by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:16:19

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Neeson was summoned. Beelzebub said to him, "Ronnie doesn't want your daughter anymore, and you sure as hell can't pay me back, so I'm going to have to start with your daughter now, and I want you to get her to open her mouth and sing so I can make up for my loss. If you can't, I'll bury you alive," as he said the last sentence, his tone hardened.
Hearing the last sentence, Neeson winced in fear and nodded his head eagerly, "Don't worry! Mr. Beelzebub, I will definitely make her sing."
The handsome man led him to Park Young's room and stood guard at the door. As soon as she saw Neeson, Park Young happily jumped on him, then leaned on his shoulder and bowed her head, "Woo! woo!" Neeson patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't cry, you have to save Dad."
Park Young stared at her father with big eyes and a confused look on her face. Neeson explained, "Ronnie didn't want to save you, we're on our own now, Beelzebub wants you to sing, why don't you sing? you're gonna get me killed."
Park Young got a pen and paper and wrote down the words, "Ronnie will definitely save me."
"Silly girl, I looked for Ronnie too and got beaten up by them, you're just a mute, why would he like you?" Neeson said with a sigh.
"He'll come for me for sure," Park Young wrote again and repeated the sentence.
Seeing that his daughter couldn't make sense, Neeson said in annoyance, "Forget about him, just open your mouth and sing right now and leave everything else alone."
"I can't sing with anyone around!" Park Young wrote.
"Sing even if you can't sing, if you can't sing they'll bury me alive, do you want to see me die?" Neeson was on the verge of tears at the end of his sentence.
At that moment, the handsome man pushed the door open and asked, "How's it going? the boss is waiting for an answer."
"Right away," Neeson said hurriedly.
After Neeson gave Park Young some more instructions, the two of them left the house. Beelzebub saw them coming out and said coldly, "Sing!"
Park Young stood up straight holding her red face and couldn't sing, "Cileng, chop off Neeson's hand for me, "Beelzebub said to the handsome man.
Of course, the handsome man, Cileng, knew that his boss was just trying to scare Neeson and his daughter. He pulled a long knife out of his back and pulled Neeson's hand up in a gesture to chop it off, Park Young looked furious and her voice suddenly opened up just to hear her sing:
Todos me dicen el Negro,Liorona,negro pero carinoso.Todos me dicen el Negro,Liorona,negro pero carinoso.Yo soy como el chile verde,Liorona,picante pero sabrosc. (This song is from Latin American folklore, La Llorona - The Weeping Woman)
At the end of the song, Beelzebub couldn't help but clap his hands: "Bravo! I have never heard such a beautiful song."
A smile also appeared on Neeson's horrible face, knowing that he was safe and sound. Three months later, Amandine said to Ronnie, "Dad, you've been depressed for so long, it's my little aunt's anniversary today, should the family go out and celebrate?"
"Okay!" Ronnie replied lazily.
Enos and Catherine exclaimed happily at the same time, "Great, Dad hasn't been out of the mansion in a long time.”
After Park Young's disappearance, Ronnie was the one who had been taking care of Little Alice with her nanny for the past few months, and this time he was ready to go for a walk after listening to Amandine's suggestion. He took Little Alice and his three children on the "Air Express" and soon arrived at the "Chirpan Restaurant". "Why do we always have to come here? can't we go somewhere else?" Amandine said in displeasure.
"Well, how about you find one that's better than this one?" Catherine asked rhetorically.
"Okay! I lost, just eat here."
A few people went inside and went straight up to the second floor, which was especially crowded today and almost completely full, "What are we going to do? there's no room here," Catherine frowned.
"Look at me!" Amandine said as he raised his hand and shouted at everyone in the restaurant on the second floor, "Whoever can make room for us, I'll pay their bill and give them a thousand star coins for vacating the seat."
As soon as he finished speaking, five tables of people stood up and shouted in unison, "I'm willing! I'm willing!"
Amandine finally chose a family of six. The people at this table had already eaten almost as much as they wanted, and now they were happy to have someone to help pay the bill and get a thousand Star Coins. "It's nice to be rich!" Amandine muttered.
Catherine gave him a blank look, "It's not like you earned the money, of course you don't feel bad."
"Dad's money is my money, huh? you're not convinced?" Amandine sneered back.
"Keep your voice down," Ronnie warned aloud, "Don't scare my sister."
"Rude man!" Catherine continued to slap Amandine.
Amandine was the first to order and he ordered pretty much everything here, "So you don't have to order again, what a hassle, Dad has money anyway."
Ronnie couldn't help but shake his head, "You're also too capable of spending money recklessly, you can't spend like that even if I have money!"
Catherine saw Amandine ordering so much and got angry, "You're crazy, can you eat it all? the table won't even fit."
"Let's forget it this time! if we can't finish it, we can share it with the rest of the table, just think of it as spending my sister's birthday together," Ronnie said.
"Still, Dad is generous, women are just mean."
While the few people talked, the food kept coming. This restaurant wasn't quite the same as the original, the dishes were much richer than before. Amandine ordered a total of more than forty dishes this time, a few bites of each, they were full, Amandine burped, "It's too much to order, I didn't realize I had such a small appetite.”
Catherine and Enos shared some of the uneaten food with other tables, these people knew Ronnie and accepted it happily. "So where are we going to play?" Amandine asked.
"I've heard that there's a very good singing diva in the town of 'Dasco' these days, and Father likes to listen to songs,shall we go?" Enos suggested in a rare opening.
As soon as she spoke, she was immediately supported by Amandine, Catherine nodded, and now all that was left was Ronnie's opinion: "Alright! I hope she's Park Young."
"Dad, the singer's name is 'Diane' and she's not Park Young."
