by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:09:14

"No, he has something going on at home," Yani lied a little.
Ronnie took a quick look at Yani and found her much more feminine than before. She wore her long hair up, lipstick on her lips, and a tight, short top that revealed a round navel. "It seems that only women in love are like that!" he thought to himself, "Do you live well with him?" he asked without words.
"Uh-huh!" Yani nodded, seemingly unwilling to say more, "Ronnie, Come back with me when you've finished eating, Mara misses you too."
"I have a job here, I'm just setting up a stall today for a change, so I won't be coming back with you."
"Where are you working?"
"Just over there," Ronnie pointed with his hand, he didn't want to tell Yani the exact address.
Yani saw that he didn't want to go into details, so she didn't ask any more questions. Disappointed, she said goodbye to Ronnie. After she left, Ronnie closed the stall.
But he didn't notice that Yani was quietly following him. When she saw him enter the "Hatchards Bookstore", she let out a slight exclamation of surprise."Hey, why is he working here?"
Ronnie walked back into the bookstore, and just as he was about to go up the stairs, the female custodian glared at him, cursing under her breath, "Stinking hooligan."
"What's wrong with me? I never talked to you before, did I?" A pang of confusion ran through Ronnie's mind.
"Did you steal my crystal wand?" the Caretaker produced evidence as she spoke.
"You went into my room? I can't believe you're saying I stole it."
"It was mine in the first place, you stole it and hid it in the wardrobe."
"How do you prove it's yours?" Ronnie asked rhetorically.
The duo's bickering attracted the bookstore owner and three guys, "What's going on? " the owner asked.
The female custodian pointed her finger at Ronnie and yelled, "He stole my crystal wand."
"Melissa, aren't you being overly sensitive? It's just a wand, what's there to steal? don't make a fuss," the owner was clearly on Ronnie's side and speaking for him.
"All right, Moe, you wait for me," Melissa finished huffing and turned her head away.
A few people dispersed when they saw that the argument was over. Ronnie went upstairs and closed the door, thinking dejectedly, "How did she get in the house? It was obviously locked."
But he didn't think any more about it, and there was nothing of value here. All his useful things were kept on his body, so that he could leave at any time. He leaned out of the window and looked down, only to see people coming and going in the streets below, all in a hurry. "Where are all these people going, and why are they all in such a hurry?"
Just as he was mesmerized by what he was seeing, there was a knock on the door outside the house. He got up and opened the door, and in came a seventeen or eighteen year old girl, the daughter of the big boss, and as soon as she came in she said to Ronnie, "Moe, do you have any more of your glowing crystal shoes? give me a couple more pairs."
Ronnie's face changed slightly when he heard this. Every time he opened his mouth, he would lose a lot of materials, which was already too much for his poor self. The girl saw his expression and laughed, "I won't ask you for anything without paying this time, so stingy, ” after saying that, she took out a "Bira coin" and put it on the table, Ronnie was embarrassed, "What do you need so many crystal shoes for?"
"My classmates want them, they all love them, " the girl beamed.
"Then come and get them tomorrow."
After the girl left, Ronnie picked up the "Bira coin" from the table and put it in the pocket of his undershirt, hoping to save enough money to buy a horse. He had learned to ride last month by borrowing an old horse from his boss. Now he only had two Bira coins, enough to buy a medium horse, and he wanted to save five to buy a top quality horse. Before he knew it, a new year was approaching, and it had been almost three years since he arrived in the Pampas. One day he received a wedding invitation from Yani. He wondered, "How did she know I was here?"
In fact, this invitation was not given to him by Yani, but Lelan borrowed Yani's name to send it. He came up with this solution when he was afraid that Ronnie wouldn't come, this time he didn't want to make things difficult for Ronnie, he just wanted to show Ronnie that he had finally defeated him and married Yani. "Should I go?" Ronnie was torn for half a day, never able to make up his mind.
In the end, he decided not to go: "If I go, I won't know what to say, and the two of them will be even more embarrassed,” he gave himself an excuse. Yani was already quite pregnant when she got married, she would certainly not take the initiative to invite Ronnie to the wedding. Another half month went by like this and Lelan even found his way to the bookstore and as soon as he saw Ronnie, he shook his fist in his face. "You're crazy!" Ronnie yelled as he was hit.
"Is the baby in Yani's belly yours?" Lelan asked angrily.
"She's having a baby?" Ronnie asked rhetorically without realizing it.
"Come on, is it yours?"
"I haven't even held hands with Yani, how could I have a baby?"
As it turned out, as Yani's belly grew larger and larger, rumors spread throughout the grasslands that Ronnie was the baby's real father. Yani's four-month belly was again larger than the average six-month pregnant woman, and six months ago Lelan didn't even know Yani, so he believed it. Lelan didn't listen to Ronnie's explanation and dragged him off to confront Yani. Ronnie had to go with him to the hut to prove himself. Yani looked confused when she saw him, "Why are you two together?"
