by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:18:14

Amandine wasn't having any of that, he looked at Shanmag and asked, " What do you look like in person? when will you come out and we'll meet each other?"
Shanmag gave him a blank look, "Why? you just joined the game and you want to see my real face."
"How long have you been talking to Qiaoqiaoxing?" Amandine asked next.
"I won't tell you, you're annoying and I'll ignore you," With that, she waved her hand at Qiaoqiaoxing.
Qiaoqiaoxing followed her and turned his head to the Amandine duo and said, "Go play by yourselves! we'll separate here for another rendezvous."
"It's really more about lovers than friends," Amandine couldn't help but curse.
Catherine saw that Qiaoqiaoxing had left and didn't want to play anymore, she gasped, "I'm leaving too."
"Catherine, why do I feel that Shanmag's demeanor is similar to our aunt's?"
"Are you saying that this person is little Alice?" Catherine asked sharply.
"It's possible, if that's the case, that you were both in love with one man at the same time."
"I'm not in love with him, don't keep stressing that."
"You are such a hypocrite, our aunt makes her move and you are still here pretending to be innocent."
"Maybe it wasn't her, maybe they just happened to be together."
"No, Auntie often asks me about Qiaoqiaoxing, I think it's her."
The duo went home, and sure enough, they didn't see little Alice. She did not return home until the next day, when Amandine said in a tone of doubt, "Auntie, where were you last night? did you have an appointment with Qiaoqiaoxing?"
"What do you care about my business? get out of my way."
Amandine was still a little afraid of this aunt, and he did not dare to ask any more questions. Unconsciously, seven years passed in which Amandine reminded his father every year to produce the "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid", which was fine for the first two years, but then Ronnie did not cooperate and produced less and less, and in the last three years, he simply stopped production and gave the rest to the "Crow" organization. "The Crow auctions off the three he gives them every year, and this year one actually went for 100 million star coins.Amandine cried out in pain, "What's wrong with Dad? he lets others earn the money."
In the Den of Wolves Ronnie had built the prototype of the time machine at that time, it looks like a convertible car, but it has four wheels, this is because this time machine can only change time, it can't move space.The Den of Wolves was built in the year 2636, if he goes back to the year 2635, he will be buried alive in the ground, so Ronnie needs the wheels to move it. It cost a whopping three billion Star Coins to build, and it can only be turned on and off three times (six times back and forth), and after three times the machine is obsolete. The energy cost to turn it on each time was a whopping 500 million Star Coins, making it a money-burning machine of sorts.Ronnie had spent pretty much all of the Star Coins he'd earned over twenty years, but it was all worth it to him.
The first stop he had to make was to rescue his sister, of course, so he first moved the time machine out of the Den of Wolves  and then found a secluded place.After raising the four wheels, he sat on a disk and then closed the safety cabin.He first named the era as "A" timeline and then set the time he was going to travel to January 2660.The time machine would have an error, so he set the time a month ahead. After making all the preparations, he turned on the machine and the disc spun at a very high speed. After one minute and thirty seconds the machine finally stopped, "Did it work or not?" he wasn't quite sure. And the surroundings didn't seem to have changed much, he got out of the time machine and turned on the stealth button again before heading north. Remembering that there was a village there, he met a villager about forty minutes later, halfway down the road. Fortunately, he had learned the local language, "May I ask what year it is?"
The man looked confused and didn't know how to answer, "Do you have a newspaper?" he asked in another way.
The other man shook his head, and at that moment he saw that the man had a watch on his hand, "May I see the time on your watch?"
He pulled up the other man's wrist only to see the watch read 2660 February 21st, "No good, only two days left," Ronnie exclaimed as he looked at it. He had wanted to get to Shire Town early to get ready, but this was enough time if all went well, and he left for the airport immediately. Seven hours later he arrived in Shire Town and was ready to go to the fishpond at the docks to see what was going on there, where his sister had been killed by the Crows and he wanted to be there to stop it. Since it was two days in advance, when he got to the fish pond there was no one there, so he found a place to hide and waited quietly for two days. It was hard to wait until the twenty-third, and when it was about eleven o'clock in the morning, he thought it was about time, and was about to get up and stretch his arms and legs, when he was discovered by one of the men who had come in the door, and he hastily drew his gun and came out, but the other man struck faster. He was shot in the right hand with an "Ah!" and his gun fell to the ground, and immediately two men rushed up and tied him up backwards. Just then one of them came over and saw him and shouted with joy, "Ronnie! I can't believe it's you," that person was the fat black guy. He'd seen Ronnie before and kidnapped Alice. They tied up Ronnie, and a moment later four people escorted Alice and Vega in. When Ronnie saw the two women, he was excited and screamed wildly: "Sister! sister!"
