by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-22 09:43:30

Ronnie had already told Kona to follow the middle-aged woman. She noticed that the woman went into a shop in Shire Town as soon as she left the docks, so she followed her. Inside the shop, the woman met a bearded man. "How's it going over there?" the bearded man asked.
"Ronnie's really good, he arrested some of Shakira's people and let me go to tell you to trade them for his sister."
"These losers, they can't even do that little thing right," the bearded man said angrily.
"What now?"
"Is someone following you?"
"No, I'm wearing glasses and I didn't notice any sneaky people."
Kona hid in the shadows to hear if they would talk about Alice, but unfortunately the two stopped talking. She could only tell Ronnie to come over. Ronnie told Cool Bear to tie up the black fat man and some people, then followed the location given by Kona to find the shop, when the bearded man saw him, a face of surprise: "How did you find here ...?"
Before he could finish his sentence, Cool Bear threw a punch at his head, knocking him straight to the ground, and stomped on his chest, while Ronnie stomped on his face, asking, "Where did you hide my sister? "
The bearded man grunted and pursed his lips without saying a word. Ronnie pressed his foot and then asked, "Tell me or I'll stomp you.”
Unfortunately, the other party had long since figured out his character and knew that he was not a vicious person and would not make an easy move. Ronnie could only shake his head, for the benefactor who had saved his life couldn't really be ruthless. He decided to do what he had done last time, let him go and then tell Kona to follow him. With that thought, he sighed, "You go!"
"You really want to let me go?"
"Go! don't make me regret this."
"Thank you!" the bearded man was still a bit surprised and glanced around the corner as he walked away. At that moment, Alice was locked in the underground chamber of this room. Her hands and feet were tied and she was lying on an iron bed with a piece of cloth stuffed in her mouth. There was only one light in the basement, and under the dim light, you could vaguely see her portrait plastered all around the walls. Ronnie told Kona to follow him after the bearded man left, then he said to the middle-aged woman, who was shaking all over with fear, "Don't be afraid, tell me what you know and you can go."
"I was temporarily hired by the bearded man for one Bira Coin, he only asked me to be in charge of the liaison, I don't know anything else," the middle-aged woman said with a slight tremor in her voice.
Ronnie nodded and said to her, "Go, I won't make it difficult for you."
The middle-aged woman was saved for the second time and was touched in her heart, and as she was leaving, she said to him, "You might get something if you search carefully here.”
 "Thank you very much!"
In fact, Kona had quietly searched this place long before Ronnie's arrival and didn't find anything, so she called him to take care of it, and at that time, when he was reminded by the middle-aged woman, he said to Cool Bear, "Let's search carefully again.”
There were three rooms here: the outermost was the shop, and the secret underground room was under the shop. Ronnie had just started to focus his search on the inner two rooms, and he had thought that there might be a basement, but he had never found it. The bearded man had cleverly designed the entrance to the basement; it was under the counter in the corner, and it was hard to find the gaps on all sides without moving the counter. After a search, Ronnie said disappointedly, "Looks like there's no basement here, and my sister isn't here, so all we can do now is wait for Kona's news."
Afraid of exposing himself, he took Cool Bear and checked into a small hotel across the street. Kona followed the bearded man and saw him turning back from time to time, knowing that it was he who was afraid of being followed. The bearded man was indeed very cautious as he wandered aimlessly. At night, he also stayed in a hotel, and Kona had to guard the door of the room. On the second day, the bearded man walked another morning, returning to the shop, he quietly pushed open the door, found that no one in the house, he was happy. Ronnie waited anxiously at the hotel when he received a message from Kona and wondered in his heart, "Why is he back again?"
The bearded man entered the house and unlocked the door, fortunately Kona had followed him into the house. She saw the bearded man move the counter and then pull up another board, an entrance immediately appeared on the floor, and an unpleasant smell came out from underneath. But the bearded man looked very excited, he bent down the escalator, stealthy Kona quickly followed down and found that this is a secret room. And the bearded man said to the one on the bed, "Alice, I'm sorry, I'm late, something delayed."
Kona was overjoyed to hear this, and raised her eyes to look, only to see a ragged woman lying on a bed, her face full of dirt, her hair disheveled, her eyes slightly closed, her mouth stuffed with a piece of rag, her hands and feet bound, and her mouth uttering "Ooo! Woo!" It was none other than Alice. "I brought you some food, you're starving, aren't you?" the bearded man said as he removed the rag from her mouth.
"Jackman, what do you want?" Alice looked at him with fear in her eyes.
"As soon as they catch Ronnie and I get the money, we'll go far away and never care about this filthy world again."
