by Guohan LIN, 2024-06-01 07:25:34

"Dad, I'm back," his voice called before he arrived.
Ronnie had fallen asleep in the small cave and woke at his call. As Amandine entered, Norforth complained, "Can't you keep your voice down? Mr. Ronnie was just sleeping."
Amandine poured out his purchases from a paper bag; there was a lighter, three loaves of bread, and burn ointment, gauze, and alcohol. "Grand Knight, you help Dad with the ointment and I'll roast the chicken."
"Good!" the two immediately split up to do their work.
Norforth first disinfected Ronnie's wounds with alcohol, and he whimpered in pain with every spot he rubbed. "Dad, be reasonable, will you?"
Ronnie's face reddened slightly as he reluctantly said, "Okay, I'll try to hold it together."
Amandine went out and got firewood, gutted the chicken, ran a thick branch through it, built a fire, then set the pheasant up and started roasting it. He added to the fire as it roasted, doing the work with his hands. Norforth, who had treated Ronnie's wounds, came over to help. After twenty minutes, the small cave was filled with the rich smell of meat, Amandine almost drooled when he saw the roasted chicken, he took a deep breath, "My handiwork is still as good as ever, I'm not ashamed to be a cook."
"When did you become a cook? aren't you just a chopper?" Norforth asked curiously.
"How am I not a cook? which one of us is the best cook?"
"Ah! you compare yourself to us? you're not asking too much."
Amandine took the roasted chicken from the fire, then the three of them each tore off a piece and ate it. At nightfall, the three of them slept in the cave, though they didn't dare sleep at the same time, instead Amandine and Norforth took turns keeping watch. The next day, with Ronnie covered in medicine and feeling better, the men began to discuss their next steps, "We have to get Glo out of there first," Norforth said.
"Sure, let's go now, lucky we had a car last time," Ronnie said with a nod.
Amandine didn't dare say that he had sold the car. As the trio walked to the parking lot, he feigned surprise, "Where's the car? did someone steal it? damn car thieves."
Ronnie shook his head, he could tell that Amandine was acting, but he didn't say anything. Norforth, however, took it seriously that the car had been stolen and asked, "It's over six hundred kilometers from the women's prison, what are we going to do?"
"Why don't I get another one and bring it here?" Amandine suggested.
Norforth immediately objected, "No, last time it was because of the urgency of the matter, we can't go robbing every time, we're not robbers."
"Inflexible!" Amandine muttered.
"Looks like we can only hitchhike," Ronnie said.
The three of them walked up the main road, ready to stop a car to go there, and asked five cars in a row, none of which were going to the women's prison. Disappointed, the couple who had bought Amandine's car just drove by, and Norforth pointed to the car and exclaimed, "Isn't that our car?"
Amandine, afraid of being exposed, said, "You're looking at it wrong, aren't you? It's not this one."
The couple saw Amandine, surprisingly drove up to him, the woman said, "Handsome guy, thank you for such a nice car".
Amandine's face turned red and white, not knowing how to respond. Ronnie then asked, "Can you take us to Black Pearl Women's Prison?"
The duo looked at Amandine and the woman asked, "Handsome guy, are you going there too?"
Amandine was happy to be called handsome guy twice in a row, "Yes, can you drive us there?"
"But five people won't fit," this time it was the man who said.
"It's okay, just squeeze in."
Before the man could nod, Amandine had climbed into the car as if it were his car. Along the way, Amandine chatted with both of them, and in a few moments, he had a clear picture of them.It turned out that the couple had just married, the man a company employee, the woman a nurse. "Are you going to Black Pearl Women's Prison to look for someone?" the woman asked.
"Yes, we're looking for a pretty girl," Amandine said.
"Is she your girlfriend?"
"That ... will definitely come later, and you know I'm a handsome man."
The woman covered her mouth and giggled. Three hours later, they finally arrived at the women's prison. Ronnie's trio got out of the car and said a few words of thanks, the woman waved her hand at Amandine and said, "Handsome guy, talk to you again sometime, bye!"
As he watched the couple walk away, "Am I attractive?" Amandine asked Norforth.
"You gave them your car?"
"Yes! they just got married, so of course I have to give them something."
"You knew each other before?"
"Yes! met in a dream."
"Well, now to figure out how to get Glo out," Ronnie said.
Amandine suggested, "Or how about causing a ruckus like last time?"
Ronnie looked at Norforth and asked, "What do you have in mind?"
"I didn't think of anything else, so why don't we do what Amandine suggested?"
Amandine was ecstatic, "Then you guys wait here for the pickup, or better yet, get a car and I'll go in and rescue her."
Ronnie and Norforth nodded at the same time as Amandine put on his cape and disappeared, "Mr. Ronnie, who the hell gave Amandine his cape? I've seen it many times and still find it amazing."
