by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:07:11

A woman in her forties appeared in front of Ronnie's eyes and she was quite good looking. His mouth was gagged and all he could do was say, "Oooh! Woo! Woo!" The woman removed the black cloth from his mouth and asked, "What do you want to say?"
"You're not Michiko, don't try to imitate her."
The woman laughed, "I am Michiko, don't you recognize me?"
"Dana, don't joke with him or he'll get even crazier," the florist said.
"You say he's Ronnie? why does he look like a bum? and naked," the woman asked, looking at Ronnie skeptically.
"You can't go wrong with that," the florist laughed.
"He's crazy, why did you bring him back?"
"He's crazy but not stupid, he can still do a lot of things, let's get him in the house first," the florist pushed Ronnie into the house.
"Where's Michiko? call her quickly!" Ronnie shouted again when he reached the house. He had barely finished yelling when his mouth was gagged again.
Lily had searched the Shire Town all day and still hadn't found Ronnie; she couldn't get in or out. She couldn't go back to the City-state, and she didn't know where to go from there. She thought of Saria, the former Holy Virgin who had left the City-state and was doing well in her company. When Saria learned of Ronnie's disappearance, she rushed out to look for him, but again came up empty-handed.
Ronnie had been taken by the florists to the "Pampas," a place far from the city where no one knew him. He hadn't bathed in three months, his hair was unkempt like a chicken's nest, with a few flies on the ends, and he smelled bad. Dana, displeased with her husband, said, "You picked up a madman and brought him home and said he could do things for you, and now what, nothing has been accomplished and he's been eating for nothing for over three months.”
The florist regretted as well, he had originally intended for Ronnie to bring him a windfall, counting on him to invent something small and sell it for a good price, but he didn't realize that he was getting worse and worse from the madness, and lately he didn't even speak anymore, only giggled.
"So what do you say?" the florist asked.
"Blast him out, he's a wreck now."
"Blast him out?" the florist froze and only said after a long time, "then he'll definitely starve to death."
"What? you still can't let him go?"
"Well, alas! I can't imagine the hero of the City-state ending up like that," the florist rose in pity.
Early the next morning, Ronnie was driven from the stable by the florist and his wife. He was dressed in a flowery robe and had a mutton leg hanging from his chest that the florists had given him to eat. As soon as he came out of the stable, he ran away like a wild horse. He ran to a hillside, saw a flock of sheep grazing, was suddenly happy, rushed over to catch them, the sheep were frightened and scattered. He was so angry that he jumped to his feet, but there was nothing he could do, so he had to continue running wildly forward, running three kilometers in one breath. Tired of running, he threw back his head and fell asleep, not knowing how much time had passed when a light breeze blew by. He awoke with a cold shiver, took a bite of the leg of lamb on his chest, got up, and continued to run.He made his way south, walking and stopping, and on the third day, the leg of lamb was finally chewed up. He was so hungry that he grabbed the grass on the ground and stuffed it into his mouth, and after two more days of this, he finally collapsed from hunger.
"Brother, come and look, there seems to be a dead man here," the one who spoke was a dark-skinned woman in her thirties.
"It stinks, how long has this person been dead?" another man approached and asked a question.
"Huh! he seems to have moved a bit," the woman couldn't help but gasp.
"Could it be that he's still alive? should we rescue him?" the man asked.
"Forget it, let's go! strange stench," the woman said as she started to walk around.
The two had only taken a few steps when they heard the dead man say, "Water! water! sister, I'm thirsty."
They stopped and turned around at the same time when they heard the call. The woman covered her nose and said, "It looks like we're going to have to save him a little while longer, I'm the softest of hearts and I can't stand to see others suffer."
 "Shabano, you are quite the talker," the man laughed.
"Turner, why are you laughing? don't I speak the truth? go get a horse and let it carry this stinking man."
"Why should I go? you're the one trying to save him," Turner looked reluctant, but he went anyway. About ten minutes later, he brought a horse, and the two of them fought back the nausea to lift Ronnie onto the horse and lay him down. The man and woman were brother and sister, ranchers on the prairie, living in a tent. It wasn't far from where they lived. In a moment, they arrived in front of the tent.
"Brother, you wash him!"
"You saved the man, why should I wash him?" Turner became more and more dissatisfied.
"I'm a girl, so you can't make me wash him, right?"
"Why not? he's just a bum anyway, what's the difference between a man and a woman?"
"I'll do it, you take off all his dirty clothes first, I'll take him to the river."
Turner stripped Ronnie in a short time. Shabano got a milking cart and threw Ronnie on it and pushed him towards the river. She hummed as she went, and before she knew it, she came to the river, which had a ramp, and she dumped Ronnie right out of the cart like a piece of garbage. Ronnie rolled down the ramp and into the river, which immediately went over his head. He woke up as soon as he choked on the water, and Shabano called from above, "Stinking man, do you want me to wash you?"
But her question went unanswered. Ronnie looked at her, stunned and confused. "Why are you mute again?" Shabano thought to herself.
She finally came down to help Ronnie wash, and after scrubbing for almost two hours, she finally scrubbed him clean. When she saw Ronnie's face, she couldn't help but squeal, "Brother, I picked up a monkey.”
