by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-22 09:44:37

Ronnie returned to the City-state and immediately went to the Institute to find Lily. Lily was very happy to see him, "You're back so soon!"
"Be honest, did my father send you to stay by my side?"
"He told you everything, how was it? are you touched?" Lily asked with a smile.
Ronnie nodded and suddenly shot out to hug her and whispered in her ear, "Thank you, for all these years."
Lily was stunned by his gesture for a moment before she came to her senses. She knew it had all been worth it, "It's enough just to have you say that!" as she said it, she also wrapped her arms tightly around Ronnie.
Time seemed to stand still, the two people just hugged each other, no unnecessary words of love, just feeling each other's heartbeat and the sound of rapid breathing ... After a long time, she gently pushed Ronnie away, smiled and said, "Well, I should go.”
At that moment, Ronnie actually had some reluctance. When he let go of his hand, Lily had already turned to leave, he opened his mouth to let her stay, but in the end he said nothing. He returned home and ran into Mish just as he was about to enter. Mish was in her forties, with loose skin and a slightly older appearance. Ronnie hadn't seen her in years and almost didn't recognize her, she greeted him first, "Ronnie, it's been a long time, I've moved across the hall from you now, please take care of me in the future."
"It's you, have you heard from Park Hye and Barry?"
"You, the big shot of the City-state, can't even find them, how could I have any news?"
Ronnie couldn't help but frown, he didn't want to chat anymore, so he replied politely, "See you next time then!"
Mish saw him close the door and a look of resentment appeared in her eyes as she said in her heart, "One day I'll let your family die too."
She went down to the fourteenth floor and entered room 26. At that moment, a man was sitting in the room with his legs crossed. "Well? have you seen Ronnie?" the other man asked.
"What did you say?"
"Not much, just said hello, he's very impatient and left without talking for a few minutes."
"Come on, take your time approaching them."
Ronnie returned to the deluxe room and had just sat down when Alice returned home, "It went well this time, didn't it? did you see Dad?" dhe asked.
"Yes, I met him." Ronnie then told her briefly about the conversation between father and son. Alice was sad to hear it and said, "I really should have gone with you this time, maybe I won't see him in a year."
"Don't be so pessimistic, I'm sure he'll contact us in a year."
"I hope so."
The next day Ronnie went to work at the institute and as soon as he saw Lily he realized that the atmosphere had become a little strange, "What is wrong with me today? my heart is beating so fast, do I like her? it shouldn't be!"
And Lily was just as shy and flushed when she saw him. Seeing the look on their faces, Sharlout joked, "Boss, did you steal Lily's heart? she blushes whenever she sees you now."
 "I'm sick too, my heart skips a beat when I see her," Ronnie muttered.
"Huh!" Sharlout clapped her hands happily, "This is great, after so many years of storms, you two have finally come together, congratulations!"
"What are you saying? I don't like this kind of manly woman," Ronnie said as he pulled his ears out with one of his little fingers.
Lily was furious at this and flew up and kicked him right between the legs with a "Woo! Woo!" Two screams rang out and Ronnie crouched down, covering his lower back as he yelled, "Violent women are awful!"
"You deserved it! the next time you're rude to me, I'm going to castrate you," Lily said viciously.
Qiaoqiaoxing was the class president of the fourth grade, and at that moment he was playing with a ball in the schoolyard when Amandine ran up to him panting, "Grand Knight, there are two boys bullying a female student."
"Go! you lead the way, let's take a look."
"Good!" Amandine replied, leading the way to the corner of the playground. From a distance, the two saw two boys pinning a female student to the ground and groping her. Qiaoqiaoxing shouted, "You two are a disgrace to the City-state, actually bullying a girl."
One of the long-haired boys stood up with a smile when he saw that it was two small children coming, "Little man, you want to be a hero too?"
"No, I don't!" Amandine explained hastily, "I'm not trying to save anyone, I'm just here to watch the fun," he whistled to show that he didn't care.
The long-haired boy turned to Qiaoqiaoxing and asked, "Are you here to watch the fun, too?"
"I'm not here to watch the fun, you guys let the girl go."
"Looks like you're looking for death," the long-haired boy said as he pulled a knife out of his pocket.
The girl on the ground saw the long-haired boy take out the knife and yelled at Qiaoqiaoxing, "You better go, they are said to be the hooligans of 'Shire Town' and will really kill people."
"I'm not afraid. I once swore that I would bravely fight against rape and also fight for the unarmed," Qiaoqiaoxing said righteously.
The long-haired boy pulled out a knife to scare Qiaoqiaoxing away, but he did not expect him to be so tough, so he felt embarrassed. Another boy snickered, "Fuhua Gao, can't you even handle a small child? you're really useless."
Fuhua Gao's face turned white and red when he heard this, and with a fierce heart, he angrily said, "Then you can go to hell!" as he said this, he stabbed over, and Qiaoqiaoxing hurriedly took a step back to avoid the stab. Amandine shouted from the side, "Somebody help! Murder!"
