by Guohan LIN, 2024-06-01 07:27:48

The car traveled for about an hour and a half and finally arrived in Arusha, which is located in the northeastern part of Tanzania and has a savannah climate.The two got out of the car and walked down one of the busiest streets in Arusha, "Dad, what's the name of this street? it's pretty crowded."
"The street is called 'Addisian Street'."
"What do we do now? do we just start looting?"
"Let's eat first and talk while we eat."
They found an Italian restaurant, and as they sat down, Amandine called out to a waitress, "What's good for us?"
A waitress came over and said, "We have squid ink risotto, Milanese risotto, butternut squash ravioli, spaghetti with creamy bacon, spaghetti with clams, and spaghetti with pork cheeks and tomatoes in thin tubes."
"Why is it all pasta and nothing else, do you have any fried chicken?"
"I'm sorry, we don't have fried chicken here," the waitress said regretfully.
"Dad, why don't we go somewhere else?"
This time they went straight to a barbecue restaurant and ate for almost an hour before coming out, spending a total of over three hundred shillings.The duo was too busy eating meat to talk. After coming out, Amandine patted his stomach, "This is the most full I've eaten since I came to this era."
As soon as the words were finished, a policeman came towards them from the opposite side, "Dad, if he's here to arrest us, you run first, I'll hold him off and meet you at the entrance of the big shopping mall in front of us in an hour."
"Then be careful, he's supposed to check our identities."
Ronnie guessed right. The cop saw that the father and son were Latino and had a thieving look about them, so he came over and tried to check their identity. That's when the cop pulled out a walkie-talkie. "Amandine, stop him surreptitiously," Ronnie made an instant decision.
"Okay!" Amandine pulled out his gun as soon as he disappeared into place. The cop was so confused when he saw one of them instantly disappear that he thought he was blinking. He turned his head and looked around just as Amandine had crept up on him, raised the gun and shot him. As the cop fell to the ground, he ransacked him again, "Consider this a shock fee for us!" Amandine apologized for his behavior.
He returned to Ronnie: "Dad, let's go."
Amandine got over seven hundred shillings from the police and the two got back into the car they had robbed, "Looks like we can't go to the busy place, it's too unsafe," Ronnie said.
"I have over four thousand shillings now, why don't we rent a house and stay there before we talk?" Amandine suggested.
"Okay, let's find a secluded place."
The duo wandered through the nearby villages, searching for half a day before finally finding the house of a mother and daughter. The family was also Mexican, the lady of the house had a dead husband, and the daughter was eighteen or nineteen years old and quite pretty. Of course, it was rented at Amandine's insistence, although it was still thirty percent more expensive than other houses. Ronnie understood Amandine, he hadn't had a serious girlfriend yet, and since Enos was just a robot and couldn't propagate, and propagation was an animal instinct, he needed a human woman who could give birth to a child.
In a small shop at the entrance to the village, Amandine graciously said to a pretty girl, "Nicola, what do you need? choose for yourself!"
This girl was the daughter of the owner of the house, and when she heard this, she said happily, "Thank you, Brother Amandine! I'll choose then."
The bones of Amandine's whole body softened when he was called Brother. He never took his eyes off the girl's body again. "So beautiful, I have finally found a woman who can bear children."
Nicola had spent a long time picking out a total of over four hundred shillings, almost a month's rent. Amandine felt a slight pain in her flesh, "Looks like I need to find a way to make some money before I can do that," he thought to himself.
Nicola's mother was not yet forty. She had long blonde hair and sexy lips with a clear dividing line. She had the perfect body of a supermodel and would have been a great beauty if she had been younger. She had always assumed that Ronnie and his son were two rich brothers. That day, she made a point of dressing up to get Ronnie's attention. "Ronnie, did your brother go out to play? why are you all alone in your room? do you want me to take you out?" the woman said to Ronnie in his room.
"Riel, I'm not feeling very well today, I don't want to go out, thank you for inviting me."
Ronnie couldn't develop any interest in other women since Michiko left, he just wanted to be left alone and quiet. It had been three days since he'd been here and he hadn't been able to figure out how to make money, Amandine couldn't be counted on, he was too busy chasing girls.
Riel looked upset when she was rejected, she huffed and puffed and turned away. Ronnie made a rule for himself, he didn't want future technology in this era, it risked destroying history, and all his inventions were too far ahead of their time, which limited the possibilities. "I'd better get out and walk around, maybe I'll get the answers I want,"he thought to himself.
Just a few steps out the door, Riel called after him, "Wait for me!"
