by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:10:00

Isabeth pulled Ronnie's sleeve as if she was afraid of getting lost, and the two of them walked side by side to the theater, where their seats were further back. When they found them, they sat down and the movie started right on time, with Saria playing Ronnie's sister Alice and Amandine actually playing Ronnie. Ronnie couldn't help but call out his name when he saw him come out. Isabeth looked confused, "You know this boy? he looks so much like you," she covered her mouth and laughed as she said it.
The story started when Ronnie came to "Shire Town", with some fictionalized stories in the middle, but most of them were familiar to Ronnie. Ronnie's heart was not at peace when he saw his son, who he had always thought was dead. At the end of the movie, when Ronnie's son raises a sword and cuts off his enemy's head, the audience bursts into applause. And at the end of the credits, sure enough, a text appeared that Ronnie knew was the coded text of the Watson family, who had previously taught Amandine and Vega. The text was very short, but it still took him ten minutes to decipher it. The two left the theater and Isabeth, seeing that Ronnie wasn't talking, asked, "What are you thinking about? do you recognize these words?"
"These texts were deciphered in only four words," Ronnie said.
"What four words?"
"Ronnie, go home now!"
"What does that mean? I didn't get it," Isabeth shook her head.
Ronnie didn't respond to her words, but looked up at the sky and muttered, "It's time for me to go home."
The next day, he used one of the Bira coins he had used to buy a horse to buy a plane ticket, and he used the rest to buy a new set of clothes and some food for the road. When he left, he wanted to say goodbye to the big owner, not wanting to leave without saying goodbye. When the other man heard that he was leaving, he repeatedly asked him to stay, but Ronnie insisted. He saw that he couldn't be persuaded and had to give up. Ronnie wondered if he should say something to Yani as well, but in the end he dismissed the idea. After three years of wandering in the Pampas, Ronnie finally made his way home. Three hours later, as the plane slowly landed, he arrived at the airport, more than 50 kilometers from the Shire Town. If he were to walk, it would take him seven or eight hours and he had no Star Coins with him, so he was at a loss. Fortunately, he didn't have to stand for long before a middle-aged man recognized him, and the other man exclaimed in surprise, "Are you Mr. Ronnie?"
Ronnie nodded, "Great, can I take a picture with you?" the middle-aged man asked.
After the two took a picture, Ronnie asked, "Sir, are you going to 'Shire Town'?"
"No, but I'm going somewhere near 'Shire Town.'"
"Oh! how will you get there? I'd like to go with you if it's convenient."
"Sure, I have a car, you can walk with me."
"Thanks!" The middle-aged man led him out more than fifty steps, and then he saw an anti-gravity transportation vehicle that floated more than forty centimeters above the ground and could seat four people. This kind of transportation is called "Air Express" in the "Free World", very expensive. Ronnie had seen it a few times before, but it wasn't available in the City-state, which had always been against personal ownership of transportation, as it would cause traffic congestion and damage the environment. He was a bit curious as it was the first time he had ridden such a vehicle, and as he got on, the middle-aged man spoke, "'Little Furnace', take us quickly to 'Shire Town'."
"Yes, Sir, please sit down, I'll close the shield," Little Furnace replied.
The shield was a clear round glass. When it was closed, the Air Express left the airport in a flash and headed for Shire Town. Although it was only ten minutes, the middle-aged man could ask Ronnie a lot of questions. Ronnie took a ride in someone else's car who was there to answer questions. Then the middle-aged man said excitedly: "I also watched the recent movie "Ronnie's Story," it is really good, when I saw Alice hanging from the tree, I cried, those people were so evil, luckily your son avenged her."
While the two of them were talking, "Shire Town" had arrived, and the middle-aged man reluctantly left. Ronnie wanted to stop by the Chirpan Restaurant first, since that was where they were separated. Lily had been going to Chirpan's every day since the movie aired, hoping to run into Ronnie and feeling guilty about losing him. When Ronnie showed up, she thought she was dreaming and rubbed her eyes, unsure, "Is it really you?"
"It is me, why are you here?"
"Ronnie!" Lily blurted out, tears instantly welling up in her eyes as she took a flying leap into his arms. "I knew you'd come back, for sure!"
Ronnie was surprised to see Lily and was thrilled as well. But he didn't want to be too sentimental and forced a smile, "Lily, your breasts are getting softer and it's quite comfortable to hold me." As soon as he said that, she hugged him tighter, "Is this an attempt to strangle me to death?" he shouted.
The duo hugged for over three minutes, and passersby thought they were a couple in love, applauding and wishing them well. Then someone recognized Ronnie and cajoled, "Ronnie, kiss her!"
Lily heard this and quickly let go, "What? don't you want me to kiss you?" Ronnie laughed.
