by Guohan LIN, 2024-06-01 07:34:08

Ronnie had these two planes like a tiger, and he wanted to turn them into stealth fighters. Now that he had air power, he wanted to get the lab up and running again. Three days later, Norforth returned to the island, and as soon as he arrived, he went to see Ronnie, who looked ashamed, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ronnie! I didn't get anything done."
Ronnie waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, it's all in the past."
He did, however, retrieve the cloak of invisibility he had given to Norforth. Amandine also had good news a few days later, when he captured one of the other side's commanders and learned from him about their new secret stronghold. Ronnie had him take the head of the Montel government hostage, and when Riel heard the news, he praised, "Still, Amandine is efficient."
Ronnie laughed, "He's been a fun-loving kid since he was a kid, it's become a good thing for him, Norforth is too much of a worrywart and tends to break things, so it seems he can't be let out in the future."
"So you took back his invisibility cloak, didn't you?" Riel asked.
"Yes, I think this is better for you!" with that, he handed over the invisibility cloak.
"Why don't you wear it?"
"I can make one anytime, later, when I have time."
A week later, Amandine did capture an old man. Ronnie looked at the man and asked, "Are you the head of the Montel government?"
The old man nodded desperately, "Yes! please don't kill me, there is something to discuss."
"Dad, this old man is greedy for money and afraid of death, he actually pissed his pants when I caught him," Amandine said with a hearty laugh.
"If you had been here all this time, would your government have elected a new leader?" Ronnie asked.
"Not in the short term, but if it takes too long, it will," the old man replied.
"How long is too long?" Ronnie asked.
"Two to three months! they'll have the deputy chief fill in for me."
Ronnie nodded and said to Amandine, "Take him downstairs, treat him well, and have two 'guards' watch him day and night and not let anyone near him."
With two months, Ronnie would be able to do a lot of things, the first being to make the two planes invisible, and then to make anti-aircraft missiles. By the time these two things were completed, over forty days had passed, and he said to Riel at his side, "Go contact Branz and tell him to get all the other members of the Grand Council of Elders to the island, I want a meeting."
Riel lowered his head and made no sound, and Ronnie asked curiously, "What's wrong with you? didn't you hear me when I spoke?"
"Can you ask someone else to contact Branz?"
"Branz wants me to come back to him, and I keep refusing, and if I interfere again, things will get messy."
"All right! and who should go?"
"Call Glo!" Riel suggested.
Glo led the way, but soon returned in disgrace. Branz didn't want to see her and demanded that Riel go in person before he would meet them.
Ronnie had to send Riel before inviting the other party; with him on the island were Knea, Domson, and Josh. This meeting took place in the command center, also present were Riel, Glo, Amandine, Norforth, and Samuel J. All of these people would later form the core of the City-state, the ten of them sat in a circle. Ronnie spoke first, "The head of the Montel government has been captured by us, and now that the island is relatively safe, I think it is time to fulfill your promise."
As soon as he finished speaking, there was a murmur from below, and Branz asked, "You really captured their leader?"
"Of course it's true, would you like to confirm it?" Ronnie had some resentment towards the love interest and spoke up.
"Even if you captured them, what's the point? they'll just pick a new one and the island still won't be safe," this time it was Domson who spoke.
"I'm sure I have other ways to keep the island safe," Ronnie said.
"What means can you reveal? it would also be good to reassure us."
"I have already placed anti-aircraft missiles and laser cannons around the island, so as long as there are planes and enemies on the island, I will definitely tell them not to come back."
Several people listened and then nodded in satisfaction, and Domson said, "Then I'll ask someone to bring you the money tomorrow."
Branz had delivered the money before, and this time the other three donated a total of 600 million shillings to the City-state. With the money, another round of construction began in the City-state, the labs were rebuilt, and Riel's skin care products were produced again. Ronnie found the old man and said to him, "I want to let you go back, but you have to promise me one thing."
"What condition? I will definitely agree," the old man was overjoyed.
"I want you to sell us the island, but I will only pay fifty million shillings, and you must also announce this decision to the outside world."
"This ...," the old man hesitated.
"What? you don't agree?" Ronnie said angrily.
"I'm afraid that one person can't make the decision, the council and people like that are using this island as a cash cow," the old man hurriedly explained.
"How about this! I'll send a man to you, and if anyone dares to object, he'll step in and help you out."
"That's great!" the old man said happily.
Ronnie called for Amandine and explained a few words to him, then said to the old man, "He is a sorcerer and knows some minor spells. ” having said that, he signaled Amandine to become invisible. The old man was not convinced and thought, "You are treating me like a child. "When he saw a big living person disappear before his eyes, he immediately believed it.
