by Guohan LIN, 2024-06-01 07:29:16

"What's going on?" Ronnie recoiled a bit this time, "Did something happen to them?"
"Dad!" Amandine said as he got up and walked over, "What if they don't come? have you ever thought about that?"
"So they could be captured or dead? if dead, who will build the City-state?" Ronnie asked a number of questions.
And so the first day passed, they didn't wait for Norforth and Glo, the four of them found a hotel and stayed there, intending to wait for the next day. The four of them got two rooms altogether, one for Mr. and Mrs. Amandine and the children, and one for Ronnie and Riel. He was in a bad mood during the day and sat on the edge of the bed thinking. Riel, to make him happy, hugged him topless, and then with a pair of full breasts in front of his eyes, Ronnie indifferent, she said angrily, "Are you a man or not?"
Ronnie replied, laughing and pouncing on Riel, "Now I'll show you if I'm a man."
"Yes!" Riel purred.
The next day, the Amandine family stayed at the hotel, and Ronnie took Riel out to wait for the Norforth duo. After their first encounter, the two held hands like a couple in love. This time they waited another hour or so before the Norforth duo arrived. "Mr. Ronnie, where's Amandine? why haven't I seen him?" this was the first thing Norforth asked.
Ronnie and Riel were sitting under a tree, talking about their love for each other, when they suddenly heard someone calling out to them. Ronnie looked up in surprise, "You're finally here, how come you're a whole day late?"
"Sorry, we got the time wrong," Norforth said with a flushed face.
"Such an important date, you would remember it wrong?" Ronnie was very annoyed and couldn't help but wonder if he had chosen the wrong person.
Glo interjected, "He didn't get it wrong, it's my problem, I always thought it was today."
"Fine!" Ronnie's face relaxed a bit as he asked, "Are there only two of you?"
"Look there!" Norforth said as he pointed to a large truck in front of him.
Ronnie followed his pointing and saw that the vehicle was filled with people, more than thirty of them. These people saw Norforth pointing at them and waved to them as well. The people were all young, including students, nurses, doctors, teachers, and a few scientists. "Well, there are thirty-three people on the bus, and with me and Glo, it's thirty-five."
Ronnie was embarrassed to see that Norforth had brought so many people. He had been so busy making money the last two years that he hadn't even had time to develop his members. At this time, there was only a mother and daughter, and he had turned them into lovers for himself and his son, and what was even more humiliating was that one of them had given birth to two children. Fortunately, he was making enough money, and he was curious to see if Norforth was making any.
"There were a lot of men, so how many shillings?" Ronnie asked.
"This ..."
Glo saw that Norforth was in trouble and said for him, "We have less than 10,000 shillings, and this car was still provided by one of the members."
"This time you finally can't beat me, finally save a little face," Ronnie thought in his head.
He smiled and said, "You have developed your members and I've made some money on my side and now I have two million two hundred thousand shillings."
"That much!" Glo and Norforth exclaimed at the same time.
Ronnie nodded, pulling Riel over to introduce them, "This is 'Riel', my girlfriend and partner in my business, half the money is hers."
"You're Riel, the owner of 'Riel Anti-Wrinkle and Anti-Aging Skin care prodeucts'?" Glo asked in surprise.
Riel nodded and laughed, "How could I be so capable? it's because Ronnie is behind me."
"You guys actually know about our products too?" Ronnie asked.
"Glo wanted to buy it, but unfortunately we don't have the extra money," Norforth said.
After exchanging a few pleasantries, they went to the hotel to find Amandine. Norforth's jaw dropped in shock when he saw him holding the baby, he fainted, "I can't believe you have two babies."
"Grand Knight, you're so slow, if you don't come we'll have to leave."
Nicola was sitting on the edge of the bed breastfeeding with her breasts open, as soon as she saw the visitors she hurriedly pulled her clothes back together. She stood up and looked at Norforth, praising in her heart, "So handsome!"
"Amandine, is this the man we've been waiting for?" Nicola took the initiative to ask.
"Yes, his name is Norforth and he's my best friend."
Norforth gave Nicola a quick look and giggled at Amandine, "Congratulations! you have finally found a beautiful woman to bear your children," then he turned to Nicola and gave her a knightly salute, "Honored Lady, it is an honor to meet you, you are Amandine's wife and will be the object of my guardianship."
Nicola thought to herself, "It's a shame that this man is so handsome and just a little crazy."
The next step was to discuss leaving. Norforth's men were still waiting downstairs. Ronnie, of course, was still the leader, and he said, "Now that there are forty-one of us, two of them babies, and Aldabusha is an island, we'll go to Buoni first, and then buy a ferry to get there."
"Why buy a ferry? we can rent a ferry to get there," Nicola asked.
