by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:14:09

Amandine was furious when he heard this, he pulled out his gun and pointed it upwards "Boom! Boom!" he shouted angrily, "How about that? which one of you is still not convinced?"
These two shots really scared the crowd, and he said contemptuously, "What a bunch of cowards! "with that, he took Enos' hand and walked out.
Ronnie was holding a small baby, Alice, who had been raised from the nutrient capsule. "Sister was so cute when she was little," he looked at the little baby in his arms and smiled to himself.
What she needed most now was human milk. He would find a nurse in the nearby village to breastfeed the little baby. With little Alice in his arms, he left the den and after walking for more than half an hour, he came to a small village, "Excuse me, are there any pregnant women in the village?" Ronnie asked an elderly mother.
The eldest mother gestured a few times with her hands and beeped. Then Ronnie realized the other person couldn't understand what he was saying. "It's troublesome now." Just as he was about to despair, a woman walked over. Ronnie was overjoyed at the sight, and it turned out that the person who came was the foot-washing woman he had seen by the river when he first came here. "Do you remember me?" he asked.
"Oh! It's you, I remember you," the woman called out.
"I would like to ask if there are any pregnant women in your village. I have a little baby that needs milk."
The woman thought for a moment and said, "Please come with me, I know one."
"Thank you!" Ronnie followed. The two of them walked back and forth, turned two corners, and came to a dilapidated house. The woman walked up to the door and knocked, calling out, "Anybody home?"
A chubby woman came out a few moments later. She saw the woman smiling in the local language and asked, "Lila, what can I do for you?"
Lila turned and pointed at Ronnie, "The baby in this gentleman's arms needs help."
Although he couldn't understand the duo's conversation, Ronnie knew from the look on their faces that it wasn't going to go well. Sure enough, Lila told him that the fat woman had two children, both nursing, and there was no way she would have extra milk for anyone else. Disappointed, he stood frozen, and Lila felt sorry that she couldn't help, but in the next moment she suggested, "There are ewes in the village that can give goat's milk to the little babies."
Ronnie could not find human milk, so he settled for the next best thing. He ended up trading twenty turkeys for two ewes. He knew it was not good for babies to go a long time without human milk, but the conditions here were too bad, so he decided to leave the Den of Wolves and go to the Umbrella House Commune to look for Saria. The 200 million star coins he earned last year had been spent almost all the time, most of it was used to buy experimental equipment and upgrade the security system of the Den of Wolves, now without tens of thousands of people in the army, the Den of Wolves cannot be entered. Fortunately, this year's 30 "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid" let him earn more than 63 million stars, he plans to take out 20 million to buy a small plane, then give five million to the Baron, Park Hye's brother Neeson one million, the remaining 30 million to live. He gave the Wolf's Lair to the new advanced robot "Masked Commander" and asked him to lead 600 Ullian warriors to guard the place, each of these 600 warriors has the combat level of "Cool Bear".
Ronnie bought the plane, picked up little Alice, and took two Ullian fighters on the road. Three hours later, the small plane was parked directly on the wide lawn of the "Umbrella House Commune". Saria and Amandine and other people came out to greet him, having been injected with the "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid" Ronnie looks only in his twenties at this point, but the few people who received the plane did not feel that he had changed much. Saria immediately saw the baby in his arms and laughed, "Is that Alice?"
"Yes, isn't she adorable?" Ronnie replied.
"Let me hold her," Saria said as she opened her arms.
Ronnie handed the baby over, but just as Saria got her hands on her, she heard "Wow!" Little Alice cried out. Ronnie hastily took her back, but continued to coax: "Sister! don't cry ... don't cry!"
"Dad, your calling the baby ‘sister’ really funny," Amandine laughed out loud.
"What should I call her then?"
Amandine couldn't think of anything better, so he said sullenly, "Then call her whatever you want! I have no idea."
"Saria, did the nanny get it for me?" Ronnie asked.
"Got three of them, so you can pick one."
"Good, let's go over there and have a look, my sister hasn't had human milk since she was born, so we have to decide fast."
A few people went up to the second floor, there were already three young women waiting in the room, Ronnie spoke directly, "Can I look at everyone's breasts? I want to see if there's enough milk."
The three young women immediately glared at him when they heard him say those words. One of the youngest ladies stood up and slapped him in the face. Saria also felt that Ronnie's request was a bit much and reminded him by tugging on his sleeve. Ronnie then slowed down and apologized, "I'm sorry, I've been around robots lately and my thinking is a bit messed up. " he turned to Saria and asked, "What will it be?"
"How about we ask Alice to choose whoever holds her without crying?"
"That's a great idea!" Ronnie praised.
