by Guohan LIN, 2024-06-01 07:33:40

It had been two hours since Riel had been wheeled into the operating room, and Ronnie, having taken care of his business, had waited anxiously outside, glancing up at the operating room door from time to time. At that moment, the door to the operating room opened and he immediately greeted it. A doctor came out and said to him, "Mr. Ronnie, the operation went well and the patient will wake up tomorrow."
"Thank you!" Ronnie nodded to the doctor.
He was about to go in and take a look when the doctor stopped him and said, "It's better to wait until tomorrow! right now she needs to rest."
Ronnie had to give up when Samuel J. suddenly came running, "No good, Mr. Ronnie, they're really air-dropping troops on the island."
"How many?" he asked hurriedly.
"I think it's over three hundred!"
"That's okay!" Ronnie said , "It would be a problem if there were thousands."
"You gather all the people that can move and guard the entrance to the cave, don't let them get in."
"Yes!" Samuel J. immediately turned and walked away.
Ronnie let the remaining forty robots out of the air defense cave, leaving ten to secretly help Samuel J. and the other thirty to fight a guerrilla war with the other side. He himself hid in the command center through the surveillance outside. As soon as the other side landed, they attacked in the direction of the cave entrance, first attacking the thirty robots, the other side couldn't see the people, they were thrown around, they didn't even know where the bullets were coming from before they gave up their lives. One of the soldiers on the other side was scared to death, he shouted, "This is a ghost island, we're fighting the dead, it's terrible!" after saying this, he turned and ran.
With his scream, the rest of the men got chills as they simultaneously remembered the inexplicable scene just now, "The bullets really did come from the void."
As they walked, a few more people fell, watching the people around them being killed for no reason, more people decided to run away, they found some landing craft on the beach, everyone pushed it back into the sea with their hands, then climbed on and ran away without looking back. Samuel J. stood guard at the entrance to the cave and tensed, winning the battle without firing a single shot, and the unsuspecting City-state personnel assumed the dead had helped them. Ronnie remembered the robots, and he said to Samuel J., who had come in, "Keep watching the air, maybe they'll come back."
But the other side seemed spooked by the fight, and the next two days were very quiet. Glo went back to the island and Riel woke up, Ronnie was standing next to her bed holding her hand, "How are you? does the wound still hurt?"
"Much better! didn't the Montel government guys call?"
"Don't worry, I'm here!" Ronnie laughed.
At that time, Glo walked in, "Mr. Ronnie, all our warehouses have been destroyed, we lost all our food, what should we do?"
"Now that the Montel government has blockaded the island, we can only rely on ourselves, tell the people to go out and fish!"
"Okay, I'll do it," but she did not go out right away, but continued, "There is someone I want to introduce to you."
"Come in!" Glo called to the door.
Only to see a boy about Glo's age come in and introduce himself, "My name is Kurt, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Ronnie."
"Oh! you're Kurt." Ronnie took some interest in the visitor when he heard the name, for this man was also one of the twelve future members of the Grand Council of Elders.
"You know me?" Kurt asked in surprise.
Ronnie didn't answer in the affirmative, only asking, "What do you do for a living?"
"He's a reporter who wants to interview you and help us publicize the City-state," Glo interjected.
"This ...?" Ronnie thought for a moment before saying, "It's better to wait for Norforth to return! he's the one who will be the founder of the City-state from now on."
Kurt's face showed embarrassment, and he was about to convince him a few more times when Glo shook her head a little, so he had no choice but to leave. After the two came out, Kurt asked, "Why hasn't Mr. Ronnie done an interview?"
"He's keeping a low profile, so you'll just have to wait a few more days, Norforth should be back soon too," Glo said. In fact, she preferred the outcome, the founder in her mind should be a handsome man like Norforth, not a lecherous man like Ronnie.
"Isn't the island dangerous?" Kurt asked worriedly.
Glo laughed quietly, "Are you afraid? if you have me with you, are you still afraid?"
"That's great, I'll stay as long as I want with you," Kurt said happily.
After they left, Ronnie and Riel were also talking in the hospital room, "I think this Glo girl is something else," Riel said.
"She's the first Holy Virgin of the City-state, of course she's not easy."
"Why don't you give an interview?" Riel asked.
"I was just thinking about Marion, she didn't deserve to die, and I'm afraid if I get too involved, history will change. If I'm in the public eye all the time, maybe I'll become the founder of the City-state, and then nothing will be the same, and that's the last thing I want."
It had been a week since Amandine and Norforth had left and no word had come back, and at this point they were not in a good place. Norforth had been unable to find a place to park the remaining Montel government planes. And Amandine had done the same, finding the other side's office building, but there were only two janitors cleaning up inside, and he couldn't lay a hand on those poor people. With the island sealed off, Ronnie and the others were reduced to eating fish every day, and Riel was as good as she could be. After half a month of stalemate between the two sides, the other side came in with another air strike, this time firing rockets right into the cave entrance, which was immediately blocked by the rolled up rocks. In the command center, Ronnie and the others stood helplessly, they had no way to deal with the situation, Riel stood beside Ronnie with a pale face, "Are we going to suffocate?"