"I checked, it's an uninhabited island and there are no ferries that go there, and buying a ferry will make it easier to get off the island later."
"Good, then let's go now!" Norforth said.
The forty-one people got into the car they had come in, one in front of the other, and the group marched off to Buoni. The cars did not go fast, and all the way the Norforth men sang songs as they marched toward the unknown, just to hear the songs:
Spread your wings and soar
With dreams of fearless determination
Dressed in radiant elegance
With hope and courage of heart
Bringing light to the world. There's only one role for a knight.
To fight bravely for a better and nobler cause.
With bright and powerful wings, with beautiful and determined eyes.
Fate and choice, the music of courage.
Dance now, young man of blood
Ride the winds and waves, a warrior's dance
To win the glory, to realize the lofty ideals
Beyond the self, ready to move forward, the song of the knight.
A golden title, a rainbow-colored dream
Will of steel, keep it in your heart
Possessing a role of hope, a desire for victory
Steady feet, determined steps, take the long unknown journey
The song of the knight, the dance of the phoenix
Passing on infinite dreams, creating a new chapter
Beyond the borders, give your dreams to your vows
Continue unceasingly, Without stopping
The song of the knights will never end.
Riel sat next to Ronnie and said, "This song is very nice, I wonder who wrote it?"
"The song was written by a man named 'Lu Hu' from the future City-state."
"Ronnie, are you really from the future? how did you get here?"
"I came in a time machine, but unfortunately it's broken now."
"So you can stay here forever," Riel gushed.
Ronnie didn't answer the question, but closed his eyes and rested. After more than ten hours of driving and chugging, they finally arrived Buoni. Everyone got out of the car excitedly, and Norforth gathered everyone from his car and drove over to Ronnie's side. As the two groups gathered, Ronnie was there to conduct the meeting, he shouted, "This is the first meeting of the City-state, it will go down in history, you people are the first members of the City-state, and the future destiny of the City-state will be created by you, now everyone rest in place, Riel and I will go and buy a ferry first, and when it is purchased we'll go to the island of Aldabusha. "
As soon as he finished, everyone applauded enthusiastically. He took Riel's hand and got into the car; it wasn't far from the shipyard, about ten minutes away. As soon as they got out of the car, they saw a model ship parked in front of the shipyard's main gate, and a short time later, a middle-aged man stepped out from inside, a smile on his face, "What kind of ship do you two need? we have passenger ships, cargo ships, barges, ferries, and all kinds of yachts."
"We'll take a ferry, it'll probably hold about two hundred people," Ronnie said.
"Please follow me," the middle-aged man said, leading the way.
"Why do you want such a big ferry?" Riel asked.
"This ferry will be the City-state's main transport to and from the continent for a long time to come, and it may also be used to transport supplies in the future, so it won't be of much use if it's too small."
The two spoke after the middle-aged man. Passing through an open clearing, they came to a shipyard where seven ships, both large and small, were parked. The middle-aged man, who was also the owner of the place, pointed to a ferry with a blue background and a white body and said, "This boat was built last year, it just happens to be able to carry about 200-300 people, it can also be used to transport goods."
Ronnie looked at it and found it quite satisfactory, "How many shillings does it cost?"
"It uses nuclear power, so it will be a bit more expensive, about 220,000 shillings."
"That expensive?" Riel couldn't help shouting. That was a tenth of their savings, and that was just the beginning.
"Can it be cheaper? the price is a bit high," Ronnie said.
The owner quoted the price high on purpose, just waiting for them to come back with a counter offer, he made a hard face, "I'm afraid that won't work, why don't you take a look at the other boats? there are cheaper ones as well."
Riel was more astute and saw the other party's trick, she pulled Ronnie and said, "Let's go! let's switch to another one."
The boss was afraid the business would be ruined, so he quickly stopped and said, "Let's do it this way! I'll take a round number and sell it to you for 200,000 shillings."
Riel shook his head, "I can only offer up to 170,000."
Seeing that Riel was going to lower the price, Ronnie stopped talking and waited off to the side to see what would happen. The duo ended up buying the ferry for one hundred and eighty thousand shillings. The duo got into the car, and on the way back, Ronnie hugged Riel happily, "In the future, you will be the one to buy the construction of the City-state, this will help us save a lot of money."
Riel laughed softly, "You know my role now!"
"I also know that you have other role," Ronnie finished climbing on top of her excitedly, slipping his hands into her shirt and cupping her breasts. Riel lay down like a docile sheep and let him stroke her. Fortunately, the car was fully automatic and didn't get in the way of his work. The ride back was long because Ronnie deliberately slowed down, wanting to enjoy the process and give Riel some last-minute pleasure. The pleasure was short-lived, and before they knew it, they were back at the rendezvous point.

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