by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-22 09:46:43

After the third day, when Elliot saw that only two people had escaped and returned, he said with disappointment, "I can't imagine that it would be defeated like this.”
Those who escaped and returned were a man and a woman, the other two of the six groups. The boy said, "Doctor, this time there were City-state people in the battle, that's why we lost."
Elliot nodded, "You guys go get some rest!"
After the two left, he fell into deep thought for a moment before muttering, "Looks like I'll have to do this myself."
Yurina hadn't seen Ronnie in almost two months, and at the moment she was sulking, "That damn guy, did he forget about me again?" She was ready to take a trip to the City-state. Just after leaving the house, two thin ape-like people stared at her, and one of them, a small-eyed thin ape, said, "Finally you've come out, these ten days haven't been in vain."
"You've only waited ten days, I've waited almost two months." the other tall skinny ape gave him a blank look and said.
When Yurina came out, she had four Shadows and a secret War Rose with her. Seeing that Yurina had come out with such a large group, the small-eyed skinny monkey asked sheepishly, "What are we going to do? the two of us definitely can't handle it."
"I'll stall her first, you call some people," the tall, thin ape said and went around the corner. Yurina saw a strange man coming towards her from a distance and was alarmed. She whispered an order to the shadow beside her, "Stop that man."
The tall, skinny ape wanted to pretend to ask for directions, but seeing how cautious she was, he could only stand at a distance and ask, "Excuse me, miss, how do I get to La Paz Street?"
Yurina frowned slightly and waved her hand impatiently, "Go away, I don't know," then she gave an order to the shadow beside her, "Quickly blow him away."
Seeing that this tactic didn't work, the tall skinny monkey suddenly covered his belly and crouched down as one of the shadows pushed him away, yelling, "You're too unreasonable, I just asked for directions and you beat me up like this, "as he said this, he continued to cough, spitting out a mouthful of blood.
His gums bleed easily, but this time it came in handy. His scream immediately attracted a crowd of onlookers. People accused Yurina. An old lady said, "This is outrageous, even rich people can't bully people like this."
At that moment, Yurina was really speechless, she was so angry that she cursed and said, "You are as stupid as pigs, you believe everything he says."
When everyone saw her comparing the crowd to pigs, they were furious and immediately surrounded her. Yurina was scared as she looked at all the people surrounding her, but there was no way she was going to apologize. She shouted sharply, "'War Rose, quickly out of the way, get rid of these people for me!"
The crowd of onlookers were not wearing "Quick Reveal" glasses, so of course they could not see the "War Rose". They only felt their bodies being lifted up and then flying out. Yurina saw a way out and took Shadow with her. The tall, skinny monkey was so scared that he jumped up and held her legs, yelling, "If you don't apologize, don't think you can walk away."
Yurina's heart sank as she was held by her legs, and she struggled desperately, but the other party held her tighter. "Get him off me!" she shouted at the shadow.
The tall skinny ape was mostly stalling for time this time, and his goal was achieved. The small-eyed skinny ape had already ambushed a dozen people. He let go as soon as he got the message. Yurina watched the other group leave and cursed in a low voice, "Like a mangy dog, how annoying."
She led Shadow on and walked about three hundred meters into a path. She had only taken a few steps when she stumbled and fell, and as she fell, she suddenly realized that her eyes had turned black and her whole body had been put into a sack. Shadow and War Roses beside her were in a hurry, and all five of them were ready to save her at the same time. But the other side seems to be prepared, a couple of ambush gunmen each shot at the five glue melt bullets, this kind of bullet specializes in dealing with robots, a newly developed weapon after the failure of the last nine-star joint battle.Shadow and "War Rose" were hit and could not move, they could only watch as Yurina was taken away.
War Rose was able to contact Ronnie directly. When Ronnie received her message, he was angry and worried: "Why won't she listen? she insisted on running out ."
He didn't dare talk to Alice about it for fear that she wouldn't agree to come looking for her, so he just took "Cool Bear" out of the City-state. According to the location provided by "War Rose", he soon found several people, saw that they were stuck, could not think of a way to free them for a while, and finally could only give up, "How long has Yurina been tied up?" he asked.
"Forty minutes." A shadow said, the robots couldn't move their whole bodies, but they could still talk.
"That long?" Ronnie deflated. "It's been so long, I don't even know where they took her. "At this time, War Rose spoke up and reminded, "Master, you have to be careful, the other party is not easy to deal with right now either."
"I know," Ronnie nodded. Suddenly, he remembered that the last time Alice was kidnapped, it was also the other party who informed him, thinking about it, he was a bit more relieved, "The Nine Stars United is just trying to lure me out, it shouldn't be difficult for Yurina. ” He called Tom through the "Big Butler", leaving him to deal with the "War Rose" a few people, he first returned to the City-state. He sat at home and waited for three days, but the other party still didn't contact him, Now he was really worried: "Crow people, what do you mean? is it not to lure me out?"
In those three days, he couldn't eat or sleep, and when Alice saw his two deep-set eyes and tired face, she thought he was seriously ill. "What's wrong with you? do you want to see a doctor?"
