by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:15:48

Beelzebub whispered to Neeson beside him, "The girls he's holding are all from modeling backgrounds, and they're all exceptionally beautiful, would you like to try?"
"But I only have 50,000 Star Coins, that's not enough!"
"Don't worry, just bring the original contract and sign it again, you'll have money. I'll give you another 150,000 Star Coins, and when the time comes, all you have to do is return the capital to me. I don't want you to pay interest this time, just think of it as making a friend."
Neeson was heartened by the conversation and, after some thought, agreed. Beelzebub was pleased and secretly thought: "This time you won't get away with it."
Get 150,000, Neeson and the old man discussed how to play, he wanted to use a kind of game without brains.First put a bottle on the ground, the mouth of the bottle is small, and then two people take turns in two meters to throw the ball inside, the ball for two colors, one person to throw thirty, who throws more, who will win. The old man looked at Beelzebub and reluctantly agreed. Neeson first, he stood two meters away, nervous to throw the first ball, the first round he threw ten times, a total of seven balls in. When it was the old man's turn, he was also a little nervous, the first one missed, three in a row, he took a deep breath and threw a fourth, this time it hit, and finally he threw five in the first round, and that's how it went for three rounds, and Neeson won the round.His confidence grew so much that he played five rounds in a row and won every time. When he left the casino, he had won four hundred thousand Star Coins and a pretty girl. He did not immediately return his winnings to Beelzebub, and the other man did not mind and sent him away with a smile, as if he had guessed that he would return. The next day, he did return, this time with a different opponent. Neeson's confidence soared after winning five sets yesterday, and he got off to a good start today, winning two sets in a row. His opponent said, "Neeson, you're playing too slow. should we play a bigger game? how about 300,000 star coins at a time?"
"Fine, I don't think you can beat me," he agreed with confidence. But this time he lost, and he lost three games in a row. He lost all the money he had originally borrowed and the girl he had won, he was not convinced and ran to Beelzebub to borrow money again, "You already owe me one hundred and fifty thousand star coins, are you going to borrow more now? ” Beelzebub laughed.
"Yes, didn't you say we were friends?" Neeson said cheekily.
"It's okay, but this time it's with interest, how much do you want to borrow?"
"Three hundred thousand," Neeson had already lost with his red eyes and went out on a limb.
Beelzebub thought for a moment before he said, "How are you going to pay it back? isn't your daughter worth that much money?"
"Don't worry, as long as you have my daughter in hand, Ronnie will give you as much money as you want," Neeson said sharply.
"Good! I'll give you three hundred thousand, but you have to pay me back five hundred thousand star coins after one month, plus the original one hundred and fifty thousand, a total of six hundred and fifty thousand."
"Okay, I agree, give me the money quickly."
Three hundred thousand star coins, Neeson had not yet warmed up and lost all of them. He left the casino with his head hanging and returned to Lake Sapala to look for Ronnie. Amandine had guessed that he would return and had instructed the Ullian warrior to let him know when he arrived. He rowed his boat to the shore on the other side, then put on his cloak and quietly walked over to Neeson's back and, without a word, gave him a vicious beating, cursing as he did so, "You greedy bastard, spending my money indiscriminately, I'll beat you to death." Neeson couldn't see anyone and thought he had hit a ghost. When he heard the words "Spend my money"and immediately understood that it must be Ronnie's people beating him, he held his head down to dodge. The more Amandine thought about it, the more angry he became, and he took out all his grievances against Ronnie on Neeson, and he hit him harder and harder, and he didn't stop until he knocked him out. Neeson was sent home by good Samaritans, and he lay at home for over a week before he could get out of bed, never daring to go to Ronnie's again. A month passed quickly and Beelzebub showed up at his house right on time, "Neeson, is the money ready?"
"No!" Neeson shook his head, "I have no money!"
Beelzebub laughed, he wanted to hear that more than anything, "Then hand over your daughter as agreed!"
"But she's with Ronnie, I can't hand her over," Neeson started to play the villain.
"What? you want to back out now?" Beelzebub's face sank.
"No, really!" Neeson explained hastily.
"How about this? you write a letter saying that you have an urgent matter and ask your daughter to come home, and I'll just ask someone to bring the letter over."
Neeson had no choice but to write a letter and give it to him. The person who took the letter was a middle-aged woman who claimed to be Neeson's neighbor. She called out to Ronnie on a loudspeaker. Ronnie saw that the letter was written by Neeson and relaxed his guard when he saw that the person was a woman. He told Park Young to follow the woman. As soon as Park Young left Lake Sapala, she was picked up in a car and her hands and feet were bound. In the car, Beelzebub took out the deed and said to her, "Your father Neeson owes me six hundred and fifty thousand star coins and now he has no money to pay it back, so I can only take you away and you will stay with me for a few days first and then I will ask Ronnie to get the money to release you,” after saying that, he touched Park Young's face a little and gave her a kiss.
Ronnie waited at home until dark and still didn't see Park Young return, so he took an Ullian warrior out to look for him. He asked around before he found Neeson's new home. Neeson didn't expect to find him so quickly and was shocked, "Where's Park Young?"Ronnie asked.
"She went out!" Neeson lied.
"Oh! I'll wait here for her to come back then," Ronnie said and moved a chair and sat in the doorway and waited. But after waiting a couple of hours and not seeing anyone come back, he got a little worried and got up and asked, "Where the hell did she go? why isn't she back yet?"
Neeson had to tell the truth when he saw he couldn't hide it anymore, and Ronnie was furious, "You sold her for that kind of money?"
