by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-22 09:46:16

Andre was standing in front of Ronnie's house with his arms crossed. Ronnie and his sister were on their way to work when they opened the door and were startled to see Andre standing in the doorway like a corpse, "Why don't you knock and come in?"
The other man looked at him and didn't answer. Ronnie touched his nose and looked angry. Instead, Andre turned to Alice, "I'm about to leave the City-state and I wanted to say goodbye to you!"
Alice was surprised as she asked with wide eyes, "Where are you going?"
"To fulfill my mission!" Andre said.
"What is your mission?"
Andre smiled and simply said, "Maybe we'll meet again someday."
Alice nodded at him, "I hope you have a safe journey!" after saying that, she lowered her head and seemed a little sad.
On the way to the institute after Andre left, Alice was silent. Ronnie saw this look on her face and joked, "After only meeting him twice, your heart has been taken away by him."
"He should have something important to do, and I have a feeling this meeting will be the last."
"Why do you say that?" Ronnie asked.
"It's just my intuition, I hope I'm wrong, let's go!"
At that moment, there were over three thousand people standing in front of Andre. The first row were biochemical robots that were muscular and over two meters tall, these people were good at close combat and physical combat. The second row were warriors armed with laser weapons and wearing bulletproof suits. The last row was a variety of mobile personnel. Although there were a large number of people on the scene, they were well trained and there was no hustle or bustle. Andre spoke loudly to the three thousand or so people, "Brave Ullian warriors, we are the guardians of the Watson family. Today we're going to eliminate the 'Crow' organization that threatens the family's existence, I'm going to divide you into six groups to wipe out each of their six branches, I hope to see you all back here in three days, now get going."
With Andre's order, everyone split into six groups and boarded the six planes that had been waiting for a long time. He personally led more than 600 fighters to the North American "Crow" headquarters. This place was more than two thousand kilometers away from the destination. More than an hour later, the plane landed slowly and more than 600 Ullian warriors came out in a row. The first to emerge was a guide who led the fighters directly to the Crow headquarters. This time, the operation used "lightning" tactics, taking less than two hours from the time they gathered to the time they launched the attack, which helped keep the plan secret. However, their actions were discovered by the other side, and the leader was shot in the head as he pointed to a circular door in front of him and fell. Andre yelled, "Charge!"
As soon as his words had fallen, the biochemical robots rushed towards the circular door in two rows like more than three hundred tanks, followed by more than two hundred warriors with laser weapons. The enemy's bullets crackled as they hit the biochemicals, which didn't work on them, and they all fell in droves. Ullian's warriors quickly rushed to the entrance. The other side threw bombs from the second floor, and the laser-armed warriors behind them immediately aimed their weapons at them, eliminating them in the shortest possible time, but there were still a dozen biochemicals that were hit by the bombs. Some of them had their legs blown off and others lost their lives. The circular gate was quickly breached. The other side also used this first line of defense to buy time. When more than six hundred people rushed into the circular gate, they realized that the enemy's firepower had increased significantly. At that time, a girl's voice shouted, "Everyone quickly put on your glasses, the other side has stealthy people appearing.
Andre cursed in his heart, "Ronnie, that damned guy, leaking the stealth technology."
But after cursing, he had no choice but to put on his glasses. The opponent saw that the stealth didn't work and fought even crazier. Their weapons didn't have much effect on the cyborgs, only the bombs they threw were somewhat useful, but they didn't dare use them much because when they threw them, the cyborgs often caught their hands and threw them back. The other party changed their tactics, using muskets, only to see more than a dozen columns of fire shoot out, like a fire dragon wrapped around the biochemical man. The biochemicals were not afraid of bullets, but their eyes and backs were most afraid of the fire. Seeing that the situation was not good, Andre shouted, "'Thunder Eaters' kill those Musketeers for me!"
In an instant, the three Thunder Eaters spread their wings and rose into the air. These three Thunder Eaters were much bigger than the one Andre had fought. They were as fast as lightning, and in a few moments, they reached the enemy camp, knocked down the three musketeers with a few blows, and grabbed their muskets. The Crow's men were furious when they saw the other side running into their camp and killing people. They all turned their guns on the three Thunder Eaters, and after a frantic exchange of fire, two of the three Thunder Eaters were hit and fell. The enemies rushed forward, kicking and punching these two humans, and the Biochemicals took the opportunity to advance quickly. After the two "Thunder Eaters" were killed alive, the biochemicals had already rushed to the crows' position. Physical combat was their strength, at this time, they were like lions charging into the herd, scaring the other side into scattering in all directions. Andre's heart was happy as he felt that victory was in sight. At that time, Andre's team was blocked inside the circular gate, and those who had been defeated by the Crow Organization saw the help and gathered together. The Ullian warriors were immediately surrounded. Andre stood out and asked the city guards, "You're actually openly supporting a terrorist organization, aren't you afraid the other knights of the City-state will know about it?"