Alice was also surprised to see him, "Ronnie, how did you get caught too?"
"Don't worry, I'll get you out, no matter what it takes."
The three of them were hoisted up at the same time, Ronnie was able to turn his head to look at Alice even though he was being hoisted up, "Twenty-eight years, sister, I finally see you again."
Alice mumbled at the sound of that, "It wasn't just a separation, why twenty-eight years? has Ronnie's brain gone crazy?"
"Dad, cheer up, will you? nothing has happened yet, but you're scared to death," Vega said with a look of disdain.
Of course, Ronnie couldn't explain it to them. After about ten minutes, the bearded man walked in from outside the door, saw the suspended Alice at a glance, turned his head to the black fat man and said, "Shakira, you release Alice."
"Jackman, I am the one in charge this time, you are just a deputy, why should I listen to you?" the black fat man said coldly.
"Don Stark once promised me to let Alice go, as for Ronnie and that girl, whatever you want, I don't care."
"What if I don't let go?"
As soon as he had finished speaking, the bearded man had drawn a gun and pressed it against his head, and when the dangling Vega saw it, she exclaimed happily, "Good! Auntie wasn't wrong about you, quickly kill these people."
But she was not happy for long, she saw the next person raise his gun, "bang", it hit the bearded man's raised arm. The black fat man saw the right moment to crouch down, then quickly threw a punch to the bearded man's stomach. The bearded man staggered back a few steps, he was just about to stop, when the other man delivered a side kick that flew at his head. He fell to the ground with a scream, and then two men stepped forward to tie him up. The black fat man looked at him and said, "The higher-ups knew you would betray the organization for a woman, and it looks like they weren't wrong. "
Vega shook her head at the sight, "How useless."
Then the black fat man said to Ronnie, who was hanging in the air, "You'll only live a few more days, the higher-ups will dispose of you directly, as for your sister and the girl, I'm afraid they'll die here today."
The bearded man shouted after hearing this, "Shakira, you dare to kill in private, Mr. Don Starr really promised me!"
"Did he? see if I dare," the black fat man sneered. He pulled out a knife and walked over to Alice, "Such a beautiful face, I wonder what would happen if I sliced it a few times?"
Ronnie couldn't help but scream at the sight, "Shakira, stop it or I'll make you regret it."
As soon as he finished speaking, a man raised his cane and came over to him and hit him on the head with it. Ronnie felt nothing but gold stars in front of his eyes and immediately passed out. After an unknown amount of time, he woke up to find himself in a car with two other men watching him. He knew that this mission had failed, and now that he had been captured, he had to find a way to escape. He said to the two guards, "I have ten million star coins, if you can let me go, how about I give them to you?"
The two of them were overjoyed to hear this, "Really?
"Of course it's true, you can take this money and go far away."
"Where do you keep your money?" one of them asked.
"Not with me, in a very safe place."
"I don't think so, let me look first, maybe it's with you," the other funny looking man said.
The duo really searched him and finally found a short knife, two Bira coins, a pistol and two nine-star payment cards, one of which was Yurina's, which Ronnie had kept since her death. "And you say you don't have it with you, do you?" the resourceful man was annoyed.
"But the two cards don't add up to ten million dollars," Ronnie was busy explaining.
"Fine, then untie them and let us see the balance."
"How am I supposed to untie them when you guys are tying my hands?" Ronnie said.
The duo looked at each other and felt that this little man was definitely no match for them, so they confidently untied him. While he was untied, Ronnie suddenly bent down and pulled out a silver needle from the side of his shoe, and then quickly stabbed each of them in their bodies, this silver needle was an enlarged version of the Ice Needle Pistol that was his first aid kit for this time travel, and it just came in handy. After resolving these two people, he hurriedly got out of the car to see the location of this place. He first went to a hospital to treat the wound on his head, and then he had to return to Africa. If he took a time machine directly back to two days ago in this era, he wouldn't have enough energy to return to the A-timeline, so he just had to go back to replenish his full energy before he set off. After more than ten hours of walking around, he arrived in Africa to take the time machine. One minute and thirty seconds later, he finally returned to the A-timeline. When he checked his watch, he noticed that it was almost the same time in the right place as when he left, and he also realized that the five hundred million Star Coins needed for energy was far from enough. If he earned money at the original rate, it would take him more than two years to earn five hundred million. He could not wait that long, so he immediately started to produce "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid", which was the fastest way to make money, but also the best seller. It took him five months to produce one hundred and fifty Telomere Rejuvenation Liquids, and then he handed them all over to Saria to handle, but this time each one was increased to ten million Star Coins.

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