by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:19:53

And so Ronnie became a teacher, teaching biology, a subject he wasn't very good at. But he taught basic biology, which was easy enough for him. He had never been a real teacher before and was still nervous about his first class. Standing at the podium, he said in a slightly shaky voice, "Today we're going to learn what biomethylation is."
At that moment, a male student under his seat stood up and said, "Teacher, why are you so nervous? it's making us nervous too."
As he said this, the stage immediately erupted in laughter, "Sorry, class, today is my first lecture, so please bear with me."
Ronnie continued, "Biomethylation is the addition of a methyl group to an unsaturated group, which prevents other molecules from joining and undergoing addition, oxidation, and other reactions. In short, it provides protection, but its own activity is lost. To restore activity, demethylation is required."
It wasn't easy to get through the first class, and he returned to his dormitory, which wasn't very big, but it had all the necessities and a separate bathroom.He did some calculations in his mind, "Being a teacher has an income of three thousand star coins a month, if I want to rely on it to earn the money to build a time machine in this lifetime is impossible, so I can only think of another way to make money. After thinking about it, he decided to start collecting the invisibility material Meta-skin and make an invisibility suit. The reasons were as follows: 1. It was much easier to make an invisibility suit than "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid", and it was also cheaper and more convenient. 2. He was not a person of this era, so he didn't want to do anything that might affect the process of history, and if he introduced "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid", it would upset the world order. This is the last thing he wants to see, at least so far he is still a part of history. 3. Invisibility cloak to get money faster, but also do not need to deal with people, this era does not have "Quick Reveal" glasses, he can be a stealth thief, the target is his enemy "Nine Stars United".
With these points in mind, he began his preparations. On the first day of the new year, he sat in his dormitory and looked at the newly opened Nine Stars Payment Card in his hand, and saw that the balance on it showed 5,351 star coins. At that time, someone knocked on his door from outside, and he heard "Knock! Knock! Knock!" After three knocks, a beautiful voice called out, "Mr. Ronnie, can I spend the New Year with you? "this female student had been approaching him lately, scaring him so much that he hid inside the house and didn't dare to answer. If it weren't for the invitation for her, the balance on the card would be higher right now. After knocking for a while, the student outside the door left disappointed, because he didn't want a relationship  in this day and age, and he couldn't afford one. He had to pay hundreds of Star Coins for various expenses on every date, which made his flesh ache: "I miss the days of being a big spender!" he sighed.
To save money, he would sneak into the subsidy station to get food and hide inside to eat it.He took out two slices of bread and ate a few bites, and drank some water, thinking he'd wait a little longer to take a walk around town. After taking a half hour nap, he got up, opened the door, and craned his neck to see if the girl from earlier was still there, and only when he was sure that no one was there did he go out. Just a few steps outside he heard a soft call, "Mr. Ronnie, did you just fall asleep?"
As soon as Ronnie heard this terrible voice, his heart felt a meaty pain, "My star coins! it's going to be far away from me again, when will this happen before I can go save my sister?"
"Why don't you say anything?" the student asked as she walked up to him, glaring at him.
"Naberrie, is it okay if I want to go alone today?" Ronnie mustered up the courage to say no.
"Why? don't you like me?" Naberrie asked with a slight frown on her forehead.
"No, I just want to walk alone, don't think too much."
Naberrie smiled upon hearing this, took his arm and said, "Let's go! I will accompany you."
"Okay!" Ronnie had to give in, and the two of them walked out of the school and into town for ten minutes. It was dusk, and the first day of the new year, the streets were especially busy, people wearing new clothes. Naberrie led him into a clothing store, the owner enthusiastically introduced things to her, he took a V-neck dress said: "This is this year's new model, would you like to try it on?"
Naberrie turned her head and asked Ronnie, "Do you think it looks good?"
"It doesn't look good," the owner pulled out five or six pieces in a row and he said they didn't look good.
Naberrie huffed, "Did you even look at them? none of them look good."
"Then you can choose for yourself! it's not like I know anything about it," Ronnie said.
Naberrie chose for a long time and finally spent three hundred and twenty Star Coins on a pink dress and a long-sleeved blouse. Ronnie reluctantly paid the money and the two of them walked towards another house, halfway there, but Ronnie stopped, "Let me take you to a small restaurant for dinner! it's not far from here."
"Okay! you be the judge."
