by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-22 09:47:36

Yurina was thinking about how to get rid of Ramash and didn't react to his words, but the other man's words made her change her mind. He took Yurina's hand and said: "This is my hometown, you won't be able to leave the village without me taking you with me.”
"Where exactly is this place?" Yurina asked.
"This is the village of Pillow, over five hundred kilometers from 'Shire Town.'"
"Won't they be suspicious if we go straight there?"
Ramash laughed, "As long as I take you out, no one will suspect anything, let's go!"
The two of them left the house, and Ramash took the watch from his hand and threw it back into the room. Yurina knew it was out of fear of being followed, and Ramash took her hand and brought it to his mouth for a kiss. Although a wave of nausea ran through her, she had to endure it. Within fifty paces, a black boy greeted Ramash and asked, "Monkey, who is this girl to you?"
"She is my future wife," Ramash said proudly.
"Ah! how did she take your fancy?" the black boy was surprised.
Ramash laughed, "Of course, it's inseparable from my personal charm."
Yurina couldn't listen to the duo's conversation any longer, she shouted, "Let's go, don't waste time."
On this trip, Ramash led them in seven different directions, and only after greeting five or six people did they leave the village. There was a forest outside the village, and if no one led the way, there was no way to know which way to go. Ramash let go of Yurina's hand and looked down to search, Yurina was curious and asked, "What are you looking for?"
"There are snakes in these woods, I'm looking for a long branch."
"You're so stupid, just go up a tree and break a branch."
"What if there are snakes in the trees?"
Yurina thought to herself, "It's better with snakes, after the snakes bite you to death, I'll go alone."
Of course, she didn't say it aloud and was also busy looking down. In the end, it was Ramash who found a thick branch over a meter long first. He led the way, Yurina followed, and Ramash wasn't kidding; she really saw several snakes hanging from the tree. At this point she regretted that she was empty-handed, she didn't even know what to do if a snake attacked. Now she could only walk while looking down to find something useful, and she walked more than three hundred paces and actually saw a branch-like thing on the ground, crouching down to pick it up. Unexpectedly, the thing moved, and Yurina was so shocked that she was about to throw it when a bite hit her arm and she screamed miserably. Ramash turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"
Yurina threw the snake and covered her other arm with one hand and cried, "I've been bitten by a snake, am I going to die?"
"What kind of snake?"
Yurina pointed to the ground, the snake crawled forward quickly, Ramash looked down at it reassuringly, "The snake has a round head, it shouldn't be poisonous."
"Really?" Yurina said with a broken smile.
"If you're not sure, I'll help you squeeze out the poison," when Ramash was done, he pulled up Yurina's sleeve, only to see that the wounds on her arm had tiny teeth marks in two rows of figure eights, which now allowed him to conclude even more that it was a non-venomous snake.To show his bravery, he opened his mouth to the wound and sucked, spitting blood and water as he did so, looking as if he was ready to die. Yurina's heart was touched at the sight, and she almost fell in love with the other man. But the feeling was only for that moment of sucking blood, and when Ramash finished, she realized that she was really fine and started to hate the man again. They walked through the forest for over twenty minutes before they came out. Yurina said happily, "Finally out, scared the hell out of me."
"Where are we going now?" Ramash asked.
"Let's go back to my house first! I'll get some things and then we'll go far away together."
Yurina thought of this method as she walked through the woods, trying to trick Ramash into taking her home and then dumping him. Ramash didn't suspect anything, because he thought that the two of them had taken another step in their relationship by saving her life just now. He nodded and said, "Let's go."
Ramash knew the area too well, and the two of them made a few trips back to "Shire Town". When they were about to enter the door of their house, Yurina said affectionately to Ramash, "Wait for me here, don't run around, I'll be out soon." In her heart she secretly snickered, "You'll wait until you die!"
Poor Ramash watched and waited all day without seeing her come out. He tried to go inside to look for her, but was stopped by the guards at the door. When Yurina returned home, she bent over laughing and muttered, "Men are so stupid."
