by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:14:36

Ronnie's second stop was Park Hye's brother, Neeson. With the one million star coins he had given him, Neeson had also moved to a new home, which wasn't too far from the Baron's house, only fifteen minutes away. When he showed up at Neeson's house, the other party was so moved that he was on the verge of tears, so he hurriedly took out the best food to entertain Ronnie and called out his two children to meet him. Neeson's child with the broken leg was also fitted with a prosthetic, and after the guests and hosts sat down, Ronnie asked, "Are you still working for Saria?"
"Yes, sir."
"Is there anything else I can do for you?" Ronnie asked sincerely. Ever since Mish told him about Park Hye's death, he felt obligated to take care of her brother's family, who were the closest family Park Hye had.
Neeson wrestled with this for a while before pointing to his eldest daughter sitting off to the side and saying, "Her name is Park Young, she's twenty-nine years old and has been home all her life, I hope you can find her a job,” after saying that, he pointed a finger at his head.
Ronnie understood and he turned his head to look at Park Young and realized that the girl was really kind of dull. Her eyes were big and lifeless and her cheeks were fleshy, which made her look cute instead. Park Young saw Ronnie staring at him and smiled at him, showing a mouthful of white teeth.
"Have you been looking for Saria? ask her to arrange a job for her."
"No, she's very busy, I hardly see her and I'm afraid to talk about it," Neeson scowled.
Ronnie thought for a moment and then asked, "I need someone there who can take care of a baby, do you think she's up to it?"
"No problem, Park Young loves children the most and is good at housework."
"Good, then have her meet me at the 'Umbrella House Commune' tomorrow morning."
Neeson was not hopeful, but unexpectedly he really solved this big problem, he kept nodding his head and said "thank you". The two of them chatted for a while, and then Ronnie got up and left. He went back to the Umbrella House Commune, first looking at little Alice. He was about to go up to the second floor when Amandine mysteriously appeared in front of him and said, "Dad, I have something to show you."
"What is it?"
"You'll know when you see it," Amandine led him into a study, closed the door, took a miniature projector from his pocket and flipped the switch. Only a conversation between the duo of Vinique and Ibecca appeared on the wall, a conversation about Vinique telling her daughter to get close to Ronnie.
"How did you get this video?"
Amandine looked at him scornfully, "Did you forget I'm invisible?"
"Vinique is a bitch, why does she always like to plot and scheme? no wonder I felt weird the other day."
"Dad, is there a reward for giving you such useful information?"
"What reward do you want?" Ronnie asked rhetorically.
Amandine immediately showed a wealthy look, rubbed his two fingers together and said, "I'm a little short these days, can you give me some money?"
"How much do you want?" Ronnie was immediately alert.
"I'm not greedy, just this!" Amandine said, holding out two fingers.
"Twenty thousand?" Ronnie asked cautiously.
Amandine shook his head, "followed by a zero."
"Two hundred thousand?" Ronnie exclaimed out of breath.
"What? my information isn't worth that much?"
"I can only give you one hundred thousand, take it or leave it," Ronnie gritted his teeth.
Amandine's heart chuckled, he had only wanted fifty thousand, but he figured his father would have to pay back many times more.
"Fine! Count me out, cheap dump today, not next time," Amandine pretended to be angry.
The next morning, before Ronnie woke up, Park Young arrived at the Umbrella House commune early to look for him. But she was stopped at the door, and when the guards asked her, she just looked down at her toes and didn't say a word. The guards thought she was a mute and found a girl who knew simple sign language to communicate with her, but again no information came out. The guards could only deny her entry, Park Young was so worried about being late that she squatted on the ground and lost her voice, her cries attracted Saria, "What's wrong? why is that girl crying?"
The guard explained, and after hearing this, Saria said, "Let her in!"
Park Young stood up happily and nodded to Saria when she knew she could go in, then went into the hall. She didn't know where to find Ronnie, so she had to stand in the middle and wait, hoping that Ronnie would see her when he came out. She stood like that for over three hours before Ronnie lazily got up, then he remembered his appointment with Park Young and looked at the time, it was already ten o'clock, "Why isn't she here yet?” Strangely, he went out of his bedroom to ask the guards if anyone was looking for him. As he went downstairs, he saw Park Young standing in the middle of the hall, "How long have you been here?" he asked as he walked forward.
Park Young turned her head when she heard someone calling her name and saw Ronnie. But she didn't say anything, she just froze and looked at him, then smiled at him. Ronnie was a bit smitten by the sight of such an innocent smile, and only after a while did he come to his senses and smiled back, "I forgot that you don't like to talk, so come with me!"
Park Young nodded and followed, and the two of them walked up the stairs. After turning a corner, they came to a small bedroom. Ronnie opened the door to see the nursing mother with little Alice, teasing her. After Ronnie introduced them, he said, "Park Young, your main job is to just take care of the baby while Ms. Catherine is away."
