by Guohan LIN, 2024-06-01 07:31:58

After five days, Ronnie found everyone on the list and took Marion back to Aldabusha Island.
As soon as he landed on the island, Amandine ran to him and said, "Dad, a few days ago a group of people came and said that this island belongs to the Montel government, they captured Norforth and twelve city guards, what should we do?"
"Is Riel back yet?" Ronnie asked an unrelated question.
"She's not back yet," Amandine rubbed his head, wondering why his father didn't just answer his question.
"What else did the gang say?"
"They want us all out in half a month or they'll use force."
At that moment Glo ran in looking panicked, "Ronnie, Norforth has been captured ..."
Ronnie waved his hand and said, "I already know."
In a moment, more and more people gathered around them, all waiting for Ronnie's answer. Ronnie knew that if he didn't have an idea by then, the people on the island would soon be gone, and the City-state would have to dissolve. He thought for a moment before he said, "There's an international convention, as long as it's an uninhabited island, after three years of being inhabited, it belongs to these people, we just have to hold this place for three years, then they can't do anything to us."
"They have an army, how can we hold it?" A man asked loudly.
"It's possible if you all listen to my orders, now go back to work and trust me, I'll take care of it."
After the men left, Ronnie said to Amandine, "I want you to set up a stealth unit, about sixty men, I'll give you the stealth materials in five days, you go ahead and organize the men now."
"Good!" Amandine said and went to do it.
Glo asked again, "What about Norforth and the others?"
"You will contact those people first and see what conditions they have to release them?"
After sending them away, Ronnie immediately set about making stealth materials. He found ten helpers and worked around the clock to catch up on the work, this time he really had no other choice, he had planned not to use future technology, but unfortunately he still couldn't. On the third day, Riel arrived on the island with Branz and two others, and Ronnie himself came out to greet them. He couldn't help but feel a little jealous in his heart when he saw Riel and Branz talking and laughing. One of the other two was named Domson and Josh, and after each of the five had found a seat, Riel asked first, "Ronnie, what happened on the island?"
Ronnie had to tell the truth, and Domson and Josh frowned as they listened, and after looking at each other, one of them asked, "So the City-state will not be built?"
 "How can that be? I will solve these things, don't worry, gentlemen," Ronnie laughed.
Branz interjected, "How are you going to solve it? do you want me to help? I still have some business with the Montel government."
 "Well, it would be better if you could step in, I don't want to use force either."
"Force? how will you fight them with only these people on your island?" Blanz asked curiously.
Ronnie smiled and didn't answer positively. After a few more moments of conversation, they wanted to look around the island, "Riel, just stay with the three of them, I have things to do," he said and went back to the lab.
Branz brought a message a few days later, Ronnie watched him stutter and asked, "Are they really going to use force?"
"No! they said if you want to live on the island you have to give them 200 million shillings a year."
"They are crazy! where are we going to get that kind of money?" Amandine exclaimed.
Ronnie laughed bitterly, "It's true that we can't come up with two hundred million shillings right now."
"Ronnie, I can give you my two hundred million shillings first, what do you think?" Branz said.
"Dad, don't give it to them, let's fight them, I don't think we can beat these savages."
Ronnie thought for a long time before gritting his teeth and agreeing, he said, "Branz, then you can handle it for me, but I hope that after they pay the money, they will release the people they captured."
"That's no problem."
After Branz left, Amandine said to Ronnie, "Dad, you've become a coward, let's fight them! I'm ready."
"It's better not to fight if we can, our men are still in their hands, besides if they come with a few hundred it's fine to deal with them, if they come with thousands we might lose and I don't want to expose the Stealth."
The next day, Norforth and the others were released. Ronnie had more time, too. Just when they thought things had calmed down, the Montel government made a new demand, this time even Ronnie was furious, he turned to Branz and said, "Do they still have any integrity? it's only been a few days and they want us to add another two hundred million."
"Dad, what about it? we're too weak, they think we're easy to bully."
Riel also said, "Branz, can't you talk to them again? if we have to give them 400 million shillings every year like this, will the City-state still be able to develop?"
