by Guohan LIN, 2024-06-01 07:32:25

Forty days passed in the blink of an eye, and the Montel government came to the island to ask for the money as promised. Since Amandine and others did not return, Ronnie did not dare to turn the tables on them, so he said with a smile on his face, "I'm really sorry, we still haven't gotten the money together, can you give us a few more days of grace?"
The visitor said impatiently, "I'll give you three more days at the most, if you can't give it back, don't blame us for not being polite."
"Thank you, thank you!" as he sent the visitor away, Ronnie said to Samuel Jay next to him, "Contact Amandine immediately and ask where they have arrived."
"Yes, I'll do it right away!" This Samuel Jay and Marion were now Ronnie's assistants, he took out his "Starlink Intercommunication" and dialed Amandine's number, and after a few exchanges he replied to Ronnie, "Mr. Amandine said he would be back by noon tomorrow."
Ronnie wanted to make the rounds of the island, and as he walked to the northeast section, he was instantly jealous when he saw Riel and Blanz looking like they were making out. He turned to Marion, who was following him, and said, "Go over and get Riel and tell her I have something to say to her."
"Yes, sir!" Marion nodded and then walked over to the two.
Riel was a little annoyed at the interruption of the conversation and said as she walked over to Ronnie, "What's the point of calling me over here?"
Ronnie pulled her aside, "I told you to get along with him, not seduce him."
"What? are you really jealous?" Riel asked with a grin.
Ronnie said nothing and sulked. Riel saw him like that and whispered in his ear, "If I say it was on purpose, will you believe me?"
"Why would you do that?" Ronnie asked incredulously.
"I wanted to know if you really like me, and now I know," with that, she walked away with a smile on her face.
The next day at noon, Amandine returned right on time, and as soon as Ronnie saw him, he asked, "Well? mission accomplished?"
"I'm in,there's nothing that can't be done!"
Norforth chimed in, "A total of over seventy of their planes were destroyed this time, including twenty helicopters."
"Very well! you guys go ahead and rest, we'll be in battle mode tomorrow."
At the appointed time, the Montel government people arrived again, and Ronnie was ready for everything this time, telling Amandine to blow the visitor off the island after slapping him a dozen times just to get out of the last one. In the afternoon, Glo sent word that the other soldiers had marched to the island, and Amandine and sixty Guardians were hidden on the landing site, which was the only flat beach on the island. Norforth led more than three hundred and eighty people to guard the beach behind the rocks, Ronnie and Riel and other people hid in the command center of the shelter.Time passed, everyone looked tense, probably only Amandine was excited, he was at the forefront. When the first landing craft from the other side arrived on the island, more than twenty fighters emerged. Norforth's men attacked first, and after a fierce burst of gunfire, the twenty or so were quickly killed, but more had made it to the beach, and they desperately charged forward, with dead and wounded on both sides. Amandine would wait until all had landed on the island before he attacked, this was Ronnie's tactic, he wanted to wipe out all the incoming enemy. The fighting ability of the men led by Norforth was indeed too weak, within a few moments, the other side killed a dozen of them, he shouted, "Knights, wait for me, don't spare a single person."
Bullets sizzled past his ears. Another person next to him was killed, right in the middle of his eyebrow, blood splattered all over his face. Amandine saw that if he didn't do anything, all the people in the City-state would be killed, so he immediately ordered the Guardian to counterattack. At this time on the surface of the sea there were still a dozen landing craft did not go to the island, with the robots to join, and stealth attack them, more than 500 people who boarded the island was quickly eliminated.Blood stained the beach, while those on the sea turned away in fear when they saw one of their own killed for no reason.Amandine did not go after them, he took the "Guardian" back to a base in the air raid shelter. The city's people were stunned. They didn't know about the stealth robots, and Norforth didn't tell them the truth, only that the city had a secret weapon. He did a head count, there were fifty-one dead and over thirty wounded this time, but they also got a large amount of weapons and over twenty landing craft. Ronnie and the others came out of the bomb shelter, they saw people holding Norforth high above their heads and chanting his name all the time, everyone thought he was the biggest contributor to this victory, his popularity was at an all time high. Riel was annoyed, "Why did it all come down to him in the end?"
Ronnie laughed, "Don't be so calculating, in the future he is indeed the founder of the City-state."
"Why not you? you have done so much for the City-state."
"In the future, I will have no name in the City-state, perhaps I was not meant to be in this era."
"Then why are you fighting so hard? you could have just walked away."
"Norforth came to this era because he was looking for me, if I hadn't helped, the City-state might not have been built, consider it a favor!"
Amandine also came out of the air raid shelter, and when he saw the cheering people, he muttered, "How come no one lifted me up? the spotlight was all stolen by that Grand Knight kid, damn it."
The celebration continued into the evening, when a sudden rumbling sound came from the air, then several missiles fell from the sky, hitting the crowd with precision, instantly blasting the ground with several deep craters. People screamed in all directions, the place of celebration turned into a hell on earth. Amandine exclaimed, "How come they still have planes?"
