by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-22 09:50:03

Ronnie took the two kids and Enos to the Shire Town. Cool Bear and Alice and Lily's robots were property of the city state, so they were not taken. When he arrived at the door of the Chirpan Restaurant, he didn't see Alice and the others and thought to himself, "Aren't they here yet? they left early."
He turned to Amandine and said, "You guys wait here, I'm going in, don't run around."
Ronnie turned around on the first floor without seeing Alice and the others and went back up to the second floor. Here he happened to see Vinique, and she also saw him. Since the last time Ronnie borrowed money from her, the relationship between the two had become very bad. Vinique gave him a blank look and didn't say anything, Ronnie went up stiffly and asked, "Hello, Vinique, have you seen my sister Alice?"
Vinique still looked down and ate as if she hadn't heard him. Ronnie had to ask again before she slowly looked up, "Are you the one talking to me?"
"I don't know and even if I did I wouldn't tell you," Vinique said indifferently.
Ronnie shook his head, "See you then!" with that he turned and walked down the stairs. When he reached the door, he realized that Amandine and Qiaoqiaoxing were long gone, he was so angry that he shouted, "Those two boys, where did they go?"
He hurriedly asked the people around him, but no one noticed them. Just then a young girl came along and said to Ronnie, "I just saw two kids running that way. ” as she said this, she pointed to a path to the left.
"Thanks!" Ronnie listened and went after them. The road didn't fork, he chased them for over ten minutes and ended up in a dead end, "Could it be that the girl tricked me?" thinking this, he returned.
It took him more than twenty minutes to get back to the Chirpan Restaurant. Now clueless, he stood in front of the restaurant wondering what to do. About five minutes later, Lily appeared in a bakery across the street and waved to him. Ronnie was overjoyed and ran up to her, "Where have you been? where's Sis and Vega?"
"We just got here, the 'Crows' people have been waiting here for a long time, we had to run separately. I was alone, Alice took Vega and I lost the two behind me and rushed back here, I thought you had arrived as well," Lily explained with a horrified look on her face.
"The 'Crows' are here so soon? could there be a spy among us, could it be Qiaoqiaoxing? he was late on purpose to lure us away," Ronnie speculated.
"Maybe!" Lily nodded, "Huh! where is everyone? how come you're the only one?"
"Ugh! when the three of us came over, I saw that you weren't there, so I went into the 'Chirpan Restaurant' to look for you, and when I came out, they were gone," Ronnie sighed as he spoke.
"When I came out I gave Alice and Vega a 'Crystal Bean' each, now let's track them down, maybe Amandine is with them too," Lily said, pulling a bean out of her bag.
 "Isn't that the anti-tracker you gave me last time? why didn't you take it out before?" Ronnie said looking at the bean in her hand. "Sorry, I forgot about it when I came out this morning and only remembered it when I left the City-state. why don't you take one? in case you get scattered and can still make contact."
Ronnie took it and saw that it had a "1" on it and asked, "What does that mean?"
"I made a total of ten, the '1' is mine, yours is bean number '5', if you want to track Alice you need to tune it to '3', " Lily explained.
Ronnie listened to the explanation and set the number to 3. The red light on the bean immediately shifted to the other side of the track, "That girl is really cheating on me."
The two of them followed the "crystal bean" guide all the way, seven turns, until they chased to a building in front of it, "This is the pier fish pond, I've been here before," Ronnie said.
"Let's hide and see what happens," Lily said.
The duo found a large bucket and hid behind it, crouching down and looking at the entrance of the fish pond from time to time. By this time it was noon and the sun was shining directly overhead, making the duo's eyes bleary. Ronnie took off his jacket and held it up to cover the tops of their heads, then whispered to Lily, "You take it off too! It's so hot."
"I'm not taking it off, you're insane," Lily blushed and cursed angrily.
"Aren't you wearing any underwear under there?" Ronnie asked curiously.
"None of your business, just think of something quick! don't get any ideas."
The two were chatting when a fat black man appeared in the doorway, "It's him again!" Ronnie shouted.
"You've seen this guy?" Lily asked.
"That's the same fat black guy who kidnapped my sister last time, he's in league with the bearded man, and it looks like the bearded man is causing trouble again this time."
"If only Amandine were here, with his cloak of invisibility we could easily get in," Lily sighed.
"Never mind!" Ronnie said as he pulled out a gun, "I've got this, I just don't know how many people are in there, if there's less we'll just storm in."
Lily rejoiced, "You got more? give me one, I'm a pretty good shot."
"No more, if you're a good shot, I'll give it to you! I'm good with a knife," Ronnie said, handing over the gun.
"This is my homemade ice needle gun, it has been improved several times, now it is the final version, it is very practical, it shoots ice needles, one hit can make a person faint for two hours, the best part is that you can't see any wounds yet, the range is more than fifty meters, and it can be shot a total of thirty-two times," Ronnie introduced.
"All right, you draw the people out, I'll shoot them."
"You want me to draw them out?" Ronnie asked, pointing insecurely at himself.
"That's for sure, do you have the nerve to ask me to do that?"
The fat black man went back inside while the two of them talked. Ronnie put on his clothes, stood up and walked to the entrance of the fish pond. He was scared and looked around like a thief. When he reached the door, he looked back to where Lily was hiding and yelled into the door, "Ronnie, where are you running to? stop right there."
