by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:11:33

After Amandine left the passage, he had just opened the entrance trapdoor when a man spotted him. The man didn't see him, but saw the entrance, and Amandine took advantage of the man looking down to kill him with a single slash before putting on his cloak and carrying him. He didn't want anyone lying in the entrance, and luckily he had anti-gravity shoes, so carrying someone on his back wasn't a big deal. He walked over five hundred meters before dropping the man off, then revealed himself and hid behind a tree, he didn't even cloak himself when he fired for fear of exposing his cloak. He fired a shot forward, the sound of the shot attracted a few men and the two sides engaged. He fought and retreated towards the plane, but unfortunately he was still shot in the leg. After being shot, he hid behind a boulder and then cloaked again, the men slowly surrounding the boulder thinking they would capture him alive, only to find nothing but a puddle of blood on the ground as they approached. Still cloaked, Amandine swept toward the plane, and when he arrived he found the herd of elephants he had killed gone, and his blood dripping to the ground, and the men followed the blood trail to find him. They surrounded the plane and shouted inwardly, "You are surrounded, come out!"
Several of the men shouted several times, but didn't see anyone come down. They sent a man out to sneak closer to the plane to put his head inside and look, Amandine was not on the plane at all, and when he realized that the blood he was spilling had attracted them, he deliberately walked to the door of the plane and then came down, at this point he was hiding about fifty meters away from the plane. The man turned his head to the others and said, "There doesn't seem to be anyone inside.”
"Then go in and look for them."
"Ah! only me?" the man asked, pointing reluctantly at himself.
"I thought you said there was no one there, you go in and confirm it."
The others also coaxed, "Go ahead! what's the big deal? what's so scary about dying?"
The man said angrily, "Why aren't you coming?"
"Because we don't have your courage," the crowd returned.
The man had no choice but to walk stiffly onto the plane. When he saw that the cabin was empty, he exclaimed happily, "There's really no one there."
Amandine's leg was so badly hurt that he broke into a cold sweat, and he didn't dare go outside for fear of making a noise. By this time the sky was beginning to darken, the Crows were setting up tents around the plane, and some of them were just sleeping on the plane, Amandine only dared to come out when he saw them setting up their tents, and it took him nearly half an hour to limp back to the Den of Wolves. Ronnie and the others were getting desperate when he showed up dragging his injured leg. Qiaoqiaoxing praised him, "Brave Knight, you have suffered, I salute you on behalf of myself."
Several people helped him sit down and examined his wounds. When Ronnie saw that the blood was long coagulated and somewhat blackened, and that the bullet was still deep in the flesh, he looked up and asked the men, "What should we do? I don't know how to heal."
"We have to get anesthesia first or it will hurt to remove the bullet, but we don't have any, so we have to do it the hard way," Lily said.
"I'll do it!" Qiaoqiaoxing rolled up his sleeves and tried to make a big deal out of it. Lily got him a pair of pliers and sterilized them, "You'll have to bear with it, brave knight." Half a minute later, there was a pig-like scream from the Den of Wolves. Qiaoqiaoxing shook his head darkly, "What a shame for our knights!"
After treating the wounds, Enos returned to his room with a still crying Amandine in his arms. Qiaoqiaoxing looked at their backs and muttered to himself, "Enos has spoiled the boy."
For the next few days, Ronnie and the others were afraid to go out. He and Lily made a hundred "Peeping Flies" and quietly released them to spy on the enemy within five kilometers of the Den of Wolves, and their appearance was almost indistinguishable from that of ordinary flies. They also set up a place in the hall for ten surveillance screens, when the "Peeping Fly" shoots someone, the signal will be switched to the screen, if more than one person moves, the alarm will sound. Ronnie was bored that day and came to the surveillance area to watch, he scanned the ten surveillance screens one by one, that's when he saw an acquaintance, the foot-washing woman he had asked for directions when he came here the first day, "How is she still here? doesn't she live in this neighborhood?"
"Anything?" the one who asked was Lily, who had come over.
"No, it seems like the 'Crow' people are gone, there were a few of them yesterday."
"Then don't stand around, let's go for a walk, it's been a long time since we left the Den of Wolves," Lily suggested.
"Ask Amandine and the others to join us."
"He and Enos left a long time ago, and Qiaoqiaoaxing is alone in the lab. He's smart, I took him on as a student, and when he grows up it will be easier for us."
Ronnie nodded and asked, "Is Amandine's leg any better?"
"It was Enos who carried him out."
"Oh, let's go then!"
The duo made some preparations and headed out the door, Ronnie would have taken Lily's hand but she shrugged it off, "Get out of here!"
"Have you had any boyfriends in the last few years?"
"What does it matter?" Lily said as she glared at him.
The two joked and left the Den of Wolves. They found a tree and sat down with their backs to it. Ronnie took a deep breath and couldn't help but praise, "The air is so fresh, we need to get out more."
"Ronnie, Saria has already established a contact here, she asked how much of our 'Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid' can be produced in a year and how many star coins would be reasonable to sell."
