旗帜设计灵感来源于小说《罗尼的新世界》,原文是:爱丽丝没搭理罗尼的话,指着窗外挂着的旗问:“罗尼,你上次设计的旗帜图案,为什么是三角形的?” “哈哈!你终于问起来了,我一直想跟你解释,我们这里叫‘伞中屋’,三角形代表着伞,里面的圆圈代表那堆火焰,那个X线是熊熊烈火代表坚定的信念。”罗尼说完骄傲地挺直胸膛。
I swear to protect every generation of saints, I swear to fight against violence, I swear to fight all mistakes, I swear to fight for the unarmed, I swear to help anyone who asks me for help, I swear not to hurt any woman, I swear to be honest and never lie, I swear to treat my friends sincerely, I swear to be faithful in love.
旗帜设计灵感来源于小说《罗尼的新世界》,原文是:爱丽丝没搭理罗尼的话,指着窗外挂着的旗问:“罗尼,你上次设计的旗帜图案,为什么是三角形的?” “哈哈!你终于问起来了,我一直想跟你解释,我们这里叫‘伞中屋’,三角形代表着伞,里面的圆圈代表那堆火焰,那个X线是熊熊烈火代表坚定的信念。”罗尼说完骄傲地挺直胸膛。
Be fearless! Decisive, brave and loyal, rather die than lie! Protect the weak, in any case! This is your oath, and remember it firmly! Now make you a knight!