by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:13:43

Lily left with Eddie and now lived in a small mountain village in southern Africa where conditions were harsh and transportation was difficult. She was over four months pregnant, Eddie had nothing to do all day, and they had run out of money. Lily realized that Eddie could do nothing but make girls happy, "That's probably why he joined the Crow!" she lamented in her mind.
She wanted to go out and make some money, but there wasn't even a decent company here. If she really wanted to go out and look for a job, she could only find one in a town more than two hundred miles from her home, and no one would hire a pregnant woman. Eddie looked at her with a worried frown and asked, "What's wrong? Baby."
Lily usually loved it when Eddie called her baby, but this time she was upset. She looked at Eddie and said nothing. Eddie asked a few more questions before she spoke, "I'm having a baby in six months, the family has no money now, aren't you in a hurry?"
"Why did you give all 200 million star coins to Ronnie last time?why couldn't you leave some for us?"
"Those star coins were Ronnie's in the first place, what reason do I have to keep them?" Lily asked.
"You've been with him for so long, can't you share some of it?"
"I volunteered to be with him, why should I share the money?"
"You're too embarrassed to tell him, so I'll contact him."
"No, I wish you wouldn't do that," Lily stopped immediately.
But she was too late, Eddie had already reached Ronnie's Hummingbird. A few moments into the call, he said to Lily, "Mr. Ronnie wants to talk to you."
"Are you okay?" Lily asked with a nervous expression.
Ronnie wasn't feeling well at the moment, and if Lily had seen him, she would have been surprised, but unfortunately the two of them were only on a voice call. He only heard the other side cough twice before he replied, "Don't worry about me, I can't die, Eddie said you needed Star Coins, didn't he? I'd like to confirm that."
"Well, my life is in trouble."
"Okay, I got it!" after saying that the phone hung up over there.
Three minutes later, Lily had five million Star Coins on her Nine Stars Payment Card. Eddie jumped up happily when he saw it, "Mr. Ronnie is so generous, he deserves to be the hero in my heart."
"Eddie, let's buy a house in the city! it's too uncomfortable here," Lily said as she looked at an excited Eddie.
"It can be! now that we have money, we can buy a bigger house."
"How much does a hundred square meter house cost in the city?"
"Three hundred thousand star coins should do it."
Lily nodded and said, "Good!"
A few days later, the duo moved into the city. Looking at the new house of more than one hundred and thirty square feet, Lily said happily, "Finally a decent home.”
Half a year passed in a flash, and Amandine was ready to go to Africa to find Ronnie and get the "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid" to fulfill his promise to Vinique.
At that time, he had less than three thousand star coins left in his pocket. To save money, he bought only one plane ticket for Enos, while he put on an invisibility cloak and took the free plane. After getting off the plane and walking for more than three hours, the two of them finally arrived at the Den of Wolves. "Dad! I'm back, are you happy?" Amandine called excitedly.
But he didn't hear an answer, even after several calls, and his heart was a little disturbed. He said to Enos, "Let's find him separately."
In the end, it was Enos who found Ronnie at the entrance to passage 4. Ronnie, who was worth over a hundred million star coins, looked like a beggar at that moment. He stank, his fingernails were full of black mud, his hair was too long to cover his eyes, his feet were bare, and he was lying on the floor, asleep. Amandine covered his nose and looked for a board, and then he and Enos, one after the other, enduring nausea, lifted him onto the board to flatten him. The two picked up their pace to breathe less of the stench, and in a few moments they were in the washroom on Aisle 3. Amandine stripped him of his clothes, grabbed the water nozzle and sprayed him, the water hitting him with a "clatter". Ronnie came to as the water sprayed him and screamed, "Who's there? who woke me up at this ungodly hour?"
"Dad, you stink, wash up."
"Do I stink? I don't smell anything!" Ronnie sniffed himself defensively.
"It's almost as bad as the shit in the toilet, isn't it?"
Enos brought a large towel to rub Ronnie's back as well, and the couple worked together to finally clean him up. As they sat in Hall 3, a soft-looking robot brought food, and Ronnie took a few bites carelessly. He looked at the Amandine duo and asked, "What are you doing back here?"
"Dad, has this year's 'Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid' been produced yet?"
"Oh! I forgot there was such a thing if you didn't tell me."
"You mean it hasn't been produced yet?"
"No, how can I have time alone, my sister will be born in four months, I have to keep an eye on her."
Amandine thought to himself, "Dad is talking crazy again, why can't I understand?"
"The 'Crow' want three a year now, and if you don't produce, they'll attack again," Amandine reminded.
"Let's produce thirty this year! that'll take another month."
"Can I have three sticks?" Amandine asked.
