by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:08:46

That day, Mara came running to ask Yani, "Mom, what exactly is your relationship with the uncle?"
"Why do you ask?" Yani asked back.
"The people outside say that you and Uncle are cheating on each other and that you are the most shameless woman in the grasslands."
"Don't listen to their nonsense."
"So what exactly is your relationship?" Mara asked next.
Yani didn't know how to answer, "It's just that I .... I ...," she stammered.
"I'll ask Uncle," Mara said and ran off to ask Ronnie. Ronnie was still in the lab, he was planning to make some sheep herding robots, he saw Mara running in and asked with a smile, "Mara, why are you looking for me?"
"Uncle, are you going to marry Mom?"
"This!" Ronnie thought for a moment before saying, "I haven't thought about that, besides I have had a wife before and I don't want to get married again right now."
"Oh, I see, you don't want to marry Mom, do you?"
"There's no point in me thinking about it, I'd have to get your mom's permission too," Ronnie laughed.
"Fine!" Mara said and ran out and came back to Yani, "I'm relieved that Uncle said he doesn't want to marry you."
"Did he really say that?"
"Yes! if you don't believe me, ask him," Mara tilted his head and looked at his mother with a sincere face and said.
Since the lab was built, except for eating and sleeping, Ronnie had stayed inside most of the time for the past two years. Yani rarely talked to him, and the two of them were even stranger than they had been two years ago. This time she was ready to find Ronnie to have a good talk, when she just entered the lab, Ronnie said to her, "Yani, come over here for a moment, I'll show you something.”
"What is it?" Yani asked curiously.
"Look at this," Ronnie pointed to a robot and said, "This is a robot that can herd sheep, the conditions here are too crude, otherwise it could have been made a long time ago, it has been hard for you for two years, so you won't have to herd sheep every day in the future."
"Great, so that in the future we will have time and can ..." Yani clapped her hands happily, but was interrupted before she could finish her sentence.
 "What did you want to see me about?" Ronnie asked.
 "Mara just told me that you don't want to marry me, do you?" Yani's voice grew small as she said this. But Ronnie was surprised to hear it and he explained, "Yani, I've been mad before and I don't know when I'll have a relapse of my illnesses and I've had two wives but they're both dead and I want you to find a more normal man, not someone like me."
"Is that what's in your heart?" Yani asked through clenched teeth.
"Yes, I hope you understand."
"Good!" Hearing that, Yani hid her face and turned and ran out of the room. Ronnie mumbled after she left, "I'm sorry."
The next day, Yani ran off on a blind date, Ronnie didn't know. After three more days, she brought a young man, only in his twenties, She introduced him to Ronnie, "This is Lelan Pierre, my boyfriend."
Lelan turned to him and said, "Moe, I heard about you and Yani, but from now on she's my girlfriend, so you can't get too close to her or I won't let you off the hook."
Hearing the other man's threatening words, Ronnie frowned and didn't say anything, just nodded and went back to work. Yani originally brought the man home to be angry with Ronnie, but she didn't expect that later on, the more they played, the more they got real, and gradually fell in love with Lelan, and it wasn't long before the two of them were living together. Ronnie used to sleep in the hut, there was only one room, he used to sleep on one side with Yani, in the middle he pulled up a piece of cloth to cover himself. Since Lelan came, he moved into the lab. One night in the middle of the night, he finished his experiment and wanted to go back to the hut to find his shoes, just as he entered the room he heard Yani's soft moans coming from the covering cloth, he hurriedly retreated and unexpectedly bumped into one of the barrels in the doorway, Lelan yelled, "Who is it?"
"Sorry it's me, sorry for the noise," Ronnie was busy apologizing. His voice sounded strange in the dark, like it was coming from his throat. After he was gone and Lelon had finished venting, he put his arm around Yani and said, "Why don't you throw him out? what's it like for an outsider to live here?"
"Will you raise me after he's gone? don't forget, everything here now is earned by Ronnie."
"Ronnie? I thought you said his name was Moe, how come it's Ronnie again?"
Yani saw that she had let her mouth slip, so she had to tell Lelan the truth. Lelan was overjoyed to hear it, "Then he is the money tree of our family."
The next day, Lelan got up early and went to the lab to find Ronnie. Ronnie heard those panting sounds last night and didn't sleep well all night, thinking about it until almost dawn. Just then he was awakened and asked with a displeased look on his face, "What's your business?"
"I know you are Ronnie, I heard that you can make robots that are just like humans, I hope you can make some of them."
As soon as Ronnie heard him call out his real name, he woke up most of the time, he thought to himself, "Looks like Yani betrayed me."
"I'm sorry, it's so sketchy in here,I can't make robots like that," he replied.
"Then I don't care, you figure this out!"
Ronnie didn't bother with him and went back to sleep. Lelan got angry, "Do you hear me? I'm limiting you to two months or I'll turn you in."
"Turn me in?" Ronnie sat up with a start and asked curiously, "I'm not a murderer, what are you turning me in for?"
