by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:16:48

Ronnie pulled Park Young and ran into the theater lobby, Catherine looked at him with a panicked face and went up to him and asked, "Dad, what's wrong?"
"Hurry up, someone is after us, let's get out of here first."
Amandine appeared at this time, "What are you afraid of? with those guys, can't we beat them?"
Those who were chased out from behind were all actors, with only three bodyguard-like figures. Meanwhile, the doors of the theater were closed and it was too late for Ronnie and the others to get out, and several people were quickly surrounded. Park Young was afraid to lean close to Ronnie's side, Catherine had lived in the City-state and had never seen a big scene, she trembled and asked, "Dad, what are we going to do?"
Ronnie didn't have much of an idea, instead he looked at Enos, who was the strongest fighter among these people. "Father, don't be afraid, let Amandine protect you, I'll take care of these people," Enos stepped forward and said.
"Good!" Ronnie nodded, at this moment he had some regrets in his heart, "I really should have brought out Ullian Warrior."
Not many of these actors actually wanted to do anything and surrounded Ronnie and the others just for show. They didn't want to fight, and Enos could see that and didn't take the initiative, so the two sides just stood there in a stalemate.
Beelzebub just bandaged up and came out from backstage, he looked at Park Young who was hiding behind Ronnie: "Diane, for Ronnie, don't you even want your father?"
"What do you want? please don't hurt him," Park Young pleaded.
"It's up to you, as long as you return to the theater, everything is negotiable."
"Park Young, don't listen to him, he's trying to trick you into going back," Amandine warned.
Ronnie also advised, "Yeah, let's get out of here and we'll figure out what to do about your dad."
Beelzebub couldn't help but get angry as he watched Ronnie's father and son talking in unison, "Ronnie, you're so hateful, I tried to ransom you three months ago and you couldn't afford to pay, and now you're here to cause trouble."
Ronnie was confused by what he heard and was about to reply when Amandine interjected, "Beelzebub, cut the crap, you release Neeson quickly or I'll give you another stab. "He was so anxious to talk because he was afraid of being exposed that he didn't tell Ronnie about the ransom note. Beelzebub really changed the subject, he turned to Amandine and said coldly, "It was you who stabbed me in the back?"
"It was me! how was that? nice touch?" Amandine said with a grin.
"Good! good! good!" Beelzebub was so angry with him that he couldn't say a whole sentence and shouted three good words in a row. At that moment, Park Young stepped out of the way and said to him, "I'll go back with you. Then she said to Ronnie beside her, "Thank you for coming to me, but unfortunately it's all too late, I've gotten used to life here and I'm not the same Park Young anymore."
"What did you say?" Ronnie didn't answer for a moment.
"I said I'm not going back with you," Park Young repeated.
"Good! good! good!" Ronnie repeated the same three words. He didn't even know how he got back to "Lone Island Manor", his head was empty and he was dragged to the car by Amandine and the others. When he got home, he kept repeating, "Maybe it's better for her, it's better for her!"
"Dad, cheer up, it's easy for you to have a woman, we'll get you one," Amandine said inexplicably.
After a few days, Ronnie was undeterred and ran to the Swan Amphitheater to find Park Young again. He ran back and forth to offer his love, but this time Park Young was much colder to him and ignored his gestures, and finally she said, "Ronnie, go away, I will not go back with you, I am able to support myself and my father, and I do not need you to take care of me anymore."
Hearing this, Ronnie could only give up and walked away heartbroken. Park Young looked at his far away back and mumbled tearfully, "I'm sorry, I hope you can understand me."
As soon as her words fell, Beelzebub appeared behind her and clapped his hands, "Good, you did well this time, he should have given up."
Park Young really didn't need Ronnie's care right now, she had an income of around five thousand Star Coins for three shows a day, which was the two-part bonus Beelzebub gave her. If she added more shows, the income would be even higher, but of course those weren't easy to come by. Three months ago, she didn't even dare to speak, and Beelzebub used all kinds of cruelty to get her to speak. He brought in professional teachers to train Park Young, and unless she completed her training tasks for the day, they wouldn't feed her father. Neeson was almost starved to death at first, and to get her to let go, she had to perform in an almost nude costume. And so, in almost two months of training, she became what she is today. Ronnie didn't dare to go back to her, but he would often sneak out to see her perform, and he became a huge fan of Park Young. But every time he watched, when he lifted his lower body up and couldn't get it out, he wondered in his mind, "Why are Park Young's clothes getting smaller and smaller?"
Another two months or so passed and at the Swan Amphitheater, Park Young was on stage interacting with the audience when she suddenly saw Ronnie sitting in the second row and a scarlet blush came over her face and she forgot the words to the song she was singing. She stood awkwardly on stage, not knowing what to do, and Ronnie immediately reminded her, "Y por eso los grandes amores," and Park Young gave him a grateful look and continued singing. When they got home, Amandine happily said to him, "Dad, look who's here?"