None of the guards answered his question, only one stood out and pointed at the Ullian warrior, "Shoot!”
Andre had not expected the city guards to be so unreasonable and fight when they said they would, with no intention of negotiating. He resolutely ordered them to split into two teams and meet the enemy back to back. The fighting strength of the city state guards was no match for the Crow Organization, and they had the most advanced weapons. Andre's biochemicals couldn't block the other side's bullets. When the biochemicals rushed towards the city guards, they were quickly knocked down. The laser weapons of the city guards were like slicing and dicing, cutting the few biochemicals that rushed forward into several pieces, and one of them's legs was instantly flattened, and he could only use his hands to crawl forward. As he was about to reach the enemy camp, two burly city guards with electric batons came out from the back row, raised their electric batons, and struck the head of this biochemist who had only half of his body left. Andre sharply ordered his laser warriors to counterattack. The city guards opened their laser shields after being hit by a few, rendering Andre's laser warriors useless for a moment. The city guards pushed forward, beating the Ullian fighters so badly that they could not fight back. A girl ran to Andre's side and asked, "What are we going to do? we only have about 300 people left, why don't we charge in? first we'll beat down the Crow's men, and then we'll find a chance to die with the City-state's men," The girl was already gnashing her teeth when she said the last.
"Alright, gather all forces to kill the crow's people first," Andre finally made the decision.
The girl raised her hand and shouted, "Brave Ullian warriors, avenge your dead brothers, kill all enemies, attack!"
Just as she finished yelling, a blue light swept through her body and her body instantly split apart. Since it was so short, she didn't feel any pain as she crawled towards Andre with her upper body, muttering, "Ullian warriors are fearless!”
Seeing that she was already injured like that, Andre pulled a pistol out of his pocket and pointed it at her head, "Knightley, your mission is accomplished, rest in peace!" after saying that, he pulled the trigger. Everyone who saw such a gruesome death of Knightley was demoralized, and one by one they rushed inside, risking their lives. The fighting strength of the Crow Organization was already not good, and they were scattered in a matter of moments. Andre led the remaining team, and instead of chasing after them, they directly found a favorable position and ambushed them. The city guards were at a loss for a moment, this place was too big, and trying to attack them one by one would take too much time. At that time, the two leading figures exchanged words and discussed, and a fat man asked, ''What should we do now? the top wants us to eliminate all these people, but that seems a bit difficult.”
The thinner man replied, "It must be done, even if it is difficult, or we will be docked honor value."
"Then what is your best idea?" the fat man asked again.
"If we dare to attack them now, the casualties will surely increase, we've already lost a dozen people, we can't lose any more. Let's retreat with all of Crow's people first, then close the door and surround these people, then slowly think of a way out."
"The longer we wait, the more difficult it will be, what if they find a way to escape?"
"In that case, we can only use poison gas, which is the fastest."
"Good, we'll immediately apply to the top."
After the two finished their discussion, they retreated from the building with all of Crow's people and now waited for the City-state to transport the poison gas over. Andre didn't know the other party's plan and wondered in his heart, "Why is it so quiet?"
Time passed, but he grew more and more uneasy inside. This kind of silence was never good, so he urged everyone to look for other exits. Andre had one last Thunder Eater with him, which he also sent out to scout. Half an hour later, the Thunder Eater came back and reported to him: "The people from the City-state have brought in a lot of gas cylinders."
Andre slapped his thigh and suddenly realized, "So they want to use poison gas, no wonder they all retreated."
He didn't want to be poisoned alive like that, so the only thing he could do was rush outside. When the crowd outside saw the black smoke billowing out of the building, they cried out in anguish, "They still lit it, ten years of hard work!"
The City Guard people were calm, feeling that it had nothing to do with them.
Andre divided the remaining three hundred people into three rows and said loudly, "Even though there's no way back, let's fight with them to the end, today this is our burial ground, all of you follow me to charge out."
By this time, the City-state guards outside had already begun to inject poisonous gas into the building, and it wasn't very strange to see the Ullian warriors that suddenly appeared. If they were in their place, they would have done the same; there was a huge difference in strength between the two sides. The City-state guards had already prepared at the entrance, this kind of war was more like a massacre, Andre rushed to the front and was the first to be hit, after he fell, the Ullian warriors behind him didn't retreat, they shouted, "Ullian warriors are fearless and courageous." More than three hundred people ran and shouted as they charged the enemy. Thunder Eater also flew into the air, his laser weapon raised in his hand, and fired wildly at the ground on the other side, but his attacks had no effect as the city guards had already opened their shields. After only three minutes, everything calmed down, and the city guards looked at the flowing blood outside the circular gate, as well as all kinds of severed hands, legs, and heads that had been cut off by the laser weapons, and their hearts were filled with nausea. The fat man sighed, "These people are not afraid to die, the power of faith is truly terrifying."

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