by Guohan LIN, 2024-06-01 07:28:49

Since Amandine found out that Nicola was pregnant, he followed her everywhere, afraid that she would miscarry or have an accident. That day, Nicola went to the bathroom and Amandine followed, "Are you bored? you have to come in even if I have to shit."
"Be careful not to poop the baby in the toilet," Amandine said seriously.
"It's only nine months old, don't talk nonsense," Nicola covered her mouth and laughed.
"Maybe the baby is a hothead?"
Nicola ignored him, but after a while she asked, "Do you really want to leave here?"
"You can come with me and the baby will be born by then."
"If I wanted you to stay, would you stay?"
"But I have something very important to do, so just come with me, okay?" Amandine begged.
"I don't feel comfortable leaving my mom alone at home when I go."
"You can ask her to come with you."
"Do you think she would agree?" Nicola asked.
"I don't know, I'll talk to her when I see her."
Nicola shook her head, "You can't, it's possible if you let your dad do the talking."
"She seems to like Mr. Ronnie a lot."
"Ah! Dad looks just like me, why do women everywhere like him? It's really strange."
"He may not be handsome, but he has deep eyes that seem to see through everything."
"Why don't I feel that?"
"You're not a woman, of course you can't tell," Nicola laughed.
"Then I'll have him talk to your mother and see if he can convince her," with that he left the bathroom immediately. Ronnie had also hired two helpers by now, and when he saw Amandine come in, he asked curiously, "What brings you here? have you run out of money again?"
"Dad, come out for a second, I'm looking for you for something."
"What is it? so mysterious."
Ronnie still came out, "Dad, I want Nicola to go with us, but she can't let go of her mom, I want you to convince Riel to let her go with us too."
"That ... well! I'll try," Ronnie hesitated, but finally agreed.
In the evening, he went up to Riel when she was alone and said, "Would you like to go for a walk?"
This was the first time Ronnie had taken the initiative to invite her, and Riel was a little startled, and her cheeks were hot, and she said, "Could it be that he's taken a liking to me just because I've gotten younger?"
Seeing that she didn't say anything, Ronnie asked again, "What? don't you want to go out?"
"Can't you be patient?" Riel thought in her head, but her mouth said, "Yes!"
The duo walked out the door, Ronnie wondering what to say and the woman thinking the same thing, they just walked along speechless, "Why hasn't he said anything yet? is he going to propose?" the woman wondered in her mind.
It was at this point that Ronnie finally spoke, "Riel, I want you and Nicola to come with us, what do you think?"
"Where to?"
"To an island."
"An island for what?"
"We're going to build a city on the island, and there are two other people who have made plans with us to meet in two years, and we have about ten months left."
"What about our relationship? what exactly does that count for?"
Ronnie dreaded talking about it, but there was no way around it. He was prepared to be honest, "I have a wife who is missing and I have to go and find her, there are no plans for another relationship at the moment, I hope you understand."
"And if you can't find her?"
"That ..." Ronnie hadn't thought about that and didn't know how to answer for a moment.
"I'm willing to wait for you, no matter how long it takes," Riel said as she suddenly took his hand in hers.
"You agree to come with us?"
Riel nodded, "If I didn't have you, I would be just an ordinary woman here, living my life in this village in a boring way, but after having you, my life has only become more colorful, so I will go with you."
Ronnie was overjoyed after hearing this and praised in his heart, "It seems that this woman isn't too stupid and has a long-term vision."
The relationship between the two of them immediately became much closer. Ronnie's eyes became softer as he looked at her, and when Amandine was told the result, his face blossomed with joy, "It's still Dad who has the charm, and this kind of old woman can be taken down."
"She's not too old! you're still a few years older than her, counting your actual age!"
"Shhh! shhh! don't say that out loud, I told Nicola I was only twenty-two."
Ronnie laughed, "Age doesn't mean much to us, so why don't you be honest?"
"Did you tell Riel you were seventy? I don't think so."
"She didn't ask, and if she had, I would have been honest."
"Dad, you're so stupid, I don't know how much trouble you'd cause if they knew we had the 'Telomere Rejuvenation Fluid,' and on top of that, you can't produce it right now, so if they wanted it, could you get it?"
"That's right, then I'll make up an age and say I'm forty-two years old."
The day was September 9th and Amandine was waiting anxiously outside the delivery room, Nicola had been in there for over two hours and still hadn't come out. He was joined by Ronnie and Riel, and as the three waited impatiently, the sound of a baby crying came from the delivery room. In a moment, a doctor came out from inside, and she turned to the three, "You can go in now."
Amandine was overjoyed and rushed in without a word of thanks, and Ronnie said for him, "Thank you, doctor!" he and Riel also entered the delivery room and at a glance they saw Amandine holding the baby and Nicola still lying on the bed, "Is it a boy or a girl?" Ronnie asked.
"I don't know, the doctor didn't tell me, I'll see now," A few moments later, Amandine said, "It's a boy."
"Has a name been chosen?"
