by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:12:32

The three of them were about to go to the lab to work when the alarm suddenly sounded, this time it was completely different from the usual, usually it was just a false alarm from the villagers entering the surveillance area, but this time there were several alarms sounding at the same time. The three of them rushed to the surveillance area to watch, only to see ten surveillance screens all appearing on the "Crow" organization, "It seems Amandine's location has been revealed, bring these people back. Ronnie quickly made a judgment.”
Shortly after, Amandine came running out with his pants down, somehow Enos was a little slower than him. Lily saw Amandine running over and asked, "Were you exposed? it took those people to follow."
"How could that be? we were very careful," Amandine hastily defended.
"None of that matters, now figure out how to solve the problem at hand," Ronnie said.
Qiaoqiaoxing looked at the screen, "It looks like all the nearby 'Crows' are coming out, the number is about four or five hundred."
"At this rate, they should find this place in another twenty minutes," Ronnie said.
"Then what?" Lily asked with a worried look on her face.
Ronnie thought for a moment and said, "We have a hundred warriors right now, each of us will lead twenty, Lily and I will guard channel 3 and the three of you will go to channel 8, as long as they can't find us we don't have to fight back."
"Dad, I don't think we can split up, we are already small in number, if we split up again it will be easy for them to pick us off one by one."
"I think Amandine is right," Lily said with a nod.
"Good, let's hold Channel 8, the supplies there are more important."
"What about the lab equipment?" Lily asked.
"Move everything we can to corridor 8 and send ten robot warriors to guard the ones we can't," Ronnie said.
"Good!" the crowd agreed, and then they started directing the robots to move the equipment in the lab, by the time the last piece of equipment was halfway there, the crow had already come down, "That fast?" Ronnie said in surprise.
"I'll stop them first, you keep moving," Amandine said and ran out with his cape.
Ronnie was just too late to stop him. The first group of Crows came down with a total of more than twenty people, these people were the vanguard, the leader was a square-faced man in his thirties, he pointed to Passage 1 and said, "We'll go in and search in number order.”
Even though passage #1 was a trap, Amandine didn't want them to find #3 too quickly. When the men entered passage #1, he fired his gun in the back, killing four men at once. The square-faced man and the others immediately turned back when they heard the shots, but they didn't see anyone, "Everyone be careful, there should be a trap here, " the square-faced man recalled.
Amandine was now stealthily at the corner of passage# 1. These people were slowly approaching him as he wondered if he should hide in passage #2, then more than thirty people appeared at the entrance, he could only choose to retreat. Ronnie and the others had moved the last of the equipment into #8. Amandine found Enos hiding with her. After the thirty or so people met up with the first group down, the square-faced man said to a thick-browed man, "Captain, should we split up to search?"
"No need, the entrance has long been surrounded by us, let's line up one by one and go through," the thick-browed man replied.
The fifty or so people quickly entered passage #1. When they opened the door, they found that there were six rooms inside, the layout of the place was similar to #3, there was also a hall, when all fifty people entered, the door suddenly closed, and a few moments later, mist spewed out from the top of the hall. The thick-browed man shouted sharply, "Get out of here quickly, this is poison gas."
The few people walking behind them turned and tried to open the door, but found that the door would not open at all, as if it were welded shut. "Captain, the door won't open, what do we do?" someone shouted.
As soon as the words were finished, a person fired a gun at the door. When the people heard the gunshot, they thought that the enemy was coming, and they all fell down in fear, and when they tried to get up, they found that their whole bodies were weak and they could not stand up. Another three minutes later, from the left side of the first room of the six robots, the fifty people are dragged into the room, the hall immediately becomes quiet again, as if nothing had happened, and the fifty people are dragged through the conveyor belt of the room into the incinerator, into the energy here. A middle-aged lady, who was waiting for an answer at the entrance of the Den of Wolves at that moment, said to the man next to her, "Gerat, why is there no news for so long? you ask."
"Yes!" Gerat was busy picking up his watch to contact them, but he couldn't get through after trying several times.
"What? can't you reach them?" the middle-aged lady asked.
"Yes, has something happened to them?" Gerat was also confused.
"Send another fifty people down to take a look, split into two teams this time, if anything happens, the second team will retreat immediately," the middle-aged lady said.
This time, when they came down, there were only five people scouting in front, and the other forty or so people were standing at the entrance steps. With the experience of the fifty or so people in front of them, these five people were also a hundred times more reluctant in their hearts, they felt that the mortality rate this time was over ninety percent, they were basically cannon fodder. Those five people held hands with a generous death gaze, and one of them said, "Eddie, if I die, please take care of my wife."
