by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:13:19

The next day, Amandine and the other three left, and Ronnie was the only one left in the Den of Wolves. He also opened Nine Star Payments, and Lily transferred all the Star Coins he had earned back to him. A few days later, the bodies of Alice and Vega were brought to the Den of Wolves. Ronnie placed their glass coffins in Hall 3. There were now over three hundred robots in the Den of Wolves, guarding the entrance and various key locations. Ronnie also raised the security level here, as long as outsiders tried to break in, they would be killed on the spot. He wanted to resurrect his sister and Vega's DNA first and then figure out how to retrieve their memories, luckily there were enough Star Coins to keep experimenting.
Outside of the Den of Wolves, Amandine turned into a playboy and had already spent a million Star Coins in one month, which Ronnie had given him. When he wanted to ask for more, he was refused. "Dad is such a cheapskate!" Amandine muttered.
Qiaoqiaoxing had gone back to school, and now he and Enos were the only two left at Saria's. Today he wanted to borrow some money from Saria and finally found her after looking around. It was the first time he borrowed money from someone and for a moment he didn't know how to ask.
"What is it? Amandine,what do you want from me?" Saria asked.
Enos saw that he was too embarrassed to speak, so she spoke for him, "Amandine wants to borrow money from you, is that okay with you?"
Saria laughed, "Amandine, your father told me that he would like you to get a job and at least be able to support yourself."
"Do you have a job here?" Amandine asked.
"What would you do?"
Amandine thought with his mind, He didn't seem to know anything but stealth, but that didn't make any money. He shook his head. Saria thought for a moment and then suggested, "Why don't you become an actor? you played Ronnie and you have a little foundation."
Amandine exclaimed, "Great! how much money can I make?"
"Right now, you can't be the main character, but if you run the dragon set, I'll give you three thousand Star Coins a month."
"What! only three thousand?" Amandine shouted.
"Don't be ungrateful, everyone else gets two thousand, you just get an extra thousand because you're Ronnie's son," Saria said with a straight face.
"I'll think about it."
At that time, he felt remorse in his heart, "If only that million dollars hadn't been spent recklessly, I thought it was easy to make money. "
After the two of them came out of Saria's house, Enos said, "Why don't we sell the 'Air Express'?"
"Selling it right after we bought it would make it difficult for us to go out together, no way," Amandine denied.
"Then what is your best idea?"
"How about I sneak out and borrow something?"
"Ah! you want to be a thief? father will be furious if he finds out."
"Then I'll just have to go home and get it from Grandpa," Amandine hung his head.
After they found the Baron, Amandine nonchalantly asked for two hundred thousand star coins. When the Baron heard this, he let out a strange cry: "Robbing money! how can I have so much? the family is almost bankrupt. "Amandine pestered the baron for half a day, and finally he had no choice but to give him five thousand star coins. Amandine spent the five thousand star coins in just half a month. The Baron did not dare to see him again, and closed his wallet tightly. Vinique knew about this and ran over to tell them, "It's easy for you to make money, you can call me!"
"Really! how to earn?" Amandine's eyes lit up when he heard the word make money.
"You go and get some 'Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid' from your father, I'll help you sell them, one is now worth ten million dollars on the black market."
"'Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid' again, what's the use of this thing? why does everyone want it?"
"You're still young, of course you don't know the horror of losing your youth, you might want it even more when you're old!"
"But Dad doesn't have it anymore! he gave it all to Saria."
"There are still six months to go before he should produce another batch, and I'd like you to take three of them then, how does that sound?"
"How many star coins can you give me?" Amandine asked sharply.
Vinique held out five fingers and said, "How about I give you five million?"
"You take me for a fool! three of them can sell for thirty million dollars on the black market and you're only giving me five million, ”Amandine said angrily when he heard this.
Vinique thought in her heart, "This kid isn't that stupid." In her mouth she asked, "Then how much do you want?"
"I want twenty-five million, and you can have the remaining five million," Amandine put his heart on the line and said with a lion's mouth.
Vinique knows that on the black market each can be sold for at least ten to fifteen million, she thought for a moment and asked: "How about half a person?"
"This ... me twenty million, you ten million, this is the last concession, no more."
Vinique fought for this result, inwardly excited, but she only weakly said, "Okay! deal."
"Can you pay me something first?" Amandine asked and looked at Vinique.
"How much do you want?"
"One hundred thousand star coins," Amandine didn't dare to say too much this time, for fear of scaring her.
"I can only give you thirty thousand."
"All right! it's better than nothing," Amandine accepted.