"Dad is so obsessed that he's still thinking about the mute girl."
It's more than 300 kilometers from Dasco City. The few people took the "Air Express" and arrived in Dasco City in half an hour. The city was many times larger than Shire and much wealthier. Ronnie had been here twice, both times looking for Yurina. Enos, who was an actor and knew the area better, led the group to the Swan Amphitheater. Tickets were only required once inside the theater, and there was an indication of available seats at the entrance. Sit down and swipe your Nine Stars payment card, and the seat is yours. Amandine was the most impatient and waited only ten minutes before he started yelling, "Why hasn't it started yet? isn't that 'Diane' coming?"
"We got here early, just wait a little longer!" Enos explained.
Just then, "Wow!" Little Alice cried out. Ronnie hurriedly coaxed, "Is she hungry?" Catherine guessed.
"It's a shame we didn't bring the nursing mother, or you could feed her," Amandine pointed at Catherine.
"I don't have any milk."
Little Alice's cries grew louder and louder, causing displeasure among the people around them. A strong man said to them, "You guys hurry up and figure out how to get the baby to stop crying, the show is about to start, or get the baby out of here quickly."
Ronnie stood up and apologized, "Sorry, we're trying to figure it out. ”He kept his hat and glasses on for fear of being recognized.
Catherine on one side saw him in trouble and told him, "Give me the baby! I'll try," after taking little Alice, she lifted her blouse and fed the baby, who stopped crying.
"I thought you said there was no milk? why isn't she crying?" Amandine asked curiously.
Catherine glared at him, "Shut up."
In a moment, little Alice fell asleep in Catherine's arms with Catherine's nipple in her mouth. The show started on time, and the first to appear were six little girls, bouncing to the music and dancing rhythmically like a fluttering butterfly. About two minutes later, the main character, Diane, appeared, and as soon as Ronnie saw her, he squealed, "Who else could it be if not Park Young?"
"Huh! it's really her, did she change her name?" Amandine wondered.
The one called "Diane" was Park Young, and Beelzebub had changed her to "Diane" because he found the name "Park Young" too unpleasant. Park Young had changed so much in the past few months, from a simple girl to a woman in prostitution. She was wearing a long, sheer purple dress, and her full breasts were visible in the dim light. She stepped barefoot on the carpet and walked slowly back and forth, occasionally winking at the audience offstage and singing affectionately:
De colores.
De colores se visten los campos
En la primavera.
De colores, De colores se visten los campos En la primavera, De colores.
De colores son los pajaritos
Que vienen de afuera.
De colores, De colores son los pajaritos Que vienen de afuera, De colores.
De colores es el arcoiris (The colorful ones)
Ronnie looked at the almost unrecognizable Park Young with mixed feelings, "What kind of experience can change someone so completely?"
Park Young changes her costume after every song. This time she came out in a backless dress only to see a large bright red mouth mark tattooed on her back shoulder with a black poisonous spider in its mouth. Park Young also became more confident, constantly interacting and flirting with the audience during her singing. "Dad, it looks like the ugly duckling that turns into a white swan is real, no wonder this place is called the Swan Amphitheater."
Ronnie, however, was deep in thought, "Was I right to help her like that before? maybe it's better for her to end up like this, she stood up on her own."
The show finally ended, "Dad, go over to her! don't just stand there."
"Forget it, she doesn't really want to see me."
Catherine, who was holding little Alice, also advised, "Dad, go! don't make yourself regret it, if she rejects you, give up and start your life over again later."
"All right then!" Ronnie nodded as he went backstage to find Park Young. "Amandine, follow in your cape and come out and call us if anything happens," Enos said.
Amandine listened to Enos the most and followed him immediately. As soon as Ronnie arrived backstage, he took off his hat and glasses and one of the actresses immediately recognized him, she called out in surprise, "Ronnie, what are you doing here?"
Beelzebub was also backstage and when he heard the call he came out and immediately saw Ronnie and asked in a cold tone, "What are you doing here?
"I'm here to see Park Young."
"I'm sorry, she doesn't want to see you, please go away!" as soon as Beelzebub finished speaking, Park Young came out of the inner room, she had just gone to remove her makeup and change her clothes when she heard Ronnie's voice, she was so shocked and happy that she ran out before she finished changing her clothes. Beelzebub saw her appear and said angrily, "Who told you to come out?"
Park Young lowered her head and whispered, "I'll take a look at him and leave at a glance."
Not knowing Beelzebub, Ronnie stepped forward and asked, "Who are you? speak politely."
"I am Beelzebub, the owner of this place."
As soon as Ronnie heard that it was Beelzebub, a nameless fire rose in his heart, and he swung a fist at him, but the other party seemed to have prepared for it, easily dodging his attack, backhanding him and grabbing his wrist, followed by an over-the-shoulder punch that knocked him to the ground, and then a foot stomped on his chest. Ronnie was held down so hard that he couldn't move, but his eyes glared at his opponent in death, "What are you doing?"
Seeing that he was being pushed to the ground in return, Park Young rushed forward and pulled Beelzebub, "Don't hit him, I'll go back now."
The sneaky Amandine saw his father being beaten, he was so angry that he stomped his feet and took out a dagger from his pocket and stabbed it into Beelzebub's back, only to hear an "ah" scream, Beelzebub let go of his hand. He covered his back and cried out, "Who stabbed me?"
The onlookers shook their heads and said they didn't see who did it. Amandine kicked him again and Ronnie shouted, "Cough! Cough!" It took him a few moments to get to his feet. He grabbed Park Young's hand and ran out the door. Beelzebub, who was not too badly injured, shouted, "Hurry up and go after them!"
The crowd responded and rushed after them.

continue to next part