"Really?" Eddie said happily.
"Of course it's true, my wife is more than four months pregnant, I promised her that I would leave the organization after this mission, I can't imagine that I have to die here today, if I can get out alive this time, I will go back to my hometown to be with her, and then find a stable job."
At this point, a round-faced man in his forties spoke up, "Parkley, you step back, the four of us will just go and scout the way."
Eddie asked sharply, "On what grounds?"
"He has a pregnant wife waiting at home, and the four of us are all single and unattached, even if we take him along, it's just one more person to die, you're his best friend, could it be that you're still against it?" the round-faced man asked angrily.
"This ... I have relatives back home too, ah!" Eddie said unconvincingly.
Parkley looked at the round-faced man gratefully, "Thank you, Charim, I'd better go with you since I have chosen this path, no matter if it is life or death, I must go on."
Charim sighed softly, " Why are you suffering?"
The conversation of these people through the miniature surveillance above their heads was all seen by Ronnie and the others, and he praised in his heart, "I can't imagine that there are good people among the 'crows'.” Lily, however, was so moved that she was about to cry when she heard Ronnie's radio voice, "Guys, this is Ronnie, I have just heard all your conversations, and I have also experienced the pain of losing my loved ones, now I want to give you a chance, as long as you put down the weapons in your hands, throw away your communication devices, and then run forward all the time, you will be my friends, although you will get a bad reputation as traitors, but at least you are still alive, you can return to your homeland and reunite with your loved ones, death takes courage, sometimes carrying a bad reputation takes even more courage. "
The five looked at each other in disbelief as they listened, Charim took the lead, "Parkley, if I were you, I'd listen to Ronnie."
A few of the others hesitated as well, and Eddie looked at Parkley, threw down the gun in his hand and said, "I'll go first.”
Several of his people saw Eddie leaving and also threw down their weapons and communications equipment and ran after him, and in the end only Charim stayed behind. Parkley ran for a while and when he realized he wasn't following, he stopped and turned to ask, "Charim, why don't you go?"
"You go! one of us has to stay to get the message to the top or you'll be in trouble later."
Parkley nodded and asked, "What's your wish? I'll help you fulfill it if I make it out alive."
Charim laughed, "I wish to be buried under the Bobab Tree in my hometown when I die, but unfortunately it's too far away, anyway, take care of yourself."
After saying that he was running towards the entrance of passage1, Parkley looked at his background and muttered, "If I can get out alive, I will definitely help you fulfill your desire, Charim."
Charim entered the hallway of Access 1 alone, being alone and unaffected by the gas, he opened a door to a room and and was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of a robot, but he managed to get the message out before he died. A tall man on the front steps received his message and said, "How come Charim only said one word and then lost his voice, is he dead too?"
Another tall man asked, "Captain, what do we do now? should we all go down or send some more people to scout the way?"
"Let's all go down! sending a few more people down will probably end up the same way."
This time they bypassed Passage #1 and went directly to #2, when they opened the door to #2, they realized that it was like a labyrinth with three paths right at the entrance, Big Head asked Tall Man, "Captain, which path should we take?"
"Start on the left and send two people in to check it out," after saying that, he pointed to the two people behind him, and the two people who were pointed to immediately turned pale as if they had a serious illness, and they cursed Tall Man countless times in their hearts, but they went in anyway. After walking about twenty steps, one of them whispered to the other, "Let's just stand here, and when we go out later, we'll say it's safe inside."
"And what if it's not safe here? won't all the others be wiped out if they all come in?"
"Idiot, if it's not safe, we'll be the first two to die, and they'll come in too, maybe we'll survive if there are more of them."
"No, I don't want that, I'd rather choose to go forward again, if you're scared, stay here."
"Then go, I'll pray for you."
About five minutes later, the two finally came out safely, and the taller man asked, "Well? how was it in there?"
"There's no way in to the end, it's supposed to be a dead end," a man said.
"Good, then you try this way," the tall one pointed to the middle and said.
One of them said angrily, "And you want us to go?"
"What? you dare to disobey orders?" the Tall One glared, and the man immediately shut up.
This time, even the other one had a temper, and after a minute of walking on this path in the middle, he stopped, "Looks like the captain is going to make us test all the routes, what should we do?"
"What can we do? we still follow what I just said."
"Good! that's it," the duo decided not to go any further and stopped where they were to take their time. Another ten minutes passed before they retreated. As they expected, the captain asked them to try the last path again. When all three paths had been tested, Big Head asked again, "Captain, it seems that there is nothing inside, do we go in or out?"
"Let's go, go to passage number 3."

continue to next part