by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:10:37

Lily spoke up again, "Do you want to take a look at Alice?"
"What? she's alive?" Ronnie exclaimed.
"No, we brought her back from the dock fish pond because we wanted you to see her again, so we froze her body, and of course Vega's was the same," Lily explained.
"Take me there!"
The bodies of the duo were in the basement. Lily led the way, taking the group down to the negative floor. They passed through two doors and entered a small room. Only two pairs of glass coffins were placed in the center, and inside them lay none other than Alice and Vega. Vega's was fine, it didn't look like she had been tortured much. Alice was much more miserable, her arms were flattened and her face was covered with knife marks. Although Ronnie was prepared for this, he couldn't help but lose his voice when he saw the bodies of the two. The crowd didn't know how to comfort him but could only stand by in silence. After a while, he calmed down. Lily walked over to him and said, "Ronnie, what's your next plan?"
"I want to go to Africa as originally planned, maybe I can find my father there," Ronnie said.
"Okay, I'll go with you."
Two days later, Ronnie took Lily, Amandine, Qiaoqiaoxing, and Enos on a private jet from Umbrella House Commune. Saria bid them a tearful farewell. The plane crossed the Atlantic and landed two hours later in a desolate part of Africa. The five of them got off the plane and walked two kilometers to their destination. Halfway there, Amandine began to complain, "Dad, how much longer do we have to walk? I'm going on an adventure with you, not walking."
"One more kilometer to go, just hang in there a little longer."
"Amandine, do you want me to carry you?" Enos asked.
"Sure! my girlfriend is still the best for me."
Ronnie turned around, surprised to hear this, "You said Enos was your girlfriend? did I hear you right!"
Qiaoqiaoaxing interjected, "And they're getting married! what a great interracial love."
"By the way, Dad, can you turn Enos into a real person?" Amandine asked.
"You're really going to marry Enos?" Ronnie still couldn't process the information he had just received.
"That's for sure, I'm seventeen, I'm at the age where I have things on my mind."
"Amandine, she may look human, but she's just a robot," Ronnie continued to remind.
"What's wrong with a robot? you old fart, didn't you create her too?" Amandine said angrily.
Now Ronnie was completely speechless. Lily also advised, "Ronnie, you need to open your mind a little bit or you're going to be really old, Enos has been living with us for three years. Apart from her fertility, she is no different from any other girl, and she has saved our lives many times, she is a benefactor to several of us, you are not allowed to bully her."
Ronnie looked at Enos and said sincerely, "I'm sorry, I take back what I just said."
"Lord Father, please believe me, I will guard Amandine with my life," Enos said.
A few people chatted and arrived at their destination. Ronnie took out his locator and looked around, "Weird? there should be a big rock here, why isn't there?"
"Did you memorize the wrong coordinates?" Lily asked.
"I can't forget everything, how could I have misremembered?" Ronnie said as he gave her a blank look.
Lily picked up the locator, only to see that it showed the coordinates, "3°50′S 36°0′E /3.833°S 36.000°E/ 23.10234; -612.83218".
"Let's spread out and look around here, look for a big rock that looks like a loaf of bread and meet back here in twenty minutes," Ronnie said.
Then the five split into four groups and went in four directions, Ronnie chose the north side, he was alone and now he somehow regretted forgetting to warn Amandine and the others that there should be wild animals here. With his rifle in his hand, he cautiously moved forward. There wasn't much forest here and there were weeds everywhere. That's when he noticed a small river ahead and a black woman washing her feet by the river. He was tempted to go over and ask, but he didn't know the local language and was about to turn away when the black woman spotted him and waved.
Ronnie pointed at himself to make sure she was really calling him. The woman nodded and he had to walk stiffly over to her. The woman said, "JAMBO." Ronnie took that to be the Swahili word for "hello". Next she said in fluent English, "Sir, are you here for tourism?"
Ronnie was a little surprised, he had never thought that this woman could speak English, so it was much easier to communicate. He hurriedly replied, "Yes, I'm looking for a large stone that looks like a loaf of bread, may I ask if you've seen it before?"
The woman shook her head, "There doesn't seem to be any such stone around here."
"There shouldn't be!" Ronnie whispered to himself.
"Why are you looking for a rock?" the woman asked.
"This ...." Ronnie didn't want to lie, and for a moment he didn't know how to explain.
"Just forget it if you don't feel comfortable saying it," the woman laughed.
Ronnie said goodbye to her and walked on, but it was true as the woman said, he walked for another ten minutes or so without finding the big stone. Reluctantly, he turned back, hoping the others would bring good news. When it was time to get to the meeting point, several of the Amandine people were already there, he was kind of the last one back, and Lily spoke up first and asked, "Did you find it?"