The other party still tried to explain, Ronnie did not want to listen to him anymore and asked, "Where is the casino? I'll find it."
"I'll take you there," Neeson said curtly.
"No, just give me the address."
After getting the address, Ronnie rushed to the casino in a murderous rage and as soon as he entered the casino, he went straight to the front desk and asked a girl, "Is your boss Beelzebub?"
The girl nodded, "Yes, what do you want with him?"
"You tell him that Ronnie is here to see him and I'll agree to whatever he wants."
"You're Ronnie?" the girl asked back with a surprised look on her face.
"Hurry up!" Ronnie waved his hand impatiently.
"Just wait, I'll get the boss," the girl said and ran towards the back room, not long before she ran back, "I'm so sorry, I can't get a hold of the boss, he seems to have turned off all contact information."
"That fucking guy, what the fuck does he want?" Ronnie cursed offhandedly.
At that time, Park Young was lying naked on the bed, not resisting or struggling, just closing her eyes and crying silently. She clutched the sheet so tightly that her nails dug into her flesh, but she was oblivious. Beelzebub was on top of her, licking the tears from her face with his tongue. With a soft moan, she slowly opened her eyes to see a bald man looking at her with a lecherous grin on his face. "You are my woman today and you have to be good." Beelzebub finished by lifting her legs and thrusting them forward. After a shudder, he collapsed limply on top of Park Young. At the same time, he wondered in his mind, "Isn't she Ronnie's woman? how come she's still a virgin?" He had wanted to hit Ronnie hard for money, now he was a little less sure if Ronnie was willing to come up with the money.
After three more days, there was still no word from Park Young.
At Lone Island Manor, Amandine looked at Ronnie and said, "Dad, you're still on a hunger strike for a mute girl and you're not eating any of your meals, what are you doing?"
Catherine was also persuasive, "Dad, you eat a little! if you don't eat you will collapse, maybe there will be news today."
"Why doesn't Beelzebub come with news yet? doesn't he want the money?" Ronnie asked looking at them.
"Maybe he's got his eye on Park Young too? I can't imagine that a mute girl is so sought after," Amandine laughed.
Ronnie glared at him, turned and walked out of the mansion. He didn't want to wait any longer and was ready to actively search. While he was outside, Beelzebub's people delivered the ransom note, and the three who received it were Amandine, Enos, and Catherine: "These people are crazy! opening their mouths for twenty million star coins!" Amandine said angrily.
This time, Catherine felt that the other party was very excessive because the family only had 50 million star coins left. Ronnie donated the rest of the money to Saria's "Starfire" program.
"Then what? Park Young won't be able to come back without the money, and Father will be sad," Enos said.
The three of them were in a dilemma, they wanted to save the money and they wanted to save her life, "Amandine, think of something, you have a lot of ideas, that man outside is still waiting for us to call him back,” Catherine said urgently.
At this point Amandine slapped him on the head, "There!"
"Hurry up, what do we do?" the two women asked at the same time.
"We'll just refuse the visitor, she'll definitely have to go back to deliver the message, then I'll follow her in my cloak, I don't need to tell you what happens next!"
"This method is good!" the two women praised it at the same time.
The three followed the plan. Enos went out and turned the visitor away, and the stealthy Amandine followed. Unfortunately, their plan looked perfect, but they forgot one thing, the other party had a nine-star watch, and the visitor contacted Beelzebub directly, eventually returning to the casino. Amandine followed her to the casino, but of course he came up empty-handed and found nothing.
Beelzebub was rebuffed and gave up. At that time, a handsome looking young man said, "Boss, I heard Park Young singing in the house last night, it was very good, should we let her become a singer?"
"Can she sing? whe can't even speak out loud," Beelzebub laughed.
"I won't lie to you, she sings really well, do you want her to come over and try?" the handsome man continued to persuade.
"All right! you go get her to come over."
Park Young was so homesick that she couldn't help but sing a homesick song last night, and now she was looking forward to Ronnie coming over to rescue her. When the door was pushed open, she recoiled in fear like a frightened bird, "Come with me! the boss wants to see you," the handsome man said.
Park Young straightened her clothes and followed the man out. The two of them soon arrived at the house where Beelzebub was, "I heard that you can sing, so sing a little! If you sing well, you can stay, if not, I'll sell you, "Beelzebub finished his sentence and waited for Park Young to open her mouth, but after waiting several minutes with no movement, he turned his head and asked the handsome man, "Didn't you say she could sing? what's going on?"
"I don't know, she sang last night, maybe she's embarrassed to sing now that there are so many people."
"There are only two people and she doesn't dare to sing, how can she be a singer?" Beelzebub said angrily.
"Let me say a few words to her!" the handsome man said as he walked over to Park Young, then gently patted her on the shoulder, "Park Young, just sing! If you don't pass, you will be sent to the Red Gate, which can be full of men."
Park Young didn't know what the Red Gate was, but she knew it wasn't a good place. She tried to make herself sing, but she could never get the words out. "Forget it! just let her out! useless wreck," Beelzebub had lost his patience.
The handsome man also shook his head darkly and took Park Young out. After a while he returned, "Boss, what are you going to do with her?"
"She's a little old to go to the red door and can't talk, like a log, so I'm going to sell her anyway."
"A woman like that wouldn't be worth much if she were sold, maybe if we called her father here we could make her talk and sing."
Beelzebub had no choice but to reluctantly agree, "All right! you do it."

continue to next part