Ronnie caught a glimpse of Neeson standing behind him and asked in surprise, "What are you doing here?"
Neeson looked at Amandine with a look of awe in his eyes, he didn't answer and Amandine said, "Dad, I know you have been sneaking off to see Park Young sing for the past few months and the reason you can't be with her is because her father is being held captive by Beelzebub, now that this problem is solved you can boldly go after Park Young."
Ronnie wanted to ask Neeson, but he didn't expect Amandine to say much. He saw the frightened look in Neeson's eyes and asked, "Why are you frightened? what the hell happened?"
"Nothing, really!" Neeson panicked even more.
Neeson had been forced to come here by Amandine while he was sleeping. Amandine had also threatened him not to talk out of turn, Ronnie could see the fear in Neeson and told Amandine, "Send him back! I don't need to get Park Young like this."
"Why? it's so hard to bring him in."
"Maybe I was wrong before, uncontrolled help is like a chronic poison, it will make the weak weaker, now that Park Young has stood up on her own, I should be happy for her and support her."
With this in mind, Ronnie immediately went to see Saria, hoping that the Starfire program could be changed and the money could be used to help the weak become self-sufficient instead of being given unconditionally. But his idea was strongly rejected by Saria. She believes that Starfire is the last line of defense for all poor people, and that she must defend it. The two argued bitterly and eventually parted on bad terms. When Neeson returned home late, Park Young asked him, "Dad, where were you today?"
"I was kidnapped by Ronnie's son."
"Ah! why did he grab you?" Park Young asked in surprise.
"Because of you, he wanted you to be with Ronnie."
"Then how did you get back?"
"It was Ronnie who let me go, he was more reasonable, his son is so scary, he can't move without a knife."
Park Young laughed, "Amandine just scared you, of course you're scared becasuse you're timid."
"How will you and Ronnie manage?"
"It's impossible for me and him, I've already said yes to Cileng's proposal of marriage."
Cileng was the handsome man next to Beelzebub. He had been secretly helping Park Young for the past few months, and Park Young had grown to like him. The two of them were close in age and had even more in common, and they had already agreed that they would leave Beelzebub when they had saved enough money.
Ronnie found out about this a week later. He had fallen out of love again and had to focus all his energy on little Alice. The memories of the clones could not be copied. Ronnie planned to implant an "Enlightenment Chip" with her sister's memories into Alice when she grew up.
While Ronnie was thinking, Amandine came over and asked, "Dad, can you get Enos pregnant?"
"I'm not God, how could I do such a thing?"
"I thought you were good! You can't even do that."
"I warned you before that Enos is just a robot, now you regret it?"
"I don't regret it, it's just that a child would be better," Amandine sighed and left.
The conversation between father and son was overheard by Enos, who saw Amandine enter the room and said, "Get yourself another girlfriend! a human woman who can give you children."
"Won't you be jealous?"
Enos laughed, "Of course not, fathers need the next generation too."
Amandine got Enos' approval and really went looking for a girlfriend, but unfortunately none of them liked him. He wasn't good-looking and not very tall. He hung his head and found Ronnie, "Dad, I realize now how hard it is to lose a love, I understand your pain."
 "What? didn't a girl like you?" Ronnie asked with a smile.
"How dare you talk about me when you're a bachelor yourself?"
"But I gave birth to at least three of you and Catherine and Vega."
"That's because your genes are so bad that you gave birth to me crooked."
Catherine was annoyed when she heard, "I'm not ugly and there are a lot of men waiting to chase me."
Eventually, Amandine stopped looking for a girlfriend. Half a month later, he and Enos had a big wedding.
Time flies, fifteen years have passed, little Alice was also sixteen years old. Two days ago, Ronnie had helped her implant the "Enlightenment Chip" that recorded all of his and his sister's experiences, and now they were waiting to see how it would work. At the pool, she ran happily toward Ronnie, calling out, "Ronnie, my dear brother," as she ran, she tripped and fell to the ground, only to hear "Wow", she cried out. Ronnie heard her scream and covered his head screaming, "No, you're not my sister! you're not my sister, my sister is not that weak," he was disappointed, more than ten years of hard work seemed to be in vain, he suddenly fell ill, and the two of them, Catherine and Enos, took turns caring for him day and night, and it was not until a week later that he slowly regained his health. Little Alice spent money like water, looked pretty, and soon became the target of many boys. She would change boyfriends in a matter of days. Ronnie could only shake his head when he found out, but there was nothing he could do about it because she was a substitute for his sister.

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