by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:20:49

Ronnie held the letter for a long moment in disbelief, he couldn't accept that the love of his life had left him like that, tears blurred his eyes. After a long time, cries of pain came from the room, once again he had lost Michiko, and this time it could be forever. "Why did she say something about never finding the place again?" he thought and rushed down to the basement, and sure enough, he found the time machine gone, and now he was really desperate, because Michiko had taken it with her, and Ronnie didn't even know which era she had gone to. He was drunk every day for the next two months. He lived like a sleepwalker, unable to distinguish reality from fantasy. Once on the street, he suddenly hugged a passerby, thinking she was Michiko, and was later beaten up before coming to his senses. Now that he finally came to his senses, he used his remaining energy to open a long and thin time tunnel, and then launched the 21,450 time drift bottles he had made into various timelines from 1900-2900 A.D., a total of one thousand years, and the electronics in these drift bottles would automatically scan within a radius of five hundred kilometers, and whenever it searched for Michiko's time machine, it would feed the information back to Ronnie. After that, it was already June of the new year, and after Ronnie celebrated his birthday, the next day, still following the course of history, he took care of things, and he sent a note to the city guards of the City-state, which read: There are two people trapped at the coordinates: 19°18′16〃N110°48′52〃W/19.30444°N110.81444°W/ 19.30444;-110.81444W, go and rescue them quickly. Without Michiko, all he had to do was create a time machine and get out of here. Earning Star Coins has become a big problem again, the first time machine cost him most of his savings, and the Fierce Dog has been depositing less and less lately, "It seems that the people of Nine Stars United are getting suspicious and have increased their security, "Ronnie guessed in his mind.
This time he was ready to take matters into his own hands, and after spending another two months, he made three stealth robots. He wanted to go directly to steal the materials needed to build the time machine, so he wouldn't be easily detected. Taking the three robots with him, he boarded a large van and headed for one of Nine Stars United's largest material warehouses in North America. After five hours of driving, they finally reached the vicinity of their destination, and the four of them got out of the van, all stealthily. This warehouse had two floors and twelve sections, each section divided by category of material. Ronnie had done his research and the materials he needed were in the three zones on the first floor. The four of them waited for half an hour, quietly followed a couple of warehouse workers, then entered the third section after passing through two doors. The place was full of surveillance, and Ronnie's first step was to disrupt it; he switched the signal sources of all the surveillance to static, and then the four of them searched for the materials listed on the list. After three hours, almost all of the needed materials were found, Ronnie sent two robots to knock out the four guards, and finally transported them out in batches with nearly half a ton of materials. With the material problem solved, he started the time machine. With the experience of the last two times, this time he built the time machine in a little over two years. First, he moved the time machine to the wide field, and when he looked at the machine he had built with so much hard work, he was overwhelmed with emotion, "It's too hard!" After eleven years in this era, he finally left for home, first moving the time to December 20, 2688, "I hope I don't make a mistake this time! please send me to the original A-timeline." he prayed in his mind.
He stepped into the safety pod and the disc spun rapidly, after one minute and thirty seconds he stepped out of the time machine, this time not making it invisible as the time machine would self-destruct in three minutes. The first thing he did now was to ask which year he was in, he was relieved to find out that it was June 12, 2689, even though it was more than half a year after he had left. The city of Dasco was still near the Shire Town, and he was soon back on the Lone Island Monar. When Catherine saw him, she jumped into his arms with tears in her eyes and said, "Daddy, you're back at last, I was so worried about you, Amandine and the others went out to look for you, and they haven't come home yet."
Going back in time six months ago, Amandine and Catherine and the other four went to the Den of Wolves to look for Ronnie and found out that he had already left in the time machine ten days ago. After they went back, they would contact Ronnie in a few days, but there was no news, so after three months, Amandine thought that something might have happened to his father, so he called Qiaoqiaoxing to go to the Den of Wolves together to look for clues, and they put on their "Quick Reveal " glasses and searched all over the place, and then they found the time machine in a remote place, which was exactly the one that Ronnie had lost. When Ronnie did his second time travel, he got out of the time machine, and the two couples with their pants in their pockets watched the whole thing as he appeared. Although he later turned on the invisibility button after Ronnie left, the two looked around, driven by curiosity, the man actually touched the time machine and started it, and when he appeared in timeline A, he didn't realize it was fifty years later, as his surroundings hadn't changed much, except that his woman was missing. He returned to his village and found that there was no one he knew, and his home was long gone, so he had to leave the village and live a wandering life.