Ronnie wanted to take Naberrie to eat at the old couple's place from last time, "Since it all costs money, might as well let them earn it," he thought. After walking for about ten minutes, the duo arrived at the old couple's store. The old couple had long forgotten him and didn't recognize him, but they still greeted the duo warmly. After ordering a few dishes from the last time, he started to eat, but Naberrie just looked at him and didn't take a bite, "Why don't you eat?" Ronnie asked.
Naberrie laughed, "You didn't even ask me what I wanted to eat, so of course I'm not eating."
"Then order more for yourself!"
"Forget it, we can't eat all this."
After eating, Ronnie paid five hundred star coins to make up for what he owed last time, along with the money. The old couple thought he had paid the wrong bill and ran after them, but they were long gone. He returned to the dormitory, washed his feet and went to bed. Another three days passed, and after class he took a few small pistols into town to sell, wanting to earn more star coins, and passed the store where he and Naberrie had bought clothes the last time. He took one more look and actually noticed Naberrie talking and laughing with another man who was picking out clothes in the store, and this man he recognized as a young teacher who taught chemistry. Ronnie shook his head gently and thought to himself, "Looks like I got the wrong guy, I thought she really had her eye on me." A few moments later he was happy again, "At least no one will ever spend my money again."
Three years passed without him noticing, and he finally saved enough money to regain his self-confidence while cloaked in invisibility. He quit his job to become a thief, and after a few days of stalking, he chose a bank in the "Nine Stars United", put on the cloak, and followed three employees with suitcases who were going to the vault. After entering, the door was closed, and walked through two iron gates, came to a secret room with five large iron boxes, these iron boxes need the three people's passwords to add up to open, When it was opened, the inside was full of "Bira coins", there were more than 10,000 pieces. Ronnie secretly memorized the password. He didn't want to use force and wanted to take some quietly when the people left, so the three of them dumped the "Bira coins" in the suitcase into the big iron box, and then left the secret room. After waiting for five minutes, he opened the big iron box according to the password he had just memorized, and took more than 200 "Bira coins", and then tried the password in other boxes, and found that only one of them could be opened, and he took more than 200 coins, so he had taken a total of about 500 coins. He took the coins in two large metal boxes because they could not be easily detected, and then he had to wait for the employees to come in and follow them out. He had a good survey, and the door was opened here twice a week. "Now I'll just have to be patient for a few more days," he muttered.
He found a seat and took out the food he had prepared and ate it. After eating, he thought about the women in this quiet room, from Michiko, Yurina, Park Hye, Lily, Yani, Park Young and lately Naberrie. Idly bored, he ranked these women in relation to him, and finally came to the conclusion that the one who made it hardest for him to forget was still Michiko, the prettiest and sexiest was Park Hye, the most adorable was Yurina, the kindest was Yani, and Naberrie was the most despicable, and Lilly and Park Young didn't seem to have very strong feelings for him, so they could only be used to make up the numbers. Four days had passed and the bank people still hadn't come to open the door. Ronnie was getting anxious, in two days his food would be gone and the shit he had been holding in for days was about to come out of his pants. As he agonized, there was movement outside the door, he quickly became invisible, then stood by the door and waited. A few moments later the door opened and three more men came in, "Why does it smell like piss? "said the first one who came in.
Ronnie didn't want to smell it anymore, so he ducked out the door and waited for a few more people to come through the outer gate. That was it for another ten minutes before he finally made it out of the vault. The first thing he did was take a dump, and then he went to the hotel to take a shower and get a good night's sleep. The next day, he exchanged the "Bira Coins" for one million Star Coins, and used the money to buy a house.The house only had one floor, but there was a basement, Ronnie used it to build a simple laboratory, and also to make a stealth robot "Fierce Dog".Its performance was the same as the former "War Rose", and he felt much more comfortable with this robot. After that, he sent "Fierce Dog" to steal from Nine Stars United banks all over the world, stealing only a little from each place so that it would not be easy to detect. He made the time machine himself at home, and because the laboratory was too simple, the process was not smooth, he only dared to sleep three or four hours a day, and it took him more than two years to complete 70% of the work. One day, he suddenly remembered something very important and rushed out of the lab to the Dasco Town marina, where he rented the best speedboat and set off for the Strange Island. Today was the day Michiko disappeared from the island, and he wanted to go there to see what really happened. About an hour later, he saw the Strange Island from a distance and remembered that Michiko had disappeared from the northern beach, so he sailed straight there, but he was too late and saw Michiko collapsed on the beach with blood oozing from her wrists. He rushed over to her and watched as she cut herself to the bone, he was heartbroken and shouted, "Why are you doing this, why?"

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