by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:12:56

Ronnie, who was hiding in #8, saw that it wasn't going to work, if this went on, sooner or later the Cows would find them. He waited for them to enter Channel 3, and then led more than twenty robots to surround them. There were ten of Ronnie's robots inside the lab in Channel 3, guarding the equipment that could not be moved. He first contacted the ten people inside to prepare, when Crow's people entered the hall, they attacked the enemy from the front and the back at the same time, the other party was scared by the sudden appearance of the robots and was killed before they could see who was coming.
Ronnie ordered the robots to quickly clean up the scene and then ambushed them. The four Crow Organization people who had surrendered were now guarded by Amandine's robots. Amandine didn't trust these people, he saw that Ronnie went out and didn't come back, he was worried, he contacted Ronnie through the "Hummingbird", "Dad, why didn't you come back?"
"I'm in Hall 3, you don't need to come over, wait for my order."
"Be careful then," Amandine said.
The middle-aged lady heard gunshots from above, but then no sound for a short while, expecting good news to come, but after waiting for twenty minutes with no movement, she felt bad. At this time, Gerat said, "Colonel, the Den of Wolves is still too big for us, there are traps everywhere, we've lost more than a hundred people, and we can't even find out where the other side is, which means the rest of the people who go in might be useless as well. Why don't we guard the entrance and call inside? They always have to eat, I don't think they won't come out."
"Are you sure there is no other way out of here?" the middle-aged lady asked.
"I can't be sure, but we can send someone to guard the highest place around here, we'll find out as soon as they come out."
The middle-aged lady hesitated for a moment and said, "Alright! tell the people to guard all the high places in this three-kilometer radius and report any movement immediately."
One hour later, a loud broadcast went out from the entrance of the Den of Wolves, "Ronnie, you're surrounded, come out and surrender, we'll give you six hours to think about it, if you don't come out, we'll bury you alive inside."
As soon as Ronnie heard this, he started to worry, he hurriedly ran out of number 3 and came to number 8 to discuss with Amandine and the others what to do. "What should we do? if they really buried us here."
"Dad, they're just bluffing, how much dirt would it take to really bury us, plus we have other exits."
"Ronnie, I think Amandine is right, it wouldn't be that easy to really bury us, it's so big here, it's impossible to do it in a moment, and we're not dead, wouldn't we run?" Lily said.
The radio kept playing, six hours had passed and Ronnie and the others hadn't moved. The middle-aged lady had expected this result and turned to Gerat, "We have to be prepared to stay here for a long time.”
Ronnie's mood had gotten really bad since the siege, but not because of the siege, but because of Lily. Eddie, who had surrendered to Ronnie, had started a wild love affair with Lily, and the two were chatting in the orchard area. Amandine walked over to him, "Dad, you've got yourself a love interest, do you want me to go over there and kick Eddie's ass?"
"No, that would be unseemly."
"Then go after her too! any minute now, Lily's baby will be born."
"Where are they now?" Ronnie asked.
Amandine pointed to a gate on the left, "In the orchard area."
When Ronnie arrived in the orchard area, his sour taste intensified. At that moment, Lily and Eddie were hugging and kissing, and he said, "Cough! Cough!" twice before saying, "Eddie, excuse me for a moment, I'm going to go find Lily.”
Lily saw him blush and said to Eddie, "You go out first, I'll find you in a minute."
"What can I do for you?" Lily asked, looking at him quickly.
"Are you really staying with Eddie?"
"Sure, he's much better looking than you, any woman would love him."
"But he's part of the Crow organization."
"Didn't you recruit them all and say they were your friends now, have you forgotten?" Lily laughed.
"Well...! If you really want to be with him, there's nothing I can do about it, but let me remind you that if I find out he's playing you, I'll kill him," Ronnie turned and left the orchard.
He found Amandine and instructed him, "Keep an eye on Eddie to see if he's up to anything."
"Dad, I've been keeping an eye on him for a while and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong, he should really be in love with Lily."
"Is that so? well, I can only wish them well," Ronnie said, lost in the knowledge of the truth.
Eddie left the orchard and went to find the other three members of the Crow organization, when Parkley saw him he asked, "You went to see Lily again?"
"Yes, why?"
"I hope you're sincere and not trying to pull some kind of stunt or you're going to get us involved."
The other two also said, "Eddie, we know you have a way with women, but please don't use it in the wrong place, our little lives are in other people's hands."