When Amandine and Qiaoqiaoxing found this time machine, they started talking about it, "What to do?" Amandine asked.
"Mr. Ronnie seems to have had some problems with his time machine, he actually went to the year 2630."
"And when was he supposed to go?"
"He was supposed to go to the year 2660."
"That's the exact year Auntie died, Dad must have tried to save her."
"The time machine still works, if we fill it up with energy, we can go out and find him," Qiaoqiaoxing said.
"Great, I'd like to see what time travel is really like."
The duo said and went back to the Den of Wolves to use up all of Ronnie's remaining energy. While riding in the time machine, Amandine asked Qiaoqiaoxing, "Can two people ride at the same time?"
"Should be no problem."
"Good, then I'll start it, the time is 2360 years, right?" Amandine said confidently.
"Yes!" but a moment later, Qiaoqiaoxing immediately shouted out a correction: "No, it should be 2630."
Unfortunately, he was too late, as Amandine had already started the time machine, and he was about to press the stop button when Amandine hugged him and said, "It's okay, let's go back 300 years and then come back."
Qiaoqiaoxing tried to explain, but Amandine was so excited that he didn't listen to a word, and after a minute and thirty seconds, he was completely discouraged. Three hundred years ago, this was a village, when the time machine arrived just in time to crush two newborn calves. Angry villagers surrounded them before smashing the time machine into a pile of scrap metal. Amandine was furious and tried to swing at the men, but his resistance was met with even greater fury as the villagers pinned him to the ground and kicked him as hard as they could. The two did not know the local language and could not explain, and the men only stopped when Amandine was knocked unconscious. Qiaoqiaoxing picked up the unconscious Amandine and walked to the edge of the village, found a shady place to flatten him and then sat down on his butt, now it was time to think about how to get out of this time. "The time machine was destroyed, but the original core is still good." With that in mind, he sneaked to where he had just been and removed some of the important parts of the time machine. It was twenty minutes later when Amandine woke up, and the first thing he said was, "I'm sorry, it's because I was too playful, and now we won't be able to go back."
"There's no point talking about it anymore, now we have to find a way to survive and then see if we can fix the time machine."
"Can it really be fixed?" Amandine asked in surprise.
"I just took some core components, it should be fine, the main thing now is if this era has the energy needed for the time machine. Your father is truly a genius, he formulated all these energy sources himself, I can't even name them."
"Of course, he's my father," Amandine laughed out loud.
"Alright! now that we're here, let's get a feel for the era."
With that, the duo got up and left the village. They headed south to try their luck and see if they could find a larger town. Halfway there, the duo met a young girl who was a senior and spoke pretty good English, she told the duo where the town was. "That girl was dark but kind of cute looking," Amandine said as she left.
"What? you have your eye on her? don't forget you're already a married man."
"Talking is out of the question, you're pretty strict, besides, I'm just looking for a woman to have children with, and that's with Enos' permission."
So the duo chatted and finally arrived in town, where they sadly discovered that their nine-star payment card was useless and couldn't be exchanged for a single cookie. And they were in the middle of a country called Tanzania, where they used shillings.
By the end of the night, the duo was starving, and Amandine donned his cloak of invisibility, "Never mind, I'll go steal some!"
"No, if you steal it, I'll never eat it," Qiaoqiaoxing said solemnly.
"Boss, it's that time of the year, can't you just put your faith aside for a while?" Amandine exclaimed.
"Faith cannot be compromised, and I would give anything to keep it," after a few moments, Qiaoqiaoxing added, "You are also a knight, and I would despise you if you went and stole."
Amandine had taken quite a few things from his cloak before, but Qiaoqiaoxing had never heard about it. When he was told this time, his face reddened and he decided to give up. "What now? are we going to starve to death as a dead knight in this era?"
"Starving for a day won't kill us, let's find a place to stay and look for a job tomorrow," Qiaoqiaoxing said.
The duo finally found a dilapidated post office to squat in for the night, which had no gate and a few phone booths inside.

continue to next part