by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-22 09:49:04

Ronnie had been in bed for a week, and the first thing he saw when he woke up was Alice. He realized that every time he was in trouble, it was always this sister who stood by his side. Alice was happy to see him awake and asked, "Are you feeling better?"
 "Much better, thank you Sister!" Ronnie said.
"I'll get you something to eat, just wait!"
Alice had just left, Amandine appeared in the room like a ghost, he was surprised, "Dad, you're finally awake, I want to ask you something, where was Mom killed?"
"Why do you ask that?" Ronnie asked with a frown.
"I want to avenge her, I told you, did you forget?"
"Don't be ridiculous, these are things for us adults."
"Just tell me the place and I'll do the rest," Amandine pestered him for half a day and got no answer. "Looks like it's better to make a trip back to 'Shire Town' first," he thought in his mind. After putting on his invisibility cloak, he got off the elevator and went to the first floor where he saw Qiaoqiaoaxing standing alone in front of the Sea of Dreams. He took off his cloak when no one else was around to meet him, "Grand Knight, what are you doing standing here?"
When there was no reply, he called out twice more, and only then did he turn and say, "I am praying for our Holy Virgin, in the hope that her soul will enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
"Oh!" hearing this, Amandine followed his example, stood up straight, crossed his arms over his chest, and said aloud, "I also pray that my mother's soul may enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
"What? has your mother also passed away?" Qiaoqiaoaxing asked.
"Yes. I am leaving the City-state now to avenge her death."
"Unfortunately, we don't even know who killed the Holy Virgin, and I am so disappointed in the knights of the City-state for not protecting her. It's a shame for all knights that they all forget the oath they took when they were ordained."
Amandine patted him on the shoulder and said in a hushed voice, "I am about to embark on my journey, so you will continue to help me pray!" with that, he put his cloak back on and boarded the Train of Courage, arriving at his home in Shire Town in no time. He found the War Rose, learned what had happened, and got a portrait of Bennett, the tall, skinny monkey. Holding the portrait, he muttered, "This man looks like a murderer, it's an abomination.” After a moment's pause, he added to War Rose, "You will follow me from now on! I'll take you to the City-state."
Without realizing it, ten days passed, and Ronnie suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen his son for a long time, so he ran to ask Alice, "Where has Amandine been lately? why hasn't he come home?"
Alice didn't dare to tell him the truth for fear that he would be worried, as she had long ago inquired from Qiaoqiaoaxing about Amandine's absence from the City-state, "I think something came up at school!" she lied.
Another week passed and she began to worry as well. It had been more than twenty days since Amandine had left, and she was about to tell Ronnie the truth when Amandine came back with the War Roses behind her: "Clap your hands, Mom's death is avenged."
"Did you really find Yurina's killer?" Ronnie asked in surprise.
"Of course I did, why else would I have come back to see you?"
Then Amandine told them what had happened. He first went back to the place where Yurina was killed, then looked for a place with surveillance to check it out, and by following and asking around along the way, he finally found Bennett's place. Unfortunately, no one was around, so he stayed across the street and waited for Bennett. Two days later, he finally waited for him to show up. Amandine left the "War Rose" cloak and followed. As Bennett was about to enter the house, he was knocked unconscious. Amandine dragged him inside, gagged him, tied him to a chair and slapped him across the face. Bennett woke up and realized he was tied up and struggled desperately, mouthing "Oooh! Woo!". Wanting to question him, Amandine loosened the black cloth around his mouth and asked, "Do you know Yurina?"
Bennett saw that it was a small child and said angrily, "Who are you? how dare you tie me up, you don't want to live?"
Just as he finished speaking, his mouth was slapped five or six times, his teeth were knocked out and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, "If I ask you a question, you should answer directly or you will suffer, "Amandine said coldly.
Bennett was honest then and nodded his head desperately, "I know, I know."
"Did you kill Yurina?"
"Who is Yurina? I've never heard of her," Bennett flatly denied.
Amandine waved his hand and said, "Show yourself!"
When the War Rose took off her cloak and appeared, Bennett exclaimed, "It is you!"
"Master, this is the person who killed your mother."
"Since it's really you, use your life to pay for it! kill him for me." Amandine let out a stern cry.
"Yes!" War Rose dodged and swung a knife to slit Bennett's throat.
Amandine finished his story with a forked posture, "How was it? wasn't I great?"
"Well, it was great!" Alice stepped forward and hugged him. After a moment she added, "We were so worried about you after so many days out."
Ronnie then looked behind him at War Rose and asked, "How did you get her in here? the city guards didn't give you any trouble?"
Amandine didn't answer, and the two of them immediately did a demonstration. He told War Rose to crouch down, then straddled her shoulders with his legs, and after he put on his cloak, they both disappeared at the same time, and a short time later he appeared again and asked, "How was it? isn't my brain flexible?"
