by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:11:04

The night passed without incident. The next day, Ronnie was up first, woke up Lily and the others, ate something, and headed out again. This time they extended their range, and an hour later Lily exclaimed happily, "I found the buns."
Several people gathered around, the weeds here were half as tall as an adult, no wonder it was so hard to find. They all curiously looked down to see that there was indeed a small stone on the ground, very much like a loaf of bread, only about five centimeters in size. Amandine bent down and tried to pick it up, but realized that he couldn't hold it at all, "Huh! that heavy?"
"Try turning it from side to side," Ronnie suggested.
Amandine followed his father's advice and turned it to the left. Only two "clicks" were heard, in two meters on the ground immediately appeared a sixty centimeters wide entrance door, the entrance had a ladder down, Ronnie took the prepared lighting and was the first to go down the ladder. When all five were inside, Enos, who was following behind, closed the door. The steps were very long, more than a hundred and twenty. There was always a time when the ladder was long enough to be finished, and when the five finally reached the flat ground, an iron door appeared in front of them with the words "the Den of Wolves" written on it. "So this is called the 'the Den of Wolves', I smell adventure, not bad," Amandine said with an excited look on his face.
"How does the door open?" Lily asked.
Amandine looked at her, "Push it open, silly."
"Then push it," Lily sneered back.
"I'll push it if I have to!" Amandine said and stepped forward to try, but didn't push. He turned to Ronnie and asked, "Do we have to say a spell?"
Instead of answering, Ronnie knelt down and fumbled with something on the floor, finally pushing the bottom right corner of the door a few times and it slowly opened. Amandine stepped in ahead of him, and as soon as he stepped inside, the overhead lights came on automatically, instantly illuminating the entire passageway.
"This passageway is more than two hundred meters long and three meters wide, with eight intersections in the middle that lead to different areas. Each area is labeled with numbers 1-8, but only numbers 3 and 8 are active areas, and the other areas are all traps. If an outsider attacks, once they enter these areas, they will only die," Ronnie showed them the place as they walked.
"Grandpa can be a lot worse than me, so many devious ideas," Amandine laughed.
Ronnie pointed to an intersection not far away and said, "Let's go to number 3 first. "
Several people came to the area of number 3, went inside and walked another dozen meters down the hallway to see a door. Ronnie pushed the door a few times and it opened. Inside the door was a square-shaped hall of over one hundred square meters, with a total of six small doors on the other three sides, marked with the number of wolf heads. And in the corner of the wall on this side of the door was a cart, and next to it was a stone table and six stone chairs, all covered in dust, but the air here wasn't as bad as one would expect, and it seemed that the ventilation was done well.
"It looks like this is the bedroom, we'll sleep here for the night, now let's each go in and have a look around, in ten minutes we'll meet up and go to aisle 8," Ronnie said.
Amandine pulled Enos towards a wolf head room and he shouted, "I want this first one."
Qiaoqiaoxing chose the one next to him. Ronnie chose three wolf heads, and Lily chose the six wolf head room farthest from him. It was as if she had deliberately avoided Ronnie. Ronnie walked into the room and noticed that it wasn't very big, just a wooden bed, lights that came on automatically when he walked in, and a few worn landscape paintings on the wall. It was fairly clean, with only a book-length layer of fine dust. He noticed that there was a vent that occasionally sucked dirty air and dust out of the room. He left the room and noticed that both Lily and Qiaoqiaoxing were already waiting outside, except for Amandine and Enos, to whom he said, "Go get him."
Qiaoqiaoxing went straight to Wolf's Head No. 1, and just as he was about to knock on the door, he heard the sound of intense flesh colliding from inside the house, as well as Enos' petulant screams. With a blush on his face, he ran back to Ronnie and said, "They seem to be asleep."
Ronnie guessed the probable truth and stopped calling them and led Lily and Qiaoqiaoxing to Passage 8. 8 and 3 were both entered in the same manner. When the door opened, an older model robot appeared, and when it saw Ronnie and the others, the two wheels under its feet began to roll. He introduced in a machine voice, "Welcome to the 'the Den of Wolves Production Base', all the power here comes from a small nuclear reactor, the reactor is enough to power the base for one hundred and fifty years, there is an orchard, farmland, fish ponds, and animal husbandry areas, if you have any other questions you can ask me. "
"What is your name?" asked Qiaoqiaoxing.
"My name is 'The Lonely Man,' a name I came up with after nearly thirty years here."
"Who manages the orchards and other areas here?" Ronnie asked.
"No one manages it, and it's certainly going to take a new owner to rebuild it," the lonely man replied.
"Has Dr. Elliot been here in the last few years?" Ronnie asked next.
"No one's been here since it was built."
Ronnie had come here hoping to see his father, which seemed hopeless at the moment. Lily looked at him and said, "Ronnie, what do you want to do? are we going back to the 'Umbrella House Commune'?"
"Since we're here, let's stay here for a few days! let's discuss our future plans first."
The three of them went back to aisle 3 and Amandine came out. He saw Ronnie and the others and shouted, "Where have you been? why didn't you wait for me?"