"I'm sorry, I can't answer that either."
"Could it have been made by you in the future? there aren't many people in this world who have that ability, and even fewer who would give him such a precious item."
The women's prison was much more loosely guarded than the Sark prison, and there were fewer inmates here, less than a hundred, all confined to two buildings, with four inmates to each cell. Amandine found Glo easily, it was just not a good time for him to show himself, "I can only wait patiently for my chance. "He thought to himself.So he waited until noon, when suddenly the bell rang and all the female prisoners came out in a row. Amandine saw his chance and hurriedly followed Glo, but he noticed that there was always someone next to Glo, and she seemed to be the queen of the place. Then he saw Glo go into the bathroom and followed her, just as Glo had pulled down her pants and was sitting on the toilet, Amandine appeared, "Who is it?" Glo exclaimed as she pulled up her pants.
Amandine hastily covered her mouth, "It's me! don't scream."
Glo still looked incredulous when she saw that it was Amandine. She pointed at Amandine's hand and told him to let her go, "What are you doing in the ladies' room?"
"I have an invisibility cloak, I can go anywhere," Amandine said proudly.
"Are you alone? where's Norforth?"
"He and my father are outside, I came in alone to save you."
"And how will you get me out?"
"I'm going to create a ruckus in here, and then you're going to use it to escape."
"Can I take some of these people with me, they have agreed to join the City-state and work with us?"
"Of course you can, it would be good to take all the women here," Amandine said, but in his mind he thought, "That way I can take my time and pick out a pretty one to give me a child."
"Would you mind getting out? I want to pee," Glo said, looking down.
"Then pee, I'm going out," Amandine felt remorse at this point, "I should have come earlier, what a shame!"
When he came out of the women's restroom, he held the ice needle gun that Ronnie had given him, this kind of gun would only knock people out, not kill them. He wanted to burn down some rooms first to get everyone's attention like last time, the thought of playing with fire made him start to ramble, "Why do I always like to start fires? maybe I'm really a bad guy, handsome and tough, women love me."
It wasn't long before the fire alarm went off in the prison, and three places were ablaze. When Glo came out of the bathroom and heard the alarm, she muttered, "That was fast, and I haven't even told the girls yet!"
Amandine, who had started the fire, came back for Glo, and when he realized that she had four girls with her, he suddenly appeared out of nowhere, "Are these the ones?" the others were startled.
"Don't be afraid, he's here to get us out," Glo explained.
"You follow me, I will remind you with my voice," after saying that, he went invisible again, "Sister, is that the man from the myth? why is he gone?" a girl asked innocently.
Glo didn't answer positively, just said, "His father is a scientist with many strange inventions."
Amandine led the way, giving the girls a shot at the prison staff whenever they saw them. With that, a few people arrived at the gate only to see six staff members blocking the way, "You guys wait here, I'll take care of this," Amandine said from the shadows.
He sneaks up to the six and fires a shot at each of them. A moment later the women were all down. Glo watched as some of the women fell and then escaped with the four girls. As soon as they were out of the door Amandine appeared. Ronnie and Norforth caught up with them.
 "Where's the car?"Amandine asked.
"We couldn't find it," Norforth said helplessly.
Amandine shook his head, "Looks like you guys can't do anything without me."
A few moments later, Glo also came out with some girls, as soon as she saw Norforth she ran over and hugged him tightly, "Are you okay?"
"I've been busy for half a day, why don't you hug me?" Amandine exclaimed at the sight.
He was in too much of a hurry to take a serious look at the four women right now, and when he turned his head to look at them, only to realize that none of the four were good looking, "Why are they all crooked? my life is really bitter," he thought darkly in his mind.
"Get out of here before we say anything," Ronnie said.
Unable to find a car, the eight could only walk. As they walked, Glo introduced the other four girls to Ronnie's duo; two of them were in prison for men, one was a political prisoner, and another had accidentally killed someone.
"Where are we going now?" Amandine asked.
"If you don't know where to go, I know where to go," one of the girls said.
Glo rejoiced, "Margo, then you can take us there!" after she said that, she looked at Ronnie again and asked, "Well?"
"Fine, then ask her to lead the way." Ronnie said.
Margo was the political prisoner and a school teacher. After getting the approval, she led the way, after walking for almost half an hour or so, the road was getting more and more remote. Amandine murmured to herself, "Is this girl a rat? how did she get to such a place?"
At that point, Margo pointed ahead and said, "Go over that wooden bridge, turn right and walk a few more minutes to get there."
It was said to be a bridge, but it was actually three logs tied together side by side, and the bridge was only fifty centimeters wide. Several people cautiously walked past, and out of more than two hundred steps they actually saw a wooden house, just covered in the shade of a tree, surrounded by weeds, with several wild cats outside the door looking for food.

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