"Not bad, you'll have War Rose to play with from now on," Alice laughed.
"Just let her stay at home, don't go out and don't let the city guards see her," Ronnie reminded.
While the three were talking, Vega came back, she saw Amandine and said, "You haven't been to school for twenty days, be careful you will be expelled."
"Expulsion is better, I was planning not to go to school."
"Then your honor value will be deducted and you won't be able to stay in the City-state." Vega explained.
"I have a cloak of invisibility, they can't catch me," Amandine said.
At this point, Ronnie felt a strong need to talk to his children about leaving the City-state. He looked at Alice to get her opinion, the siblings were very much in sync, and Alice knew immediately what he was thinking when she said, "Let's talk about it together when Catherine gets here!"
It was the weekend, and in less than half an hour Catherine was home as well. Ronnie gathered a few people together when he saw that everyone had arrived, and then whispered, "I've discussed it with your aunts, and I'm going to leave the City-state."
"Really?" Amandine and Vega exclaimed when they heard.
Catherine, however, was not as happy as she lowered her head and whispered, "Dad, I don't want to leave the City-state."
"Catherine, you don't want to come with us?" Amandine asked in surprise.
Vega looked at Catherine, "She has a boyfriend, of course she doesn't want to come with us."
"It doesn't matter, there's still more than half a year left, Catherine, think again, I'll support you no matter what decision you make," Ronnie interjected.
"Thanks Dad!" Catherine whispered.
"This has to be kept absolutely secret, none of you are allowed to mention it to outsiders, understand?" Ronnie said with a serious look on his face.
The three nodded their heads and Amandine exclaimed happily, "I don't have to go to school anymore."
Ronnie shook his head, but didn't force him to go to school. He was about to leave the City-state, wanted to visit his friends, and went to see Professor De Silva first, then to the base to find Saria. The former Holy Virgin was getting prettier and prettier, and Ronnie's heart skipped a beat every time he saw her. Saria was happy to see him and called out, "Ronnie, long time no see, how have you been?"
Ronnie wondered if he should tell her about leaving the City-state, after thinking about it for a long time he still held back, he didn't say it. Instead, the Holy Virgin said first, "I want to tell you something, I'm leaving the City-state."
"Why?" Ronnie asked with wide eyes, he couldn't think of any reason why Saria would want to leave.
"After I took over Yurina's 'Umbrella House Commune', the base has developed very well with its support, and now I want to devote myself to it full time, so it's inconvenient if I am still in the City-state."
When Saria said this, she hesitated for a moment and continued with a red face, "It would be good if you also broke away from the City-state and came out to help me."
Ronnie saw that the conversation had come to this point, if he didn't tell the truth again, it would be too bad for the other party, "Actually, I came here this time to say goodbye to you, I'm also about to leave the City-state and go to a very far away place."
"Ah! you're leaving too, it seems like everyone is leaving," Saria said with a hint of disappointment in her eyes.
"For me, the City-state is no longer the same and it's time to leave."
The two looked at each other with four eyes and were speechless for a moment. At that moment, Saria suddenly opened her arms and hugged Ronnie, whispering in his ear, "Thank you for all the help you've given me over the years, I wish you a safe journey,"as soon as she finished speaking, she covered her mouth and walked away without looking back.
Looking at her distant back, Ronnie muttered, "Goodbye my friend, I hope we will meet again someday."
He became very depressed for a moment, and when he returned home, Amandine saw him and pestered him with a request, "Dad, can you help me upgrade my robot?"
"What kind do you want to make it?" Ronnie asked.
"Like a real person, with a soft back."
Ronnie thought for a moment and came up with the idea of "New Human" robots. These robots were wrapped in real human skin and said to him, "Then leave the War Rose behind and go to the Institute in three days to pick it up. "He didn't do it himself, he gave it to Tom.
Tom wanted to make it look like Alice, but when he heard that it was for Amandine, he changed his mind and made the War Rose into a sweet young girl of about sixteen. When Amandine got it, his eyes went straight up, "So cute, Tom, you want me to fall in love with her!"
Tom loved it when someone complimented his work, he was very happy to hear it and suggested, "You can marry her, she's no different from any other woman except that she can't have children."
"Let me marry a robot, I'm not crazy," Amandine rolled his eyes.
Tom looked at him and said solemnly, "Don't forget, now your robot has feelings too, not like before, she'll be sad if you say that."
"So great?" Amandine looked incredulous.
"Oh, that should be thanks to your father, he upgraded the Enlightenment Chip and used it exclusively on this robot."
"Is he that strong? I don't know it."
"There’s something you don't know, in fact, Mr. Ronnie's reputation is greater in the 'free world' than in the City-state. If you leave the City-state, you'll know that he's almost a household name," Tom said in a deep voice.

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