"I-I'm fine!" Ronnie stammered, afraid that his sister would worry and didn't tell her about Yurina.
Alice stepped forward and touched his forehead, "There's no fever!"
"Sis, I'm really fine!"
"Did something happen? you're still keeping secrets from me, isn't there a cure for this disease?" Alice had resentment in her mouth.
Ronnie was harassed and had no choice but to tell the truth. As expected, Alice objected as soon as she heard it, "You're not allowed to leave the City-state, they're waiting for you to fall into the net."
"What about Yurina? I can't just leave her!"
"Let me think of something," Alice said and thought for a moment. She contacted the bearded man through the "Big Butler", and when the bearded man saw that it was Alice looking for him, he was filled with joy, thinking that she wanted to get back together with him. He rushed to the luxury room, and when he saw the serious expression on Alice's face, he was discouraged. "Did you kidnap Yurina?"
"Absolutely not, I said I wanted to live a peaceful life in the City-state and wouldn't do anything like that again," the bearded man flatly denied it.
Alice kept staring into the bearded man's eyes as he spoke, thinking that he didn't look like he was lying. She continued, "Yurina has been kidnapped, can you help me find her?"
The bearded man hesitated before saying, "Yes, I'll try."
Feeling that she couldn't be too rude when asking for help, Alice struggled to spit out two words: "Thank you!”
After the bearded man left, Ronnie looked at her and asked, "Do you think he's telling the truth?"
"He really shouldn't know."
Yurina was currently locked up in an ordinary two-story house more than 500 kilometers away from Shire Town. Two skinny monkeys guarded her. The small-eyed monkey asked, "It's been three days, why are they still waiting up there?"
"What do you know? wait a few more days before Ronnie gets himself in trouble so he can't guess what we're really up to. Wait until the other guy is almost desperate before he gets the message, then he'll agree to anything and might as well come over to us with his own head in his hands."
"Have you thought about what if Ronnie doesn't care about this woman? what's the point of us grabbing her?"
"That's a matter for the top, not for us to worry about," The tall, skinny ape explained, but in his heart he thought, "It's rare that such an idiot could think of such a level."
Yurina was locked in the house, relatively free, her hands and feet not tied. She was thinking about how to get out of the situation, and after three days of thinking with no results, she couldn't wait any longer, so she decided to use her color seduction spell. She called to the door, "Two big brothers, can you come over here for a moment?"
The small-eyed skinny ape heard her yell and walked over to open the door a little and asked, "What are you yelling about?"
Yurina waved her hand at him and pouted, "I'm so lonely all alone, can you come in and keep me company?"
Little Eyes turned his head to look at the tall, skinny ape and asked, "Bennett, can I go in?"
"You're a big man and you're still afraid of being eaten by her, go ahead if you want to go in!"
Little Eyes was overjoyed to get permission and entered the house, closing the door behind him, he looked at Yurina in front of him, rubbing his hands together with a lustful look, "What do you want me to do to keep you company? beauty."
"I ... "Yurina pretended to stand unsteadily and fell into his arms, she took her mouth and blew into Little Eyes' ear, then asked in a delicate voice, "What's your name?"
Little Eyes did not expect her to be so enthusiastic, his heart was so excited that he could not tell the names of his entire family, "My name is Ramash, my father's name is Murray, my mother's name is Katia, and my grandmother's name is ...". as he was about to continue, Yurina stopped him.
She changed the subject a bit and asked, "Do you like me?"
"Of course," Ramash looked excited.
"What if I wanted you to let me go? would you do it?" Yurina lowered her voice when she said this.
"No, I can't," Ramash said hastily.
Yurina thought to herself, "It looks like he won't help until she comes hard." Suddenly she shot out and grabbed Ramash's hand, then put it on her chest and whispered in his ear again, "If you can let me go, I'll be yours from now on, and I've got lots of money, so we can go far away and find a place to live where no one can find us."
Ramash stroked her big soft breasts with one hand while he heard about this desirable life and was so enchanted by the idea that he also lowered his voice and asked: "There's another person out there, what are we going to do?"
Yurina's heart rejoiced to hear this, and she gave him ideas. Not long after, Ramash opened the door and yelled, "Bennett, come help me."
Bennett rushed over at the word. When he entered the house, he noticed that Yurina was not inside and asked, "Where is she?"
Just as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a great pain coming from his back. He turned his head and realized that Yurina was standing right behind him and a dagger had been plunged into his back. He flew into a rage and grabbed Yurina by the hair, slamming her head against the wall. Ramash, looking worried, afraid that the woman he loved would be killed, picked up a chair and smashed it over Bennett's head. Bennett was knocked down instantly, and Yurina, seeing her opponent fall, tried to get up and make up for it. Ramash said with some reluctance in his heart, "Forget it! he's down, let's spare his life, maybe there's a way to save him. "Yurina didn't want to do it at all, so she gave up. "Let's get out of here!" Ramash said.

continue to next part