by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-22 09:48:04

After Yurina lost her temper, she expected Ronnie to come after her, but after waiting for half a day and not seeing him, she went back to look for him. When she heard that he had returned to the city, she was so sad that she burst into tears. After Ronnie returned to the City-state, Alice asked confusedly, "You came back so soon, don't you want to stay at the Baron's house for a few more days?"
"I wanted to come back early to see you, so I came back." Ronnie said he had decided not to tell women the truth in the future, he had to cajole them or else his life would be in danger.
"Huh!" Alice spat out her tongue, "You're talking funny today, it sounds a bit disgusting."
At this time, Amandine, who was wearing a cloak of invisibility, suddenly appeared in the room and also shouted, "I'm going to throw up too."
"Why are you still at home and not at school?" Ronnie asked curiously.
"You're drunk, it's the weekend," Amandine said nonchalantly.
Mish lived across the hall from Ronnie, and at that moment she was in tears, holding a shark tooth, a relic of Barry's found at the scene of Barry and Park Hye's death, and an amulet she had given to her brother. Barry was the only family she had, and now she has nothing left, and she blames Ronnie for it all. She felt that if that man hadn't harassed Park Hye, her brother and Park Hye wouldn't have fought, and without the fight, they wouldn't have left the City-state, and without leaving the City-state, they wouldn't have died. When the bearded man handed her Barry's relics, she agreed on the spot to work together against Ronnie.
It's a new day, Ronnie and Alice went to work together at the Institute, Lily saw them walk through the door side by side and laughed, "You look like a father and daughter, Ronnie you look so old, like an uncle!”
Ronnie immediately scoffed back, "You're not young either, and you have a tendency to become a mother."
After Alice had been injected with "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid" seven years ago, she looked less than twenty years old at that time. Ronnie was almost forty and had gray hair on his head. Lily was most afraid of people saying that she was old, and her mood became heavy when she heard Ronnie's words. Ronnie saw her bow her head and said, "Why don't you say something? did it hurt your heart?"
Alice understood a woman's mind and said to him, "You also know the production method and formula of 'Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid' now, make some more, give one to Lily and you can use it yourself."
"Sister, it's not that easy, it requires a laboratory, I don't want to use the City-state's laboratory."
"Why?" Lily asked suddenly.
"You're forgetting about the Invisibles, when it comes down to it, the City-state leaked the technology again, I don't trust those people too much right now," Ronnie said, finally lowering his voice.
Lily nodded, "That's true too."
"If only we had our own lab," Ronnie sighed.
While the three of them were talking, Gina, Tom and Sharlout came over one by one, Sharlout asked curiously, "What are you talking about?"
Ronnie was also suspicious of these three, as his father had told him there would be a lurker around, so he was busy waving his hand and saying, "Nothing, just chatting."
After work, he called Lily to come back to the deluxe room with him, and the three of them chatted about the Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid. Alice warned, "The City-state forbids private labs, it would be bad if they found out."
Lily, who had become much bolder about getting younger this time, suggested, "How about we just build it in secret?"
"Maybe we should leave the City-state, it's too unfree here," Ronnie said.
"Ah!" the two women looked at him in surprise at the same time, and Alice asked, "Why would you think that?"
"With our technology, we can definitely survive in the 'free world', I've been thinking that ever since I was betrayed by the City-state last time."
Lily said, "It seems like the whole stealth technology thing hurt you a lot."
"I can't expect loyalty from the City-state when they were the ones who betrayed me in the first place."
"Fine, if you leave the City-state, I'll go with you," Lily made her point.
"What do you mean, sister?"
Alice laughed, "Of course I'll follow you, do I have to be asked?"
"Well, then it's decided, we'll wait until next year and then we'll leave the City-state, whether we contact dad or not."
What the three didn't know was that their conversation had been overheard by Mish from across the hall, and she was going to give the recording to the City-state. Ronnie's influence was still strong, and the recording was sent directly to the Zi City Grand Council of Elders. This time, a total of ten people attended the meeting, all of them gathered around a round table, the one who presided over the meeting was a handsome young man, he said, "The third issue is about Ronnie, I received a recording, he has already intended to withdraw from the City-state, if he really wants to withdraw, should we keep him?”
An older member of the Grand Elder Council looked at the young man and asked, "Moe, why would he want to leave the city state?"
At that moment, another man with freckles on his face interjected, "Vogel, have you forgotten that his father was a traitor, this is a son taking after his father, what's so strange about that?"
Moe was less than pleased with the freckled man's interruption, he looked at Vogel and explained, "In the recording he said that the City-state betrayed him, and he was very upset about the last time we leaked the stealth technology."