Enos, however, looked shy and lowered her head. At that moment, Lily's Hummingbird suddenly appeared and informed, "Master, there is a message for you from Saria, she said that 'The Crow' knew that Ronnie had come back and had issued a 'kill order' against him again, and this time they added Amandine to it."
"Looks like I'm going to have to fight the 'Crow' organization tooth and nail," Ronnie sniffed angrily.
"Dad, don't be too angry, I'll just go out again this time and kill the leader of the 'Crow' organization."
"It's no use, you kill one and they'll pick another," Lily explained.
"What are we going to do then? are we going to stay here all the time?" Amandine asked sharply.
Not long after, Lily received another message, "The 'Crow' organization has sent assassins to Africa, please be careful."
Amandine laughed, "Haha! here comes the fun, I finally get to strike again."
Qiaoqiaoxing patted him on the shoulder and said with a righteous face, "The evil organization 'the Crow', I, a knight, will definitely be on the side of justice."
"Looks like we're stuck here for now," Ronnie said.
"Ronnie, let's build this base first and then strike back when we have the strength," Lily said.
Amandine patted his chest, "With me, we can counterattack now."
"Don't be ridiculous, the 'Crow' organization has tens of thousands of people, how are you going to counterattack?" Ronnie glared at him.
Next, he began preparations, starting with the other two rooms here as labs. He and Lily had one room each, with Qiaoqiaoxing as the duo's assistant, while Amandine and Enos were in charge of purchasing materials and security. Fortunately, Saria would give Lily 20,000 star coins every month, but this money was not enough. Ronnie's expenses for one month would be over one hundred thousand star coins, he called Lily to discuss money making, "I want to make 'Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid', so we can solve the money problem."
Lily was overjoyed when she heard this, "I've been looking forward to this day for a long time, I'm going to be old if you don't catch on."
The two discussed the matter and split up. Ronnie made the money and Lily took care of the internal operations, making two cleaning robots, three produce robots and three farming robots. Amandine cloaked himself and took care of the external contacts. Three months later, Ronnie's Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid was finally successfully configured. He and Lily each injected one, "Who will be in charge of sales?" Lily asked.
"How about Saria? give her one too, it's been eleven years since her last injection."
"Good, then have her set up a stronghold in Africa so we can give it to her as well."
"Do it secretly, don't involve her," Ronnie warned.
"It's best to give it to Amandine in secret."
Amandine, who was in hiding, happened to overhear, and he immediately exclaimed in delight, "I knew nothing could be done without me, I'm busy." then he added, "I've been cleaning up the 'Crow' organization around here lately."
"Did you give away our location?" Ronnie asked.
"I'm not you, am I that stupid? I did it all near the parked airplane."
"What about my anti-gravity shoes?" Lily asked.
"Very good, I can walk silently now, and I'm five times faster, and I bounce a long way with a slight jump." Amandine said and demonstrated, only to see him appear seven or eight meters away with a little toe touch.
"Lily, you should make more pairs, one for each person," Ronnie suggested.
"What's the point of wearing them if you're going to be in the Den of Wolves all day?" Lily asked rhetorically.
Another week passed when Amandine suddenly rushed into Ronnie's lab and yelled, "Dad, come and look."
"What's wrong?"
"Come with me and you'll see!" the two of them went out of the lab, came to the hall door in front of a screen.The screen saw only ground around the Den of Wolves.There were more than twenty "Crow" organization of people in the bushes looking with their heads down.The closest to the small bread stone was only about ten meters away, "What should we do? they seem to be close to finding us," Amandine asked worriedly.
The other three had just heard Amandine's cries and ran out as well. Ronnie took a deep breath as he calmed down before he said, "Find a way to lure them away, if this place is found, we won't be able to stay here in the future."
"How to lure them away?" Amandine asked.
"Every room in here has a secret passage that leads to the outside, a person can be made to go out through the secret passage and then lure them away."
"I'll go then!" Enos said.
Ronnie had meant for her to go out, he looked at Enos, "All right, you go out and distract them."
"How can I risk her going out there?" Amandine was worried.
Qiaoqiaoxing volunteered and stood up, "Yes, how can a knight let a woman go out and risk her life? I'll go."
"Don't argue, let Amandine go, he has an invisibility cloak and anti-gravity shoes, and he's smart, he's the most suitable person," Lily spoke up.
Ronnie still wanted Enos to go and was about to speak again when Amandine guessed what he was going to say and beat him to it, "Dad, would you let your wife go on an adventure?"
"This ..." Ronnie was stunned by the question and could only nod in agreement. He had always thought that a robot's job was to protect its master, why it should be the other way around was a little hard for him to understand. Amandine went out through the dark tunnel in his cloak of invisibility, and the four waited anxiously below, staring intently at the display. After about twenty minutes, the "Crow" people were really lured away, they thought that Amandine should come back soon, but four hours passed, the sky was gradually darkening, Amandine still did not come back. Ronnie's heart regretted a lot, he really should insist on his own opinion  just now. If it is Enos' accident, he can still find a way to fix her, but if Amandine was killed, he would be powerless.

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