After returning to the tent, the siblings literally raised Ronnie as a monkey, feeding him, tying a rope around his neck, giving him only a small pair of shorts to wear, and tying him to the door. At night, "Brother, there should be a name for 'monkey.'"
"He just kept calling 'Michiko' and 'Sister', does he have a wife too?" Turner looked incredulous.
"Maybe 'Michiko' is his sister."
Turner nodded deeply, "That must look like a mother monkey."
Shabano laughed madly, "Or we could just call him 'Stinky Monkey.'"
They talked some more and went to bed. It rained late into the night. Ronnie was chained to the door with no cover, and he was sound asleep when the rain woke him up and he went, "Woo! Woo!" he yelled, "Water, water, water!"
The brother and sister were awakened by him, "Brother, go out and see what he is calling for?"
"It's raining outside, shall we bring him inside?"
"Where will he sleep? he must be all wet by now, I don't want to huddle with him," Shabano said.
"Oh right, better yet, let the rain give him a bath," Turner said and lay down.
The next morning, the siblings woke up to find that Ronnie was gone, "Where's the 'monkey'? did he escape?"
"Look for him quickly! maybe he didn't go far." The duo immediately split up and started looking. Ronnie was still excited when it started to rain last night, barking and jumping around. Later on, the temperature got lower and lower and he couldn't help but shiver from the cold, being wet and wearing only a pair of shorts.
He tried to hide and found that his neck was tied, but he didn't try to untie it, he just rushed forward desperately, but the rope wasn't very strong and it broke in a few moments. When he broke free of the rope, he ran madly until almost dawn, when he found a wooden house in front of him, where a couple and a seven- or eight-year-old boy were living. They were shocked to see a naked man bursting in, and the man raised a shotgun to his head and shouted angrily, "Who are you?"
Ronnie said nothing, just looked at the man and smiled maniacally. His smile gave the man the creeps and the man was about to shoot when he collapsed. "Daddy, did you shoot him?" the little boy asked.
"No! he was the one who fell all by himself," the man was busy explaining.
The woman came over and touched Ronnie's forehead and said, "He seems to have a fever."
The husband and wife teamed up to carry him into a utility room next door, gathered a small clearing, spread hay, and laid the man flat on it. The wife also found fever-reducing pills and gave them to Ronnie herself. At noon, the little boy came into the utility room and asked innocently: "Why hasn't he woken up? I'm waiting for him to turn on his heel."
"Mara, don't be ridiculous, uncle is sick, how can he turn his heel for you?" the woman said.
"So when will he wake up?" Mara asked.
"I don't know, maybe he'll wake up soon, let's go outside first!" the woman said, taking the little boy's hand and walking out the door.
Ronnie woke up an hour after the mother and son duo left, he kept screaming, "Starving, starving!"
The mother and son rushed over when they heard the cries and the woman spoke up and asked, "What do you need, sir?"
Ronnie looked at the strange woman in front of him and said, "Where is Sister? why haven't you given me anything to eat yet?"
"Wait here for a moment, I'll bring you some food." A moment later, the woman brought a piece of pastry and two eggs. Ronnie grabbed it and stuffed it into his mouth, finishing the pancake in three or two bites. He didn't peel the eggs either, just put them right in his mouth and bit into them. "Mom, that uncle is an idiot," Mara finally realized.
The woman also saw that something was wrong with Ronnie, fearing that he would suddenly go crazy after eating, she pulled her son back a step. Unexpectedly, the crazy man finished eating, smiled and said to her, "Thank you!"
"Uncle, what's your name? why are you naked?" the little boy asked curiously.
 "My name is Ronnie, and Ronnie is me," Ronnie said, pointing to the tip of his nose.
"Ronnie? why is that name so familiar? I think I've heard it before," the woman said after thinking about it. She had gone to school and visited some cities, she had seen the world. But she quickly gave up and stopped thinking about it. Ronnie wiped his mouth and walked out the door, and the little boy called out sharply, "Uncle, where are you going? you haven't turned heel yet."
"Turn heel? how to turn?"
"Just like me," the little boy immediately put his hands on the ground and demonstrated.
"I can do it too," Ronnie followed suit and did three flips.
The little boy clapped his hands and said, "Mommy, I like this uncle, keep him!"
The woman did not answer, but turned and went into the cabin. Not long after, she brought out a top and a pair of pants and said to Ronnie, "Mister, take this shirt and pants with you to wear, don't catch cold again."
Ronnie reached out and took them, immediately took off his shorts, exposing his bare ass, and put on the pants in front of the woman. The woman knew he was out of his mind and didn't bother, just blushed slightly and turned her head away. Ronnie, feeling the woman's kindness, put his clothes back on and then bowed to her.
Just then the man returned from outside with a white boy who called out, "Yani, look who's here."
"Ceci, what brings you here?" Yani said happily.
"I came to see you, sis, school's out for a few days," he saw Ronnie standing next to him and asked again, "Huh! who's that guy? he looks a little familiar."
"Of course it looks familiar, uncle looks like a monkey and he's good at cartwheels too."
Yani explained, "He's a passerby, sick and resting at home for a bit."
Ceci nodded and Yani added to her husband, "Take Ceci into the house and sit down, I'll be there in a minute."
The man agreed and led Ceci into the back room. Yani wanted to say a few words to Ronnie but realized he was long gone.

continue to next part