"Father used to produce three hundred a year, so let's make it one hundred and set the price at two thousand Bira coins."
"Your father only sells them for a thousand Bira coins, you're much more treacherous."
"Tell Saria to give one to Baron Flange, who has suffered a lot from me in the past."
The Baron looked to be in his sixties, with a head full of gray hair. His life had not been easy in recent years due to the harassment of the "Crows", and after Vinique became independent, the family began to decline. When he received Ronnie's "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid", he was thrilled and muttered, "Ronnie hasn't forgotten me! Ronnie hasn't forgotten me!"
When Vinique found out, she said to the Baron, "Dad, you're so old, can't you just let me have the shot?"
"You have money now, you can buy it yourself!"
"You can't buy it even if you have money, Saria just announced that it was in stock and it was snapped up in less than two hours."
"So popular?" the Baron was puzzled.
"'Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid' hasn't been on the market for five or six years, of course it's in high demand, now you have to queue up for five years to get it, and in five years I'll be fifty," Vinique was on the verge of tears as she spoke.
"Didn't you and Ronnie go to school together? tell him yourself, maybe he'll send you one."
"He won't pay any attention to me, how about you tell him for me? he still has a lot of respect for you," Vinique said as she looked at the Baron with expectant eyes.
"But I don't really know where he is and this time it was delivered by Saria's people as well," the Baron replied.
"Then go to Saria, she must know where Ronnie is."
The Baron finally softened when he saw the wrinkles on Vinique's face and agreed. He immediately set out to find Saria. Saria greeted him warmly as soon as she saw him. But when she heard that the Baron wanted to inquire about Ronnie's whereabouts, she blushed: "Baron Flange, I don't know where Ronnie is."
"Then how do you contact him?" the Baron looked incredulous.
"He's the one who contacted me each time, and it was through an intermediary, so I don't really know where he is."
The Baron then nodded and asked, "Do you still have the 'Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid' here?"
"I already sent you one, didn't you get it?" Saria asked rhetorically.
"I received the one you sent me, I came here this time for Vinique, she wants one too."
"I'm afraid you'll be disappointed, I don't have any more here either."
"Can I reserve one for next year?" the baron asked again.
Saria hesitated for a moment, "Yes, but the price is not cheap, it requires four million star coins."
"Good, then thank you very much! next year, let Vinique come and get it herself," after the Baron finished speaking, he excused himself and came out.
After the Baron left, Saria thought in her heart, "Luckily, I've kept three of them for when something like this happens."
After returning home, the Baron told Vinique about it, but she wasn't very happy to hear it: "I thought you could get it for free by stepping in, turns out I have to buy it too!"
"You don't know what you're getting yourself into. I haven't even seen Ronnie and Saria doesn't seem to know where he is, I begged her before she agreed to reserve one for you next year, if you don't want it you don't have to go," the Baron said angrily.
After deducting the costs and the share to Saria, Ronnie earned 200 million star coins at once, he was happy even though the money was in Lily's account, "Ronnie, now that I have the money, I want to buy an 'Integrated Ion Trap' and a 'Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer', do you agree?"
"You have all the money, will you listen to me if I don't agree?" Ronnie asked with a smile.
"Of course not, I'm just asking."
While this was going on, Amandine came up to him on crutches, "Dad, how's the turkey raising going? it's been a long time since I've had one."
"Tell that to Lily, I don't have any money."
Amandine turned his head to look at Lily, "How's that going? the wealthy woman."
"Good, I want some too!" A few days later, there were over a hundred turkeys in the den, and Amandine grabbed two and said to the crowd, "We'll roast them for dinner tonight."
"Why don't we eat them now?" asked Qiaoqiaoxing curiously.
"It's the turkey at night that sets the mood, and we're eating out."
"That won't work, with fire at night, they can see the flames from afar," Ronnie stopped him immediately.
"Cowards, then in the Den of Wolves!" Amandine said angrily.
As night fell, the five men stood in a circle in Hall 3 with two turkeys on red-hot charcoal. Amandine kept turning the turkeys with his hands, afraid that they would be burned, while Qiaoqiaoxing was busy adding spices to the turkeys, the color was getting darker and darker, and the hall was already filled with the aroma of meat: "Dad, it seems that the charcoal is running out, so go and get some more."
"Why do you want me to go?" Ronnie asked in disbelief.
"You're the man, who do I call if not you?"
"Is chivalry making men work?" Ronnie was even more annoyed.
Amandine looked at Qioqiaoxing, "What do you think? Great knight."
"Chivalry to me is being able to stand up for yourself when it counts, not sweating the small stuff like this."
"So I can stop going," Ronnie said happily.
"I'll get it!" Enos got up and ran to aisle 8.
After the roast, Amandine ate a whole roast all by himself. Too full to walk, he was carried back to his room by Enos. Ronnie also went back to his room, sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the two "Bira coins" on the table, his heart was not calm, he was thinking about his sister Alice, "My sister's body is still in the 'Umbrella House Commune', if we can bring it here, then we can see her every day, "thinking about this, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep.

continue to next part