"No, what about you guys?" Ronnie shook his head.
"None of us found it either," Lily replied.
"Dad, it's been almost thirty years, has the stone been moved?"
Ronnie had thought of that too, he just didn't want to admit it. "What do we do now?" Lily asked.
"Back then, Father's letter said that the entrance was ten meters from the widest side of the boulder, if we can roughly determine the location of the stone, we can find the entrance, now let's use this place as the center and search carefully within a two hundred meter radius, the entrance sign is a small bread-like stone."
 "Another bread stone, how much does Grandpa love bread!" Amandine exclaimed as he listened.
Lily laughed back, "That little stone might be long gone by now!"
"No, it shouldn't be, underneath the little rock is the entrance switch, it shouldn't be that easy to find."
Three hours later, the sky was gradually getting darker, but they still could not find the small stone, "so hungry ah! it's dark now too, Dad, should we talk about this tomorrow?" Amandine hung her head and said.
"Fine! but where will we sleep at night?" Ronnie asked as he looked at the guys.
"Why don't we go back to the plane and sleep?" Lily suggested.
"That's another two kilometers too far," Amandine was the first to disagree.
"There are wild animals out here at night, it's safer to go back to the plane," Ronnie finally made the decision.
Amandine stopped talking when he heard there were wild animals and had to obey. It took another half hour for the five of them to get back to the plane. The plane had twelve seats, and a person could lie down in two of them just enough to rest, and Enos pulled food out of her backpack and handed it to Amandine, taking a few energy balls for herself. The others pulled food out of their respective backpacks, and Qiaoqiaoxing looked at Amandine with envy and said, "You're really lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend who can also take care of you.”
"Let my father make you one too? how about that?" Amandine said.
"That's impossible, this isn't a City-state, you can't make an 'Enlightenment Chip'," Ronnie replied.
Amandine shrugged at Qiaoqiaoxing, "Then there's nothing I can do about it." he looked at Lily again, "If you like my father, why don't you sleep with him?"
Lily was furious, "Who said I like him? you're talking nonsense."
"I'm invisible, I know all your secrets, you used to look at my dad's clothes in your room and cry, and you say you don't like him?"
"That's because the clothes stunk and I got tears in my eyes," Lily explained.
"They stink and you're still holding them, I don't believe it."
Ronnie joked back at Amandine's words, "Lily, have you always had a crush on me?"
"Don't flatter yourself, nobody would have a crush on you," Lily returned angrily.
A few people were chatting when they suddenly heard rustling footsteps coming from outside and approaching. Ronnie gestured for everyone to be quiet, "It looks like a herd of elephants."
Amandine pulled his pistol from his arms, "Just in time, let's kill them and roast them for dinner."
"You eat elephants too? the skin is so thick, you can't even bite it." Qiaoqiaoxing said.
Lily, however, came over to Ronnie's side, her little face a little white with fear. By the light of the moon, Ronnie looked out the window of the plane and saw a dozen or so elephants running that way. Lily tugged at the back of his shirt and whispered, "Looks like we parked the plane in their territory."
"Everybody get ready and have the plane take off when they come at us," Ronnie told them.
"Why do we have to take off? can't we beat some animals?" Amandine said defiantly.
As he spoke, a lead elephant had charged. Its massive body knocked the plane aside in one fell swoop, causing several people to stumble and fall to the ground, and all the other elephants followed, immediately surrounding the small plane. It was now too late to get the plane off the ground, and Ronnie shouted, "Everybody get ready to fight."
"Let me do it!" Amandine was the fastest to react, rolling over and standing up, quickly pulling out a pistol, opening the hatch and firing the first shot, blood spurting out. An elephant fell to the ground. The herd heard the shot and rushed even more madly. Ronnie did not want to kill, but at that point there was no choice but to retaliate. Enos got the best shots, basically all of them in the elephant's head, and in a moment of work, more than a dozen elephants were all shot. Several people got off the plane. Ronnie secretly shook his head and sighed, "This is really a lose-lose situation, if only they could understand us."
"Looks like the plane is pretty much wrecked," Lily lamented as well.
"Dad, you don't think the plane is any safer here, do you?"
After the battle, several people lost their sleep. Amandine suggested that everyone dance on the nose of the plane. "Then who will I dance with?" Qiaoqiaoxing said pathetically.
"You dance with me," Lily said.
Qiaoqiaoxing looked at Ronnie, "What about Mr. Ronnie? no one dances with him."
"Don't worry about him, he'll dance on his own," Lily said with a smile.
Ronnie found a seat and lay down, "You guys go ahead and dance! I'm going to sleep first."

continue to next part