by Guohan LIN, 2024-06-01 07:25:02

While Amandine was keeping track of the numbers, the fat woman who had gone out returned and said to herself, "Strange? I obviously didn't close the door!"
The next thing Amandine heard was the sound of a key in the door. He was startled and hurriedly restored the computer, then opened the unlocked door. He hid behind the door as the fat woman entered. The woman relieved to see that nothing had changed in the house. Amandine left the house, he wanted to save Ronnie first, it would be much easier to find him with the number. Ronnie had been in jail for over a week and had to work all day, he had to support himself with his points. His job was to do laundry, piles of clothes and pants were brought in, stinking of sweat. Wearing a mask, he threw clothes from a cart into a large washing machine. He was joined by a black man, Ronnie, who was often made to do the hardest work and had a lot of points taken away from him. That day, Amandine appeared to him like a ghost and he was overjoyed and couldn't help but praise him: "Amandine, you did a very good job this time."
"Dad, now you think I'm useful!"
Ronnie nodded, "Have you thought of a way out?"
"No, what's your best idea?" Amandine scratched his head.
"Your cloak is too small, it's unlikely two people can get out, go ahead and inform Norforth to get ready, there will be an hour of activity tomorrow at noon, go and cause them some trouble, then we'll use the chaos to escape."
"Good, messing up is what I do best, it's so much fun."
 "Don't kill anyone indiscriminately," Ronnie warned.
"What if I kill someone by mistake? or if someone tries to kill me?" Amandine asked.
"You're invisible, who can see you?"
"Fine! I'll try to stay out of the way."
Unbeknownst to the duo, their conversation was being recorded by a hidden surveillance camera. Just ten minutes after Amandine left, Ronnie was arrested and an alarm went off inside the prison. He was taken to an interrogation room where two guards made him lie flat on a bench and then bound his feet and torso. One of the long-faced guards grabbed him by the neck and asked, "Where did that man just go?"
Ronnie, of course, would not betray his son, so he kept his lips tightly shut and said nothing. "Very well!" the long-faced prison guard nodded, at this time he took out a wet towel to cover Ronnie's mouth and nose, this is a kind of water torture can make people unable to breathe. Not a moment, Ronnie really couldn't hold it anymore, he struggled desperately, the two prison guards pressed his arms in the middle, repeated the question under his breath, "Are you going to say it or not? are you going to say it or not? if you don't tell me, I'll let you suffocate alive."
At this time Ronnie didn't listen to their voices; he opened his mouth to breathe hard and swallow. The long-faced prison guards saw this and immediately poured water on his face, and he immediately choked and coughed nonstop. The two guards were also afraid of making a scene and were busy removing the wet towel from his face.
"What should we do? this guy is pretty hard to handle," the long-faced guard asked the other.
"He's not afraid of water, just use fire!" the other one said.
This time, Ronnie was hung up, and he felt like he was in the torture chamber of the "Doomsday Bunker" when One-Eye cut off his finger.
In front of him was a hot stove of glowing charcoal. "Ronnie, I'm going to give you one more chance, and if you don't talk, I'm going to throw this charcoal over your head."
Ronnie didn't open his mouth even though he was in a state of shock. If the other party knew that Amandine had an invisibility cloak, he would probably get caught, and then they would all be finished. The long-faced prison guard looked at him as if he were a dead pig and said angrily, "Let's see if your mouth is hard or my charcoal is hard," after saying that, he used a shovel to scoop up a few pieces of reddish charcoal toward Ronnie, "Well, say it or not?" after another moment of silence, the long-faced guard shook his head, "Then don't blame me."
Another man came over and took control of his head to keep him from moving. Moments later, there was a murderous scream from the interrogation room, only to see Ronnie's hair rise in a cloud of black smoke, his burnt scalp emitting a gusty smell of burnt flesh as he passed out. But within a few minutes he was awakened by the cool water, and the long-faced guard asked, "Well? you won't get out alive if you don't talk again."
 "Fine! you kill me!" Ronnie said angrily.
"We're not going to let you die that easily, we're going to torture you slowly."
What followed was another round of torture, this time they threw charcoal into Ronnie's shirt and pants, and the duo laughed maniacally as they watched Ronnie struggle in the air.
On the other side of the story, Amandine came out of Ronnie's place and heard the alarm, "Have I been discovered? I shouldn't be!" He tried to rush to Norforth, but saw that all the entrances were sealed. The guards were patrolling looking for him, so he had to find a utility room to hide in. "If I am found, has something happened to Dad?" Anxious at the thought, he rushed to Ronnie's workplace, but didn't see anyone. He knocked out one of the guards, then dragged the man into the middle of nowhere and woke him up before forcing him to ask, "Where did Ronnie go? tell me," he put a dagger to the other man's chest as he said it.
"Who? who is Ronnie?" the guard asked in a shaky voice.
"The one who looks like a monkey." To save time, Amandine gave a direct picture of Ronnie.
"Oh! you mean the big monkey, he was taken to the interrogation room by two guards."