"Turning in your enemies, of course."
"You know my enemies?"
"I just need to check and I will know, the enemies of a person like you will not be small people, it's easy to check."
"Then go out! I'll think of something else," Ronnie finally said.
After Lelan left, he thought to himself, "Maybe it's time to get out of here, luckily he gave me two months and I was able to make some preparations.” He didn't want to tell Yani anything about it, and then he started his intensive preparations. First, he gave Yani the two shepherd robots he had made, and then he went about his business. After Yani had the shepherd robots, she spent the whole day with Lelan. Lelan would go to the lab in a few days to ask Ronnie about the progress of his robots, and Ronnie was working on them, but for himself. Two months were fast approaching and early this morning he found Yani and took something out of his pocket and said to her, "This is the 'Enlightenment Chip' I promised to give you, keep it."
Yani was overjoyed, "How did you get this? or did you make it yourself?"
Ronnie smiled and didn't explain. This chip was a bodyguard robot that he had made in exchange for it in the past two months, and it was impossible to make an "Enlightenment Chip" here. And this bodyguard robot is also very simple, much less than the "Shadow" robot. "I want to say goodbye to you today, now that you've settled down here, it's time for me to leave."
Yani was surprised to hear this and asked, "Why? don't you want to forget the past? could it be that you want to go back?"
"I don't know, I haven't thought about it yet, maybe wander the grasslands," Ronnie said and left the lab. As he was about to leave the door he turned and said, "Good luck."
In the afternoon, Lelan was furious when he heard that Ronnie had left, "Why didn't you stop him? he hasn't made me a human robot yet."
"What human robot?" Yani asked.
Instead of answering the question, Lelan asked back, "How long has he been gone?"
He was about to chase him out when Yani pulled him back and said, "Don't chase him, he left in the morning."
By now Ronnie had reached the town of Tarpan. He still couldn't ride a horse and had traveled nearly eight hours to get here. He wanted to try his luck at Hatchard's bookstore to see if he could get a job. When the big man saw him, it was as if he were his relative, "Do you still want to be a bookkeeper?"
"Yes, aren't you full?"
"Don't mention it, I fired the guy, but this wage will ..." When the big man started to continue, Ronnie jumped in front of him, "I don't want a wage, you just have to feed me and have a place to live. "
The big man was overjoyed to hear this, not expecting to hire a fellow who didn't want to be paid today, he patted his chest and assured, "Don't worry, I won't treat you badly.”
Hatchards Bookstore has four floors, the first floor is the bookstore, the second floor is the reading room and the warehouse, the third and fourth floors are the staff and the owner's family quarters, here plus Ronnie a total of seven employees, three of them are salesmen, two handymen responsible for carrying books and running feet, and there is also a warehouse keeper. The warehouse manager was the only woman among the seven, a little chubby, in her thirties, and still single. As soon as she saw Ronnie, she gave him a look of contempt, and Ronnie wondered in his mind, "I didn't offend her!"
Ronnie lived on the third floor at street level and had the largest room of the seven employees. The boss had given him this room because he hadn't asked for his wages, and he later learned that it had originally belonged to the female custodian. As soon as he entered the room, he noticed the smell of women's perfume, the room was a mess, and most of the three paintings on the wall had been torn off, so he had to clean it up again. He first threw out all the things he didn't want, then he made the bed and put on new sheets, and under the bed he also found a crystal rod more than thirty centimeters long, which he picked up and looked at carefully, saying to himself, "This seems to be used by women."
His usual job was to keep track of the books coming in and going out and the accounts, etc., as long as the text input was under his control. There was one day off a week, and usually he would go to dinner on time, and when he was done he would return to his quarters, he never hung out with anyone else. After closing the door, he would start making little things to trade for alcohol and needed materials. These little things were toys and household items, such as the shoes he invented that glowed and were very popular with children, and he would take them to the streets on his weekend days off. He usually only exchanges them, not sells them,If the others do not have anything to exchange for the item, they have to exchange it with "birra coins". In one month, he has earned one Bira coin. Today he changed his location and ran to the place where he had set up his stall with Yani last time, "Time flies, I don't know how long it has been since I came out of Yani's house, I wonder how she is now," he thought in his mind. There are such coincidences in this world, when he was just thinking about this woman, there was a cool and familiar voice behind him, "Ronnie, why are you here?"
"I ... "Ronnie turned around in surprise and froze for a moment.
Yani saw that he was stalling again, thinking he didn't have any money, and pulled two cakes out of a paper bag and shoved them hard into his hands, "You eat first! after you eat, you come home with me!"
Ronnie did not know whether to laugh or cry , he took the cakes and asked, "You came out alone? didn't Lelan come with you?"
Lelan was lying on the couch at home. Yani didn't have to tend the sheep and had nothing to do, every day she took the sheep's milk to town to sell, at first the two of them came out together, within a few days Lelan got annoyed and stopped coming. Yani didn't force him, so she came out on her own.

continue to next part