by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:21:37

The next day Amandine woke up first, he stood up and stretched, muttering under his breath, "I can't believe I like this wandering life, I'm so perverted."
"You are perverted, why did you keep pressing against me last night? were you treating me like Enos?" Qiaoqiaoxing woke up with an angry expression on his face.
"I dreamt about her last night, did I really do something indecent?" Amandine rubbed his head in memory.
"Let's go! let's find a job first, or we'll be hungry again."
As the two talked, the post office became crowded. Unfortunately, after asking several people in a row and being turned down because of the language barrier, Amandine looked at Qiaoqiaoxing and said, "What do you think? Great Knight, do you want me, the Great Thief, to step in?"
"I still say I will not eat stolen food," Qiaoqiaoxing said sternly.
"Huh!" Amandine suddenly pointed ahead and said, "Look at the girl we asked for directions from last time, it seems that she and I are really meant to be together."
The girl also recognized them and smiled as she walked over, "Do you need help?"
The duo nodded and then talked about their situation, the girl listened and said, "You can apply for a job as a teacher at our school."
Qiaoqiaoxing was overjoyed and hastily thanked her, then asked, "What is your name?"
"My name is Glo."
When Glo asked Qiaoqiaoxing's name, she covered her mouth and laughed softly. "What's wrong?" Qiaoqiaoxing asked with a confused look on his face.
"'Qiaoqiaoxing' means idiot, crazy person in our place," Glo explained.
"If I want to get a job, do I have to change my name?" Qiaoqiaoxing asked.
Glo thought for a moment and then said, "It's best to change it."
"Then what would be a good name? will you help me think of one? It's best if it's something the people here can understand."
After a moment, Glo said, "How about calling it 'Norforth', it means new man in Latin, our teacher just taught it to us, it's just right for you."
"Great, it's the same name as the founder of the City-state," Qiaoqiaoxing accepted it happily.
Amandine couldn't interfere from the side with a worried look on his face and was just about to open his mouth when Glo was already gone. "Amandine, from now on call me Norforth, okay? don't call me Qiaoqiaoxing anymore, people here will laugh at me." Qiaoqiaoxing reminded him.
"Got it, Qiaoqiaoxing," Amandine said deliberately.
The two of them went to the school, and after a few rounds of tests and interviews, it was a smooth transition to a teaching position at Dar es Salaam University, while Amandine, not surprisingly, was eliminated in the first round. Fortunately, there was a dormitory where he could stay, but the dormitory was a bit small, with only one bed, and the two of them were crammed into a small bed, making it difficult for them to turn around. While Qiaoqiaoxing went to class during the day, Amandine was bored and had nothing else to do, so he wandered around the school. He wanted to look for the girl named Glo. The girl was a bit of a celebrity at the school, and it was easy to find out where her class was. Amandine waited outside for about ten minutes until it was finally time for class to end, Glo saw Amandine as soon as she came out of the classroom, but the first thing she asked was, "Where's Norforth? didn't he come with you?"
"He's in class and didn't have time to come."
Glo immediately wore a disappointed expression as she looked at Amandine and asked, "What did you want to see me about?"
"I want to invite you to dinner? do you want to go?"
"Sorry, I have class, so I won't go with you," Glo apologized.
Amandine had been rejected by girls so often that he was used to it, but this time he was a little sad. "A man can only grow if he is constantly rejected by women!" he thought to himself. "It's a good thing she didn't go, I don't have any money either!" he muttered as he searched his pockets again.
He went back to his dormitory and was sitting alone when Qiaoqiaoxing saw him after work and asked, "What's wrong today? you're actually sitting at home quietly?"
"I'm thinking of ways to make money, I can't rely on you to support me anymore!"
"There's a job cleaning toilets at school, do you want to go?"
"Ah! you're asking me to clean toilets, then I'd rather be a thief."
"How about going to the school cafeteria and working for someone as a busboy?"
"That looks more respectable, I'll think about it."
The next day, Amandine became a cafeteria helper. He seemed to have been born with a knife, chopping vegetables with such style and grace that Glo was surprised to see him when she was serving dinner and asked, "What are you doing in the kitchen?"
"Well, I'm now an honorary Kitchen helper," Amandine laughed.
"I'm so happy for you that you have a job too."
And so the two Amandines settled in at this school. Half a month later, Amandine was still chopping vegetables in the kitchen, his eyes peeking out from time to time at the female students, when someone appeared and surprised him: "Dad, what are you doing here?"