"Don't be annoying!" Lily blushed. The crowd dispersed as they watched the two separate, uninterested.
"I'll take you to Saria and Amandine," Lily said as she took Ronnie's hand.
As they walked and talked, Lily filled him in on what they had been up to over the past few years. Over the past three years, the Umbrella House Commune, with Lily's full support, had grown to include a film company, "Ronnie's Story" being their first production, and had also launched a number of new products, such as robotic pet dogs and cats, as well as a new communication tool, the "Hummingbird". It can be carried in your pocket or bag, slung over your shoulder, or even flown next to you. When someone contacts you, the Hummingbird will speak, and when you want to navigate, it will show you the way. You can also treat it like a pet bird and feed it with special energy orbs. The Hummingbird was a big hit when it was first released, and the biggest difference between it and the Nine Stars Watch was that it didn't have a payment function. Lily suddenly stopped and pointed to a building in front of her, "This is our new home base.” Ronnie followed her pointing and looked around. He saw a two-story building not far away, with ten columns in front of the entrance, open windows on the second floor, a sign in the middle of the first and second floors that read "Umbrella House Commune", and a circular design with a statue of a woman standing on the roof of the building. When Romain saw it, he asked, "Does that woman look like Yurina?"
"She is Yurina, and Saria said to honor her as the one who started it all."
Ronnie nodded and couldn't help but praise in his heart, "It seems that Saria is still someone who knows how to be grateful."
The two entered the building and immediately someone nodded to Lily, "Hello Ms. Lily."
"Amandine and the others should be on the second floor," Lily said.
As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Amandine rushed down from upstairs calling out, "Dad, you're back!"
Saria also appeared behind him, she also looked excited, "Ronnie! I've been waiting for you."
Qiaoqiaoxing and Amandine's female robot Enos also appeared. A few people went up to the second floor and talked about how much they missed each other, and when everyone's mood gradually calmed down, Amandine began to tell of his glorious deeds. He was foaming at the mouth and spitting saliva in his father's face, and Ronnie didn't mind, he just said, "Slow down, don't be in such a hurry."
Amandine didn't seem to hear, still excited as ever, "You didn't see it, I got some cool moves, raised my big knife and chopped off 'Don Stark's' head."
Let's turn the clock back three years to February 23rd, the day Ronnie and Alice and the others left the City-state. After Ronnie entered the Chirpan Restaurant that day, it wasn't long before Amandine saw some men walking toward the alley with Alice tied up, and he hurriedly called for Qiaoqiaoxing and Enos to follow them. When they reached the alley, a large net fell from the sky and covered the three of them, and they realized that they had been tricked. There were six of them. When the six men realized that Ronnie was not among their captors, they told the two men to escort the three back to the alley, leaving the four men to wait for Ronnie. The two men escorting Ronnie saw that Enos was pretty and thought she was just an ordinary girl, so they untied the rope and tried to molest her. They didn't expect Enos to knock them out as soon as they untied her. Amandine told Enos to go back to the alley with her invisibility cloak to clean up the remaining four men, while he and Qiaoqiaoxing followed. Once the four men were defeated, the three returned to the Chirpan Restaurant to look for Ronnie, but they could not find him. Thinking that Ronnie had been captured, he pressed the six men, who told him that Ronnie had probably been captured at a fishpond 200 kilometers from Shire Town. When the three men arrived at the fishpond, they realized they had been tricked. Two days later, they returned to the Chirpan restaurant and ran into Lily and Saria, who were also looking for Ronnie. Lily was overjoyed to see Amandine, whose cape would enable them to find Ronnie at the fishpond on the pier. When Amandine arrived at the fishpond on the pier with her cape on, he was furious and shook with rage when he saw his aunt and Vega hanging from a tree. He killed all the crows on the spot, and Qiaoqiaoxing was so frightened to see him that he did not dare speak to him for three days. It took Amandine another year and a half to track down Don Stark. While he slept, he cut off his head with a large knife and hung it in front of the Crow headquarters. After Don Stark's death, the Crow organization rescinded its order to kill Ronnie.
Amandine finished his speech with an expectant look on his face, hoping that his father would pay him some compliments. But Ronnie smiled and touched his head, "You did a good job, but don't kill anyone again."
Just listening to the first sentence, Amandine was quite happy, when he heard the second sentence, he was extremely dissatisfied and said, "Dad, you're just too weak to be bullied, whoever dares to mess with the Watson family again, I won't let any of them go."
"Too bad the Watson family has no one left," Ronnie sighed.
"Isn't there still me and Catherine?"
Lily pulled out a shirt and said to Ronnie, "This is what you threw outside of the 'Chirpan Restaurant' back in the day." Ronnie reached over and took it and pulled two 'Bira coins' out of his pocket that his sister had given him and that he always carried with him.

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