After saying that, he ran toward the left side of the doorway and hid around the corner. A few moments later, three people came out from inside, one of them was the fat black man, the other two were one fat and one skinny, and they all had guns in their hands. The three looked around outside, did not find anything unusual, was about to go back, Lily "pop pop pop pop" fired four shots, successfully hit the three people. All around was quiet, after a while, from the door out of four people, they saw the three lying on the ground, immediately shouted, and at the same time from the waist took out a pistol, a look of the enemy in front of the appearance. Their shouts attracted another three people, now there were seven people, they muttered a few words, immediately spread out in the surrounding search up. Ronnie was hiding around the corner, close to them, and as the footsteps got closer, his face turned pale and his palms continued to sweat. Lily was afraid that these men would find him and fired directly at the closest one, luckily Ronnie's pistol didn't make any noise and the man fell straight down after being shot. One of the men looked at him strangely after he fell and asked, "Did he have a heat stroke? why did he suddenly fall to the ground?"
"That's impossible, did all of them get heat stroke?" another short-haired man pointed to the original three fat black men.
The two men rolled over the four people who had fallen to the ground and examined them carefully, finding no wounds. Only then did the short-haired man give up, "Everyone stop searching, these few people are probably suffering from heatstroke, let's carry them inside!"
Just as his words hit the ground, Lily fired two more shots, hitting them just right. The other four heard the short-haired man's screams and came over to see that Short Hair was also lying on the ground. A man in green laughed, "Hannum the idiot, lying down himself."
"No, how can they both have heatstroke at the same time? there must be another reason," the other became suspicious.
"Look, they're still breathing, they just fainted." the man in green reached out and touched the short-haired man's nostrils.
As he spoke, Lily fired four more shots, but the last one didn't hit, and the man in green just happened to see her strike, he turned and ran, shouting as he did, "There's an ambush.”
Lily rushed after him and fired two more shots after him, taking out the last man. She called out to Ronnie and the two of them quietly approached the door and looked inside, it didn't matter if they didn't look, when they did Ronnie fainted and passed out from the shock, but before he passed out he seemed to see another Ronnie. Until the next day when he woke up, Lily saw him waking up happy, "You finally woke up, great."
"Sister, where are we? it seems like we're back in the 'Umbrella House'!"
"Sister? what sister? I'm not your sister, I'm Lily, look carefully," Lily said eagerly.
"Lily? who's Lily?" Ronnie asked with a confused look on his face as he sat up with a start.
"I'm Lily!" Lily pointed at herself, "Have you forgotten?"
"You, you're not my sister!" Ronnie looked at her with a scowl on his face and suddenly struck out and choked her, shouting, "Come on, where are you hiding my sister?"
"Cough cough ... help ..." Lily struggled desperately, but she was too weak to resist. Seeing that she was going to be strangled alive, luckily she remembered the ice needle gun in her pocket and pulled it out to shoot Ronnie in the stomach.Ronnie fell back on the bed with a few convulsions and then didn't move. "Could he be crazy?" she didn't dare think any further. Seeing that Ronnie wouldn't wake up for a while, she closed the door tightly, then leaned back in one of the chairs and fell asleep. She hadn't closed her eyes for two days and was too tired to wake up until the next morning. When she opened her eyes, Ronnie was long gone. She took out her Crystal Bean and set it to "5", then followed the instructions and found herself back at the Chirpan Restaurant, but only found one of Ronnie's shirts, he wasn't there. She picked up the shirt and reached into a few pockets to see what she could find, but found nothing but a Crystal Bean and two Bira Coins. She was very disappointed, the change of the past few days, made her heart haggard.She sat on her butt on the curb, buried her head between her knees, and sobbed heartbreakingly, "Why is it like this? ... why is it like this ?... "
Ronnie's feet were like stepping on cotton at that time, and his whole body was floating lightly.He came to You City Preparatory School, the place where he went to school when he was a child, "Michiko should go to school here!" he thought to himself.
"Isn't that Ronnie? why is he topless?" a female classmate covered her face and screamed.
Her scream attracted a crowd of onlookers, people pointing and asking for anything and everything, including autographs. Ronnie had a smile on his face and answered every request, "Do any of you know where Michiko is?" he asked.
"Michiko? who is she? never heard of her," One of them replied.
"So tall," Ronnie compared a hand in front of his eyes, "very cute looking girl with dimples on her face."
The crowd still shook their heads to show they didn't know, and he was furious, "Get out! I've done so much for you and you can't help at all,” after saying this, he grabbed an autographed book and tore it to pieces with both hands.
His madness frightened the classmates and they all ran away screaming. At that moment, a school florist nearby saw this and recognized Ronnie, waved at him and called out, "Come here, I know where Michiko is.”
Ronnie was delighted and hurriedly trotted over, "You really know?"
"Of course I know, but she's not at school, she's somewhere else," the florist said.
"Where is she? can you tell me?" Ronnie pleaded.
The florist looked around first, then lowered his voice and said, "Just wait, I'm off work in half an hour, then I'll take you to find her, you go wait for me in front of the school now."
"Okay!" Ronnie happily ran to the school entrance and waited. Half an hour later the florist came. He came from outside the school, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with that. When the other man approached him, he said, "Come on! I'll take you to Michiko."
"You're so nice!" Ronnie said and followed. The two walked for about ten minutes, one after the other, to a low one-story house, and the florist raised his hand and pointed, "Michiko is inside, you can see her when you go in."
Ronnie had no doubt and pushed his way into the house. As he was about to ask where the person was, there was a sudden blackness in front of his eyes, and his head was covered with a black cloth, and then his hands and feet were bound tightly. He was so frightened that he shouted, "What are you doing? where is Michiko? call her out quickly."
The florist was afraid that his screams would alert the neighbors, so he hurriedly removed the black cloth from his head and stuffed it into his mouth.

continue to next part