by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:07:48

After Ronnie escaped, the Turner siblings followed his footprints all the way. At that moment, they happened to see Ronnie halfway down the road, and Shabano shouted, "Stinking monkey, let's see where you're going, now we've got you.”
Seeing the two fierce and vicious guys coming at him, Ronnie's heart was afraid, so he turned around and pulled his legs to run toward the hut. The brother and sister rushed to catch up, Yani's family of four were now chatting in the house, they saw Ronnie go and return, not a moment, just about to ask questions. Ronnie pointed behind him, his voice shaking slightly, "Someone is trying to kill me!" In a flash, he hid behind Yani. As soon as Shabano entered the house, he pointed to the male owner and shouted, "Labov, so it's you who kidnapped my monkey, hand him over quickly.”
Labov is Yani's husband, he knows Shabano, he knows that this brother and sister are famous scoundrels in the grasslands, in the past he has long wanted to teach them a lesson, just did not find the right opportunity. This time, they came to the door on their own, it was just the right time to teach them a lesson. He stepped forward and yelled, "Shabano, I don't know what you're talking about, you're not welcome here, get out!"
Shabano's face changed slightly and unconsciously took a step back. At this time, Turner on the side pulled her sleeve and said, "Look, the stinking monkey is behind that woman."
"Woman?" Shabano sniffed, fixed her eyes and saw Ronnie's head shrink at the sight, this time she shouted even more happily, "Good, the stinking monkey is indeed hiding behind the woman," with that she walked over to Yani. Ronnie saw her come over and grab Yani's legs tightly, screaming under his breath, "Don't come over, don't come over, it'll kill me, it'll kill me!"
Yani heard him screaming miserably, her heart couldn't take it anymore. She opened her arms and stopped Shabano and shouted, "You are too much, why are you making it difficult for a person in need?"
"Go away, he's my monkey!" Shabano yelled, and with a turn came around behind her and went for Ronnie, calling out as she pulled, "Brother, come and help."
Turner was about to step forward when Labov stopped him, "Go away!" Turner brandished a fist in anger. Labov ducked to avoid the blow, then backhanded him, grabbing his wrist and twisting it violently outward. Turner screamed in pain, opened his mouth and bit down hard on the back of Labov's hand, Labov ate the pain and punched him on the bridge of his nose. Only to hear a "snort" sound, Turner's face was drenched in blood, bright red blood coming straight out of his nostrils. As he felt his face covered in blood, he let out a cry of "wow". On the other side of Shabano, seeing that his brother had been beaten so badly, she threw down a nearby chair, hard at the back of Labov's head. Labov couldn't dodge in time and his head was smashed, his whole body swayed a few times and he fell to the ground. Ronnie hid behind Yani to reveal half of his head, Labov's mouth of sprayed blood splattering his face. As if he suddenly remembered something, he covered his head and screamed miserably, "No!"
Shabano saw the killing and panicked. She pulled up her brother, who was still wiping tears from his eyes, and rushed out the door. Yani and her brother Ceci picked up Labov, only to see that the back of his head had been beaten out of a large bloody hole, the blood flowing freely, and that he was already dead. Yani cried out in pain and held her husband's body for a long time, not wanting to let go.
On the third day, the two siblings buried Labov behind their house, and two days later, Ceci returned to school. Only Ronnie, Yani, and their son remained. Ronnie remembered everything a few days ago when he woke up with a mouthful of blood, but he didn't want to accept it and didn't dare to think deeply about it. Now that he had lost everything, he just wanted to start his life over. Labov had died for him, and he felt the need to help Yani and her son. Yani's family are not really ranchers, and it turns out that their financial income has always depended on Labov's work in the town. In the month they have spent together, Ronnie has come to like it here, too. The little boy, Mara, had also gotten over the grief of losing his father and played with him all day. Early this morning, Mara took his hand and said, "Uncle Monkey, there is no food in our house now, will you have to leave us?"
"No, I will take care of you and your mother," with that he led Mara back to the hut. Yani saw them come in and said embarrassed, "I'm sorry Mr. Ronnie, there is no food today."
"You don't have any food either, I'll think of something!" Ronnie said, paused for a moment, and then asked, "Where did your husband used to work?"
"In town, about twenty kilometers from here."
"And what did he do?"
"He was an accountant," Yani wondered in her mind why Ronnie was asking this, but said it anyway.
"Accounting," Ronnie laughed mentally, it was too easy for him, but he didn't want to reveal his identity and felt that this kind of work was just right. "Can you take me there? I'd like to apply for the job."
"You?" Yani looked at Ronnie with a skeptical look, "I heard this job is kind of hard and you have to use your brain."
 "What? you don't think I'm smart enough?" Ronnie laughed.
"No, no, then I'll take you there!" Yani waved her hand and said.
At that time, Mara suddenly asked, "Uncle, can you ride a horse?"
"Ride a horse?" Ronnie thought Mara wanted him to get down on the ground and give him a ride.
"It's more than twenty kilometers from town, so of course you have to ride a horse to get there," Yani explained.
"Oh!" Ronnie realized.
"It's okay if you don't know how to ride, mom knows how to ride, she'll take you."
"Well then Mara you can come too," Ronnie said.
"I won't go, you two go and go fast."
Ronnie was a little uncomfortable, he wanted to brought Mara because he wanted him to sit in the middle so it wouldn't be too awkward with Yani.
Instead, Yani graciously said, "Let's go!"