"Please don't worry, I love Lily with all my heart and would never lie to her, she is the last woman in my life."
"That's good," the three nodded at the same time.
The nine people in the Den of Wolves had been under siege for more than a month, but fortunately the place had everything and was completely self-sufficient. Ronnie had also completely given up on Lily, and his mind had calmed down instead; the four who had surrendered were fully integrated into their lives, and Amandine wasn't hostile to them anymore, sometimes they even sang and danced together. Tonight, the nine were gathered around a pile of flames eating a roasted turkey, with Amandine and Qiaoqiaoxing sitting to Ronnie's left and right, and Lily and Eddie sitting together. Ronnie looked across the table at Parkley and asked, "Do you know how many Crows there are in the African sector?"
"About fifteen hundred, Mr. Ronnie," Parkley replied.
"How is your organization divided into ranks?"
"The Crow organization is divided into six ranks, Admiral, Major General, Colonel, Major, Captain, and the lowest rank, Captain."
"How long do you think the Crows will trap us?"
"They don't know that there is such an abundance of food here, so it shouldn't be long before they get impatient and attack with force."
"Looks like we have to be ready to be attacked at any time."
News of Ronnie's siege reached the City-state at some point, and Catherine and Dan had been worried all day, "What are we going to do? there has to be a way to save Dad."
Dan, who had joined Ronnie's original "Rebirth Partners," said, "Maybe we should talk to Tom and the others."
Tom and the others were also discussing the matter at the Institute. When he saw Catherine and Dan come in, he asked them to sit down. Catherine was about to open her mouth when Sharlout smiled, "You're here about Ronnie, aren't you?"
Catherine and Dan nodded at the same time and asked, "Do you have any ideas?"
"We want to go to Vogel, he's a member of the Grand Council of Elders of the City-state and the highest officer of You City, and we heard that he's been advocating for Ronnie. If he is willing to help, then the Crow Organization will definitely retreat, and maybe the hunting order will even be revoked."
"That would be great! thank you guys," Catherine said happily.
Three days later, Ronnie received a letter from the Crow Organization that read, "Dear Mr. Ronnie, after the mediation of Mr. Vogel from the City-state, we formally offer you a reconciliation proposal, we will withdraw all armed personnel around the Den of Wolves within three days and revoke the hunting order against you and your son. However, in return, we hope that you will provide the Crow Organization with three 'Telomere Rejuvenation Liquids' per year, if you agree, please return this letter, please reply within twenty-four hours or it will be considered a refusal."
Ronnie didn't know that those three "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquids" were also being fought for by Vogel, and the Crows started making an offer of ten per year. "Dad, you're not going to agree to that, are you?"
Everyone here, except Amandine, hoped that Ronnie would agree to the other party's proposal. In the past, he would have asked Lily to discuss it, but now he realized that the two of them were getting more and more rusty, so he rejected the idea. The four Crows were even more nervous, they were all staring at Ronnie for fear that he would say no, Ronnie was hesitant to make up his mind, and Lily was annoyed, "Can't you be quick about it? it's so unmanly to dawdle."
"Fine! I agree, that's what everyone wanted."
All four Crows cried tears of joy at Ronnie's announcement, and Lily and Eddie hugged each other tightly. Only Amandine hung his head and muttered softly, "What a bunch of cowards.”
A few days later, the Crows had all retreated. Ronnie looked at Lily and asked, "Are you really going with Eddie?"
"Yes, I have found my happiness and I hope you will too."
"Okay! then you have my blessing."
the Den of Wolves grew colder as they sent Lily and the four ravens away. Amandine came over, "Dad, why don't we leave too, let's go find Saria, this really isn't a place for humans."
"No, I want to stay here, I still want to bring my sister's body here. I'll also try to resurrect her, she's the only one who will never leave me."
"But she's been dead for a long time, how can you resurrect her?"
Ronnie did not answer the question and replied, "Amandine, your character is not suitable for research and this is really not the place for you to stay, so take Enos and Qiaoqiaoxing and go find Saria!"
"Are you alone here?" Amandine asked timidly.
"No, when my sister comes I'll have her to keep me company, I won't be lonely," Ronnie said with a twinkle in his eyes and a happy smile on his lips. But this smile looked creepy to Amandine and he thought to himself, "Is Dad going crazy again? "

continue to next part