"You saw him?" Alice asked sharply.
"He's smart, but he can't fight us."
Kona was about to step in and attack the bearded man, but then she remembered Ronnie's instructions and had to contact him herself to come over. Ronnie was notified and took Cool Bear straight to the store. Cool Bear saw that the store door was closed and kicked it open. The two rushed inside and caught a glimpse of the basement entrance. The bearded man suddenly heard the above clattering, and his face changed dramatically. He got up and went up to check it out, and had just gone up the escalator to stick half his head out when Cool Bear grabbed him by the hair and lifted him up. The bearded man was screaming in pain and waving his hands around, and Ronnie told Cool Bear, "Watch him, don't let him get away.”
He walked down the escalator himself, and when he saw Alice tied to the bed, he couldn't help but exclaim, "Sister!”
"Ronnie, I know you will definitely bail me out."
"Sister, don't be afraid, I will get you out!" Ronnie said and went to untie the rope, noticing that she was unclothed as he was busy taking off his jacket to put it on her. The two siblings walked out of the secret room, Alice saw that the bearded man was under control and went up to him and slapped him. "What are you going to do with him, sis?" Ronnie asked.
"I really want to kill him, but for the sake of the dead child, spare his life!"
Unless he had no choice, Ronnie didn't want to kill anyone, and besides, the bearded man was still their savior, so he couldn't do any more. After letting the bearded man go, he took Alice back to the City-state. Seeing the duo return, Amandine pointed to the ground and said, "Get down!"
"Why?" Ronnie asked curiously.
"Are you going to back out? you promised to come back and let me ride you like a horse."
"Amandine, let your father rest and play with you when he's rested," Alice said.
"What about my cloak?"
Kona didn't wait for Ronnie to tell her to take off her cloak and drape it over Amandine herself. Ronnie looked at her sideways and said, "Go back and thank Lily for me!"
"Okay!" Kona turned and walked away.
Amandine covered his nose and shouted, "You two smell so bad ,you fell in the toilet?"
"Didn't you just ask me to be a horse to ride, why do you smell it now?" Ronnie asked laughing.
"Go take a shower, don't talk, your mouth stinks too, don't stink me too," Amandine became more and more annoyed.
"Sister, you go wash first."
"Why don't you and Auntie wash together so you can rub each other's backs and save time?" Amandine suggested.
Alice blushed slightly and said with a wave of her hand, "Your opinion doesn't count, I'll wash first."
During her shower, Lily suddenly ran into their apartment. She saw Ronnie and immediately hugged him, "It's great that you're okay."
Amandine groaned at the sight, "Another woman who isn't afraid to stink."
"Why so excited? I'm not dead," Ronnie said with a smile.
Just then, Alice came out of the shower and saw the two of them hugging and asked curiously, "Are you guys getting married?"
"Who's getting married? I don't like him," Lily immediately protested.
Ronnie also protested, "I should be the one to say that, hurry up and let me go.”
That day, Amandine brought a boy of eight or nine years old who announced to the whole family, "This is my classmate and my idol, and everyone must respect him.”
Amandine had stayed in the lower grades because he was so bad at school and all his classmates were much younger than him. Vega laughed and asked, "Why is your idol still sniffling?"
The little boy stood up and said, "My name is 'Qiaoqiaoxing' and my nose is running because I have a cold today."
"Amandine, how did this student become your idol?" Ronnie asked with a surprised look on his face.
"Our teacher said that 'Qiaoqiaoxing' is a role model for all the knights in the City-state to follow."
"So impressive, what did he do?" Ronnie asked again.
Amandine was immediately stunned by the question, scratched his head, and turned to Qiaoqiaoxing to ask, "What did you do?"
After a brief moment of reflection, Qiaoqiaoxing said with a solemn expression, "After Dr. Norforth founded the City-state, he used the spirit of chivalry from the European Middle Ages as the belief of the City-state. He wanted the citizens of the city to be humble, upright, sacrificial, honorable, courageous, and compassionate, but now that the people of the 'New World' have long forgotten the Doctor's original intentions, I hope to inherit and carry on that spirit."
As soon as his words left his mouth, Catherine clapped her hands and praised, "That's a great point, Qiaoqiaoxing, you'll be my idol from now on as well."
Amandine couldn't help but stand up as if she was praising him and said with a proud face, "How about that? I haven't lied to you, have I?"
"It's certainly easy to talk with your mouth, I will too," Vega had a defiant face.
Fearing that the siblings would fight again, Alice said to Amandine, "Go play with your classmates!"

continue to next part