"No, Dad, you name it!"
"Your name is Amandine, or how about your son is called 'Afastin'?"
 "Amandine, Afastin ... good, it sounds like my son's name at first glance," Amandine mumbled.
Riel was a little annoyed by the name, she thought it was too random, but she didn't say anything, she listened to Ronnie for everything these days. At that moment, Nicola got up from the bed and said, "Bring the baby over here so I can hold him."
Amandine walked over with the baby in his arms and handed it to her, then sat down on the edge of the bed, "How's that? does he look as good as me?"
Nicola laughed softly, "Seems a little more handsome than you."
Ronnie saw that the baby was already born and had nothing to do with him, so he said to Amandine and his wife, "I'll go back first, Amandine, you can just stay here with them."
"I'll go with you," Riel said.
The hospital was two kilometers from where they lived, and they decided to walk home. They passed a coffee shop and Riel asked, "Do you want to go in and sit down?"
The duo found a seat by the window and a waitress immediately came up and asked, "What do you two need? we have over twenty kinds of coffee here."
"Then introduce them,please," Ronnie said.
"Good! we have Kilimanjaro, Robitussin Special, Yergachev, Arabica, Lime Coffee, Yerga Chefa, Harar, Mocha ..."
When it came to mocha, Ronnie shouted, "Just that kind of mocha!"
"This gentleman is so demanding, mocha coffee is imported from Ethiopia, from the two major producing regions of Harar and Tijima, it has an aroma like fruits and wines, it's the best of coffee."
 "Well, you've introduced it clearly enough," Ronnie stopped with a smile.
After the waitress left, Riel asked, "Why did you order the mocha? without letting her finish her introduction?"
"Mocha is the name of a former enemy of mine, and I wanted to see what she really tasted like."
"She's a woman?"
"Yes, but she was a terrible woman, and my life was largely changed by her," even though more than half a century had passed, Ronnie still gritted his teeth when he talked about mocha.
Soon the waitress brought two cups of hot coffee, and the more Ronnie drank, the more irritated he became, and halfway through he got up and left, Riel paid the bill and followed him out, "What's the point? getting yourself in trouble."
"Sorry, I just remembered a lot," Ronnie apologized.
The two had just taken a few steps when Amandine came out from behind them, he saw Ronnie and Riel and exclaimed, "Great, you guys didn't get far."
"What happened?" Ronnie asked, a little worried.
"Dad, there's been another birth, but this one looks a little strange."
The trio hurried back to the hospital. Ronnie's face immediately turned pale when he saw the newborn baby. This baby did indeed have a large black birthmark between his eyes, just like Professor De Silva. "Could they be the same person? or just a coincidence?"
"Dad, did you see it too?"
Ronnie nodded, "Maybe it's just a coincidence, if it's true then Professor De Silva must have arranged it when he asked me to build the time machine back then."
Riel was momentarily confused and asked, "What time machine?"
But she didn't get an answer to her question, "You made the time machine because you listened to him?" Amandine asked.
"I was looking for him to ask for advice on how to resurrect my sister and he said it was impossible unless there was a time machine to do it, it looks like I'll have to go back to him to find out, maybe he knows all about it."
"Good, let's go together when we're done here, I want to go back and see Enos too."
"What the hell are you talking about? I don't understand a word of it," Riel was annoyed.
The father and son duo silently stopped talking at the same time. Three days later, Amandine returned home with Nicola and the two children, and when he saw Ronnie, he asked, "Dad, what's the other baby's name going to be?"
"He could be 'Professor De Silva', so let's go with that!"
"Calling him Professor at such a young age?" Amandine said in surprise.
Ronnie laughed, shook his head, and returned to his bedroom without saying a word. The days passed and in the blink of an eye it was time for the meeting with Norforth. The four of them were ready to go, and they grabbed all their belongings, more than two million shillings worth, and got into a car. Amandine and Nicola each had a baby in their arms, while Riel snuggled up next to Ronnie and looked up at him in adoration. The car drove slowly, and it took more than four hours to reach the place where they had met. A few people got out of the car, but they didn't see Norforth or Glo. "Dad, we're the ones who got here first, I wonder how long we'll have to wait."
"Be patient, they will come for sure."
Amandine found a shady place for Nicola to sit down, holding a baby in each of her hands. "You sit down too!" Nicola said.
"How can I sit with two babies in my arms?"
Nicola got up and took one, then the two of them sat down together. Amandine sat on his butt and looked straight ahead, "What are you looking at?" Nicola asked.
"Riel has a nice ass, she must have been a beauty when she was younger."
"Doesn't mine look good?"
"Yours looks good too, but unfortunately Daddy is so preoccupied with Michiko that he doesn't seem to be interested in other women."
"What kind of person is Michiko? she has so much charm."
"I've never met her either, but I've heard that she looks a lot like my mother, and that's why Dad loved my mother."
The two chatted and before they knew it, three hours had passed and the Norforth duo still hadn't shown up.

continue to next part