In the newly built Northwest District, Riel held a newspaper in his hands, an article written by Kurt reporting on Norforth, praising him to the skies, saying that the City-state had been reborn from the ashes under his leadership, and going on to put Ronnie at the top of everything he had done, saying that he had fought off hundreds of enemies alone, and that he had brought in respectable people to join the City-state. All of this was actually material provided by Glo, and Kurt wrote it all in half-truths. Riel was furious when she read it, she tore up the newspaper and threw it on the floor, stomping on it several times and saying angrily, "What nonsense."
"Riel, why are you so angry?" Branz asked, appearing behind her at some point.
Riel had been deliberately avoiding him lately, and she was busy saying, "Nothing, I'll go first!"
But Branz stopped her, "Riel, the younger you look now, the more beautiful you are, if I want you to come back to me, will you say yes to me?"
"Branz, we've been separated for almost twenty years and I don't love you anymore, that's not going to happen," Riel said with a frown.
"Why? aren't you afraid I'll leave the City-state? I'll see what Ronnie does then."
"You can quit if you want, Ronnie has never been afraid of a threat, and the City-state can still be built without you."
Branz was speaking in anger, of course, and he could see that the City-state had a bright future, so he had to settle for the second best: "Stay with me for a day, then! I will never bother you again."
"No, I'm not available, please get out of my way," Riel said angrily.
Seeing that the soft one didn't work, Branz tried the hard one. He approached step by step and Riel remembered the invisibility cloak Ronnie had given her. She immediately pulled it out and draped it over her body, and Branz watched as she disappeared before his eyes, doing nothing to stop it. Once Riel was invisible, she ran to Ronnie, "Who's chasing you? Run like hell."
"Branz tried to stop me earlier, luckily I had your invisibility cloak and ran for it," Riel said as she wiped away the sweat.
"What did he want?"
"He said I was getting younger and he wanted to be with me again, and I feel younger than I used to, is it the skin care?"
"To be honest with you! Skin care products won't be that effective, I quietly injected you with something called 'Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid' to convince you to produce 'Riel Anti-Wrinkle and Anti-Aging Skin Care Products'."
"What's that?" Riel asked in surprise.
"It's an injection that my father developed that can rejuvenate a person, it has a ten year effect and can return a person to the appearance of a twenty year old or so."
"Did you inject it as well? isn't that right?"
"Yes, that's why I'm so young; in fact, my real age is over seventy."
"Ah! you're that old?"
"Age means nothing to me, you know. Amandine is even older than you," Ronnie had finally betrayed his son.
Riel couldn't absorb the information for a moment, and after a long pause she said, "Ronnie, I don't care how old you are, no matter how old you are."
"Don't ever tell anyone about the 'Telomere Rejuvenation Fluid' or you'll cause a lot of trouble, this kind of thing is not supposed to appear in this era," Ronnie said solemnly.
"I know, do you have any more? can you give me another one?"
Ronnie laughed, "Riel, don't be too greedy, this is not something everyone can have in the future, only my family and friends and some super rich people can have it."
"Am I not your family?" Riel muttered.
"Of course you are, unfortunately I don't have any anymore, this is the last one."
"What else are you hiding from me? come on, be honest," Riel asked petulantly.
"Nothing! just this one thing."
"And who is Michiko? you seem to have been looking for her, is she your missing wife?"
"That boy, Amandine, told Nicola everything, damn it," Ronnie cursed angrily in his heart. In his mouth he said, "I'm over seventy, it's normal to fall in love a few times!"
 "Right too! I've been in a dozen times," Riel finished, looking into Ronnie's eyes to see his reaction.
"Really? so many times." This time it was Ronnie's turn to look surprised.
"So? did it get to your heart?" Riel asked with a smile.
Ronnie had a sea of jealousy in his heart right now, but he pretended to be relaxed and said, "It's okay! it's all in the past anyway."
"Is it? you seem pretty unconcerned," Riel wasn't happy with his reaction, she thought Ronnie should be angry, even if he wasn't, he wasn't that calm.
Ronnie was about to say something when Branz had found the place and Riel unconsciously hid behind him, "Riel, so this is where you ran to, it's not like I'm going to do anything to you, why are you hiding?"
"Branz, what's wrong with you?" Ronnie asked.
"Ronnie, let's make a deal, how about you give me Riel and I'll donate another 300 million shillings to the City-state?"
Upon hearing this, Ronnie almost cursed, but held his tongue and simply said, "You're crazy, she's not an item? how can I let you have her?"
Riel also stepped out from behind him, "Branz, go away! don't ruin the good impression you made on me."
Seeing that he had no choice but to give up, Branz looked at Ronnie and then at Riel before saying to both of them, "Then I give you my blessing!" with that, he turned to leave.

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