by Guohan LIN, 2024-06-01 07:34:38

Two years after landing on the island, the Northwest Sector had finally been built, the population of the City-state had surpassed two thousand, Amandine had long since returned, and everything was on track. Ronnie had moved from the front of the stage to the back of the curtain, and the later newcomers recognized only Norforth; they were unaware of Ronnie's existence. Three more of the twelve Grand Elders arrived, and Ronnie suggested that the dead Marion be added to the list, leaving all the Grand Elders with only one person missing, and that person was Kurt, the reporter. By the time Ronnie was in the lab, minding his own business, he had retrieved the time machine parts that Norforth had picked up back then and had begun to rebuild them. "Dad, you want to go again, can you take me with you this time?"
"What about Nicola and your son? I can't take that many people."
"I really want to visit Enos, I wonder how she's doing today."
"Amandine, wait another time! next time I'll bring her here so you can all be reunited."
"All right then! when are you leaving? have you told Riel yet?"
"I didn't tell her, I wanted to go quietly, I'll be back anyway, and when I come back I'll go back to the timeline I was on when I left, so she won't notice."
"Tell me when you're leaving, I'll see you off," Amandine finished and started to leave, but Ronnie called out to him, "Wait!"
"What else?" Amandine asked, turning his head.
Ronnie pulled out a notebook with a dark blue cover. He said with a solemn expression, "This contains the method and recipe for making the 'Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid' that my father left me back then, you must keep it, it's best to memorize it and then burn it."
"Dad! what's wrong with you? why did you give me such an important thing?" Amandine asked in surprise.
Ronnie didn't answer his question, just smiled and said, "Go on! I have a lot to do."
Father and son probably didn't realize that this was the last time they would ever speak. A few days later, at the Northwest District Administration Building, twelve people were sitting in the building and Norforth was presiding over the meeting, which was mainly discussing Kurt's entry into the Grand Council of Elders, and most of the people agreed, except for Amandine and Riel, who objected to his entry, "Who is he to do that? a reporter who has done nothing but brag," Amandine said angrily.
Glo, who was Kurt's strongest supporter, objected, "Publicity is important too, without his help the City-state wouldn't be as well known as it is now, let alone have so many people join."
"There are reporters everywhere, why does it have to be him?" Riel also spoke up.
At this point a new lady said, "Kurt has a good background, his family controls almost thirty percent of the world's media, having him on board will be of great benefit to the City-state."
"Kateri Kraft, you know a lot," Amandine said with a smile.
Seeing the stalemate, Glo said to Norforth, "Say something!"
"It's better to take a vote, the minority follows the majority," Norforth finally decided.
The vote was three to nine, with another new woman named "Nayas" also voting against.
And so Kurt was added to the list of twelve. The meeting also established the basic rules of the City-state, which were as follows:
First, the election of the Grand Council of Elders: each term of 5 years, at the end of 5 years, 6 people must retire, new 6 people to be elected, each person can only serve a maximum of 2 terms (10 years), the retirement of the 6 people from the vote of all the people (alternate terms do not need to vote). The 6 new members shall be members of the councils of each city and state. Each city may nominate 2 council members for election. If there are more than 10 nominees, the original Grand Council of Elders will vote to select 10 candidates to run in a public speech, and then the citizens of the New World will vote to select the 6 nominees.
Administrators: Each City-state consists of 8 people who form the Council of Knights. Ordinary disputes (civil and criminal) are voted on by the Knights' Council, while major events (changes to the New World Code, rules, and the abdication of the Holy Virgin) are voted on by the entire population of the New World and presided over by the 12 Grand Councils of Elders.
Penalties: First-degree crimes: all violent crimes, murder, treason (adultery does not require imprisonment, only expulsion from the city), arson, imprisonment for 9 years, expulsion from the city after 9 years, and removal from the City-state and permanent blacklisting.
Second Degree Crimes: Assault with violence, fraud, theft, 3 years imprisonment, expulsion from the city after 3 years, and will be removed from the city and permanently blacklisted.
Third degree crime: Adultery, 3 times of voyeuristic harassment, 5 times of lying and laziness, will not be able to run for the Knight Council for the rest of his life, and all his honor value will be reduced to zero.
