by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-22 09:49:35

Amandine led War Rose home, and as soon as he arrived, he asked, "Do you have a name? or do you prefer the original name?"
"I would like to change it to Enos, if you agree," War Rose spoke up.
"Enos? that's not a bad name, then it will be Enos from now on."
Enos was supposed to be the only robot in the world that had emotions, and now she was no longer invisible, accompanying Amandine all day while she called Ronnie Lord Father whenever she saw him. Time flew, in the blink of an eye, half a year had passed, Ronnie called Catherine and asked, "What do you think? do you want to come with us?"
"Sorry father, I still decided to stay in the City-state."
Although his heart was prepared, Ronnie was still a little disappointed, he said, "I respect your decision and I hope you can grow up happily in the City-state."
Then he called Alice along with Amandine, Vega and Lily, "We're leaving the City-state in three days if I don't hear from my father, so let's get ready!"
"Get ready for what?" Amandine asked with a confused look on his face.
Alice smiled, "The things you're taking with you, of course, and the people you're saying goodbye to."
"Oh!" Amandine nodded.
The five went their separate ways to get ready, and Amandine ran to say goodbye to Dan. Dan's eyes were red as she listened, and she said excitedly, "Brother Ronnie took me out of the 'Doomsday Bunker' back in the day, and I can't imagine he's going to leave me, too."
"Why don't you come with us?" Amandine invited her.
"Forget it, I don't want to cause Brother Ronnie any more trouble," Dan shook her head.
Amandine tried to mobilize again, but she was determined in her vision, "Amandine, I want to be a scientist and this dream can only be realized in the City-state, I hope you can understand me."
"Fine! Catherine also stays in the City-state, so if you have something to discuss, you can go to her," Amandine looked disappointed. He said goodbye to Dan and went to find Qiaoqiaoxing. To his surprise, Qiaoqiaoxing wanted to go with him. "Why?" he asked.
"The City-state is no longer what I had in mind, and the best way to get out of it is to leave it."
"Great, I finally have someone to hang out with," Amandine took him to his father.
"Are your parents okay with you coming with us?" Ronnie asked.
Amandine interjected, "Qiaoqiaoxing had no parents, he came to the City-state with his uncle, who left him alone a long time ago."
"Oh!" Ronnie nodded slightly, "I'll tell you what, four days from now, on the twenty-third at nine in the morning, we'll gather here and you'll come with us."
"Thanks! I'll definitely be on time," Qiaoqiaoxing called happily.
The happiest person here was Amandine, who looked forward to the 23rd every day with the addition of Qiaoqiaoxing. Ronnie felt it was important to clarify the situation with the "Rebirth Partners". The next day at work, when the six of them arrived, he said to Gina, Tom, and Sharlout, "I'm leaving the City-state in a few days, and Alice and Lily are going with me."
When the three of them heard this, they simultaneously exclaimed, "Ah," this news was too sudden for them.
"What about the 'Rebirth Partners'?" Sharlout was the first to ask.
"The three of you can either continue with it or disband it," Ronnie apologized.
"Can I come with you?" Tom spoke up suddenly.
"This!" Ronnie was in a difficult position, he wasn't sure if there was an undercover agent of Nine Stars United among these three, Sharlout looked at his embarrassed expression, "Tom, there is no such thing as an endless feast, so don't make it difficult for the boss."
"Fine!" Tom looked at Alice and nodded helplessly.
Knowing that the other party liked her, Alice stepped forward and hugged him, "Tom, forget about me, I hope you can pull yourself together and continue the 'Rebirth Partners', I will bless you from afar."
"I will," Tom said as he patted her shoulder.
At that moment Gina, who hadn't said a word from the sidelines, said, "Oooh! Woo! Woo!" cried out loud, seeming very sad and upset. Lily got caught up in it and cried too. The two girls hugged each other and cried their eyes out. Ronnie shook his head, "Women are amazing."
The day to leave finally came and Ronnie still hadn't received a message from his father, "Could it be that his father really isn't alive? he thought to himself. "do we have to sneak out of the City-state?" Alice asked a little uneasily.
"I wrote a letter last night, I'll leave it on the doorstep when we leave, the City-state will see it."
Nine o'clock was fast approaching, but Qiaoqiaoxing still hadn't shown up, and Amandine became worried, "What's wrong with him? what's wrong with him?"