"No, there are still some vents in the cave, now we're just afraid they'll just throw people onto the island."
"What do we do now?" Glo asked worriedly.
Ronnie shook his head, "We can only pray that they don't dare come to the island.”
Kurt regretted when he heard that, he thought to himself, "I really should have left earlier, it's not worth dying on the island for a woman."
At that moment, Riel suddenly shot out and hugged Ronnie from behind, leaning her head against the back of his shoulder, then said quietly, "If they come in, I'll die with you."
The few people around him were ashen when they heard such negative words. None of these people had ever experienced war and had long since become birds of prey. Only Ronnie and Glo were better off, Nicola sat in a chair, holding one of her sons close to her while the other lay on the floor playing with a wooden pistol. Samuel Jay looked up at the roof of the cave, but out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of Riel. All he saw was her pale face, so poignant and moving at the moment. Seeing everyone in such a bad mood, Ronnie pretended to be relaxed and said, "What's wrong with everyone? the enemy hasn't even come in yet and you're already scared to death."
Just as he finished speaking, he heard a loud bang at the entrance of the cave. Ronnie rushed out, saying as he ran, "You guys hide in the back, leave the rest to me," Riel followed him out. Ronnie looked for the guards, and when he found them, he ordered them to guard the entrance to the cave. Within two minutes, more than two dozen armed men burst in. The robots immediately counterattacked, quickly eliminating the men, and using the gap, he had the twenty Guardians leave the cave and secretly surround the entrance. Riel ran up to him and said angrily, "Why did you run so fast? I said I would stay with you."
"What are you doing here? it's not like you can help," Ronnie said.
After a while, the second wave of attacks began again. This time the attackers wore masks. Ronnie cursed as he saw it through the monitor, "These people are such assholes, they're really going to use poison gas."
Fortunately, there are still twenty "guardians" outside the cave, he resolutely ordered the first shot, poison gas is useless against robots, repelled the second wave of enemies, the other side does not seem to have a better way, and the two sides stalemate again. They did not attack again until the evening. At that time, Ronnie saw that the other side actually wanted to set up camp on the island, and they began to pitch their tents. Ronnie and Riel were the only two left in the command center, everyone else hiding in one of the larger stations in the deepest part of the bomb shelter, where there were no more patients and nearly seventy people sitting nervously. Samuel J. suddenly spoke up, "Isn't it too bad that Mr. Ronnie is out there fighting the enemy all by himself and we're hiding in here?"
"What can you do out there? it will only add to his confusion," Glo objected.
At this time, a girl about twenty years old stood up and asked, "Is it possible that Mr. Ronnie can defeat those people alone?"
"Yes! because he has a secret weapon, "Glo explained.
"What exactly is the secret weapon? is it really dead person?" the girl asked next.
"It should be!" Glo nodded.
In the command center, Riel said, "While they're setting up their tents, should we tell the robots to kill them all?"
"Let's wait and see if they send anyone else to the island."
"If only Norforth had blown up their planes," Riel sighed.
"Huh! if I send two robots to sneak onto their plane, won't I be able to find their base camp?"
"Right! why didn't I think of that? you're so smart," Riel clapped her hands and shouted.
Ronnie did as he thought, ordering two guards to bypass the crowd and sneak onto two separate planes. After nightfall, when everyone was hungry and unable to fish, "It's time to counterattack." he muttered.
As the people of Montel's government ate their dinner and were about to rest, the tents suddenly burst into flames, followed by gunfire, many people were killed as they ran out of the tents, the soldiers were in chaos, only to hear one person shout, "Run, the undead have appeared again."
Ronnie didn't want to kill them all, he still had to get these people to take the two robots back to the base. The remaining eighty or so soldiers threw down their wounded and desperately squeezed onto the two planes. In a moment, the island was silent. Ronnie called to the City-state men and told them to clean up the battlefield, Riel found the two cans the other man had left behind and handed them to Ronnie, "Eat! you've been hungry all day."
"What about you?"
"I ate," Riel lied and said.
Ronnie looked at her in shock, the words reminded him of his sister Alice. Glo, who had come out of the cave, saw the two of them cuddling, coughed lightly and then said, "Mr. Ronnie, what are we going to do next?"
"Tell Norforth to come back first, I've taken care of the plane."
"How can he come back if the island is under siege?"
"The Montel government has withdrawn," Ronnie said.
"That's great! I'll contact Norforth immediately."
The two Guardians infiltrated each other's planes, and as soon as they arrived at their base, the duo began to break the loop. They flew their planes at targets here and there, destroying every building in sight, and then flew their planes back to the island.

continue to next part