The above offenses will be enforced by the votes of the Knight Council of each city, and those who have more than 5 votes (including 5 votes) will be convicted.
Amandine lost the vote and was indignant in his heart: "The great knight is completely hypnotized by Glo and listens to her in everything."
Another year passed, Zi City was developing rapidly, the population had reached nearly five thousand people, people were living in temporary shelters, the central district had also begun construction, and the western district of the Umbrella House Institute had long been completed. Ronnie spent all his time in the laboratory, and people gradually forgot about him. It was a press conference held by Kurt for the City-state, and the venue was filled with people, with the duo of Norforth and Glo on stage, and for the first ten minutes or so, the atmosphere was peaceful, at which time a male reporter stood up and asked, "Mr. Norforth, I heard that there is a man named Ronnie who is the real founder of the City-state, and you are just one of his deputies, may I ask if it is true?"
Norforth's face turned red when he heard this, he was so embarrassed that he stammered and couldn't say anything. Glo saw him like this and quickly took over the conversation, "The Ronnie you mentioned, I have never heard of that name, I don't know where this friend heard the news from, I can be sure that there is no such person in the City-state."
The reporter was about to speak again when she grabbed the lead and added, "Please ask another reporter a question, thank you, friend."
After she finished speaking, Norforth turned his head to look at her in surprise, as if he didn't recognize this person at all. After the meeting, Norforth looked at Glo and asked, "Why did you say there was no such person as Ronnie?"
"You'd be a liar if I didn't, and now that the whole world knows that you're the founder of the City-state, and that Mr. Ronnie wants you to be, let's not sweat the small stuff."
"But you can't deny his contribution, that would be like betraying him."
Glo laughed, "Is that so? then why didn't you say so at the meeting place just now? you didn't want him to steal the spotlight from you!"
Norforth was stunned by the defense and fell silent. The next day, Amandine ran up to Norforth angrily, "Norforth, why did you tell the outside world that there is no such person as Ronnie?"
Norforth looked at Amandine with a strange look, he used to call himself the Grand Knight.
"I didn't say that, Glo did," Norforth defended.
"But you didn't deny her words back then, you didn't say a word, you agreed."
"I'm sorry Amandine, I was selfish," Norforth said with a look of shame.
"You are no longer the great knight I thought you were, you are a great liar," Amandine said angrily, and with that he left quickly.
Norforth collapsed into a chair after hearing this, knowing that the relationship between the two would never be the same again. After Amandine left Norforth's place, he went to find Riel, and they planned to go to Ronnie's together. When the duo arrived at the lab, the place was long gone, "Dad, why didn't you say anything? you just left quietly like that."
Riel couldn't help but lose her voice when she saw that Ronnie was gone. Amandine reassured her, "It's okay, he'll be back soon."
"No! I have a feeling he won't come back, he left me for good."
Amandine then remembered Ronnie's instructions from the last time and couldn't help but cry as well.
Time flew, two more years passed, and Amandine and Riel still hadn't waited for Ronnie to come back. One fine morning, they took Nicola and their two children and left Zi City, and after they were gone, Glo removed all records of Ronnie from the City-state's books.
On November 15, 2373, the first City-state (Zi City) was finally born, and Norforth and Glo realized their dream. During the inauguration ceremony, Norforth said to the 9,000 citizens on stage, "Freedom-loving and adventurous knights, eleven years ago, a group of young people with dreams ascended to the island of Aldabusha, but sadly, many of those people have left us forever. Today we can gather here, first of all we have to thank those ancestors who quietly paid for the City-state, especially the owner of this statue today, his name is Amandine, he is my best friend and one of the first forty-one people who came to the island, He participated in the defense of the City-state, sabotaged the military bases of the Montel government, captured the leader of the other party and signed the contract to sell Zi City, without his contribution there would be no City-state as we have today. After discussion and approval by the twelve members of the Grand Council of Elders, today we will erect a knight statue in his honor to commemorate him forever." As soon as the words were spoken, the stage erupted in applause.
The statue, Amandine, was sculpted to be unusually tall, and if he could have seen it with his own eyes, he would have said, "That doesn't look like me at all!"
Continue unceasingly, Without stopping!
End of this part

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