After setting up Park Young's job, Ronnie ate something and left the house. He was going to meet some of his colleagues from "Rebirth Partners" today. They were supposed to meet at the Chirpan Restaurant. Shortly after he left the house, Amandine followed him in his cape, ready to be a paparazzo after selling 100,000 star coins for a single message yesterday. "It's still Dad's money easy to make!" he lamented in his mind.
Ronnie didn't go far before he saw Ibecca walking towards him, the other party smiled and said, "Ronnie, I've been waiting for you for a long time, are you just getting up?"
After watching the video given by Amandine yesterday, Ronnie was disgusted by this girl, he coldly said, "What do you want from me?"
"What's wrong? you don't seem happy," Ibecca asked curiously.
Ronnie planned to tell her directly, not wanting to play this boring game again. "Were you sent by Vinique to get close to me?"
"How do you know that?" Ibecca answered unconsciously, and after she said it, she regretted it.
"Go back to Vinique and tell her to stop doing that in the future, I'm really annoyed about it," with that, he left Ibecca alone and left with the two Ullian warriors.
Ibecca went home and told Vinique what had happened, Vinique scolded after hearing it, "You're so stupid, you can't just deny it outright, it's not like he has any proof."
"Forget it, I didn't wanted anything to do with an old man in the first place, it was you who forced me to," Ibecca was annoyed.
When Ronnie arrived at the Chirpan Restaurant, several of the Rebirth partners had already arrived, along with Dan and Catherine. Catherine was thrilled to see her father so young, "Dad, I'm so glad you're fine.”
Catherine was twenty-one years old and had grown into a very beautiful girl. Ronnie was almost afraid to recognize her and pointed at her in surprise, "You're Catherine? why have you changed so much?"
"She's got a bunch of boys chasing her, so of course she's getting more confident," Sharlout said.
At that time, Catherine pulled Ronnie's hand and said, "Dad, I want to leave the City-state too, so I can take care of you."
"Don't you have friends? now you want to leave them?" Ronnie laughed.
"Of course I'm ready to give them up, how can they compare to you? now that Auntie and Vega are dead, you need loved ones around you," Catherine said with tears in her eyes.
Hearing this, Ronnie's mood immediately became heavy again, and after a while he said, "It seems we need to build a home in the 'free world' before we can do that.”
Seeing the heavy topic, Tom interjected, "Boss, where's Lily? why didn't she come with you?"
"She got married," Ronnie told the story briefly. Several of the original "Rebirth Partners" were stunned to hear this, as they had originally agreed that Lily would definitely marry Ronnie. "People have their own will, we can't force it," Ronnie sighed.
"So you're single again, do you want me to introduce you to someone?" Sharlout joked.
"Sure! if you have someone, quickly introduce them to my dad," Catherine interjected.
Sharlout was originally joking, but when she saw that Catherine took it seriously, she took a look at Gina next to her and pushed her out, "Gina, good looking and no boyfriend lately, only about ten years younger than the boss, how about it?"
Gina said with a red face, "Sharlout, don't be ridiculous, I have a boyfriend now."
"Ah! when was that?" Sharlout asked in surprise.
"About half a month!" Gina replied.
"Well, don't worry, I'll find my own woman," Ronnie said with a frown.
After dispersing with the group of rebirth partners, Ronnie used more than ten million to buy "Sapala Lake" in "Shire Town", and then spent seven months building "Lone Island Manor" in the middle of the lake. In those seven months, he had already given Saria one hundred and seventy "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid", he had Saria cancel all bookings for the next few years, and lost some money, where he would have made 300 million, he ended up with only 200 million star coins. He chose Alice's birthday to move into "Lone Island Manor". With him were Amandine, Enos, Catherine, Little Alice, the nurse Catherine, Park Young and two Ullian warriors. Since the Lone Island Manor was in the middle of the lake, they had to row a boat every time they wanted to go in or out: "Father, I know you have money, but don't be so extravagant as to build our house in the middle of the lake, how inconvenient it is to get in and out!"
"What do you know? that way no one will come to disturb us, and it's safer too, I have sensors all around, as long as someone tries to jump into the water, I'll know right away."
"Looks like you're afraid of the Crow's people," Amandine pointed out with a pinch of salt.
Lonely Island Manor covers an area of twelve acres, after taking a boat to the "island" there is a small dock to park the boat, after walking more than twenty meters there are two square pillars, on top of which there is a wide wooden board on which is written "Lonely Island Manor - Watson's House". Inside, there are two houses, one high and one low, separated by a swimming pool. The high house has two floors, on the first floor there is a kitchen, two bathrooms, a living room and a baby play area, on the second floor Ronnie and seven other people live, and on the other side of the house Ronnie wants the guests to live.

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