Feeling betrayed, Ramash, not caring if Nine Stars United would track him down, started cursing at the door. After cursing for more than twenty minutes, he saw a man coming that way from a distance and called out in surprise, "Ronnie!"
The visitor was none other than Ronnie, who had been waiting impatiently in the City-state. After Yurina returned home, she contacted him through the War Rose, and when he heard that Yurina had been saved, he was overjoyed and ventured out of the City-state despite Alice's obstruction. At that moment he heard someone calling him, and it was a stranger, and with a strange heart he looked at Ramash and asked, "You know me?"
"I know you are Ronnie, your wife is a liar, be careful," Ramash said.
Ronnie blushed and asked, "Why do you say that? what did she cheat you out of?"
"She betrayed me emotionally, I saved her and promised to go far away together, but now she is hiding in her house and won't come out," then Ramash told the whole story.
Ronnie listened without saying a word, and if what the man said was true, he also felt that Ramash's request was not excessive. To test his words, he said, "Do you dare come in with me and confront her?"
Ramash didn't expect Ronnie to be so reasonable and raised his thumb in praise: "The heroes of the City-state are different."
"Let's go!" Ronnie led him to Yurina. Yurina looked incredulous when she saw the two of them appearing at the same time and called out, "Why are you together?"
Ramash was thrilled to see Yurina and shouted, "Why did you lie to me? I betrayed the organization for you and now I have nothing."
"Is everything he said true?" Ronnie asked as he looked at Yurina.
"It's true, so what?do you really want me to go with him?" Yurina asked back.
Ronnie was speechless for a moment, he really didn't know how to handle this. After a few moments he turned to Ramash, "Yurina is my wife, I'm very grateful that you saved her, but she can't go with you, if you have any demands I'll fulfill them, whatever I can do."
"No!" Ramash said pointing at Yurina, "I don't want anything, I just want her."
Yurina said with a big smile on her face, "What? you're in love with me?"
"Yes, I've been in love with you ever since I gave you the snake venom," Ramash said with a serious look on his face.
Ronnie couldn't stand to listen to the two of them and interjected sharply, "Yurina won't go with you, you better take something and leave quickly."
At that moment, Ramash suddenly pulled out a dagger, pointed it at his chest and said, "If she doesn't come with me, I'll die here."
"Great!" Yurina clapped her hands happily and shouted, "If you die, you'll be the first man to martyr himself for me, I'll definitely remember you, do it!"
Hearing Yurina's words, Ramash, as if under a spell, plunged the dagger into his chest. It was too late for Ronnie to stop it, only to see the blood staining Ramash's clothes in a flash, and as he collapsed, he said, "Yurina, I wish you could really remember me."
Yurina was stunned by the instant change. After a while she came to her senses and murmured, "Go ahead! I'll remember you, Ramash."
"Ugh!" looking at Ramash's body, Ronnie sighed softly, "He was kind to you after all, bury him well!"
After the two of them finished with Ramash, it was already dusk. Yurina looked at him and asked, "I haven't seen you for over two months, did you miss me?"
Ronnie smiled and said, "Would you be angry if I said no?"
"I wouldn't, but I would kill you," Yurina said with a fierce look in her eyes, she picked up the dagger Ramash used to kill himself and stabbed Ronnie in the shoulder. Ronnie was shocked and blocked it with his hand, yelling, "Are you crazy? stab it for real."
"Of course it's a real stab, do you think I'm joking with you?"
After Yurina said that, Ronnie saw the right time to grab her wrist and snatched the dagger from her hand. Yurina said angrily, "Why don't you let me stab you?"
"Why should I let you stab me?" Ronnie asked curiously in return.
"Ramash would die for me, so you can't let me stab you out of anger?" Yurina perked up.
"Why have you become so wild?"
"Get out! I never want to see you again," Yurina said angrily.
At this point, Ronnie was dying of bitterness, thinking, "Why can't I ever meet a normal woman?"
He was in a dilemma, he was tempted to go after her and cheer her up, but he was afraid of making things worse. In the end, he decided to go back to the City-state first, so that both of them could calm down.

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