Ronnie explained the reason for his visit and Yani turned her head to look at Lelan and said angrily, "You believe the crazy words of those people outside?"
"But why is your belly so big? it doesn't look like more than four months," Lelan justified.
Yani didn't bother to explain as she pulled Ronnie's hand and said, "Come on, let's go inside and sit down."
"Holding hands right in front of me and saying you've never done it before," Lelan finally saw the evidence and said angrily.
"Forget it, I'd better go," Ronnie really didn't want to explain anymore and turned around. He came here on the same horse as Lelan, and when he went back, he could only walk more than twenty kilometers, and he walked until his back and feet ached, strengthening his resolve to buy a horse.
He usually never watches movies, but this time he was eager to see the movie because it starred Saria, the title of the movie is "Ronnie's Story". Saria is a former Holy Virgin girl, the influence is still very strong. The only theater in Tarpan Town, Paradise Cinema, was full and he couldn't get a ticket if he was late. He didn't have any star coins, and he didn't want to use a Bira coin to exchange for a movie ticket. At that moment, he thought of the girl who liked crystal shoes, and after work, he specially guarded the entrance on the third floor. About ten minutes later, the girl came back from school, saw Ronnie and asked, "Moe, what are you doing standing at the entrance of the building? don't block my way."
"Hey!" Ronnie rubbed his hands together and smiled with a suggestive expression, "Isabeth, want to go to the movies?"
Isabeth looked at him cautiously, "What? you're trying to woo me, you're old enough to be my father, I'm not interested."
"How about we make a deal, you take me to the movies and I'll give you a pair of crystal shoes."
"What? and I have to treat you, did I hear you right!" Isabeth pricked up her ears with an incredulous look on her face.
"You didn't hear it wrong, you have to take me to a movie, your father didn't pay me for my work, I don't have any star coins," Ronnie explained further.
"Oh!" Isabeth understood. At the same time she said in her heart, "Dad really is an iron rooster, he makes people work for nothing."
"How about we watch it together in the evening?"
"Yes, but you have to give me two pairs of crystal shoes, and the other pair will be considered an appearance fee for me."
"Deal, I'll meet you downstairs in half an hour," Ronnie immediately agreed.
"Got it, Uncle," Isabeth said with a wave and went upstairs.
Ronnie waited downstairs for more than forty minutes before Isabeth came down, she was wearing an orange low cut dress, her mouth was painted with a sultry lipstick that didn't match her age and her feet were wearing red high heels, "How was it? didn't embarrass you?" she laughed.
"It's not a date, why are you dressed up?" Ronnie frowned.
Isabeth couldn't help but be annoyed, "You're heartless, I'm dressed like this to support your face."
Paradise Cinema was not far from the bookstore, and the two walked for more than ten minutes before arriving. Ronnie took Isabeth's "Nine Stars Payment Card" to buy tickets and found that the queue had already formed into a long line of seventy to eighty people, and he followed the last person, "Why do they still use such a backward way of selling tickets?" he was deeply dissatisfied with the theater's ticket lines, but then he thought, "Maybe this is more of a movie atmosphere!" Just as he was rambling, a person in front of him turned his head and said angrily, "You don't have eyes! you stepped on my foot."
"Sorry! sorry!"
The man gave him a blank stare and ignored him, moving forward in line instead. Before he knew it, twenty minutes had passed and it was finally his turn, but he didn't get the seat, so he had to buy the next one, which didn't start for another three hours, and he wanted to find a place to pass the time.
"Moe, let me buy you a drink!" Isabeth offered.
"You're not going to ask me to give you a pair of crystal shoes again, are you?" Ronnie asked with a laugh.
"What do I need so many shoes for? I just find you mysterious as a person."
"What's mysterious about me?"
"You hide inside all day, you don't interact with the other employees, you don't want money for your work but you want 'Bira coins' and you know a lot, like you can do anything."
"You didn't want to buy me a drink? get out of here!" Ronnie hastily changed the subject.
They found a coffee shop and sat down, "Moe, why do you want to see this movie so bad? you're not that kind of guy." Isabeth asked.
"Saria is a great beauty, all men love to watch her, what's so strange?" Ronnie explained with a smile.
"I don't believe what you say, don't try to fool me."
While the two were talking, a blond boy next to them asked the other, "Mark, what the hell do those words at the end of the movie mean? I didn't get it until now."
"I don't know either, could it be the secret of a treasure?"
"You're crazy, the secret of the treasure has to be put in the credits, then wouldn't everyone in the world know about it?"
"And do you know now? maybe the only way to find the treasure is to decipher the text, Saria is worthy of the woman I look up to, she can think of such methods."
The blond boy laughed, "She likes the stink on you, I guess!"
Ronnie heard them talking and asked them, "Did you get the text? maybe I can read it."
They both shook their heads at the same time, "No!"
Isabeth looked at Ronnie, "Can you really read it?"
"I mean maybe, listen carefully."
The two drank cup after cup of coffee, with Ronnie going to the bathroom in between, and three hours finally came.

continue to next part