"Don't scream, do you want to die too?" Fuhua Gao shouted angrily and raised his knife to stab Qiaoqiaoxing again, this time even faster and harder than the previous stab. Qiaoqiaoxing was stabbed in his right shoulder, and blood immediately gushed out of his body as he was unable to dodge. His body shook twice and he almost fell to the ground, but he clenched his teeth and held on, enduring the tremendous pain and calling out, "Amandine, go call someone."
 "I am calling someone! don't rush." Amandine said and started to run to the other side. Fuhua Gao raised his sword and turned to face him, and Qiaoqiaoxing held his back and shouted, "You run."
Only then did Amandine remember his magic invisibility cloak. He disappeared in a flash. Nowadays, invisibility had become widespread in the City-state, so it wasn't unusual. When the two of them saw Amandine disappearing, they cursed, "Damn, this kid has an invisibility cloak, and I didn't wear my 'Quick Reveal' glasses today, so it's cheap for him."
In fact, Amandine didn't go far, he found some fine sand on the playground, then quietly returned to Fuhua Gao's side and blew directly into his eyes. Not long after, Fuhua Gao covered his eyes and screamed in pain, rubbing his eyes, tears streaming down his face, screaming wildly, "If I catch you, I'll kill you."
Another boy also stood out at this time, he pulled the crazy like Fuhua Gao said, "Calm down, he is just a small child."
"Help me blow out the sand. It's so hard to bear," Fuhua Gao begged.
Amandine was standing next to them at that moment, and when he saw the two of them standing face to face, he reached out and grabbed each of their heads, slapping them hard, only to hear a "bang" sound, two people's heads colliding heavily together. Fuhua Gao's eyes filled with sand, and now that his head had been hit, he was furious and stormy. He couldn't find Amandine, so he wanted to take it out on Qiaoqiaoxing, but when he took two steps, he tripped over a rope that Amandine had tied with a live knot. With a tug, he tied the two of them together. He supported Qiaoqiaoxing and shouted at the girl, "You run, too!"
Qiaoqiaoxing had lost too much blood and was already unconscious. The girl, who was about seventeen years old, saw how hard it was for Amandine to support him and said, "I'll carry him! that way we can get to the hospital faster."
"That's great!"
After the girl carried Qiaoqiaoxing back, Amandine asked, "What's your name?"
"My name is Annie!" the girl replied.
The girl carried the man in front of her, while Amandine lifted Qiaoqiaoxing's backside from behind to take some of the weight off and walk faster. The two of them walked and chatted as they walked from the North District School to the Northeast District Hospital, a straight line distance of only three hundred meters. They arrived at the hospital in a short time, and Qiaoqiaoxing was carried into the operating room by a doctor. Five minutes later, a doctor came out and told them, "You don't have to wait here, it will take a few hours for him to wake up, the city guards will take care of the rest."
"You have an invisibility cloak, aren't you Ronnie's son?" Annie asked out of the blue.
"Yes, that's an easy guess."
"Then can you get him to sign for me?"
"That's not possible, I don't want to beg him, but you can get him to sign, I'll take you to him," with that, Amandine took Annie's hand and walked to the institute. Ronnie was at work and was surprised to see him and asked, "What are you doing here instead of going to school?"
"This person asked you for an autograph so I brought her here, how would you like to thank me?"
"Why would I want to thank you?" Ronnie asked.
Annie saw the strange conversation between father and son and didn't know how to interject and stood frozen. Ronnie looked at her and asked, "This student, where would you like me to sign your autograph?"
"I ... "Annie didn't expect to get an autograph so easily. She wanted to pull one out, but unfortunately there was nothing on her body, and with a clench of her teeth, she rolled up her cuffs, revealing a snow-white arm, and said, "Please sign here!"
"You want it tattooed on your body too?" Ronnie asked.
"Has anyone ever had a tattoo on their body before?" Annie asked in disbelief.
Ronnie smiled and didn't say anything, then signed her arm. Amandine watched him finish signing and looked at Annie, "Now you are satisfied!"
"Oh, thank you!"
The two left the institute and walked back to the school, Annie said to Amandine on her way out, "I'll meet you after school to hang out."
"No no no, that would mean protecting you, I don't do that." Amandine waved his hand hastily.
Annie saw his refusal and a strange look came into her eyes and she couldn't help but think, "That little man is pretty hard to handle, has he found out who I am? Unlikely," she put on a disappointed expression and said, "I originally thought that if you could play with me, I would treat you to a roast turkey, but now it looks like you won't be able to eat it."
"The roasted turkey in the City-state is not good, my mother's is the only one that tastes good, I'll play with you if you let me ride as a horse," Amandine made his request.
"So this boy is also a little pervert," Annie cursed.
She pretended to think for a moment before agreeing. After he left, instead of going back to school, Annie turned to the Central District. She went up to room 26 on the fourteenth floor where the bearded man was already waiting, and when he saw her come in, he asked directly, "Amandine accepted you, right?"
Annie nodded and asked rhetorically, "What about Fuhua Gao and the other?"
"The city guards have taken them away, they are to be tried."
"What can be done about that? I can't imagine that things will turn out like this."
"Forget it, they are too impulsive to do anything, let them cool off in jail," The bearded man said coldly.
"So what's the next step?" Annie asked again.
"I always feel that there are more secrets about Amandine, so watch carefully."
"Okay, Dad!"

continue to next part