This time, Amandine took the thirty thousand star coins and spent them carefully. Enos was also chosen by Saria to play the leading role because of her beauty. When the movie aired, Amandine was furious when he saw Enos cuddling with another man. He ran over and severely beat the leading man and then forbade Enos to act in the movie again. Today, he went to see Qiaoqiaoxing and asked him to go to Chirpan's for dinner. Halfway there, he was greeted by a little old man: "Who is this guy? do we know him?" Amandine asked Enos, who was standing next to her.
Enos shook his head, "I don't think I've seen him before."
The little old man was Rajeev, he was actually in his fifties but looked older at the moment. He approached the duo and took the initiative to speak, "My name is Rajeev, a childhood friend of your father Ronnie."
"Oh! how do you know me?"
Rajeev smiled with an ingratiating expression, "I saw the movie you were in, it was really good."
"Don't patronize me, what's your business?" Amandine knew that an unsolicited greeting was not good.
"Can you tell me where Ronnie is?"
"He's far away, what do you want with him?"
"I have a female robot that needs annual skin growth injections, she hasn't been injected in two years and her skin is as dry as an old lady's, I want Ronnie to help me fix her," Rajeev finished and looked at Amandine with expectant eyes.
"Did I hear you right? you want to go to Dad for such a small thing," Amandine said extremely upset.
"It's a small thing for Ronnie, but it's a big thing for me."
Amandine turned his face to the side and asked Enos, "So? are we going to help him?"
"Help if you can! he looks pretty pathetic."
Amandine nodded his head and turned to Rajeev, "Old man, you're lucky today, so I'll grant your request and meet me at the 'Umbrella House Commune' tomorrow morning at ten o'clock and I'll take care of it for you."
"Thank you! thank you so much!" Rajeev was thrilled and ran all the way home to get ready.
When they arrived at the Chirpan Restaurant, they found that Qiaoqiaoxing had already arrived. "You guys are so unpunctual, you're almost 20 minutes late."
"I'm sorry, I just lost track of time when someone stopped to chat," Amandine apologized.
The three of them went upstairs, found a seat, and Amandine started to order, ordering seven dishes at once, then he asked Qiaoqiaoxing to order, "It's just the two of us, so we don't need to order any more," Qiaoqiaoxing said.
"Order! I have plenty of money, so order more and make myself comfortable," Amandine said boldly to show his wealth. There were four people sitting at the table next to him, and one of them, a man wearing glasses, heard him sound angry and said, "A bumpkin, still trying to act like a big spender."
"What did you say?" Amandine was furious to hear this, "Who are you calling a bumpkin?"
Seeing that he was just a small man, the other party wasn't afraid of him and stood up, "What can you do if I say so?"
"Forget it, don't bother with him," Enos said with a tug on Amandine's sleeve.
The bespectacled man looked at such a beautiful girl actually following a tramp like Amandine and shouted with a sour heart, "What a flower stuck in cow dung, pity, pity!" as he said this, he kept shaking his head.
Amandine, furious to hear the other man compare himself to cow dung, picked up one of the cups on the table and smashed it over the other man's head. The other man, not expecting him to be so violent, could not dodge in time and was hit squarely by the cup and immediately the blood came out, covering his head and moaning in pain. The other three men at the table, seeing their companions being beaten, jumped out of their chairs and came at Amandine. Of course, Enos couldn't stand by and watch Amandine get hit, so she had to fight back. The men were no match for her, and within a few punches they were knocked down. Amandine looked down at the three men on the ground, screaming in pain. "Well? are you convinced?" these three people closed their lips tightly and said nothing, they didn't want to show weakness in public. Enos urged, "Amandine, give them a break!"
Qiaoqiaoxing also said, "Amandine, we are knights, we can't bully these unarmed people."
"Fine!" Amandine turned to the man with the glasses and said, "Get lost! the next time you dare to call me a cow dung, I will never forgive you."
When the three of them finished eating and paid the bill to go out, the boss's buddy stopped them, "What? what kind of rule is it that we can't go out even though I paid?" Amandine said angrily.
The guy laughed, "Your neighboring table was thrown out without paying the bill, so you have to pay for it."
"Ah! how much is that?"
"What the four of them ate cost nine hundred and twenty star coins, this is the bill, take a look," the man said and handed over a written list.
Amandine reluctantly paid the bill, muttering, "What a shame."
After the three of them left the house, Qiaoqiaoxing went back to school. Amandine took Enos to the movies. On the way, he glanced at the nine-star payment card in his pocket and realized that he had less than 10,000 star coins left, and his heart ached.

continue to next part