The three young women took turns holding Alice, and in the end, the one in the middle stayed. For the other two, Ronnie paid them a thousand star coins each and let them go home. The one who stayed was also named Catherine, the same name as Ronnie's daughter. Catherine took little Alice, lifted up her blouse and began to breastfeed. Ronnie saw her pair of plump breasts and felt he had found the right person. Next, he gave her little Alice to look after, ten thousand star coins a month. When Amandine found out, he said with an envious face, "If only I had breasts, I could earn those ten thousand Star Coins, too. " Since Ronnie refused to give him any more Star Coins, he now knew that it was not easy to make money, and it would take him half a year to earn ten thousand Star Coins.
When everyone left, Saria looked at Ronnie and asked, "Will you be producing 'Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid' again this year?"
"I just got here and you want me to go back?"
"Is it impossible to produce it here?"
"That's for sure, I spent more than 100 million Star Coins to build the lab in the Den of Wolves, the conditions here are definitely not possible, besides, I didn't want to do anything when I came here, I wanted to take a break and see my former friends."
"Oh! would you like me to accompany you then?" Saria laughed.
"Forget it, aren't you always busy?I just want to walk alone."
Saria smiled with extreme disappointment in her heart, she had thought that Ronnie would be happy to accept it right, she had never taken the initiative to invite a man before, she hadn't expected to be rejected the first time.
Ronnie's first stop was the Baron's house, the Baron held a big welcome dinner, this time Amandine also followed him out. When he saw such a big scene, he was very dissatisfied and said, "Why is it that when I come home, no one welcomes me like this? you snobs."
Vinique didn't get this year's "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid," and all 30 injections were taken by powerful people, including members of the City-state's Grand Council of Elders, as well as powerful dignitaries from the "free world," all of whom were much more powerful than her. Tonight, of course, she attended the dinner to curry favor with Ronnie. Ronnie was chatting with the Baron when she came over, and the Baron saw her come over to join in the fun with an angry look on his face, but he just couldn't be bothered to snap.Ronnie greeted her first, "Vinique, how have you been?"
Vinique was a little surprised, she didn't expect Ronnie to take the initiative to talk to her, "Not good, you're a big shot now, will you remember me as an old classmate?"
Ronnie didn't like this kind of beating around the bush, he just laughed and didn't answer. Vinique touched a nail, her heart was a little angry, but she didn't give up, then she said, "Ronnie, I'll be frank, I want to reserve a 'Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid' for next year, I don't know if you have any in stock?"
"You'll have to find Saria for that, I leave all my injections to her."
Vinique couldn't hold back anymore when she heard this, she shouted, "You've gone too far, I reserved one last year but you didn't give it to me this year either, you really don't have any credit at all."
"You reserved it?" Ronnie asked.
"That's what Dad told Saria."
Ronnie turned his head to look at the Baron, who nodded slightly and claimed, "That's right, I asked Saria last year."
"How many others booked? do you know?"
"They're only producing thirty this year, so a lot of people wouldn't have gotten them," the Baron explained.
"Okay, I promise you, those who didn't get them this year will definitely make up for it next year and sell them cheaper to those people."
Vinique was overjoyed at the news, "Really? great, that's the Ronnie I know."
The Baron wanted to introduce Ronnie to his grandchildren's girls to get to know them, hoping to bring him back into the family as a son-in-law, but unfortunately, Ronnie didn't like any of the ones he introduced, and in the end took a liking to Vinique's daughter, the only sixteen year old Ibecca. The scene of their meeting was exactly the same as when he first met Yurina, Ibecca was also standing on the small balcony of the second floor of the salon before being called down by Vinique to meet Ronnie. The most important thing was that both of them were having almost the same conversation, which made Ronnie think that the little girl was the reincarnation of Yurina, and she asked with wide eyes, "Are you Ronnie, I heard your name a lot when I was in school."
Ronnie laughed, "Yeah, what did you hear?"
"There's ... so much I can't remember," Ibecca said in a panic.
Ronnie wondered in his mind, "Don't you hear it all the time? how come it's still unclear?"
After he left, Vinique said to Ibecca, "Your behavior today is too disappointing to me, I think Ronnie got suspicious."
"So what if he gets suspicious? I don't want to marry an old man," Ibecca yelled.
"Are you still thinking about that poor boy, I'm telling you, if you ever associate with him again, I'll leave him and I won't care about his parents anymore."
As soon as Ibecca heard this, her anger immediately disappeared and she said helplessly, "What do you want me to do? do I really marry Ronnie?"
"If you want to marry him, he won't necessarily marry you, he didn't even marry Yurina back then even though he loved her so much."
"Then what should I do?" Ibecca was full of questions.
"You just need to get close to him and make him happy, he's much older than you, but he has the 'Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid', age doesn't matter to him."
"Mom, why don't you go yourself?"
"Nonsense, why do I need you if I can go? my arrangement for you today is to imitate what happened when he met Yurina back then, otherwise where would you have a chance? You didn't see how many girls dad introduced him to, and he didn't like any of them, only you."
"Fine! then can I meet Demon in secret?"
Vinique thought about it, afraid that her daughter wouldn't cooperate if she pushed too hard, and finally had to compromise and agree.

continue to next part