go back, tell your superiors that I have some of you in my hands as well and tell them to trade for my sister," he said, pointing to the middle-aged woman, "Go ahead! tell your people that if they don't hand over my sister, they will be killed."
Hearing this, a trace of joy flashed across the middle-aged woman's face as she hurriedly nodded her head, "I'll definitely tell them, don't worry."
After she left, the black fat man laughed, "Ronnie, do you really think they will exchange your sister for us?"
"That's for sure, there are five of you and my sister is only one, this deal is no loss."

continue to next part