Ronnie stopped and waited. "I thought you said you weren't feeling well, why are you out here alone?" the woman asked angrily.
"Get some air."
"Ronnie, you're mysterious, nothing like your brother."
"He's not my brother, he's my son," Ronnie explained.
"Ah! why do you look so young?"
Ronnie smiled and said nothing. "How do you take care of yourself? is there any special skin care product?" the woman asked curiously.
"I grow slowly by nature, no special reason."
"I don't think so, you must have another method to be right, tell me quickly."
Ronnie was reminded by the woman and had a flash of insight. "If there really is a skin care product that can make people's skin younger, then the sales will not be bad, as long as we improve the formula of 'Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid', we should be able to make it," thinking of this, he was overjoyed and suddenly hugged the woman, "Thank you!"
Riel was confused by the hug, but inside she was very happy, "It seems that you are pretending to be noble, but it turns out that you are more anxious than anyone else."
"Do you want to get younger?" Ronnie asked as he let go and looked at the woman.
"Of course I do, what would it take?"
Ronnie thought to himself that he couldn't do it without this woman's support, so he had to get her involved. He said, "I have a skin care product that makes people younger, but I need a lab and funding to make it."
"Can you use my house as a lab?" the woman asked.
"Yes, but the funding is a bit tricky, we need equipment for the experiment."
"Aren't you rich? couldn't you get it?"
"I don't have to rent a house to live in when I'm rich," Ronnie said helplessly.
"Then how much money does it take?"
"At least sixty thousand shillings."
"I don't have that much!" the woman shook her head.
"Then there's nothing I can do, if you want to become younger, there's a price to pay."
"Just give me some time to think about it."
Seeing that there was still a game to be played, Ronnie persuaded her further, "When the product comes out, we can set up a company and just use your name as the name of the skin care product, and selling this product will definitely not be a problem."
"Really? that's great," the woman was finally persuaded.
A month later, Riel really helped Ronnie build a laboratory and buy the materials needed for the experiment, of course sixty thousand shillings was far from enough, Ronnie sent Amandine straight out to steal a lot of expensive stuff. After another three months, his "Riel anti-wrinkle anti-aging skin care products" were finally developed successfully. But this product has a drawback, its effect is very short, you need to apply twice a week, at most, can only make people look about five years younger. The skin care products didn't sell well at first, and Riel was filled with sadness, feeling that all the money had been wasted. Ronnie came over to her and said, "Let's let some people try it for free, and if it works in two months, people will come and buy it."
"Won't that cost a lot of money?" the woman was heartbroken.
"To lose a little now is to make more later, believe me."
"Okay! I'll listen to you."
The first batch of 100 boxes of "Riel Anti-Wrinkle and Anti-Aging Skin Care Products" was distributed free of charge. Not indiscriminately of course, it was all done selectively, sending two boxes in each area, mostly to women who appeared to have money, and leaving contact information for those people.And so another two months or so passed, and those who had used the products came back to the door.Riel's house was surrounded, more than two hundred boxes of skin care products were quickly snatched up, Riel was happy, "Ronnie, you didn't let me down!"
"We can make six hundred shillings per box, we made a total of one hundred and twenty thousand shillings this time, according to what we agreed before, we split it fifty-fifty."
The woman looked at Ronnie and said, "Why are you splitting it so clearly? soon we will be a family."
"What do you mean?"
"Don't you know? Nicola is over two months pregnant."
"Ah!" Ronnie was very surprised; Amandine hadn't told him.
Amandine didn't know that Nicola was pregnant either, he was riding his girlfriend at the moment, "Have you eaten too much and your stomach is bloated?"
"Could you be pregnant?" Amandine ventured a guess.
"You've just realized it, I wasn't wrong to call you an idiot!" Nicola laughed softly.
"Really?" Amandine rolled over and got out of bed, exclaiming excitedly, "I'm finally having a baby!"
Ronnie's heart was happy for Amandine when he knew he had a child, but he had to take his money, which was an important fund for building a City-state in the future. Then he said, "It's better to keep it separate!"
The woman was disappointed to see that Ronnie was so insistent and said, "Okay, I'll get it for you now."
In a short time, the woman gave him 60,000 shillings, "Ronnie, how much will you produce in the next batch? at least five hundred boxes would be enough, right?"
"A box costs two hundred shillings, five hundred boxes will require an investment of one hundred thousand, why don't we just invest all the money we make and produce another six hundred boxes."
"Good! I agree," the woman readily agreed.

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