Vogel shook his head as he listened and sighed, "I was against you going off like that last time, but you were hell-bent on it anyway."
"It's useless to talk about it now that it's done," Moe said.
The freckled man said coldly, "Vogel, at that time, this decision was agreed upon by more than half of the twelve members, do you want to go back on your words?"
"Theo, don't think I don't know your purpose in targeting Elliot's father and son, you and he have always been at odds, you support the 'Crow' organization just to drive them to extinction, isn't that right?" Vogel asked angrily.
Theo laughed out loud when he heard this and said, "Elliot was originally an enemy of the City-state, and you're actually speaking for him."
"He is an enemy of the City-state, but his son Ronnie is not, you are forcing him to become our enemy."
"Vogel, don't forget that it's Ronnie who wants to leave the City-state now, I didn't force him to leave!"
"When Dr. Norforth founded the City-state back then, he wanted scientists to have a peaceful, harmonious, and easy research environment. Look at the way City-state is now, it has long ceased to be the original City-state, it has become pandemonium and ruthless. If it continues to grow like this, I will be the first to leave the City-state." after Vogel finished speaking, he got up and walked out.
After he left, three other members followed. With four people missing from the conference room at once, Theo muttered and whispered, "What a bunch of old fogies."
Seeing that the number of people was down to six, Moe wanted to break up the meeting. But Theo suggested that someone keep an eye on Ronnie, and his suggestion was agreed to by the remaining six, and the task fell to Mish. Mish now just had to keep an eye on Ronnie's family and didn't have to go back to work.
Amandine hadn't seen Dan in a long time and was about to go play with her. Halfway down the street he saw Annie coming from across the street, he stopped and stared at the other side with narrowed eyes, a look of strangeness. Annie was happy to see him, "I was just looking for you, what a coincidence".
"I'm not playing with you, you didn't even let me ride as a horse last time" In fact, the more important reason was that he already knew that Annie was the bearded man's daughter, having once followed them and overheard them talking while wearing a cloak of invisibility. Amandine was not a good student, but he was no fool, and he knew that the bearded man was now an enemy of the Watson family. "You're so old, why are you playing such childish games?" Annie asked incredulously.
Amandine didn't answer and turned his head the other way. Annie called after him, but he walked away without looking back, and she stomped her foot and cursed softly, "Why can't I handle this little beast?"
Eighteen-year-old Dan was already enrolled in a college semester program and had chosen to major in biology. Wanting to play a joke on her, Amandine donned his cloak of invisibility as he approached her room. He knocked on the door, and after a moment Dan opened it to find no one there and closed it again, and in that moment of closing, Amandine entered the room in a flash. Dan murmured in a low voice, "I clearly heard someone knocking on the door, strange!"
Amandine covered his mouth for fear he would burst out laughing, he was just getting carried away when Dan suddenly lunged and grabbed him by the arm, Amandine cried out, "It hurts, let me go".
 "Oh, I knew it was you who screwed up," Dan chuckled.
Amandine stuck his head out as if it was hanging in the air, it looked a little scary as he said, "How did you see me? you caught me so well."
Dan had grown up playing with Amandine and knew him well enough to know that he liked to hide in corners, but she put on a show of sophistication and said, "I'm not going to tell you."
"Do you have perspective and can see me?" Amandine asked wide-eyed.
Dan didn't answer that comment as she changed the subject, "Come out of there, it looks weird and scary."
"Fine!" Amandine couldn't get an answer, so he had to take off his cloak and come out now. Dan asked again, "What did you want to see me about today?"
"Of course something important."
"What is it?"
"I'm taking you to meet someone who is my idol, 'The Grand Knight.'"
Dan looked confused when she saw that a child younger than Amandine was his idol. At this point, Qiaoqiaoxing stood up, put his right hand in front of him and his left hand behind him, nodded his head, and bent down to give Dan a knight's salute, then said, "Honorable lady, my name is 'Qiaoqiaoxing', and I am an honored knight of the City-state."
Dan laughed, "Huh, what a strange idol you have!"
But Qiaoqiaoxing said with a serious face, "This is the knight's salute used by the citizens of the City-state when it was founded, and it is the most standard City-state etiquette, except that it has been gradually forgotten by everyone since then."
Dan saw how serious Qiaoqiaoxing looked and didn't dare to mock him anymore. She realized that she was under a lot of pressure with this child, and she had to be careful everywhere for fear of suddenly becoming a City-state amateur.
Amandine looked at Dan and said, "What was it like? did his dominance scare you?"
Dan smiled and didn't say anything, she played with the two little boys for a while and then found an excuse to leave.

continue to next part