The duo walked out the door and into the stables. The stables were small, with only four horses. Yani brought over one of the largest brown horses and rolled onto it, then turned to Ronnie and said, "You come up too."
Ronnie followed her example and got on the horse as well. Yani was pulling the reins in front and he was sitting in the back with nowhere to put his hands, he wanted to go and put his arms around Yani's waist but he felt it was inappropriate. Just when he didn't know what to do, she took the initiative and spoke: "Wrap your arms around me, or you'll easily fall off".
 "No need! no need! I can sit well."
Yani turned her head and laughed, "What? you're still shy? like a little girl."
"Just cuddle, that's what you said, just don't say I'm a hooligan when the time comes," Ronnie said in his heart. He reached out and wrapped his arms around her waist so they were close together.
"Let's go," Yani was actually a bit embarrassed. She had no words to ask, "Ronnie, why did you come to this grassland?"
"I don't remember much about the last few months, I just felt that everything around me was like a dream, and I arrived here in a blur," Ronnie sighed.
"So what were you doing before, do you remember?"
"This ...." Ronnie hesitated, not knowing if he should tell her the truth or not. "If it's uncomfortable, you don't have to say anything, I understand."
"You're my benefactor, I can't lie to you, I used to be a scientist in You City in the South American district."
"A scientist? there was a scientist who invented the 'Enlightenment Chip' also named Ronnie, could it be you?" Yani asked in surprise.
"Yes, that person is me."
Only to hear a "Phew!" Yani pulled back on the reins, "What's wrong? why did you stop?" Ronnie asked.
"I'm sorry, I'm just so happy, my husband and I have been trying to save up to have Mara implanted with an 'Enlightenment Chip', but that wish never came true, and it's wonderful to see you today!"
"I've got two more here, eek!" Ronnie remembered that he'd left his clothes at the Chirpan Restaurant in Shire Town.
"Sorry, I think I lost them."
Yani was pleased to hear that there were two Enlightenment Chips, but disappointed that he had lost them so quickly. Ronnie comforted her, "It doesn't matter, with me here, I will definitely implant Mara with the 'Enlightenment Chips', don't worry."
"I trust you," Yani was happy again when she heard him say that. "Giddyup!" They continued on their way. The two of them chatted and got much closer, no longer awkward.
"Yani, I hope you won't reveal my identity, there are enemies after me now."
"Okay, I will definitely keep your secret for you, will you change your name? the name Ronnie has too much fame, it's easy to be exposed."
"Good!" Ronnie thought for a moment and said, "You can call me 'Moe' from now on! I kind of like that name." Moe was the name of a member of the Grand Council of Elders in the City-state, and the name suddenly flashed through his mind and he said it.
"Well, let's go, 'Moe,'" Yani said as she stomped hard on both legs and the horse ran quickly forward. About forty minutes later, the two of them arrived at "Tarpan Town", which was the largest town within a hundred kilometers, with a permanent population of more than 20,000 people, much larger than "Shire Town". There are various shops in the town, but most of them mainly sell cattle, sheep, and horse products, and it is an important trading place in the nearby grasslands. The two rolled over and dismounted their horses, tied them to a tree at the entrance of the town, and then entered the town on foot. Yani was introducing the goods to Ronnie as they walked when a merchant called out, "Yani, you found a man so quickly?"
Yani's face flushed and she didn't answer, pulling Ronnie up to a faster pace. All the way to the center of town, they stopped. "Who was that guy?" Ronnie asked:
Yani was silent for a moment, she didn't know how to speak, after a while she said, "That person is called 'Toddles', he used to want to be good to me, I rejected him a few times."
"Oh! looks like there are a lot of men after you," Ronnie laughed.
Yani smiled back, "I'll drop you off here, this place is called 'Hatchards Bookstore', just keep going straight and you'll see it, I'll wait for you here."
"Okay!" Ronnie nodded and walked forward alone, looking around as he walked, unknowingly arriving at a place called 'Hatchards Bookstore', lifting his foot and stepping inside, a man asked, "May I ask what kind of book you wish to buy, sir? I can point you in the right direction."
"I don't want to buy a book, I'm here looking for a job, do you need someone here who can keep books?"
"Oh! then you'll have to find our boss, I can't do that," the man said disappointedly.
"Where is your boss?"
"Please wait a moment, I'll ask him to come out," the man said and ran into the back room. It wasn't long before a tall man in gray came out, he saw Ronnie and asked, "Are you the one looking for a job?"
The tall man looked Ronnie up and down, "How old are you? you look like you're in your forties."
"You guessed right, I'm thirty-nine."
The big man listened with a look of disgust, "What do you do at that age?"
"This!" Ronnie was difficult, if he didn't become a scientist, he really didn't know what he could do, after a while he said, "Do you need a guy here who can do bookkeeping?"
"I'm so sorry you're late, we already hired one two days ago, but ..." the owner was about to continue.
Instead, Ronnie spoke, "Thank you very much, I'll take my leave then," after he finished speaking, he hurried out of the store. The boss didn't react for a moment, he couldn't understand why this middle-aged man had to leave in such a hurry, "What a hothead," he shook his head and turned to go back to the back room. Ronnie left in such a hurry because something occurred to him. If he wanted to find a job, he would have to open Nine Stars Payment, which was issued by Nine Stars United, the Crow Organization's backer, so he would be completely exposed. Therefore, he could only give up his intention of looking for a job.

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