He asked for the location of the interrogation room and immediately struck out to kill the guard. He had forgotten all about Ronnie's words, "No killing”. When he arrived at the interrogation room, he was just in time to hear Ronnie's pathetic screams. He lost his mind and grabbed a dagger and stabbed them in the throat. The two guards fell with their necks covered, their legs twitching a few times and then they didn't move. Amandine cut off their heads and threw them into the fireplace. He collected the two men's guns, put Ronnie down and carried him into the next room to hide them, and locked the door to the interrogation room again. Knowing he had to create a disturbance to have any chance of escaping, he first sabotaged the electrical systems in the place, then set fires everywhere, lighting them wherever they could burn. Suddenly the prison was on fire, the guards were busy putting out the fires, and here was his chance. He shot several guards with his rifle and then entered the prison to free the criminals. One by one, the men broke out of their cages like tigers, smashing and looting. Amandine hid in the corner and looked nervously ahead. When he finally saw Norforth in the crowd, he was overjoyed to see him and called out, "Grand Knight, I'm here."
"Amandine, it's you, how did you get here?"
"Now is not the time to talk, hurry and follow me."
The two came out with the flow of people. Amandine put his cloak back on and he led the way, leaving Norforth to follow and shoot any prison guards he saw. They arrived at Ronnie's, with Norforth carried Ronnie on his back, still following Amandine. They were about to leave the main entrance when they realized that the entrance had been blocked by a large number of police and many of the prison escapees had been captured.
"Follow me!" Amandine said from the shadows.
Norforth couldn't see Amandine, but he got occasional breathless reminders from him. They made seven turns to a utility room, "You hide here, I'll make a path," he said to Norforth.
"How are you going to clear the way?"
Amandine fished out two grenades, "When I call you later, you carry my dad and run down the hallway."
"Good! be careful."
About ten minutes later, he heard Amandine yell, "Run!"
Norforth quickly put Ronnie on his back and ran down the hallway. When they reached the end of the corridor, they only saw a large hole in the wall twenty meters away. To make him run faster, Amandine supported Ronnie's buttocks with his hands behind him, and that's how they reached the hole as fast as they could. As soon as they got out, Amandine grabbed a car and the three of them got in and fled south.
They didn't dare go where there were many people, so they went into the woods. They found a small cave, and after laying Ronnie down, they looked at each other and laughed, "Finally we escaped."
After a while, Amandine said, "You take care of Dad, I'm going to find some food."
Ronnie also woke up at that time, only that his whole body hurt terribly. "Mr. Ronnie, how do you feel now?" Norforth asked.
"I'm not dying!" Ronnie barely managed a smile and said, "Where's Amandine?"
"He's out looking for food."
Ronnie nodded as he took off his jacket and undershirt to see burn marks all over his body and pus and blood oozing from several wounds. "These people are so ruthless, they really deserve to be killed," Norforth couldn't help but say.
"Yes, Amandine cut off their heads."
The two chatted as Amandine returned with a pheasant. He was happy to see Ronnie awake and called out, "Dad, great, you're finally awake."
"Good job on the hard work, you did a good job this time."
The first time his father praised him, Amandine was a little embarrassed. He scratched his head and eagerly lifted the pheasant in his hand to cover it, "Let's eat roast chicken tonight."
He took out his dagger and bled the chicken, then began to pluck the feathers. Norforth saw that his hands were slow and also came over to help, the two of them managed to pluck the chicken's feathers cleanly, but realized that there was no tool to make a fire, "How about drilling wood to make a fire?" Amandine said.
Ronnie had eaten the pain of drilling wood for a fire and knew that it was not easy to do. He said to Amandine, "Go to a nearby village and see if you can find a lighter, preferably, and get me some burn ointment."
"So I'll just have to steal it? I can't afford it."
"I've got it here, just take it and buy it directly," Ronnie handed him two hundred shillings.
Norforth also took out about a hundred and gave it all to Amandine. It was five kilometers to the next village and Amandine wanted to sell the looted car cheap. He got into the car and drove quickly to the village, "Do you need a car?" he asked a passing man in his forties.
The man looked at him twice, thinking he had stumbled upon a psychopath, and thought to himself, "What kind of man sells a car at the entrance of a village?"
"What are you looking at? if you don't buy, get lost," Amandine said angrily.
The man was an honest villager. He was so scared to see how fierce his opponent was that he turned and ran.A moment later, a young couple came over, "Want a car? I'll sell you one cheap."
 "How much?"the man asked.
"Five thousand shillings."
"You call that cheap? It's a very old model and it's not even fully automatic."
"Then what's your offer?" Amandine saw that someone was interested and was inwardly pleased.
"I only offer one thousand shillings."
"Three thousand."
The two haggled and finally agreed on a price of sixteen shillings. The car, if new, would have cost 30,000 shillings, and the young couple was overjoyed to get a used car for so little.Amandine was also happy to get more than a thousand shillings for nothing. It took him less than ten minutes to get here and he walked much slower, "Why haven't I arrived yet? Am I going the wrong way? I wish I had brought my anti-gravity shoes, too bad I left them at home." And so he walked and walked, it took him almost two hours to get back to the little cave.

continue to next part