The visitor was none other than Ronnie, who also stared as if he had seen a ghost. Seeing this, it is the readers with a very good mind can't guess why Ronnie came to this era, you must think that the author is making it up again, intentionally creating this kind of unreasonable plot to attract eyeballs, here you are to listen to my explanation. Things start after Ronnie returned to A timeline, after Catherine told him that Amandine had been looking for him for three months without any news, he also went to the Den of Wolves and learned from the Masked Commander that Amandine and his duo had been here, but the Masked Commander didn't know that the duo had found the time machine. He searched for a few days and finally gave up in disappointment. He spent another three years rebuilding the time machine to save his sister Alice. During the three years of production, he received a message from a time drift bottle, and he exclaimed with great joy, "I finally found you, Michiko."
But then he looked at the coordinates and had one question, "How did she get to Africa?"
He changed his mind immediately after finding Michiko, and the Michiko he thought he had found was actually feedback from Amandine's time machine that they had. Qiaoqiaoxing had picked up the vital parts of the destroyed time machine just in time to save them. After the time machine was completed, he finally set off again, although he ran into the same problem as Amandine. In the year 2360, the place where the time machine was located was still in a village, and this time, instead of crushing someone's calf, it ran into a villager's house. Inside the house, a man was taking a bath, and when he noticed that Ronnie, who had suddenly appeared in the room, was hastily covering his lower body, he shouted, "Pervert!"
Ronnie was speechless and was soon tied up by the villagers. He starved for two days before an old woman took pity on him and let him go quietly at night. Fortunately, he knew the local language, and when he realized that the source of the signal was coming from the school, he set out to find it. He was full of hope that he would see Michiko, but he didn't expect to find his son, Amandine, and father and son hugged each other happily, "Dad, are you hungry? your stomach's growling so much."
Ronnie hadn't eaten for two days, and when he heard Amandine say that, he asked hastily, "Do you have anything to eat?"
"What are you talking about? I'm the cook here now, wouldn't I have food for you?" Amandine exaggerated his scope of work and shouted loudly.
He led Ronnie directly to the back kitchen and brought over a big bowl full of lamb and rice, "Eat!"
Ronnie was starving and took the bowl and devoured it, Amandine brought him another drink and the meal lasted a full hour. "Now that's satisfying!" Amandine said.
"I almost braced myself," Ronnie nodded, "The rice here is pretty good."
"It sure is, I'm a cook."
"When did you learn to cook?"
Amandine was embarrassed by the question and eagerly changed the subject, "Dad, you've finished eating too, I'm taking you to meet someone!"
"Isn't it Qiaoqiaoxing?" Ronnie asked.
"You guessed?"
The two of them walked out of a classroom, and a few moments later, Qiaoqiaoxing came out. "Norforth, look who's here?" Amandine yelled.
Ronnie was surprised when he pointed at Qiaoqiaoxing and asked, "Are you Norforth? the founder of the City-state."
"Dad, you're out of your mind, he just changed his name, how does that make him the founder of the City-state?"
"No, I read in one of the history books that Dr. Norforth is most likely someone from the future world, and he's a futurist, no wonder I always thought he looked familiar."
"Ah! I should have known I'd change my name too," Amandine muttered reluctantly.
"Mr. Ronnie, are you mistaken? how could I be Mr. Norforth, and I'm not big enough to create a City-state."
"You're not that capable, but there's Papa! if you have him to help you, you have hope," Amandine said.
Ronnie's heart was happy to see his son praising him like that. He cleared his throat and continued, "Listen to me, the first sub-city was founded in 2373, it is now the year 2360, there are no City-states yet, I want you to stay in this era to create a new world of your own, an era of knights."
Qiaoqiaoxing's blood boiled when he heard about the Knight's Era, and he shouted, "Then I'll stay here, Mr. Ronnie, it's your world too, and I couldn't have come to this era without your time machine, and it should be called 'Ronnie's New World' too!"
"Dad, what am I going to do? am I going to spend the rest of my life here chopping vegetables?" Amandine shouted sharply.
"You stay and help Norforth, maybe you'll go down in history too," Ronnie's attitude changed immediately when he realized that Qiaoqiaoxing was Norforth.
Next, the three of them began to discuss the creation of the City-state, but before that, they went back to the village to look for the time machine, when they appeared in the village, a father saw Ronnie angrily saying, "You sorcerer, where did you take my child?"
It turned out that after the time machine was confiscated, the kids here used it as a car and everyone took turns driving it. When one kid pushed the start button, he disappeared from where he was. Ronnie explained it half a dozen times, and none of the villagers could understand him, so he had no choice but to run away.

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