"What do you need so many for?" Ronnie asked in disbelief.
"I ... want to give them to someone."
"What kind of person? you're so generous, I want you to be honest."
Amandine had to tell the truth about the deal with Vinique. Immediately after he told it, he was met with strong objections from Ronnie. Father and son had a big fight and Amandine left the Den. As he left, he yelled, "I'm never coming back.”
Ronnie quietly ordered Enos, "Keep an eye on him for me and keep me informed.”Enos nodded slightly.
After they left, Ronnie returned to the lab. There was a nutrient capsule here, the fetus inside was already thirty centimeters long.He's only going to revive Alice this time. Vega, he wants to think about her later. Looking at this fetus, he muttered, "Father is still powerful, I wonder what kind of hormone induction can directly develop the cells into an adult body.”
After leaving the lab, he began to prepare for the production of the "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid". (I won't go into detail here because the process is highly confidential ^_^) Amandine left the Den of Wolves and returned to Saria's Umbrella House Commune. He didn't have the Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid and was too embarrassed to go to Vinique. After a few days, Vinique took the initiative to look for him, "Amandine, why are you still disappearing? how did things go?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't get it done, Dad wouldn't give it to me," Amandine told the truth.
Vinique was very disappointed to hear that and could only secretly shake her head, "Is this year's production out yet?"
"Dad said he wasn't available and could only produce thirty."
"Oh!" Vinique also somehow heard a useful piece of information and immediately turned around to find Saria. She wanted to get one of her own first. When she arrived at Saria's office, it was already packed with people who had all come for the Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid. Vinique tried her best to push her way forward, but halfway through she realized she couldn't go any further. Just then she heard someone calling her name and turned her head to see that it was her second brother Doyle, "Brother, why are you here too?"
 "I came to take my chances, did you make a reservation, sixth sister?" Doyle laughed.
"I made a reservation last year and now I'm here to confirm it."
Doyle cast an envious glance, "You're in luck, I'll see if I can book it for eight years from now."
Vinique didn't explain how she had booked it. After about half an hour it was her turn, she whispered in Saria's ear, "I heard that Ronnie's only making thirty this year, you have to book mine first, money's not a problem."
"Who did you hear that from?" Saria asked in surprise.
"Amandine, he just came back from Ronnie's."
Saria thought to herself, "Ronnie, you got me into trouble this time. I've counted to a hundred every year."
She immediately stood up and said, "Everyone listen to me, there is a change in the plan this year, I need to discuss it with Mr. Ronnie before I can finalize the plan, please leave here first, thank you!" after saying that, she turned around and walked into the inner room, leaving a large group of people staring at each other in disbelief.
She first found Amandine to find out what was going on. When she heard that Ronnie wanted to resurrect Alice, she immediately realized, "It seems that in his mind, only Alice's business is the most important."
She immediately contacted Ronnie and tried to convince him to produce more "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid". But Ronnie insisted he didn't have the time, so Saria had no choice but to give up. All she had to think about now was how to explain it to the people who had pre-ordered it this year. Amandine's pockets were almost empty now, and there were only about eight hundred star coins left on his nine-star payment card. Enos told him, "I'd better become an actor! there's money in that."
"No, you'll have to kiss around with those men again, I'm not used to it."
Enos laughed, "It's just acting and not real, besides I'm just a robot, I won't have any feelings for them, Dad programmed me to love only you, what are you afraid of?"
"Did Dad really design it that way? to make you love only me?" Amandine wondered.
"Yes, it's written into the core components of the chip."
"Dad is so good to me," Amandine murmured.
"That's for sure, he must be devastated that you ran away this time."
Amandine finally agreed to Enos' suggestion that she become an actress. He himself worked as a waiter in a restaurant, earning sixteen hundred star coins a month. As Enos appeared in two films, her fame grew. That day, she ran to the restaurant to look for Amandine, a number of restaurant guests immediately recognized her and asked for her autograph, Amandine's mood was very bad, "If it wasn't for Dad, how could Enos love me? she is just a fairy."
At that time, a young boy carrying flowers rushed over and knelt down in front of Enos, tilting his head with an excited face and shouting, "Isabella, you marry me!"
Isabella was the name of Enos' heroine in the movie, and Enos took a step back and said, "I had a boyfriend a long time ago."
"I don't believe you!" the boy kneeled forward.
"I am her boyfriend," Amandine stepped forward.
The moment he spoke, the entire restaurant laughed, "Is this boy out of his mind? to actually say such shameless words."
"I really am," Amandine explained with a flushed face.
Enos went over and took his hand and said, "He really is my boyfriend."
Upon hearing this news, the restaurant fell silent, "Why? what makes such a poor boy get our goddess?" one man said defiantly.

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