"I said that a long time ago, but unfortunately they don't listen to me," Branz said helplessly.
After a while Ronnie calmed down and said slowly, "Branz, can you ask them to give them a grace period of three months, right now we can't pay the money."
Amandine was furious to hear this, "Dad, you really want to give it?"
"I'm trying! but you have to be ready as well," Branz said and left the island.
"Mr. Ronnie, are you really going to give them money?" Norforth asked.
"Give them a shit! I'll show them what I'm made of," Ronnie said a foul word in anger.
"Great! that's the dad I know," Amandine exclaimed happily.
Riel asked worriedly, "They have an army, how can we beat them?"
"Papa is the future hero of the City-state, how can these savages be a match for him? He can take on a country all by himself," Amandine said with a proud face.
"Alright! listen to my command, Norforth, stop all work first and then gather the island's fighting personnel." Then Ronnie said to Glo, "You go to the island and gather information on the other side and report any news immediately."
After sending the duo away, he muttered, "Now it's just a matter of weapons! it's a little too late to make them ourselves."
At this time, Marion suddenly interjected, "My husband used to be in the weapons business, I have the contacts for this, leave it to me."
"That's great!" Ronnie exclaimed.
In the end, only Amandine and Riel were left with nothing to do: "Dad,I'm such an important person that you forgot about me,” Amandine asked angrily.
Ronnie laughed, "Now that there's plenty of time, I'm going to make sixty stealth robots, all under your command."
"Where are the originals?"
"Let them come over and help me make robots together, and when they're done, let them take the group Norforth gathered and go captain them."
"They don't have to be invisible?"
"No, we have stealth robots."
When Amandine was gone as well, Riel said, "Am I becoming most useless?"
"Just get your relationship with Branz right, he's important right now, and if the Montel government doesn't give us the time of day, we'll be in trouble."
Riel looked at him pleadingly and asked, "Won't you be jealous?"
Ronnie suddenly shot out and hugged her, giving her another kiss on the cheek, "I am a little jealous, but I can't help it."
Branz brought back the news that the other side had only given them forty days to raise the money. Ronnie nodded when he heard this and told him, "Tough break!"
Forty days was a little short for Ronnie, but it still allowed for a lot of preparation. He went back to the lab, this time to make stealth robots, and Amandine came over to help when he had nothing else to do. A month passed, the time for delivery was getting shorter and shorter, and Ronnie's sixty robots were made. Currently in the lab were Ronnie's father and son, Riel, Norforth and Marion five people, these people were currently the core people of the City-state and the people Ronnie trusted the most. Looking at the three rows of robots standing upright, Riel was very surprised and asked, "Can these things really move and be invisible?"
Ronnie turned his head to look at Amandine and said, "You give the order!"
"Wait! no names for these robots yet," Amandine said and thought for a moment, "How about 'Guardians'?"
The first order Amandine gave was, "Become invisible and then lift everyone in the room.” It was not until Riel was lifted into the air that she believed any of this to be true.
Looking at her surprised expression, he added, "Well? now you know how powerful it is, don't you? we're not afraid of anyone with these robots."
Marion was Ronnie's most ardent follower, and she had bought a large number of weapons this time. At this time, Norforth spoke up, "Mr. Ronnie, have you ever thought about this? the enemy might attack from the air."
"Of course I've thought about it, but unfortunately, I have no way to deal with them at the moment."
"I checked, the Montel government is small, and their attack planes are all concentrated in one place, as long as we destroy them in advance, we can guarantee our victory."
"Good! you discuss the battle plan with Amandine and move out tomorrow."
"So I take all the 'Guardians'?" Amandine asked.
"You take half! we won't be able to fight back if the Montel government attacks early," Ronnie said.
Once Amandine and Norforth were gone, Ronnie began the deployment process. There were over four hundred people on the island today, three hundred and eighty-two were able to fight, the rest were placed in the newly dug bomb shelters. Nicola was also hiding with her two children, they were already one year old, while Afastin looked a lot like Ronnie's and Amandine, De Silva was growing in the opposite direction, with his thinning hair and short legs he was living up to his reputation as a miniature Professor De Silva.

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