"I'll leave at nine o'clock on the dot, if he still doesn't show up, I'll consider it a give up," Ronnie said.
"Don't do that! I'll go look for him," Amandine said and ran out the door.
As soon as Amandine left, Enos started to follow. Ronnie stopped her, "Just wait here, you're not legal and it's best you don't run around."
After another ten minutes of waiting, Vega got angry, "Why do you have to bring an outsider?"
"This is an appointment with him, how can we back out now? just wait a little longer!" Ronnie said.
Three minutes after the nine o'clock hour had passed and neither Amandine nor Qiaoqiaoxing had returned, a sense of foreboding welled up in Ronnie's heart. He turned to Alice and said, "You guys go out of the City-state first, we'll split up and meet at the 'Chirpan Restaurant' in 'Shire Town', I'll meet you when I find them."
"Good, then you must hurry and be safe," Alice nodded.
After saying that, she took Lily and Vega and left the City-state towards Shire Town. Ronnie pulled out a letter and left it on the doorstep after they left. And everything they just did was overheard by Mish from the opposite door, and she immediately reported the information to the Grand Council of Elders. The Grand Council of Elders also held an emergency meeting, and Theo first said, "We cannot let Ronnie go."
Vogel coldly said, "Why can't they leave? the City-state is free to come and go, has this place become a bandit den?"
Moe also said, "The City-state has been open ever, no one can change that, but those who leave of their own accord will lose the qualification to re-enter the City-state in the future."
Several other members nodded their heads in agreement, and Theo had to give up when he saw everyone saying that, but he didn't want to. After the meeting was adjourned, he immediately notified the Crow organization, which had long since received the report from the bearded man who had sent the next assassin to the Shire Town. Ronnie had just come out of his house, and before he had taken a few steps, Mish called from behind him: "Ronnie, where are you going? can I come with you?" she deliberately found nothing to blindly say in order to stall for time. As soon as Ronnie saw her, he muttered in his heart, "This is one of the people I hate the most, why did I run into her?" when it came down to it, he was ready to be honest, "I want to leave the City-state, do you want to come with me?"
Mish hadn't expected him to be so honest, and for a moment she was at a loss for words. She feigned surprise, "You really want to leave the City-state?"
"Of course it's true, what's the point of lying to you? well, I won't talk to you anymore, someone is waiting for me."
"Wait, I have to tell you something," Mish called sharply.
Ronnie stopped and frowned, "What is it ?"
"Do you want to know where Park Hye is?" Mish asked rhetorically.
"What? you know where she is?" Ronnie was thrilled to hear that.
Mish laughed, "What's your hurry? let's find a place where we can talk slowly."
"Can't we talk right here? I'm really in a hurry."
"Or you can ignore it. I don't care," Mish finished smiling and left first.
"Fine! you find a place," Ronnie replied, but in his mind he cursed her a million times.
Mish led him down to the elevator and then out to the Sea of Dreams. Here she was lying on the beach, eyes closed to rest, which Ronnie could not stand: "Are you going to talk or not? I'm leaving if you don't want to talk."
"Then go! I'm not forcing you," the other replied coldly.
Ronnie was so angry with her that he was about to spit blood and turned around. Mish spoke up at that moment, "Park Hye died a long time ago, you'll never see her again."
"What are you saying?"
"After she disappeared with my brother three years ago, the two of them were killed by fire in a room."
"How do you know that?" Ronnie asked again in a skeptical tone.
"None of that matters, believe it or not," Mish said and closed his mouth, not speaking again.
Ronnie left full of doubts, he first went to the school to look for Amandine and Qiaoqiaoxing, but he did not find them, so he had to ask other students where Qiaoqiaoxing lived. He was on the 18th floor of the Central District, and when he got halfway there, he saw Amandine and Qiaoqiaoxing, who were both there. When Amandine saw him, he asked urgently, "I just tried to contact you, but the 'Big Butler' stopped, what's going on?"
"I think the people from the City-state knew we were leaving, so they stopped."
"They found out so fast?" Amandine asked in disbelief.
"None of that matters, let's get out of here! the City-state is no longer welcoming us."
The three of them took off their "Big Butler" and handed it back to the city guards as they were about to leave You City. From now on, they would be completely separated from the City-state and start a new adventure.

continue to next part