A rocket exploded ten meters away from Ronnie, Marion immediately tackled him to the ground and then protected him with her body, but Riel was badly injured. Amandine unconsciously cloaked himself, he didn't expect the cloak to have anti-attack properties, and all the flying shrapnel and shockwaves bounced off him, while those around him were more likely to be accidentally injured by the shrapnel he bounced off. The air attack continued for ten minutes before it stopped, Ronnie rolled over and climbed to his feet, seeing the dead Marion, he threw his head back and screamed, "No!"
It wasn't just her death that made him scream, it was the thought that Marion was one of the twelve Grand Council of Elders of the future City-state and shouldn't have died here, had history changed?
"Dad, what's wrong with you?" Amandine asked as he rushed over when he heard his cries.
"Marion is dead, she didn't deserve to die."
"Ugh! I'm sorry, I can't imagine the other side has an airplane."
"She was trying to save me, could it be that she died because I came to this era?" Ronnie couldn't help but think in his head.
"Dad, don't think about that, look at Riel, she's bleeding a lot."
Ronnie snapped out of it, he quickly picked up Riel and ran to the air raid shelter. Amandine followed, luckily most of the city state's medics were here and there weren't too many casualties, Riel was taken to the resuscitation room. Ronnie said to Amandine, "You take the droids and guard the landing beach, it's possible they'll send troops to the island after the air strike."
A moment later, Norforth also ran in, as soon as Ronnie saw him, he shouted in surprise, "You're okay, great!"
Norforth's face turned red, "I happened to be in the bathroom at the time, I drank too much wine and threw up until my legs were weak."
"It's good that you're okay, you gather all the uninjured people to prepare for battle, then send the injured here for treatment."
Ronnie guessed right, and early the next morning the Montel government did indeed return to the island, this time in smaller numbers, just over three hundred men. Norforth covered Amandine for show with the remaining twenty or so, and when the other side saw that there were only so many people from the City-state, they were all on the island at once. Amandine's favorite thing was to shoot in the dark behind others, and it took less than five minutes to wipe out the other side. Two hours later, the other side of the planes came over again, they kept bombing, all the buildings on the island were leveled, even the nine-grid separator could not be seen. The people of the City-state had long since taken refuge in the bomb shelters, and the two air raids and clashes had left them dead and wounded. Norforth did a head count, and with Ronnie and the others, there were only seventy-six of the four hundred or so men left, twenty-two of them wounded and twenty-five medics.
Ronnie was in command at the moment, standing next to him were Amandine, Norforth and Samuel Jay, "Mr. Ronnie, we're too passive like this, we need to come up with a plan," Norforth said.
"What do you have in mind?" Ronnie asked.
"What do we do if they airdrop troops on the island?" Samuel J. interjected.
"Yeah! if that happens, all they will do is spray poison gas into the cave and we're all screwed," Norforth was deeply concerned as well.
"Dad, what do we do?" Amandine had always thought that Ronnie was all-powerful, there was nothing he couldn't do.
Ronnie didn't have a better solution, the main thing was that he didn't have the time, if he had enough time he could have built anti-aircraft missiles, he could only sigh, "I don't know."
When the three of them heard him say that, their hearts suddenly turned cold. Ronnie was their biggest dependence, if he ran out of ideas, the City-state would come to an end. "Dad, I'll only take ten 'Guardians' to clean up all their planes, leaving fifty for you, you just have to hold the island."
"Okay! that's the only way," Ronnie made the decision.
As Amandine was about to leave, Ronnie added, "Wait!"
"What's wrong?" Amandine asked as he stopped.
Ronnie took out a stealth suit and turned to Norforth, "I made this a few days ago out of leftover stealth material, it's not as good as Amandine's, put it on and also take ten 'Guardians' with you to take care of blowing up airplanes while Amandine goes to sabotage the Montel government offices. "
"Great! that way we won't be passive, we'll make sure to hurt and beat them until they surrender," Norforth exclaimed happily.
"Dad, we'll go then, you'll have to hold out for at least three days."
Ronnie nodded and watched as the Amandine duo left, he said to Samuel J., "Tell a few people to keep a close watch on the air, and call Glo and the others back."
"Why? she was gathering information off the island."
"If her intel was useful, would we have been bombed so hard? Besides, I have this." he said as he pulled three small devices out of a drawer, they were similar to the Peeping Flies Ronnie had used in the Den of Wolves, but a bit larger, "What are they?" Samuel J. asked curiously.
"It's a flying spy, also known as a 'Peeping Big Fly'." Ronnie said and threw the three devices, they spun around in the air before flying out of the cave. "Mr. Ronnie, you really are a great scientist," Samuel J. praised from the bottom of his heart.
Ronnie turned on the monitor next to him and the images captured by the three flies immediately appeared on the screen.

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